MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 969 9 pairs of snakes

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The Nine-Tailed Fox actually took the initiative to call out to Ye Cheng, apparently already fascinated by the flower.

Although Ye Cheng didn't know the inside story, it seemed that everyone else knew the preciousness of this flower.

In the hands of Ba Snake before, no one dared to think about it. After all, Ba Snake's strength lies there. Even the most terrifying guys in the world are probably not willing to provoke Ba Snake for this flower.

But now that the flowers are no longer in Ba She's hands, but in Ye Cheng's hands, the meaning of that is completely different.

Even if they robbed it, they robbed it from Ye Cheng, not from Ba She. Even if Ba She wanted to get it back, it would not be so easy!

Before Ye Cheng could answer, Bai Ze spoke first: "What are you looking at, you don't dare to beg, you don't dare to beg, besides, Ba Snake is here, you little fox, you can still hit others!"

Nine-tailed Fox's eyes were burning, and he was probably going to be **** off by Bai Ze.

Ye Cheng nodded, and hurriedly said: "Of course it's all right, look, just look!"

Ye Cheng knew in his heart that this nine-tailed fox was definitely not simple.

If you can establish a good relationship with her, that's the best!

Immediately, Ye Cheng raised the flower high and pointed it at the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Nine-Tailed Fox took a closer look, his eyes were shining brightly, obviously he saw the extraordinary of this flower!

There is a hot light in the eyes.

At this moment, Ba Snake barked a few more times, obviously seeing that Nine-Tailed Fox was also tempted.

It's very unsatisfactory.

The huge body squirmed, shaking the ground, obviously trying to put some pressure on Nine-Tailed Fox, to make Nine-Tailed Fox give up the little thought in his heart, this flower is its, and no one else can take it away.

However, the nine-tailed fox completely ignored it, it stared at Ye Cheng and Bai Ze!

"You said, this flower was brought to me? Is it true?"

"Of course it's serious, but you don't care too much, boy, let's go quickly, we have to run for our lives!" Bai Ze said angrily!

Seeing his stinky fart, Ye Cheng became anxious.

It's this time, why are you pretending, if you hold Shen Shen again, the two of them will join hands after a while, and they will be even more finished.

Ye Cheng was afraid that Bai Ze would anger Nine-Tailed Fox, so he hurriedly reminded him in a low voice, "I said I'll let it go if we can meet, I really angered Nine-Tailed Fox. When the time comes, they will work together, and we will die!"

Hearing this, Bai Ze also shuddered, obviously aware of the danger.

If it is true as Ye Cheng said, the Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake join hands, then each of them must be a dead end.

After all, it is much easier for Nine-Tailed Fox to deal with them than Ba ​​Snake.

Thinking of this, Bai Ze quickly said, "Ahem, forget it, for the sake of my old friend, I'll give you some face, don't worry, as long as you drive this guy away, you will definitely have this flower!"

"Okay, then it's settled. If you regret it, don't blame me for turning your back on me!" Nine-Tailed Fox threatened!

Obviously, it chose to join the occupancy, which shows the preciousness of that flower.

Nine-tailed Fox did not hesitate to fight Ba Snake.

But Bai Ze didn't care, "Don't worry, in this world of mountains and seas, who doesn't know that I, Bai Ze, are the most trustworthy!"

Hearing this, Nine-Tailed Fox rolled his eyes, and that fox's face was full of disdain. Obviously, this guy's reputation here is not very good, and he may even be a cancer.

And Ye Cheng also captured an important piece of information, "It turns out that this place is really called the Mountain and Sea Realm. It is really the place that the snake **** said. The secret of Kunlun Ruins is actually the gateway to the Mountain and Sea Realm. It's unbelievable."

It is estimated that no one would have thought that since ancient times, many legends are true.

The biggest secret of the Kunlun Ruins that the world yearns for is that it is the gateway to the world of mountains and seas.

Here, it seems to have come to the ancient world.

Here, you can see some strange things and many legendary things.

Seeing Nine-Tailed Fox and Bai Ze doing business in front of her, Ba Snake was immediately angry.

That's not treating it like a beast at all, no, they don't take it seriously at all.

This cannot be tolerated.

It can wait here quietly, which gives Nine-Tailed Fox enough face, but it doesn't mean that it is afraid of Nine-Tailed Fox.

Now that people don't give face, naturally there is no need to give Nine-Tailed Fox face.

Ba Snake raised its huge head and let out a roar, the sound was earth-shattering, and many small animals in Qingqiu Mountain were frightened and fled in all directions.

Here, not only these beasts, but also many smaller beasts.

Under the protection of the nine-tailed fox, these ferocious beasts have no natural enemies at all, and can live here safely.

Ba Snake's huge body twisted, and its big tail, which was taller than the mountain, slapped the ground hard.

Suddenly, the world shook.

A hill on the ground was directly razed to the ground.

Not to mention that the flowers, plants and trees were all turned into ashes, and countless small animals ran away before they came, and they were turned into meat paste.

"Ergan, Ba Snake, you have ruined my territory, you are unscrupulous, don't think that I am really afraid of you!" Nine-tailed fox said angrily.

At this moment, it must find a reason to deal with the snake, which is what people often say is justified.

But now, Ba Snake destroyed a hill in Qingqiu Mountain, just giving him a reason.

Obviously, this nine-tailed fox should have had a lot of contact with humans, and he knows many rules and methods that only humans know. Compared with it, Ba Snake is much more reckless.

Ba Snake didn't care about that, and roared again, this time more directly, and went straight to the showdown.

The huge tail blocked the sky and threw it towards the Nine-Tailed Fox.

When the big tail moved, it was like a huge millstone, sweeping across, and where it passed, not a single blade of grass grew.

"Run!" Ye Cheng yelled!

However, without his reminding, Bai Ze would have already run away.

He had come to a safe distance before he stopped.

Ye Cheng rolled his eyes, this guy was so happy to run, he hurriedly followed.

It is said here that it is Qingqiu Mountain, but it is actually a very large mountain range, covering a very large area. Although Ba Snake destroyed some, it was only a small part.

There is still enough room for Ye Cheng and the others.

The huge tail patted the Nine-Tailed Fox. If this was captured, let alone the small body of the Nine-Tailed Fox, even a mountain could be directly razed to the ground.

Moreover, covering such a large area, it is not easy to dodge.

"Dare to make trouble on my Qingqiu Mountain, how dare you!"

The nine-tailed fox was furious, its nine tails soared into the sky, and suddenly magnified infinitely, like nine pillars of heaven, and then, the nine-tailed bar pierced towards Ba She's big tail!

bang bang bang!

I only heard loud ten tails contacted, and the air waves generated by the collision swept away, causing the surrounding landslides to tear apart.

Ye Cheng was dumbfounded watching this scene!

"It's really unimaginable that this nine-tailed fox has such a body, it actually contains such a great power, it's incredible!"

But Bai Ze didn't take it seriously, "What is this? In the world of mountains and seas, Nine-Tailed Fox and Ba Snake can at most be regarded as the second echelon. There are many people who are stronger and stronger than them!"

"Is there anyone stronger than them?" Ye Cheng was even more surprised.

In his opinion, Ba She's such a large body is definitely the ceiling of the mountain and sea world, but whoever would have imagined that he is still sloppy, and has no idea of ​​the power system of this world at all!