MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 52 052

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Ning Buyi has experienced two upgrades to the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, she guessed that the situation was similar this time, she just fell down on the bed and slept in the dark. However, an unexpected change occurred to her. Her consciousness was not trapped in a dark space, but entered a world of bright light.

The bright and gentle sunshine, the towering trees that thrive, the green grass, the fresh flower bones...the tranquility, peace and sanctity, seem like a fairyland, a divine garden. Ning Buyi realized that she had also turned into a small group of light spots. She "swimmed" towards the giant tree that stretched the sky and the earth. When she touched the branches and leaves, she heard a series of rustling noises. It is the voice of welcome.

While she was in close contact with the branches and leaves of the trees, she also saw a group of weaker light spots floating towards her, and then a childish voice sounded in her mind.


Ning Buyi thought it was the system of the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book that was greeting him, but on second thought, if that guy really appeared, it wouldn't be like this. Her field of vision was extremely wide, and after turning around in the end, she fixed her attention on the small light spot.

"I am the scythe star."

The childish voice sounded again, Ning Buyi was taken aback, it wasn't about fearing the little light spot, but the word "giant scythe star". Could it be possible that the "Planet Will" was swallowed by that unlucky system? No, in the words of the system, it is returning to the embrace of the mother. Ning Buyi hesitated for a moment, but still couldn't help asking: "How did it become like this?"

Xiao Guangtuan said: "Dark pollution, the war has intensified the dark pollution."

Is the formation of dark pollution really related to war? Before Ning Buyi could continue to ask, the little light flew into the towering tree and disappeared. And the branches and leaves of this tree trembled, becoming greener and crisper under the sunlight.

Ning Buyi: "..." She still wanted to continue to ask the truth, but the will of the planet disappeared? Flying around the tree trunk for a while, Ning Buyi couldn't see anything unusual, and tried to call the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book deep in his heart. The next moment her eyes went dark, and her consciousness was pulled into a closed and gloomy room, with a light curtain in front of her, and countless scenes of destruction interlaced, like the doomsday of the gods. Ning Buyi stood up and moved her limbs. This closed space did not make her feel afraid.

In the absolute silence, it seemed that even the passage of time had stopped, and after an unknown amount of time, a mechatronic voice sounded: "Why don't you ask?"

Ning Buyi said calmly: "There are too many problems." For example, why does she wear books? What is the relationship between dark pollution and the forbidden zone of mythology? What about the will of the planet? And Beidou...There are too many things that are unknown, if you can't get the answer, why waste your words.

"Before you died, your soul accidentally touched the gate of time and space, and entered this world along the track of fate."

Ning Buyi: "...Gate of Time and Space? Don't tell me it's the novel."

"The gate of time and space is one of the billions of fates in the future, intertwined with each other, and changing all the time. But it's not important to talk about it now." The voice of the machine was cold, as if it had also sensed a loss of temperature, Therefore, he adjusted his voice slightly and became softer, "In this universe, countless civilizations have been destroyed in wars, forming serious dark pollution in the universe, but the most terrifying one is in the court of God. It is the place of purification, and its destruction makes the dark pollution impossible to be purified."

Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, and the words "myth forbidden zone" blurted out.

"It belongs to a high-level extraordinary civilization, and it is the place where gods were born. They were born in faith, and they were bound by faith. At first, it was just a war between the people of the lower world, and finally it evolved into a war of gods. The dusk of the gods brought Doomsday catastrophe. In short, the court of God collapsed, and the Supreme was forced to sleep."

Ning Buyi grasped a key point, and couldn't wait to ask: "Supreme sleep, how did the judge come into being?"

"Oh, the program set up before the deep sleep. After realizing that everything was about to be destroyed, Supreme made the origin of the universe into a mountain and sea illustration book, which contained the seeds of life. In fact, you are not the only one who entered this world, but they always because of various It failed for various reasons, and the last time was dialed back to that critical node again and again, waiting for the arrival of new destined people. But this callback is not unlimited, and the opportunities are about to run out."

Ning Buyi: "..." Dare to love her as the "savior" is one in ten thousand, she is just casting a wide net.

"The forbidden area of ​​mythology is the source of pollution and needs to be purified. It is just to die with the current ability of this galaxy." The mechanical sound simulates human emotions, and it sounds much worse than the flat, waveless sound. Ning Buyi couldn't find the figure in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, and didn't know who to stare at, so he just ground his teeth and waited for the next one.

The mechanical voice also grasped Ning Buyi's mood clearly, knowing that if he didn't speak, he could only spend his time in this dark space. With a "pop", a golden oak tree seed fell onto the table. "When it grows up, it will form a 'mythical domain' to protect you, and then you can go to the mythical restricted area safely."

Ning Buyi looked down at the golden seed.

In a certain myth, the oak tree is a symbol of nature and life.

But - does it also grow by absorbing dark pollution? Ning Buyi's doubts surfaced in his heart, and he hurriedly asked when he was unlucky that the system would still answer.

"Growth grows, it grows."

How many trees do we have to plant? Ning Buyi asked again: "Can't the seeds open to the outside?"

"Wait until the day the source of pollution disappears."

Ning Buyi: "..." She needs to plant trees to provide energy for the golden seeds to deal with pollution sources, and the large-scale spread of seeds requires the treatment of pollution sources. How do you feel that this is an endless loop that is difficult to untie?

The Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book system doesn't care about Ning Buyi's little emotions. After sending out the golden seeds, it sends back Ning Buyi's consciousness.

When he woke up, as expected, Ning Buyi saw a familiar figure sitting beside the bed. While checking the changes in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, she asked slowly, "How long have I been asleep?"

Hua Zhuoyu said warmly: "Three days."

Ning is not easy to blink, her perception is obviously less than three minutes, how did it become three days? Gathering her mind, she asked again: "How is the migration going?"

Hua Zhuoyu said: "It's basically finished, it's just—"

"Just what?" Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, afraid of hearing bad news.

Hua Zhuoyu: "The will of the planet is about to perish. When the last resident leaves the giant scythe, the Star Court will judge it."

Ning Buyi breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the words. Thinking of returning to the will of the planet embraced by her "mother", she frowned again: "The scythe star has become a death star, so shall the war with the Zerg continue?"

"For soldiers, fighting in an environment full of dark pollution is nothing." Hua Zhuoyu glanced at Ning Buyi, then hooked his lips and said, "But there is good news, there is something wrong with the Zerg soldiers. The spiritual connection between them was forcibly severed. The Zerg Queen is now missing. In short, this inexplicable war is coming to an end."

The end of the war means that the concentration of dark pollution will not increase exponentially, but the scythe star has already been overwhelmed and has reached the worst end. But in any case, after the end of the war, at least unnecessary sacrifices will be reduced. Supporting the bed and standing up straight, Ning Buyi looked at Hua Zhuoyu: "The queen of the Zerg, will she still be on the giant scythe?" Could it be that she will fall into Xia Tu's hands according to fate and be injected into the black lock, becoming plaything?

"Do you still want to look for her?" Hua Zhuoyu asked casually.

After getting the news of the Zerg Queen's disappearance, both the military and the Zerg were desperately looking for it. However, neither side will last long. The soldiers may not be willing to continue to stay in such an environment. On the Zerg side, a new king will soon be born, leaving the old queen behind. What the Zerg need is a "King", not Chris herself.

"It's time for you to go back to Shanhaixing." Hua Zhuoyu suddenly said again. She didn't ask about the abnormality that happened to Ning Buyi, as if she didn't care about it.

"I think-"

"No, you don't want to!" Hua Zhuoyu cut off Ning Buyi's words with a serious face. Ning Buyi is a person who has been blessed by the will of the planet, and she is very likely to hear the wailing of the will of the planet when she stays here. It is a hopeless emotion that shakes the will and the spirit. She didn't want Ning Buyi to see such a cruel side.

"As the reputation of Shanhaixing spreads across the stars, some travelers and star thieves may start the idea of ​​a base. They don't want to save face like the government. They are lawbreakers themselves and will forcibly attack the base. The base is currently capable of Deal with them, but you are not here, some people's minds are not stable after all." Hua Zhuoyu eased his tone.

Ning Buyi blinked at Hua Zhuoyu.

She understood that Hua Zhuoyu would not let her stay on the "Death Star" no matter what.

"Have you contacted the spaceship yet?"

Hua Zhuoyu nodded, she looked directly at Ning Buyi, and said gently but firmly: "I will return to you in a short time."

Ning Buyi let out a "hey" and his face turned slightly red.

She patted her head, and suddenly remembered the "gift" she hadn't given out. When taking something from the space button, Hua Zhuoyu just happened to get up, Ning Buyi was in a hurry, and stretched out his hand to grab Hua Zhuoyu: "Wait a minute."

Hua Zhuoyu's feet were unsteady, and she staggered and fell on Ning Buyi's body. But she didn't stand up in a hurry, but put her hands together and knelt on the bed with one knee. She leaned forward slightly, shortening the distance between them.

Ning could not feel the warm breath on his face, and his face became hotter and hotter.

She wanted to push Hua Zhuoyu away, but when her hands touched that soft chest, she shrank back as if shocked by electricity. With flickering eyes, she said softly, "Get up first."

Hua Zhuoyu chuckled, and got up slowly. She stared at Ning Buyi without moving her eyes, watching her take out a beautifully wrapped gift box.

"What is this?" Hua Zhuoyu asked knowingly.

Ning Buyi gave her a sideways glance, and replied: "I didn't have time to give you a gift before." Meeting Hua Zhuoyu's beautiful eyes, she said seriously, "I don't like separation, but I don't like leaving without saying goodbye. .”

"It won't happen next time." Hua Zhuoyu raised his hands and said with a smile, "I promise."

If possible, Ning Buyi would like to stay on the giant scythe for a while, but Hua Zhuoyu's tone is unquestionably firm.

When the spaceship arrived at the giant scythe, Ning Buyi could only hug the Nine-Tailed Fox, bring the "Beidou" and Hua Zhuoyu to bid farewell.

The turmoil on the giant scythe star has subsided, and the star thieves will no longer set foot in this worthless death star, and the return journey is much smoother than when they came.

in the room.

Ning Buyi lay lazily on the soft sofa, and the Nine-Tailed Fox stepped on her back and jumped. Its movements were light, but it felt a little itchy when its nine fluffy tails swept across its cheeks. .

The enthusiasm about "Mountain and Sea Star" on Xingwang subsided a lot, and the topic focused on the battle between "Giant Scythe" and the Zerg. Not long ago, Xia Tu probably showed his face, which caused great cheers and admiration on Xingwang Xia Tu's people are one after another, partly because of his "appearance", and of course partly because of his "great achievements".

Ning Buyi scoffed at this.

When she was about to skip these meaningless spam messages, she suddenly saw some strange voices.

"Since His Royal Highness has enough strength to deal with the Zerg, why is he unwilling to dispatch soldiers to assist the migration of the people of the giant scythe?"

But soon there were rebuttals below.

"It's just a mere relocation. Is it necessary for the army to go into battle? Don't shout about military matters, okay?"

"That's right, isn't this the responsibility of the consul?"

"I'm afraid you don't know that the consul of the giant scythe star has long run away, and this migration is unusual, with traces of star robbers."

A strange light flashed in Ning Buyi's eyes, it is likely that someone who can stand up and speak out at this time is not an ordinary person.

Could it be that the Alliance of Civilizations has found an opportunity to criticize Xia Tu? If this is the case, she will definitely applaud!

Ning Buyi wanted to search for related information, but the strange noise from outside the room made her alert.

At the same time, Beidou also switched to combat mode, directly controlled the intelligent system of this room, and pointed the weapon at the metal door that was being pried open.

As if burned by high temperature, the metal door lock gradually twisted, slowly revealing a hole the size of a coin.

Through that hole, Ning Buyi saw a strange, red eye.

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