MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 57 057

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After listening to Ning Buyi's instructions, Xiong Xun listed the Germination inspection team as a key focus, but at the same time, he did not forget to crack down on those "sneaky" guys, such as posting what they did to the star network. One must know that there will be a large wave of fans on Xingwei applying for a few-day tour of Mountain and Sea Stars. How could they not yell at those "scumbags" who ruined the reputation of Daxia people?

There are a lot of talents of all kinds on Xingwang. After targeting this group of "rat shit", they desperately dig out their dark history. Pulled it out and hung it on the forum.

—So this Zhao Yu is a bully? No wonder they specialize in this petty theft.

—Didn't the Germination Experimental Base sue him?

— Zhao Yu stole the experimental results and gave them to Xia Zheng's base, Xia Zheng, do you know? It belongs to the supervisor. Good people don't fight with officials.

—I heard that the Germinal Experimental Base has been reduced to the point of selling land. Could it be because of Zhao Yu?

Among the group of people who were hung out, Zhao Yu was the most popular. After all, the theft of experimental results is really unbearable. The Xiazheng base was also extremely decisive, and immediately issued an announcement saying that Zhao Yu would be suspended for investigation, and they would definitely find out the truth and give everyone justice. In this way, the voice of dissatisfaction with the supervisory department gradually subsided.

In the prince's mansion. Xia Tu felt a little regretful, the supervisory department reacted too quickly and didn't give him a chance to operate.

"Shan Haixing doesn't seem to be cooperating with the supervisor? Otherwise, why would the list of Xia Zheng's inspection team be listed?"

Xia Tu glanced at the guard who spoke up, and said with a sneer: "It's just a show, sacrificing an insignificant person. Do you think Shan Haixing is cruel to the supervisor? Then Miss Ning is the brother of Lian Qin." They can all be sent to the interstellar court." At this moment, Xia Tu felt that Ning Buyi was just complaining about Ning Jun's family, after all, no one would be happy to have such a father. But her surname is Ning, which is inseparable from the Ning family and the supervisor.

In the Shanhaixing Sightseeing Park.

Zhang Xun and his group followed behind Mei Ping, with a heavy expression on their faces. According to the experimental data, it is not very noticeable when following Uranus. As for the activity - it is impossible to play a decisive role under normal circumstances. They tried breeding in petri dishes, but to no avail. But those who entered the "experience area" planted, their plants were all alive. Obviously, the same seeds and the same growth agent were used.

Even Zhang Xun realized that all this was beyond the scope of "science".

"Take a break." Mei Ping's tone was obviously tired. Somewhat consistent with her guess, plants can grow only because of the specificity of the mountain sea star, which means that the model of the mountain sea star cannot be replicated, that is to say, it is impossible to redistribute species to the entire galaxy.

The less-than-ideal situation made them slump.

Zhang Xun turned on the optical brain absently, but was startled by the news that the door suddenly appeared in front of him. He suddenly jumped up and said in a hurry: "Teacher, teacher, Zhao Yu has been suspended! The Superintendent is willing to review it!" At the beginning, the Germination Experimental Base was almost at the end of its rope, and Mei Ping was unwilling to gamble with the future of her disciples, so she could only suffer from this dumb loss.

Mei Ping's eyelids trembled, but she didn't answer.

Zhang Xun smiled awkwardly, turned to his classmates, and went to the theater with them. When he found out that the source was the merciless announcement of Mystery One, Zhang Xun's affection for Shanhaixing reached its peak. If they hadn't been afraid of the supervisor and announced the list, no one would have picked up Zhao Yu's black history. The depression accumulated in my heart for many years was relieved, and the heaviness of the failure of the experiment also dissipated a lot.

"I think this is a good start." Zhang Xun said seriously.

"Xiao Zhang is right. Although this trip broke the fortune, how should I put it, the disaster was successfully eliminated."

"I don't have any big ambitions, I just want to see Zhao Yu's luck. Now I won't be so tired even if I stay in the laboratory for ten hours."

While everyone was chatting with each other, a bionic robot walked towards Mei Ping.

"Dr. Mei, it has been detected that your qualifications are qualified, and the administrator is now opening the medicine field to your team."

Mei Ping: "!!" Although she didn't answer Zhang Xun's words, she heard their conversation, and she was also thinking about Zhao Yu. However, after hearing the word "medicine field" at this moment, she couldn't care about anything else. She stood up for a while, wishing she could immediately go to the medicine field to pick herbs for experiments.

For her, refining and developing specific medicines to treat dark pollution will always come first.

There is a time limit for the open sightseeing park of Shanhaixing. Unlike the extreme investigation group, they cannot waste a precious month of time.

Beyond the mountains and sea stars.

The spaceship of the Demon Phantom Star Bandit hovered in the dark starry sky like the mouth of an abyss.

The signals from below were intermittent, and the leader Luke confirmed that it was from "our own people", but it was hard to say whether "our own people" had rebelled.

"Captain, shall we stop here all the time?"

"There is a large amount of star coins out there, and I have been urging it."

"There are green plants on this planet, if they can be brought down—"

"Don't dream of Spring and Autumn here."

Luke was a little agitated listening to the voice from the intercom, his eye sockets were sunken, and there was a gloomy and cunning light in his eyes. Just as he was about to send the star robbers to continue the investigation, an energy beam suddenly appeared in the field of vision and crashed into the spaceship. Luke's eyelids twitched, he slammed the red button, and roared loudly: "Enemy attack!"

It wasn't a fleet that attacked the Star Thief, but a silver-white mecha emerging from the dark starry sky. The moment the shot was made, the door had already seen the weak point of the spaceship, and attacked the engine with an energy shock wave. Although the door of Star Thief's spaceship is extremely hard, it is aimed at some shock guns. Now that a high-end mech is close to it, no matter how hard the outer shell is, it may crack.

At this time, Luke judged the identity of the person coming from the iconic mech. With a cold-blooded and cruel smile on his lips, he activated the weapon device on the spaceship, and the compressed shells quietly pierced through the lonely starry sky. , devouring everything like a monster. However, the army-breaking mecha moved very fast, like an elusive ghost. It raised its hand casually, and saw an extremely bright energy beam shot out from the huge cannon barrel extending from its arm.

The speed is too fast to catch at all, and the **** protective shield can remove the impact of most of the ammunition.

Luke cursed, he knew that the mental shock wave they were proud of could not suppress Hua Zhuoyu at all, and he didn't want to take the mecha to fight. But if he retreated just like that, he would feel a little reconciled in his heart. This is the presiding judge of the Star Court, but to them, the identity of the judge has no meaning. He only knows that this damned presiding judge is a strong man in the Great Xia, and he regards the Star Thief as the target that must be dealt with.

After a brief hesitation, Luke gave an order to let his men drive the spaceship to surround the broken army mecha in the center. He was going to open up his defenses, concentrate his firepower, and make the spaceships scattered everywhere dense. Under such a siege, he didn't believe that the opponent could still escape. It's just that at this moment, Luke still has doubts in his heart. To deal with them alone is an act of death? Could the presiding judge be such an idiot? Luke's brain was running at high speed. When the star robbers under him were encircling the broken army, he secretly slowed down and drove the spaceship to the end.

The exploding missiles scattered into a large flash of light, and together with the released energy beams, they formed a chaotic flow of space gates, like vortices one by one. However, the energy wave emitted by the army-breaking mech shredded the vortex in the blink of an eye, continuously traveling through the light beam. But no matter what, Po Jun didn't break away from the encirclement, and the space door for living became more and more cramped.

When seeing a spaceship completely exploded in the shock wave, Luke didn't blink. He never cared about the life and death of the star robbers under his hands. He just stared at Po Jun suspiciously, his thoughts constantly racing. But gradually, those distracting thoughts were eliminated, leaving only the thought of "the other party is dying". However, out of caution, he was still at the outermost edge, using several spaceships as cover.

In the army-breaking mecha, Hua Zhuoyu looked calm, with countless light spots floating in front of his eyes.

After confirming that all the spaceships had entered that distance, a sneering smile curled up on the corner of her lips. At the same time that her mental power suddenly skyrocketed, the starry sky began to collapse around her. At this moment, all the light and matter around are eliminated in this weird vortex.

Luke in the spaceship also sensed that strong suction, and he rushed out of the door immediately. But all this is useless, as if facing a black hole, no existence can escape from it. Luke looked at the silver-white mecha in horror, and suddenly a thought flashed through his mind.

Among the judges in the Star Court, only the presiding judge's ability is "unknown"!

Hua Zhuoyu looked forward indifferently, after devouring all the existing matter in the starry sky, the vortex slowly shrunk until it disappeared. A strong sense of exhaustion emerged, and the blood on Hua Zhuoyu's cheeks faded away, like a thin piece of paper. She reached out and pressed the center of her eyebrows, and before the mental power was ejected, she set the destination through the manual mode and started to sneak autonomously.

Ning Yi is on a lunch break.

She was woken up by Beidou's siren.

"Unidentified substances have been detected, and the level of danger is extremely high!"

Ning Buyi rubbed her eyes, her spirit suddenly became tense, she sat upright like a carp, and a screen with flashing light spots appeared in front of her eyes. However, before she could see clearly, Beidou's voice came to mind again.

"The unknown substance disappeared."

"Mecha entry detected, target locked.

"Confirm the model 'Pojun', the danger is eliminated."

"Pojun? Is it Hua Zhuoyu?" After hearing the news of Hua Zhuoyu, Ning Buyi's last drowsiness disappeared. She blinked, and sent a message to Po Jun, but it was like a mud cow had entered the sea, without any response. After waiting for a few minutes, Ning Buyi couldn't help sending another message, but there was also no response.

If it was Hua Zhuoyu who entered the Mountain Sea Star Realm, there would be no news. But if it wasn't for Hua Zhuoyu, who would drive Pojun? Could it be that something happened? After all, the first time Hua Zhuoyu fell to Shanhaixing, he was extremely embarrassed. Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

"Lock the landing position of the target." Ning Buyi looked serious.

The coordinates on the screen kept jumping, Ning Buyi stared at the screen, and at the same time did not forget to send a message to Hua Zhuoyu.

after an hour.

Ning Buyi drove out of the base directly with the "Luoguang".

The location where Hua Zhuoyu landed was in the barren land, which hadn't been opened yet, and the wild beasts hiding in the desert hadn't been expelled and killed. Under normal circumstances, Hua Zhuoyu would not choose to fall there. Ning Buyi raised the speed to the highest, but even so, it took half an hour to reach the destination.

The group of black vultures lingering in the air let out a strange and unpleasant cry, while the herd of beasts gathered below. Ning Buyi's heart trembled, and he immediately switched weapons to shoot at the vultures in the air. Probably the gunshots scared the beasts away, and both the birds and the beasts took a few steps back. Ning Buyi could clearly see Hua Zhuoyu half holding an energy sword, her clothes were stained with blood, and there was a tear several inches long on her arm.

Ning Buyi couldn't figure out how Hua Zhuoyu, who had always been calm and unhurried, brought herself to this point.

Ning Buyi, who was familiar with mecha battles, easily dealt with the herd of beasts. She jumped down from the cockpit of the mecha, and hugged the blood-stained Hua Zhuoyu tightly to the cockpit of the mecha. That scar looked ferocious and frightening, but judging by Hua Zhuoyu's strong physique, it could only be regarded as a minor injury. Her state looks like she's mentally exhausted, with a trace of black air, most likely caused by dark pollution. Ning Buyi looked at the dark pollution values ​​detected in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, and secretly said, "That's true". She glared at Hua Zhuoyu, who had a smile on her lips, and frowned to absorb the dark pollution on her body.

Hua Zhuoyu was in a daze, and her mental state was not ideal. After the fall, the mech lost control and disappeared on its own. It wasn't until a sharp pain came from her arm that she managed to pull herself together, and used the energy sword to drive away the beast that almost dripped its saliva on its face. She has always known the horror of her ability, so she has never used it, but she did not expect the negative effect to be so great. When devouring, even if the mecha has a protective cover, those dark pollutions still inevitably gather towards her body.

This is a duty, but also a price.

There is a medical cabin in the door of Ning Buyi's room, which was purchased in order to relieve his own condition when he was building a mech training room. Since Ning was not easy to adapt to that intensity, he rarely opened it. She did not expect that Hua Zhuoyu would become a "guest" in the medical cabin. After opening, the human-shaped container gradually fitted the curve of the human body, and the spirit recovery agent known as the "golden liquid" gradually flooded the container.

Ning Buyi sat on the side, she lowered her eyes and looked at the medical cabin quietly, recalling the previous "alarm", the so-called "unidentified substance", eight out of ten it was related to Hua Zhuoyu.

"Why don't you speak?" Hua Zhuoyu didn't fall into a coma even though the spiritual domain seemed to be run over by a car.

Ning Buyi raised her head after hearing the voice, she covered her complicated expression, shrugged and said, "I thought you had become dumb."

Hua Zhuoyu tilted her head, Ning Buyi was a little blurred in her vision, and she couldn't see her expression clearly. But one can still figure out a thing or two from that tone of voice. "I'm sorry." Hua Zhuoyu apologized knowingly.

"Why are you sorry for me?" Ning Buyi was puzzled.

Hua Zhuoyu hesitated for a moment before tentatively asking: "Worries you?"

"Worried?" Ning Buyi stood up. She approached the medical cabin and looked down at Hua Zhuoyu who was lying down. She nodded and said, "Worried? It is true. What you have to do now is to take a good rest, not in the hospital. Talk to me here."

Hua Zhuoyu pursed her lips and said softly, "Okay."

Ning Buyi stayed in the house until Hua Zhuoyu fell asleep, and then went out lightly.

She walked around the flower field area and cut a bunch of lavender. The flowers in the vase in the living room were replaced by Beidou this morning, but Ning Buyi always felt that it had withered and decayed. After putting on a new bouquet, she let out a long sigh of relief. Facing the vase for a moment, she suddenly frowned, reached out and carried it to the door of the room, and placed it on the bedside table on the right.

Hua Zhuoyu woke up at ten o'clock in the evening.

The medical cabin detected that her body's stats had reached the standard, and the tank expanded outwards, and the top hatch was automatically opened. Hua Zhuoyu sat up and pressed the space between his eyebrows. Her temples were throbbing, and the back of her head was like eight hundred villains beating drums. These pains were all mental, the sequelae of overusing supernatural powers. She rested for a while before looking up at Ning Buyi who was sitting on the bed watching the drama.

Although the picture on the screen was bizarre, but Ning Buyi's thoughts were not on it. When the sound of the medical cabin opening came out, she knew that Hua Zhuoyu had woken up. But it was obvious that she had no intention of speaking.

"Beidou has detected an unknown substance, is it related to you?" Ning Buyi asked.

Hua Zhuoyu nodded, and wrote lightly: "It's a supernatural power."

"What do you need to use your ability over there? Star Thief?" Ning Buyi asked again.

"It's them." Hua Zhuoyu said calmly. Hua Zhuoyu slid down from the medical cabin, she rubbed her wrist, and the scar torn apart by the beast had disappeared. Her eyes turned around in the door of this room, which still maintained the simple nature, looking for a place to sit down. In the end, she chose a chair not far from the bed, not close to Ning Yi.

Ning Buyi kept staring at Hua Zhuoyu, when she saw that she chose "far away", a touch of disappointment rose in her heart for no reason. It's just that she quickly suppressed this little emotion, and said slowly: "You told me not to act rashly, do you mean to watch your performance?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "...It was an accident."

Ning Buyi pretended to be curious: "Is there anything out of your control?"

Before Hua Zhuoyu could respond, Ning Yiyi suddenly asked again: "You still have the protection on your body, why is there so much dark pollution in your body?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and said indifferently, "The price of the supreme gift."

Ning Buyi stared at Hua Zhuoyu: "How can you laugh?" The price of dark pollution entering the body sounds abnormal, but why didn't people like He Chao have a price? Is it because it is too weak?

The smile in Hua Zhuoyu's eyes deepened: "Because after meeting you, the price is no longer terrible. From this point of view, you are the gift given to me by the Supreme."

Ning Buyi: "So I'm a purifier?"

Hua Zhuoyu couldn't help but laugh. She stood up and left the chair that represented the distance, and gradually approached Ning Buyi on the bed.

Her steps were unhurried, but with an indescribable determination.

Ning Buyi looked up at Hua Zhuoyu, her heart was pounding, her body was tense due to tension. For no reason, she thought of a day on the scythe, and thought of the conversation that was interrupted by the rude person.

Hua Zhuoyu walked gently to Ning Buyi's side, without any extra words. She leaned down and pressed her lips against Ning Buyi's, and kissed softly. "In more romantic terms, you are the wind, the moon, the flower, and the sea." Hua Zhuoyu got up, but her hand still fell on Ning Buyi's long black and thick hair.

At this time, Ning Buyi's heart calmed down.

She asked, "How about using more straightforward words?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "That is love."

The corners of Ning Buyi's lips raised involuntarily, she quickly lowered her head, letting reason and emotion pull each other. After a while, she answered, "It seems to have come too soon."

Hua Zhuoyu said without hesitation: "It's okay, the time frame is still very long, at least enough for two people to love each other."