MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 955 this old 6

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Facing Bai Ze, Ye Cheng was not very panicked at first. After all, in the records, this thing was considered a divine beast, representing auspiciousness.

But there is still a ferocious Xiang Liu here.

This phase Liu Ke is much more ferocious than Lu Wu's bone carving, and is definitely not a good character.


Xiang Liu kept spitting out snake letters. Facing Bai Ze's provocation, Xiang Liu was extremely angry. The nine snake heads were all extremely vicious, and their scarlet eyes were almost gleaming. Seeing this, it seemed that he could not wait to put Bai Ze's face. Ze swallowed.

That vicious appearance made Ye Cheng feel a flutter in his heart.

"Brother, you can fight if you need to, but don't implicate me, it has nothing to do with me, it's this Xiang Liu who is provoking!" Ye Cheng kept praying in his heart.

As far as the Xiang Liu in front of him is concerned, it is estimated that the candle dragon will not be able to beat it even if it recovers.

The previous snake god's words were not bad at all. Although the candle dragon is a candle dragon, it should be far less terrifying than the candle dragon in this world. Compared with the candle dragon in this world, the candle dragon on him may only be in its infancy.

There's no comparison at all.

That's why Ye Cheng was so worried here, even if he had Zhulong's trump card, it wasn't omnipotent at this moment, and he couldn't guarantee his safety 100%.

Bai Ze rolled his eyes at him again, as if mocking him for being timid.

This made Ye Cheng speechless for a while.

Frequently being despised by a beast, it feels like I really don't know what to say.

If it were placed in the outside world, it is estimated that no one would believe it, but here is different, it seems that this is the world of all kinds of beasts.

Bai Ze looked at Xiang Liu again, not panic at all, not afraid at all, his temperament was very stable, like a high-ranking person who had been in a high position for a long time.

Ye Cheng stood up from the ground and glanced at Bai Ze helplessly. He really didn't know where this guy had the courage to challenge Xiang Liu, but he didn't care anyway, thinking that he was going to run away.

This thing is generally very fast. If you don't run early, it will be too late when you want to run.

Just thinking about it, I saw that Bai Ze took the initiative to provoke and ran towards Xiang Liu!

Ye Cheng's scalp was numb for a while, this eldest brother is trying to make a hammer, is he so brave?

If people don't trouble you, you even take the initiative to provoke you. You have a brain.

He really didn't see what Bai Ze had the courage to rely on.

Bai Ze's speed was very fast. He suddenly slammed the big stone that Ye Cheng was hiding in on his body. The stone was bigger than his size, but Bai Ze's speed did not decrease at all!

Seeing that Bai Ze dared to take the initiative to attack, Xiang Liu immediately became even more embarrassed and angry. His nine heads danced wildly, shaking constantly, but he didn't make any loud noise.

Even, except for the head, the body did not move, and the water surface was relatively calm!

"This guy seems to be afraid of something!" Ye Cheng was not stupid, of course he also saw some problems.

It stands to reason that such a ferocious Xiang Liu should have been yelling fiercely when he met someone like Bai Ze, but this Xiang Liu was uncharacteristically, obviously there was a problem.

Unless, what he is afraid of is not Bai Ze, but other things here, or that things are likely to be in the water.

Xiang Liu is not the king of this pool, he is just here to take a bath.

The real master may be under that puddle, but it hasn't come out yet.

But, what is it that can make Xiang Liu also so jealous?

Ye Cheng hesitated for a while, but did not leave in a hurry, wanting to see what was going on.

At this moment, Bai Ze had already reached the river.

Immediately, several huge snake heads bit Bai Ze.

Bai Ze is like a bigger cow, while Xiang Liu's head is like a huge house. The difference between the two is too great.

However, Bai Ze's movements were dexterous, and he kept dodging and dodging in a few seconds. Then, Bai Ze rushed to the river.

And Ye Cheng noticed that the fierceness in Xiang Liu's eyes was replaced by a touch of fear, as if he was afraid of something.

This also seems to confirm Ye Cheng's guess.

There must be something in this water that makes Xiangliu jealous, and the reason why the sixth child, Bai Ze, is not afraid, is that he has no fear. What he wants is not to fight with Xiangliu, but to prepare Xiangliu to set himself on fire.

This old six.

He was convinced. When he met Lu Wu and the bone sculpture before, it was only the instinct of animals, and this Bai Ze seemed to be able to play tricks.

What a scheming bitch!

The facts also seemed to confirm Ye Cheng's guess.

As expected, Bai Ze didn't attack Xiang Liu, but threw the huge stone on his body directly into the middle of the pool.

The big rock just flew to the middle position, smashed into the water with a thud, and sank toward the bottom.

When the stone fell into the water, the nine snake heads were watching, and there was a hint of panic in their eyes at the same time, and Bai Ze stood there, looking at Xiang Liu proudly, as if showing off and being proud.

"This old sixth is too bad!"

Ye Cheng's eyes were weird, and he changed his view of the beasts here again. Maybe not all the beasts here are mindless, and some things are more shrewd and terrifying than humans.

This made him alert again, and his proud wisdom seemed to be of little use.

Immediately afterwards, Xiang Liu looked at Bai Ze with a fierce look on his face, as if extremely angry, but Bai Ze was not afraid at all.

But before it could strike, the water in the pool suddenly stirred, and in the middle of the pool, a huge vortex appeared. The whirlpool kept spinning, and the entire pool was boiling.

Ye Cheng's eyes narrowed slightly, and he said in his heart, what the **** is going on? What is under this.

The fear in Xiang Liu's eyes was even stronger, and his body was trembling slightly, but Bai Ze still looked like he didn't care, he didn't care at all, on the contrary, he was very proud.

It's such a stinky fart, it's like saying to Xiang Liu, "Sample, come on, let's see how grandpa treats you."

Just after Yecheng, a waterspout suddenly rose in the middle of the pool, soaring into the sky, and the waterfall flowed backwards, which was extremely spectacular.

This scene is extremely shocking, and only the special effects in the film and television drama can do it.

In the waterspout, Ye Cheng saw a vague figure, which seemed to be a whole body of water blue, almost the same color as the water, becoming one.

If it weren't for the eyes that were very good, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to see it!

hold head high…

Vaguely, there was a roar of something. Although Ye Cheng couldn't tell what the voice was, he could hear the anger in the voice.

Bai Ze also opened his mouth and let out a cry!

However, as soon as it made a sound, Xiang Liu's face was angry, as if someone stepped on its It also roared, as if explaining.

Of course, these were the languages ​​between them, and Ye Cheng couldn't understand it at all.

But Ye Cheng knew that there must be something in this water that would make Xiang Liu fearful.

Usually, Xiangliu would be good to play in the water here, but throwing a big rock in it was obviously a provocative act, and the contents inside could no longer be tolerated.

Looking at Bai Ze's appearance, it was obvious that he threw the stone-throwing pot directly on Xiang Liu's body, leaving Xiang Liu speechless.

It's just that Ye Cheng is curious, what is it that makes Xiang Liu among the eight different colors so afraid?

Is it a dragon?

However, looking at the shape, it should not be a dragon!

(End of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion