MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-~ Nine hundred and thirty-nine death of the snake god

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The latest website: The snake god's great cause of seizing the house is about to be successful, but the candle dragon was killed at the critical moment. With the participation of the candle dragon, the snake **** immediately felt the pressure.

Even if he can feel it, the candle dragon in front of him is not the terrifying existence in his memory, but his strength is still extremely terrifying.

The sky is constantly on and off, as if the world is ending, and the roar of the snake **** is constantly coming.

The battle between the two behemoths was so terrifying that Ye Cheng and Queen Jing Jue couldn't get involved at all.

Ye Cheng was holding the Queen of Vigilance. At this moment, Queen Jing Jue's mental power was extremely weak, and it was estimated that she would be completely swallowed up in the evening.

From now on, there will be no more refined queens in the world, only snake gods will reappear in the world.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Queen Jing Jue looked at Ye Cheng, her eyes were extremely complicated, she probably felt that she had cheated Ye Cheng this time, and she was a little embarrassed!

Ye Cheng sighed, "Don't say more, it's fine!"

The Queen of Essence has complicated eyes.

At the very beginning, she always wanted to kill this man, but now, she has an unspeakable feeling in her heart, that is, this feeling, which made her take the risk and go to the Genting Tiangong in Changbai Mountain to find Ye city.

"Don't worry, with the candle dragon here, this snake **** is dead today!" Ye Cheng comforted again!

Queen Jing Jue looked up at the dark red figure in the sky that was more terrifying than the snake god, her eyes were even more complicated.

In the past, she felt that she was the slave of the snake god, with a detached status, but now it seems that the snake **** is not the most powerful existence in the world.

And the thing in Ye Cheng's body is the only one in the world.

"Are you also a slave of the gods? It's hard for you to really live for a long time?" Queen Jingjue asked!

She always felt that Ye Cheng was mysterious, because Ye Cheng knew too much.

Although it looks like he is only in his twenties on the surface, how can his actual age be so young? This is unscientific.

Ye Cheng smiled, "You think too much, I'm not a **** slave, and I'm not that old!"

"Impossible, if you are not a **** slave, how can you know those secrets?" Queen Jing Jue didn't believe it.

Ye Cheng shrugged, "I naturally have a method that I know. Well, you can rest well. When the battle is over, we can naturally leave!"

Queen Jing Jue opened her mouth and hesitated, but she didn't say anything in the end. She closed her eyes and began to try her best to restore her spiritual power.

The war in the distance is still going on. Both the snake **** and the candle dragon are extremely powerful beings, and they are even regarded as gods.

The snake **** is the **** of the evil Luohai people, and the candle dragon is the **** of the ancient Tongjing people.

These two existences have influenced the changes of the two ethnic groups over a long period of time, which shows their horror.

The sarcoma on the top of the snake god's head radiated a black light, and a terrifying snake **** was once again transformed into the darkness.

"The realm of illusion!"

Ye Cheng frowned, this skill is too heaven-defying, it is really difficult to deal with.

But he didn't worry about the candle dragon either.

Even if there are more snake gods, they may not be the opponents of the candle dragon. This is the direct suppression on the bloodline.

As a snake-shaped animal, the candle dragon is like the ancestral dragon, the ancestor of all snake-shaped creatures. The suppression of this kind of bloodline itself stands in an invincible position.


Huge sounds kept coming out. Fortunately, this is just the spiritual world, and there are no mountains and rivers. Otherwise, at this moment, I am afraid that the land will collapse.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng was a little worried.

I don't know what's going on outside. If the underground cave really collapses, it will be difficult to leave.

Suddenly, Ye Cheng saw that the space between heaven and earth became pitch black again, without a little light, only a huge dark red figure between heaven and earth, as if it was the only one between heaven and earth.

The next moment, the dark red light suddenly became blazing, and then, the dark red light illuminated the entire earth, and the dark red fire spurted out of the candle dragon's mouth, covering the snake god!

"No, I am the chosen snake, I am the only true **** in this world, I will not die, no!"

The voice of the snake god's pain and anger came, but it was all in vain.

The flame of the candle dragon is enough to destroy everything in the world.

Under the scorching of the infinite dragon flame, the two giant snake **** figures slowly dissipated and turned into ashes.

"it is finally over!"

Ye Cheng murmured that he did not know whether the death of the snake **** this time represented the complete death of the snake god.

At the same time, Jingjue the ghost cave under the ancient city.

This place was blocked a long time ago, and since the first mission failed, this place has become a forbidden area.

The officials have thought of a lot of ways to destroy this place, but they can't do it. Even if the missiles are used, they are still useless. No matter what, after arriving here, they will mysteriously disappear.

But just today, an unwilling and desperate roar came from this mysterious ghost cave.

The people guarding here on the outside were all on guard when they heard the voice, thinking that something bad would happen.

But soon, the sound of collapse came.

The ghost cave, which had existed for countless years with a trace of the power of the snake god, began to slowly collapse, and the figure of the snake **** that had nurtured some power in it quickly dissipated.

With the death of the will of the snake **** in the spiritual space, the snake **** that had been deployed in the human world for thousands of years was finally completely destroyed.

Ye Cheng naturally didn't know all that, only Queen Jing Jue suddenly opened her eyes, her body shook violently, and a force was quickly pulled out of his body.

That is the power of the snake god, and with the death of the snake god, these powers will eventually dissipate between heaven and earth.

And with the disappearance of this power, the Queen of Essence will also die.

Because without the power of the snake god, the illusion of Xingjing does not exist, and the Queen of Essence, who was resurrected as the illusion of Xingjing, will of course not survive.

There was not much pain in the final moments of Queen but she looked at Ye Cheng with complicated eyes, there seemed to be some reluctance in her eyes, but she smiled bitterly.

At this moment, she didn't know what she was thinking, and she thought of her first time, the Queen's experience, but although that experience was long, it seemed that she didn't have a deep memory of the time when she was resurrected.

Ye Cheng's eyes were also complicated. To be honest, he didn't expect this to happen.

I didn't expect that this was not helping, but it was actually harming Queen Jing Jue.

"Candle Dragon, can you help him?" Ye Cheng asked Candle Dragon for help!

Zhulong said: "Her body has long since died, and only the remaining spirit will survive in the world, and there is nothing I can do. I can only use special means to help her condense the last strength of the snake here and help her condense into a dharma body. , but the dharma body cannot survive in the world, and it needs to be placed on certain items to survive!"

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion