MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 964 Qingqiu Mountain

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The lovebirds were falling at an extremely fast speed, the huge friction force almost set their wings on fire, Ye Cheng felt his cheeks were burning, and felt the smell of burnt hair coming from his hair!

But looking up again, the big head of the snake that covered the sky and the sun had already been smashed down, and the distance between the two sides was still rapidly closing.

Seeing that the distance from the ground is getting closer and closer, Bai Ze below is running fast!

"Boy, jump off and jump on me!" Bai Ze shouted from below!

"it is good!"

Ye Cheng agreed, and found the right timing from above, and when he was about seven or eight meters above the ground, he jumped directly from above.

The lovebirds chirped, and they reached the ground almost instantly. The two lovebirds glided for a certain distance, and then took off again, almost hitting the ground directly.

Hitting the ground at that speed directly saved the cremation.

And the huge head of Ba She was also smashed from behind, Ye Cheng landed firmly on Bai Ze's body, and Bai Ze rushed out, narrowly dodging Ba She's big head.

Ba Snake's big head was like a big mountain. When it hit the ground, the ground shook immediately. A big hole was smashed into the ground, and a huge gap was cracked, stretching away!

That scene was really shocking. No one could imagine that it was done by a snake. I am afraid that even missiles do not have this power.

Ye Cheng glanced back and broke out in a cold sweat. If he hadn't run so fast, he and Bai Ze would have lost their lives at this moment.

Ba Snake's huge head came out from the ground quickly, and its huge body wriggled on the ground. The surrounding flowers, plants and trees were crushed instantly, and the mountains, rivers and rivers it passed were all flat.

If this is taken outside, it is simply a sharp weapon for reclamation of mountains and seas.

A Ba snake with a body height of 100 meters is wriggling on the ground. Just thinking about this picture makes people feel numb all over.

"Hurry up, hurry up, catch up!" Ye Cheng kept turning his head, and at the same time kept patting Bai Ze's head, telling Bai Ze to run faster!

Bai Ze has a displeased expression on his face. It's a divine beast. When has it been ridden by someone? Besides, it's still being beaten. Is this driving a carriage?

I really use it as a mount for a majestic beast!

Bai Ze snorted twice angrily, wishing he could fly Ye Cheng directly.

"Boy, be honest with me, if it's not for the sake of flowers, I will throw you on the ground in minutes!" Bai Ze said angrily!

Ye Cheng is not afraid at all, "Stop talking nonsense, if you don't cheat me, how can you provoke such a big guy now, we are now grasshoppers on the same rope, don't talk nonsense with me, if you have the ability, you throw me now Here, don’t even want this flower!”

Hearing this, Bai Ze was really fuming with anger.

There were bursts of white air rising from his forehead, this guy was really angry.

After so many years, no one would dare to say that about him, but now there is nothing he can do about Ye Cheng.

He also didn't expect that Ye Cheng was so lucky that he actually got that flower.

Now, the flowers are in Ye Cheng's hands, then Ye Cheng is the uncle, what else can I do.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll bear it, I'll bear it, for the sake of flowers, I'll bear it!" Bai Ze kept persuading himself, otherwise, with his stinky personality, he would have quit the job a long time ago. ....

But Ye Cheng has seen this right, and is not afraid of Bai Ze at all, anyway, now that the flower is in his hands, he is the uncle, and he will eat this Bai Ze to death.

But the more this is the case, the more reason Ye Cheng has to believe that the value of this flower is definitely not as simple as it looks, otherwise, Bai Ze and Ba She would not be so tempted!

The Ba Snake at the back was too fast. Its huge body squirmed on the ground, a distance of several hundred meters. Its body was really too big. It squirmed on the ground like a mountain moving, which was very spectacular.

It's a pity that Ye Cheng didn't want to witness this spectacular scene.

Bai Ze's four legs were about to run and smoke, and he couldn't see his four legs at all.

It's moving, just like the tires of a car, it's already at the same rate.

It feels like standing still, but running hundreds of meters in a second, faster than the speed of the high-speed rail.

But even so, Ba Snake was getting closer and closer to them.

If they follow this rhythm, it won't take long for them to be caught up by Ba Snake behind them, and they will be swallowed together.

At that time, regardless of whether the flowers are flowers or not, the person and the beast will also become accessories and be swallowed in one gulp.

However, Bai Ze had already exerted all his strength, and he kept spewing out white air from his big mouth, as if his throat was full of smoke. Hearing Ye Cheng's urging, he felt even more annoyed!

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, if I could run fast, I would have already run away, try it, my leg is about to break!" Bai Ze shouted angrily!

"Stop talking nonsense, if you don't hurry up, both of us will become someone else's food!"

"Fuck, what can I do, who made you so stupid to wake up this big guy!"

"Bah, if it wasn't for you, a shameless guy who fooled me up, would I have messed with this guy? Also, what kind of flower is this flower, you tell me first, even if I die, I can't die. of."

"It's just an ordinary flower, what kind of flower can it be!"

"Bah, you really think the young master is a fool, an ordinary flower, this guy would fight me so desperately."

"It's just an ordinary flower, believe it or not!"

"Bah, I believe you, I'm a fool."

One person and one beast, while running for their lives, they talked about it.

At this moment, Ye Cheng has no awe for the sixth child.

And the Ba snake behind him kept spitting out scarlet snake letters, and his gray eyes, like the color of the **** of death, locked on to them!


The ground shook behind him, and Ba Snake's huge body kept moving forward. Where Ba Snake passed, a deep gully appeared on the ground, and no grass grew!

This is a huge creature that can change mountains and rivers by itself.

If the guy was woken up by digging a canal back then, would it still be necessary to use so many people? If he went down and climbed around by himself, it would be a huge canal.


Bite it with a big mouth, Bai Ze jumped up in fright, and ran far away, his tail was almost bitten off!

It looked back with lingering fear, and shook its tail!

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, I almost became Bai Ze with a bald tail!" Bai Ze thought to himself by chance.

The huge occlusal movement was like a thunderstorm, which made people's eardrums hurt.

Ye Cheng was also worried. UU reading

If Bai Ze was not faster than him, he would have wanted to go down and run by himself.

"If you don't think about a solution, it's not as simple as a bald tail. Come up with a solution!"

"Find a way, think of a way, yes, think of a way!" Bai Ze was also anxious.

At this moment, even as a highly cultivated beast, he couldn't help but swear!

Suddenly, Bai Ze seemed to think of something, his eyes lit up!

"There is a way, find a way to hold it back, there is Qingqiu Mountain in front of it, and there is a nine-tailed fox in Qingqiu Mountain, as long as we get to Qingqiu Mountain, there may be a glimmer of life, hurry up, we must find a way to hold him back, let us Reach Qingqiu Mountain safely!" Bai Ze said!


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