MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 8 008

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Ning Buyi did not go out with Hua Zhuoyu to hunt wild animals.

In the middle of the night, a torrential rain fell with a crackle. There was a faint white glow on the protective cover, and the base under its cover remained as peaceful as ever. There is no damage to buildings or plants, so there is nothing to worry about. But if you want to leave the protective cover and enter the wasteland shrouded in rain, you think you are too old.

The environment of Desolate Star is harsh, and the rain is unusual, followed by highly corrosive acid water, and the hidden dark pollution is what makes people worry. Every time there is acid rain, the dark pollution in the air will increase. If there are more episodes, Goldfinger may not be able to do anything.

After Ning Buyi got up, after eating a few fresh vegetable leaves to satisfy his hunger, he took ten nutrient supplements and prepared to see the red thorns he planted so hard yesterday. On the way, she met Hua Zhuoyu.

Her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, swaying with her footsteps, very casual.

Ning Buyi's gaze stayed on the collar of the shirt—she was dressed very irregularly this time, with three buttons undone, she could see the snow on the high hill at a glance. Her eyes gradually moved upwards, she put on lipstick—probably hidden in the space button, as a heroine, she couldn't be as sloppy as herself.

Raising his hand to pat his cheek, Ning Buyi exhaled foul breath, and moved his gaze back with difficulty, trying not to be dazzled by Hua Zhuoyu's frowns and smiles.

"It's raining outside, so it's not suitable to go out." Hua Zhuoyu broke the silence between the two.

Ning Buyi was stunned for a moment, and said "oh" again: "I'll go to the border of the base to have a look."

Hua Zhuoyu said unintentionally: "Will you go to see the red thorns?" When Ning Buyi's eyes shifted to her cheek, she smiled happily again, "I saw it when I was passing by just now. I didn't expect The species on the barren planet are very rich."

Where is the abundance? It's just unbelievable.

When Ning Buyi heard her say this, he knew that she would not get to the bottom of it. That's fine, people still have to maintain a sense of boundaries, especially some secrets, don't inquire about things you shouldn't know. She silently withdrew her gaze and walked forward.

Hua Zhuoyu turned around and followed Ning Buyi. She didn't ask silly things like "why it was planted on the periphery". From the guys in the laboratory, she knew that there are two possibilities for plants under dark pollution, one is to die, and the other is to adapt to or even fight against dark pollution. The former is the normal state of the Greedy Wolf galaxy, while the latter... can be called a "miracle".

The red thorns are red in color, like a jade belt formed by flames. When Ning Yi planted them, they were only as high as her knees, but now they reached her waist. This interstellar red thorn is very special, about one meter high, it will stop growing vertically, but will split the plant by itself to form new red thorns.

Ning Buyi is very satisfied with the growth of the red thorn. After planting it overnight, the dark pollution reserves in the mountain and sea illustration book have increased a little. When the forest belt is formed, the dark pollution that can be brought must be very considerable. Taking out the nutrient from his pocket, Ning Buyi watered the red thorns without even thinking about it. The branches of the thorns swayed slightly in the wind, as if Ning Buyi expressed his joy.

Hua Zhuoyu said abruptly: "Did you hear the sound?"

Ning Buyi paused, pretending to be listening, and after a while, blinked and said, "No."

Hua Zhuoyu didn't answer any more, she bypassed the red thorns and walked out of the base.

"Eh?" Ning Buyi looked at Hua Zhuoyu in confusion, and was about to call her back, but saw her bow, grab the red thorns outside, and raised a palm-sized yellow furry.

The yellow fragile creature looks similar to Fei Jiu in Ning Buyi's original world, except that it has several slender and beautiful colorful tail feathers.

Hua Zhuoyu grabbed the pair of fluffy wings of the little thing, and lifted it up: "Beast clan, Fengjiu cub."

The condition of the cub is not very good, dying. Its tail feathers swayed, and it let out a sleepy cry: "Chirp!"

The Beast Clan is one of the three major civilizations in the Greedy Wolf Galaxy. There are many strange creatures living in it. The Fengjiu Clan is one of the famous ones. They claim to be the blood of the alien beast Phoenix. This clan, regardless of gender, is extremely beautiful and arrogant in nature. , do not interact with the human race. But this setting in the novel is only to highlight the charm of the hero Xia Tu, because Fengyi, the queen of the Fengjiu clan, has also become one of his harem. Speaking of which, all of this has something to do with Xiaofengjiu.

In the plot, Xiaofengjiu was taken out to play by Lingshu, the dragon friend of the princess Fengyi, but was attacked halfway, and Xiaofengjiu disappeared. Worried about her sister's safety, the princess found the Daxia Empire and asked Daxia to cooperate in the search. As a result, the princess and the prince Xia Tu saw each other, and then began a lingering love story. As for Xiaofengjiu--no, it should be said that he was forgotten by the author. Appears in the quarrel of the Lord.

Ning Buyi is not interested in the love stories of scumbags, and now she is afraid that someone will find the Desolate Star and expose the contents of the base. It's not that it can't be solved, but it's better not to have such troubles in the first place. Ning Yi regained his composure, looked up at Hua Zhuoyu: "It will be crushed to death by you."

Hua Zhuoyu said disapprovingly: "It's not so fragile, even a beast cub is stronger than you. Don't forget that it survived the acid rain last night."

Ning Buyi agrees with Hua Zhuoyu's words intellectually, but seeing Xiao Feng Jiu's teary eyes, Ning Buyi really can't bear it, who can refuse a furry? She carefully took Xiao Fengjiu from Hua Zhuoyu's hand, stretched out her hand to poke its soft belly, and let out a satisfied sigh.

Hua Zhuoyu looked at it coldly: "It will be stabbed to death by you."

Ning Buyi glanced at Hua Zhuoyu: "I'm just an ordinary human with no power to restrain a chicken." She supported Xiaofeng Jiu and walked quickly to the base.

"You want to raise it?" Hua Zhuoyu followed Ning Buyi, and frowned, "The cubs of the beast clan need extremely high energy to grow, I'm afraid—"

Ning Buyi stopped walking, raised his eyebrows at Hua Zhuoyu, and said with a smile, "Isn't it you here? Dear Judge Hua." Even though he said so, the most important thing for Ning Buyi is to confirm first Xiao Fengjiu will not bring harm to Desolate Star. After all, when Xiao Fengjiu disappeared, the princess of the Fengjiu clan had "searched" for it.

Ning Buyi doesn't have any experience on how to raise a little phoenix chirp. However, there are only three kinds of food that can be eaten in the base, nutrient supplements, night wolf meat, and cabbage. The first one is used to water the food. Xiaofengjiu should not think about it, and can only choose between the latter two.

In the living room, Xiao Fengjiu dragged her tail, stepped on the coffee table, took a bite of the night wolf meat, then turned her head in disgust, and buried her head in pecking at the green jade-like vegetable leaves. The bird's beak hit the plate, making a clicking sound. After it was full, it bounced and landed in Ning Buyi's arms, tilted its head, closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Ning Buyi gently caresses Furry while searching for news related to the Fengjiu clan on Starnet. When she looked for it, she saw the image of the princess of the Fengjiu clan. According to news reports, Xiao Fengjiu disappeared near Tanmen Star, a construction star belonging to Daxia, about...

Ning Buyi was thinking, Hua Zhuoyu understood her thoughts, and suddenly said: "It's a long way, at least a month's journey."

"Then how did it come here?" Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, pointing at Xiaofeng Jiu and asking.

Hua Zhuoyu didn't speak, she leaned closer to Ning Buyi, stretched out her hand to tap on the light screen, and continued to browse the information related to Xiaofengjiu. The group of sneak attacking star thieves were found by the angry Fengjiu clan, but they didn't know where Xiaofengjiu fell. They only knew that Xiaofengjiu escaped into the "energy flight cabin" and left the spaceship.

"The flight cabin can't be located, and they can't find the barren star in a short time. How about it, do you want to contact there?" Hua Zhuoyu asked.

Ning Buyi kicked the topic back: "What do you think?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled, with a cold look in his eyes: "I don't think so for the time being, at least until it can speak." No one knows how this little phoenix chirped was attacked. Hua Zhuoyu thought that what happened to him could serve as a lesson for others.

Ning Buyi met Hua Zhuoyu: "I agree with you. It's just that the Queen of the Fengjiu Clan—" Ning Buyi paused for a moment, his gaze stuck to the group photo of the Queen of the Fengjiu Clan and the Crown Prince, "It doesn't seem Will be sad for too long?"

Hua Zhuoyu was noncommittal, she rolled up her sleeves, and said slowly: "You have a special concern for Xia Tu."

Ning Buyi raised his voice: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled: "No, no, what are you talking about so loudly?"

Ning Buyi looked unhappy, isn't she concerned about Xia Tu because she is afraid that she will die inexplicably? This imperial prince is a powerful man. Thinking that mentioning Hua Zhuoyu at the beginning would bring about death, if he knew that Hua Zhuoyu lived here and was injected with black locks by himself, the consequences would probably be even more terrifying.

"I don't like Xia Tu, so don't make fun of him in the future." Ning Buyi said seriously. If possible, she hopes that the Great Xia Empire will directly change its heir.

"Sorry." Hua Zhuoyu was silent for a while before saying, "You are very sensible, Xia Tu is indeed not someone you can trust."

When Ning Buyi heard the words, he blurted out: "Then you still want to be her princess?"

There was silence in the room.

Ning Buyi had a look of embarrassment on his face.

This is the case in the plot, but it has not happened yet, so it is indeed too early to say.

Hua Zhuoyu retracted the hand that touched the light screen, and gently landed on Ning Buyi's shoulder.

She stared at Ning Buyi, her eyes flashed like a blurred sea of ​​stars, full of the deep affection that could drown people.

Ning Buyi was frightened by Hua Zhuoyu's eyes.

Her face was thin, and soon flushed, like a slowly blooming flower.

"You, what are you going to do?" Ning Buyi said dryly, forgetting to remove Hua Zhuoyu's hand.

Hua Zhuoyu chuckled when she heard the words, she leaned back and withdrew her hand.

The amorous temperament that was as soft as spring breeze and as bright as peach blossoms also disappeared.

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and said: "I just want to tell you that I am the same as you now, and I don't really want to have anything to do with Xia Tu."

Ning Buyi: "..."

If you have something to say, just say it, what are you doing with that posture all of a sudden? How can she bear it a few more times! Hua Zhuoyu must be a pervert! After scolding Hua Zhuoyu seventy or eighty times in his heart, Ning Buyi finally felt at ease. Glancing at Hua Zhuoyu, she straightened her face and pretended to be serious: "The next two things need to be resolved, one is to contact the Xingguang trading platform, and the other is to search for the crashed flight cabin."

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