MTL - Interstellar Favorite Superstar-Chapter 11 Burst

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"Big cousin, is it all right?"

Su Tan opened the door of the room a gap, and his head protruded out, looking at Hayden with a good look at the door and asking.

Hayden was tall and straight, looking down at the slender figure with a furry head, and a smile on his lips. "Well, let's see if the bunny is good or bad."

Suddenly, Su Tan couldn't help flushing his cheeks.

Obviously, he was the first one to hold himself up. How did he feel that he was killed by the other party?

Su Tan gave a slight cough, and tried to resist the transpiration of the heat on his face, pretending that nothing had happened, his face replied without change: "I am good."

Well.jpg ... Let me go, cousin!

The arc of Hayden's lip angle evoked a deeper smile. He handed a glass of water in his hand to Su Tan, and said in a warm voice, "Drinking this and sleeping will help digestion."

Su Tan heard the words, immediately reached out to take the water cup, watching the white cup filled with a warm water, there were a few soaked grass leaves inside, the heat rose from the cup, brought up A hint of bitter grassy aroma.

He was a little surprised and looked up at Hayden. "How do you know I can't digest it?"

A bowl of braised pork with fragrant rice thoroughly aroused his homesickness, so as soon as he didn't pay attention, he ate too much, and only ran to a small garden to eat.

Was it seen by the big cousin?

Hayden just smiled and didn't answer. He suddenly stretched his hands across the air and touched Su Tan's head, rubbing his soft black hair into a mess, and then retracted his hand, and said, "Hurry up and rest early ,good night."

Su Tan was tangled with fur, guarding by the door of the room, watching Hayden with his hands in his pockets, walking upstairs with a pair of long legs, and disappearing into his vision.

... the big cousin was suddenly so gentle.

He returned to the room and drank Hayden's brewed tea, but he did not expect the bitter tea mouth to turn into a full mouthful of fragrance.

A sip of warm tea drank, and after a while the feeling of fullness in the stomach disappeared.

In the communicator, Su Tan typed a few words seriously, "Thank you, big cousin."

The other party didn't reply, they might fall asleep when they wanted to come.

He continued his previous work with the trend, organized the coded novel chapters, uploaded them to the background of the novel network author, and put them into the deposit box one by one.

With the hot topic of "braised pork", the comments under his article rose again.

Many people are discussing "What kind of food in the star field" is hot, "I want to eat a bite", "Go buy meat tomorrow!" "I hope that the author will describe the food of the ancient earth in the novel", all kinds of The book reviews were very varied and very lively, and Su Tan couldn't help smiling, showing a smile.

He finishes coding every day, and the biggest fun is to log in to the author's background to read the data and brush comments. While watching his article covered by the unknown Xinkeng, while watching more and more readers bubbling and chatting with messages, Sutan's heart filled with satisfaction.

It's like seeing a small tree planted by myself grow into a big tree, which attracts more and more lively and cute birds to stop and stay on the branches, which makes people happy and happy.

Su Tan went to the book review area for a while, read each comment seriously, and responded one by one. Especially when he saw a reader asking about braised pork, he answered it carefully, and even the total number of words in the review was more than the number of words he updated today.

Suddenly, many readers were in a hurry.

"Soft cute dolphin: go code quickly, don't waste time, we will help you to comment!"

"North Pole Meow: Yes! We'll help you reply, hurry up and write, we will see Jia Geng [roll]."

"Fat Angel Star: I agree with everyone upstairs for 1,000,000. Don't worry, I'm experimenting with braised pork and I'm ready to share it with you."

"Dark Rose: Wait."


On the front page of the torpedo list, there was a flashing message that hit the torpedo * 99 in the deep sea.

"Smoke scar: Take a break early, good night."

"North Pole Meow: Tobacco Dad !!! Excited ah ah ah ah ah, the last time I took a photo with my father Dad!"

"Soft cute dolphin: go upstairs! Don't grab it, smoke father is also good night, we will help you to look forward to the braised pork [goodness]."

"Right in the dark night: Well, I'll flash a thunder, too."

Soon, the readers of Sutan voted for the contract on the homepage, and behind the scars, they followed the long list of little angel names.

Without exception, all mines were cast to Sutan.

Such a magnificent posture, in a short time, made the entire novel website sensation.

All online authors are enviously looking at the home page of the screen that has been swept by the screen. Many readers are shocked by this amazing phenomenon. When they saw the name of the novel "Era of Domination of the Earth [Quick Wear]" Sometimes, I could not help being curious.

What kind of article is this?

Why attracted so many mines and concerns?

Unexpectedly, the first chapter of this point was out of hand, and many readers who were attracted could not help being trapped.

"Fiction Killer: Good ... Wen !!!"

"Robin's Paradise: Why is it so short ???? It's gone with a swipe, and I'm out of the pit after finishing! The author begged to add more!"

A professional reader also commented: "The characters are pretty good, cute, cute, and fun, and they match the fast-moving fast-moving plot and the goal of saving the ancient world's abandoned endings. The text is very good, The author cheers. "

Seeing all kinds of encouragement comments, Su Tan smiled, facing the countless comments that urged him to rush to the code, and warmed up in his heart, and replied carefully under the comments: "You rest assured, I have a copy. "

After sending it out, he thought about it and added two more words.

-"Many: -D"

After a while, the comment area exploded.

"North Pole Meow: What is 'a lot' ?!"

"Soft cute dolphin: big, don't sell cute pull hatred, knock on the blackboard and draw the key points, we are waiting to see!"

"Dark Rose: Hurry up."

Even his website editor Hoshino was suddenly blasted out of the dive in the middle of the night, and touched the line directly to ask him: "How much do you save!"

Su Tan glanced at the author's backstage and his computer files, and estimated a number in his heart, and steadily returned the editor to the past. "30."

Hoshino stunned, then praised: "30 chapters? Almost 100,000 words, is already very good, you can prepare to burst into the V after the change."

However, Su Tan's answer was to completely silence him and startled his chin.

"No," Su Tan corrected. "It's 300,000 words saved."

Hoshino: "………………"

The first time she saw such a conscious and diligent author, when she originally signed Sutan, she felt that he was a seedling. The first half of the novel was ups and downs, and the characters were full of aura and potential for fire.

But considering that Su Tan is a newcomer after all, and she has seen too many outstanding newcomers in a flash and disappeared quickly. Therefore, Hoshino was not in a hurry, and he was going to slowly polish Sutan, and gradually cultivate him from a newcomer to a great writer.

However, it was unexpected that the speed of Su Tan's fire was faster than she imagined, as if there was a divine help.

In such a situation, it is simply wasteful to make good use of the current hot spot.

Hoshino took a deep breath, lit a cigarette, and the smoky smoke slowly exhaled from his red lips, taking away all the irritating emotions and fluctuations in his chest.

With deep thought, she formally wrote a large paragraph of text in the communicator, setting a new goal for Su Tan.

"Do you know the new list?"

Su Tan nodded. In these days, he has thoroughly researched the website list and all the rules, and of course, he knows the most powerful newcomer list of newcomer authors.

This list is the best list for newcomers, and the top ten can go straight to the homepage.

He only ranked 34th.

It's not that the text is not good enough, but the top ten topics are all hot topics, such as interstellar love, zerg wars, mech armies, and so on. The ancient earth theme selected by Sutan can only be regarded as a niche compared with the mainstream hot theme.

Su Tan's eyes moved to the first place on the new homepage list, and it was found that this article was based on the heir of the empire Heiden Longman and Gu Han's missing son Gu Han as a prototype, and wrote a deep love abuse The blood-filled interstellar love essay integrates interstellar, giants, court, conspiracy, love, war ... the hot elements as one, attracting the attention of countless people.

He read two chapters, and he was a little bit interested, and couldn't help but want to recommend to Hayden, the same name as His Royal Highness Crown Prince, and sent the novel link to the other party's communicator.

Su Tan thought that his big cousin would love it :).

Hoshino enumerated the benefits of the new rankings to Su Tan one by one, and finally said flatly: "If you have the ability, I suggest that you save the draft to redefine the front page of the new rankings and increase your exposure."

This approach is of course beneficial and harmless. The most important thing is to have sufficient manuscripts to support and prevent a large number of words from being processed.

Su Tan made up his mind and said to Hoshino readily: "Okay."


In the early morning of the next day, Hayden opened the light brain as usual, brushed Weibo, brushed the novel and brushed the communicator. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the Stars Fiction Network, he found that the "Domination of the Earth Age [Quick Wear]" suddenly added ten chapters.

In the last word of the author, the author also responded concisely and lucidly.

"Brushed braised meat every day: Thank you for your support, thank you Dad and the little angels, I am very grateful to send ten chapters and more."

Hayden couldn't help twitching his lips, watching his name appear under Sutan's post, and he was so relieved to see it.

However, the addition of the ten chapters was finished more quickly, leaving him still a little bit interested, and he couldn't help focusing on the message that kept jumping in the lower right corner of the light brain, and opened it, and was surprised to find that it was a novel recommended by Su Tan.

Hayden opened with a little curiosity, but was not shocked by the name of the protagonist who suddenly appeared in the first chapter of the first chapter.

Immediately, the hot story behind him made him unable to bear silence.

"His magnificent and spacious emperor bed, His Royal Highness grasped a strand of black silky hair, forcing the thin and thin young boy with dark eyes and black eyes to lift his neck, his clear black eyes blinking with tears, Crying even more with this fierce and entangled action.

Hayden gently dropped a kiss and placed a dew-covered lily on the bud of the boy who slowly bloomed ... "

Hayden: "..."

He slammed the communicator off and got up to open the attic window. With the fresh morning air blowing in, he wiped out the disturbed and cloudy breath in his chest.

As he was preparing to go downstairs, but never thought to open the door, he unexpectedly saw in front of his door a neatly placed dew-covered lily that had just been removed from a branch.

Hayden: ...

His somber eyes were deep, and he picked up the lily in a low position. The fragrance of the delicate floral fragrance permeated the tip of his nose, green and beautiful like someone.

Hayden took a deep breath and felt that he had not experienced the powerful reason of estrus for thousands of years, and there were some signs of cracking.

Now, he really wants to catch some innocent and good-looking person, and shame fiercely.

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