MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 959 full of luck

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That flower was exactly as Bai Ze said, and one could tell its specialness at a glance.

Vaguely, he could vaguely see around the flower, there seemed to be a whirlpool, a wave of light blue air, continuously gathering towards the flower.

And the flower is continuously absorbing the air wave, and after it has condensed to a certain extent, a drop of red liquid will drip from the flower, and when it falls on the ground below, it will be absorbed by the ground in an instant.

"What is this, can't it be the legendary spirit of heaven and earth?"

Ye Cheng was secretly surprised.

Although I don't know what it is, but after I approached, the cells in my body seemed to become active. Obviously, this kind of breath is a special kind of gas that only exists in this world. Ye Cheng guessed that it should be between heaven and earth. Aura.

Legend has it that there is spiritual energy between heaven and earth, and some geniuses and treasures can absorb this spiritual energy for their own use.

However, the spiritual energy of the outside world should have disappeared.

And this flower can absorb the aura of heaven and earth at this speed, it can be seen that this flower is definitely not simple.

It's no wonder that even Bai Ze cares so much about Duohua.

However, although the flowers were right in front of him, Ye Cheng was not in a hurry to pick them.

He knows that it is a land of anti-genius and earthly treasures, and there must be fierce beasts guarding it. There must be something protecting the flower around, otherwise, this flower cannot grow here so well, and it has long been taken by other people. Stuff was taken away.

And what Bai Ze is afraid of should be the thing that guards this flower.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng immediately became vigilant and looked around carefully.

This is already the top of the mountain, soaring into the sky, and the platform above is not very big, there is a huge raised mountain in front, and the flower is right in front of the mountain.

However, after looking around, Ye Cheng still didn't find any danger, and his body's instincts didn't give him an early warning, which meant that everything was normal here, and there was no danger at all.

"Strange, could it be that the bird guarding this flower is already flying out to look for food?" Ye Cheng thought to himself,

It's not impossible, after all, no matter what it is, you can't just stare at it all the time.

Ye Cheng felt ecstatic in his heart.

"Could it be that I'm really lucky?"

After all, Bai Ze is known as the beast of auspiciousness, and if he meets it, he will have good luck. It is very likely that he is really strengthened by Bai Ze's good luck buff, and his luck is so good.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng decided to cut the mess with a sharp knife and hurry up to pick off this flower, otherwise, it will be troublesome when the thing that guards this flower comes back!

Immediately, Ye Cheng stepped forward quickly, wanting to pick the flowers off!

Seeing that the flower was so close at hand, Ye Cheng grabbed it, but at this moment, suddenly there was a gust of wind blowing in front of him.

The wind came too suddenly, Ye Cheng didn't have the slightest precaution, and was blown away by the wind in an instant. Seeing that he was about to fall off the cliff, Ye Cheng stretched out his hand and grabbed a big tree, and managed to stabilize his figure .

The wind came and went quickly, and soon disappeared.

Ye Cheng climbed up from the cliff, wondering and wondering.

Unless you have wings, you will definitely die if you fall from such a high cliff.

Even he was afraid for a while.

"Grandma, what's the situation? Where did such a strong wind come from? Could it be that this flower has become a fine flower? It's not that there is something guarding it, but this flower has the ability to protect itself?" Ye Cheng was wondering in his heart. .

However, this is just too much nonsense.

If there are any animals and monsters with this ability, Ye Cheng would still believe it. However, a flower has such an ability, and Ye Cheng would not believe it if he was killed.

If that was the case, this place would simply become a fantasy world.

"By chance, maybe by chance, after all, it's not impossible for hot and cold air to meet to form wind on such a high mountain!"

Ye Cheng thought so, and he approached again.

This time, he suddenly discovered that there were two big holes on the mountain in front of the flower.

These two big holes are very big, several meters high, and the inside is pitch black, and nothing can be seen.

"Hey, what's the situation? Where did the two big holes come from? Could it be that the wind just came from the hole? Could it be that the thing was hidden in the hole just now, and the gust of wind just now was a warning to me?"

Ye Cheng was even more puzzled.

This time, he didn't dare to go there to try again. If it was a warning just now, it would be dangerous for him to go there again. Moreover, if he is too close to those two big holes, who knows if something will pop out of it suddenly.

At that time, there is no chance to escape.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng took out the rope, tied a buckle, and tied the other end to a big tree.

Then, aiming at the flower, he threw the rope over.

At such a distance, if something really comes out of the hole, there is also a chance to escape.

The rope flew over, but the air flow there seemed to be very unstable, the rope went off course and was thrown into one of the big holes!

Ye Cheng frowned, ready to take back the rope before continuing.

But at this moment, the mountain shook suddenly, like an earthquake, the ground shook very violently, Ye Cheng's body swayed from side to side, unable to stand still at all.

"Fuck, it won't be an earthquake, will it?"

Just as Ye Cheng was thinking, he saw that the top of the mountain vibrated suddenly, layers of stone peeled off from it, and then the top of the mountain stood upright.

Ah Choo!

Immediately afterwards, as if the mountain had sneezed, a gust of wind gushed out from the two big holes, which was stronger than the gust just now, blowing Ye Cheng away in an instant.

Even the trees on the side of the mountain were uprooted by the blow and flew down from the mountain!

Ye Cheng's body was flying in the air, and his whole body was in a state of bewilderment.

The scene just now really frightened him, he never thought that this mountain is actually alive.

What Bai Ze is afraid of is not anything else, but the mountain itself, that's why it stays far away from this mountain!

"Damn, why didn't this sixth son say something in advance!" Ye Cheng greeted Bai Ze again in his heart.

Ye Cheng was flying in the air, and he could clearly see that the whole mountain was trembling, the stone skin kept falling, and the flowers, plants and trees were also rolling down from above!

It was like a real earthquake.

The sky is falling apart, the world is ending.

Although Ye Cheng was flying in the air, he didn't give up. He quickly stuck his knife into the mountain to stop the downward trend.

But soon, his eyes lit up, because he saw a red thing on the mountain tied to a rope and flew down.

Upon closer inspection, it turned out to be that flower.

Just now, obviously after the rope was blown out, it happened to be tied to the flower, and the blow was immediately uprooted.