MTL - Instructing the Archaeological Team, Was Actually Regarded As a Tomb Robber-Chapter 941 village in the mountains

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Latest website: Of course Ye Cheng doesn't know what's going on in the outside world, but he can make a guess. He also wants to contact Li Duoduo and Fatty Wang and report them to be safe, but it's useless.

The mobile phone or something has long been out of use. In the depths of this mountain, there is really no way to release the news.

However, now is not the time to think about those things. Finding the so-called Kunlun Ruins is the most important thing.

Ten days were not long or short. During this period, Ye Cheng was attacked by the White Wolf King.

Those wolves seemed to be waiting outside, waiting for Ye Cheng to come out and then besiege, but they obviously chose the wrong target.

If you attack Wang Yan and the others, you will probably succeed.

At that time, Team Zhang and the others had run out of ammunition. Coupled with the days of running around, their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. If the White Wolf King led the team to attack, they would definitely die.

It's a pity that the White Wolf King actually chose Ye Cheng as his target.

But when no one else was around, Ye Cheng didn't bother to waste time with them, so he summoned Xiaoju directly.

After all, these wolves are flesh and blood, and in front of Xiaoju, they are simply vulnerable. Once they charged down, they successfully killed the White Wolf King.

Once the White Wolf King died, the other wolves naturally retreated.

The rest of the time, Ye Cheng just kept on his way.

Ten days' journey, this place has long been deep in the mountains of Kunlun Mountain, and it is almost a forbidden area for living people. Ordinary people are simply unable to walk here.

Not to be frozen to death, but also to be killed by various emergencies.

Fortunately, Ye Cheng is not afraid, his physical fitness is strong, and he has enough space and supplies, not to mention, he has lived very well in these icy conditions these days.

Even if there is a chance, I will catch some game in the mountains and cook the hot pot directly.

It is estimated that if other people see him cooking hot pot in the depths of Kunlun Mountains, they must doubt life, but Ye Cheng is so willful.

On this day, Ye Cheng hid in a cave, and there was a blind bear inside the cave.

But at this moment, Xiong Blind not only did not dare to attack Ye Cheng, but instead hid in the corner and shivered, looking at Ye Cheng with fear in his eyes.

It was as if Ye Cheng was the blind bear, and he was the man.

And Ye Cheng was on fire, and there was a pot with nine grids on it. Each grid contained different food, and he was sweating profusely.

From time to time, the blind bear drooled from time to time.

"According to the directions on the map, maybe in two or three days' journey, I should be able to reach the location marked on the map!" Ye Cheng looked at the map carefully while eating.

After combining the two pictures, and combining with his observation of the surrounding terrain these days, the specific location has basically been determined.

He put away the map, "I don't know where my brother is now, will he find it here too!"

Before and Zhang Qilingbing split into two ways, one bright and one dark.

Later, they entered Eilean Sea City, and they didn't know if Zhang Qiling followed up.

If they followed, I don't know if they escaped.

However, he believed that with Zhang Qiling's ability, the problem should not be big.

It should be difficult to just find here, after all, Zhang Qiling has no map, unless there is another way.

After Ye Cheng finished eating, he glanced at Xiong Blind, who was shivering and drooling in the corner.

He smiled and said, "Since I borrowed your site to rest, I have to give some benefits. You can eat these!"

Ye Cheng gave the rest of the food to the blind bear.

Xiong Blind naturally couldn't understand it, but after Ye Cheng took the things, Xiong Blind took a bite.

After this mouthful, the hot bear blind man burst into tears.

"Hahaha, that grid has a spicy flavor, you can eat things in other grids!"

Ye Cheng was amused and laughed.

However, this is also a joy in hardship. After all, it is really lonely for a person to spend more than ten days in this icy world.

To be honest, he kind of misses Fatty Wang, who is usually talkative.

If I had known earlier, maybe Fatty Wang shouldn't have left at the beginning, and he should have come with him, so that he wouldn't feel lonely.

But now, when I'm bored in my spare time, I can only watch Xiong Blind eat hot pot for fun.

After a night of rest, Ye Cheng ate breakfast and continued on his way.

He climbed over another snow-capped mountain, but standing on the top of the mountain and looking at the belly of the mountain, he was suddenly a little surprised.

There was smoke from cooking below, and through a cloud, one could vaguely see a large village in the middle of the mountain.

"Village? How is it possible that there is a village here? This is really isolated from the world!" Ye Cheng was surprised.

When I went to the Demon Kingdom before, those villages were already remote enough, but even though they were remote, they could still communicate with the outside world.

But it's different here.

With his physical quality, he has walked for more than ten days. If the people here want to go out, it will take at least a month's journey, and this month's journey must be without encountering any danger.

Otherwise, if you encounter a little extreme weather, you may die on the road.

Moreover, in this icy world, there are very few materials, and it is very difficult to survive in such a place.

"My dear, there is a paradise hidden in this Kunlun Mountain. Could it be related to the Kunlun Ruins?" Ye Cheng thought to himself.

It is only two days away from Kunlun Ruins, and a village suddenly appeared on this road, which is hard not to make people think.

"Could it be, those people are from here!" Ye Cheng thought of the mysterious group of people who appeared at the auction before, and the mysterious white ape.

Yin Nanfeng got the news that those people were from the vicinity of Kunlun Mountain, but they did not say where they were.

Could it be from the small village below? It's hard to say!

Ye Cheng thought about it for a while, and finally decided to bypass the village so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

That white ape is very strong, and it is impossible to guarantee that there are other powerful similar people. Now, I have the map of Kunlun Ruins, just go directly, there is no need to contact these people.

Thinking of this, Ye Cheng took a detour.

The detour may add three or five days to the journey, but Ye Cheng has enough supplies and doesn't care at all.

Next is another day's but something weird happened.

In one day, Ye Cheng came to the top of a snow-capped mountain again, and looked down, there was still a village in the belly of the mountain, and he carefully looked at the scene around the snow-capped mountain, and found that he had walked all day, and finally. It seems to be coming back.

It's equivalent to this day, he actually went around in circles, and finally came back, and he didn't find out at all before.

"It's interesting, it seems that this small village is really not simple!" Ye Cheng's eyes became strange.

Although I haven't seen the problem for now, since I spared a circle, it means that the mountains around this village have been specially arranged.

After the arrival of ordinary people, they can only keep going in circles and cannot walk back.

Ye Cheng couldn't do this, because the area involved was really too big.

(End of this chapter)