MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 988 problem occurs

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Ye Cheng stuffed the black gold ancient knife into the gap between the vine and the flesh, and then used Bai Ze's body to exert strength, but the vine still couldn't be cut off, and Bai Ze screamed in pain!

Bai Ze was about to cry!

"Hurry up, hurry up, I don't want to be killed by a vine, wouldn't it be more ridiculous than other guys, and my reputation will be ruined!"

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, "You still have time to find someone at this time, you are Bai Ze, don't you know anything, don't you know the origin of this vine?"

Normally, Bai Ze knows everything, so it shouldn't be wrong for him not to know this thing.

Bai Ze wants to cry but has no tears!

"I know shit, this thing is definitely something that was born after this place became like this. I have never been here, how do I know what this ghost thing is!"

Ye Cheng took out the lighter from his body.

It stands to reason that as long as it is wood, it must be afraid of fire.

He lit the lighter and put it under the vine to roast.

Ordinary wood, after being roasted like this, will definitely burn.

However, after the vines were roasted by the fire, they did not burn at all.

Instead, the vines became transparent.

After being transparent, Ye Cheng could vaguely see something flowing inside the vine, looking carefully, that flowing thing was like fresh blood.

These vines are like the blood vessels of the human body!

"How could this be? Not even afraid of fire!" Ye Cheng was also a little anxious.

He has never seen this thing before, and its toughness has exceeded his cognition!

"Hurry up, I'm about to suffocate!" Bai Ze urged a couple more times, but his voice was weak, apparently unable to hold on anymore.

At this moment, the vines became tighter and tighter, almost entering the flesh and blood.

Moreover, Ye Cheng could vaguely see that some extremely small tentacles grew out at the place where the vines touched the skin, like very thin branches, gently piercing into Bai Ze's fur.

Bai Ze felt nothing at all.

Those tentacles were transparent at first, but soon turned blood red, like blood vessels, which looked very weird!

Ye Cheng quickly understood one thing, these tentacles were sucking Bai Ze's blood!

Blood-sucking vines are almost unheard of.

"It seems that there is only a last resort. If it is not possible, then I have nothing to do!"

Ye Cheng's face was very serious.

If things go on like this, Bai Ze probably won't last long.

"Hurry up, it feels like your bones are about to split!" Bai Ze gritted his teeth, with an ugly expression on his face, obviously in great pain.

Ye Cheng nodded without hesitation, this time he bit his finger, ready to use the blood of the candle dragon to deal with these blood vines.

If his own blood has not been used, then he really has nothing to do.

However, the candle dragon's blood had special effects on some evil spirits before, and now that it has completed a sublimation with the help of the candle dragon, Ye Cheng believes that it should be useful!

A drop of blood dripped on the blood vine, and the effect was immediate.

Where the blood dripped, the blood vines immediately withered.

In just a moment, the place loosened up a little!


Ye Cheng didn't pour too much blood, he just found the root of the blood vine and dripped a drop of blood on it.

In an instant, the blood vine wrapped around Bai Ze's body seemed to feel the danger, and began to struggle.

The blood vine, which was stretched so tightly, suddenly loosened!

"How about it, can you come out?" Ye Cheng asked!

Bai Ze shook his head in pain, "Not yet, but almost!"

Another drop of Ye Cheng's blood fell on the bifurcation point.

This time, the blood vines slowly spread out, completely turning into a pile of withered vines.

Bai Ze got up from the ground, shook his body, shook off the withered vines on his body, and complained, "His grandma, what the **** is this? It's too evil."

To be honest, this blood vine made it feel life-threatening.

If it weren't for Ye Cheng, I'm afraid today would be really dangerous!

"Be careful, these vines are not easy, we have to find my friends quickly and get out of here!" Ye Cheng also felt a hint of threat.

It seems calm here, but everything carries a huge threat.

Now, they just haven't done anything to them yet, once all these blood vines start attacking them, they may be able to drain their blood directly.

"Okay, hurry up and find your friends, I really don't want to stay in this **** place!" Bai Ze immediately agreed.

Ye Cheng and Bai Ze went on the road again.

Not long after he left, Bai Ze suddenly shook his head and his body trembled!

"What's wrong?" Ye Cheng suddenly sensed something was wrong.

Bai Ze shook his big head again, and said depressedly: "Grandma, what's going on, why am I dizzy!"

"Do you want to take a break?" Ye Cheng was a little worried.

He thought of those thin blood lines, those blood lines used to **** the blood from Bai Ze's body, if those things were poisonous, then Bai Ze would be in big trouble!

Bai Ze shook his head, "It's okay, keep walking, just dizzy, it will be fine in a while!"

"Okay, if there's anything wrong, tell me in time!" Ye Cheng said!

But I was still a little worried. I always felt that the blood was not that simple. Those things grew on the endless corpses. If it was nothing special, he wouldn't believe it if he was killed.

After walking for a few more minutes, Bai Ze suddenly stopped!

Ye Cheng suddenly had an ominous premonition, "What's wrong?"

He asked a question!

Bai Ze didn't answer, and stood still in a daze, as if he had been immobilized.

"Bai Ze, Bai Ze!"

Ye Cheng patted Bai Ze lightly, but Bai Ze remained motionless, as if he hadn't heard it at all.

"Grandma, nothing really happened!" Ye Cheng frowned, thinking that he was worried about something, if something happened to Bai Ze again, it would be troublesome.

The longer you delay here, the less at ease you will feel.

Once the moon shines here, the rain of corpses falls, and all these bones are resurrected, who knows what the scene will be like here.

Just when Ye Cheng thought so, Bai Ze suddenly turned his head and looked at Ye Cheng.

But when he met those Ye Cheng's heart suddenly jumped, and he secretly thought that it was broken!

At this moment, Bai Ze's eyes were completely healed, the previously calm and peaceful eyes became extremely red now, the eyes were congested with blood, exuding a strange bright red.

Bai Ze looked even more wrong.

In the past, he was laughing and joking, even if he acted arrogantly sometimes, at most he looked as if he deserved a beating, but now Bai Ze looks so evil, which makes people feel extraordinarily uncertain!

"Bai Ze, what's wrong with you?" Ye Cheng asked, while taking a step back vigilantly.

He didn't know what happened to Bai Ze, but he could feel that there must have been some changes in Bai Ze that made him what he is now.

However, Bai Ze still didn't answer him, instead, Bai Ze opened his mouth, showing a fierce look!

(end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion