MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 50 050

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The scythe star frontline military fortress.

Xia Tu was wearing a navy blue military uniform, looking at the pattern projected on the screen with a smile on his face. Although the Zerg race is crazy and powerful, there seems to be a problem within them. Facing the attack of the Great Xia military, they have been retreating steadily. I am afraid that they will withdraw from the giant scythe planet in a short time. When that time comes, he will return to the king planet. With military merits added to one's body, one's prestige among the people will be even greater.

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps, Xia Tu turned around and saw Xia Tai who looked similar to him. Ever since Xia Tai followed him to the scythe planet, he hasn't shown any outstanding performance at all. This guy is a complete wimp. Xia Tu did not spare his "love" for his useless younger brother. He smiled slightly and said, "Second Brother, why are you here?"

Xia Tai frowned, looked up at Xia Tu, pursed his lips and said, "Brother, the spaceship of the migrating citizens is about to arrive at the scythe star, but the number of volunteers is not enough to maintain order, when will we send someone over to help?" ?”

Xia Tu wrote lightly: "Wait for Zhuoyu to come over."

After all, Xia Tai is the prince, so he found out some things more or less, and he just found it incredible. Staring at Xia Tu with wide eyes, he asked back, "What if the chief judge doesn't come?"

Xia Tu's face darkened when he heard the words, he squinted at Xia Tai, with a warning in his eyes: "Impossible." The consul of this planet has already run away, and the government has been unable to find a new person to take over. , currently in disorder and chaos. If there is no military to maintain order, I am afraid that immigration activities will not be easy to carry out. Hua Zhuoyu would not want to see problems in the immigration process.

"This is our responsibility and has nothing to do with Xingting." Xia Tai ignored Xia Tu's cold eyes and warning voice, and argued hard.

Xia Tu was most impatient of other people's accusations. He felt cold all over his body, and said coldly: "Are you teaching me how to do things? My duty is to deal with the Zerg. Even if you want to blame, you can only blame the fleeing consul and the rioters." who." When he led the Great Xia army to expel the Zerg, people would only praise him, not blame him for the Scythe immigration incident.

Looking at Xia Tu's expression, Xia Tai knew that this elder brother couldn't make sense with words.

He didn't think Hua Zhuoyu would come to the front line, after all, he was the judge of the Star Court, not a mecha fighter of the military. Xia Tu's plan is suspected of "moral kidnapping", but the presiding judge doesn't look like someone who can be kidnapped.

Xia Tai left with a sullen face.

His subordinates are an elite tribe of thousands of people, which can be regarded as his direct lineage. He could order these people to leave the team and go to the major cities to help them migrate, but in this way, Xia Tu could easily charge him with the crime of "disobeying military orders" and "delaying the fighter plane". But if he was allowed to watch this group of civilians go wrong, he couldn't bear it. After thinking about it, he could only contact Xia Sang, who was far away on Wangxing, and ask her if the people from the Alliance of Civilizations had time to go to the giant scythe for support. Xia Sang's answer was that the members of the Alliance of Civilizations had already arrived at the scythe star, which made Xia Tai breathe a sigh of relief.

In Iron Tree City.

Ning Buyi is trying every means to capture the "will of the planet". It is not universal that she is directly bound to the "planet will" and coexists with it. According to the description in the illustrated book, the planet will have the form of "everything is possible", which may be flowers and plants, or a piece on the side of the road Stones, they are ethereal, and only at the moment of death will they become star cores, which will be perceived by the judges. But can death's "Planet Will" upgrade the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book?

"Swallowing the planet's will does not seem like a serious system." Ning Buyi communicated with the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book in his mind, trying to extract some useful information from this dumb system.

[Don't talk nonsense. It's the end of its lifespan, and now it's returning to its mother's embrace instead of turning into a cold star core. 】

"But I still feel like an executioner, unless you can give me a reasonable explanation."

[Then you are. 】

Ning Buyi: "..." Why is such a willful system set up?

"The barren star can be rejuvenated, but can't other planets?"

[Temporarily not. 】

"Temporary? Means there is a chance in the future?"

Ning Buyi's spirit was revived again, but the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book became dumb again. She can't decipher the mysteries of the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, and perhaps she will have to wait until a certain day in the future to truly see the mystery in it.

"I want to go for a walk in the city." Realizing that it is impossible to perceive the will of the planet by lying dead in the "Bird's Nest" all day, Ning Buyi turned his head and made a "small request" to Hua Zhuoyu.

Hua Zhuoyu didn't answer directly, but spoke after a moment of contemplation: "Do you just want to go out?"

Ning Buyi actually didn't decide where to go, she thought for a while and nodded, "Yes."

"Then join the patrol fleet." There was a bit of struggle in Hua Zhuoyu's eyes, her mood at the moment was extremely contradictory. Ning Buyi is the "hope" she is waiting for, and she wishes to hide her in a safe place, but she knows that Ning Buyi is not a flower growing in a greenhouse, and after undergoing intense training, she still needs to fight. Chaos-ridden Scythe is dangerous, but it also presents opportunity.

Of course, everything has to be under her nose.

Although "going out" is very different from Ning Buyi's imagination, she still nodded happily, just as Hua Zhuoyu thought, she would not give up the opportunity in front of her to exercise herself. After seeing Hua Zhuoyu's nervousness, she once thought that Hua Zhuoyu would not allow her to leave this small room. Although there is also a crisis here, it is more peaceful than outside.

Carrying and distributing supplies, patrolling to maintain the city's tranquility, organizing population registration... All kinds of things that originally belonged to government agencies are now under the pressure of the patrolling team. Of course, it does not mean that all government employees are hopeless, only a small group of people escaped, and the low-level civil servants are still there, and they are also part of the patrol team.

"There are fruits and vegetables among the supplies distributed by the residents?" Ning Buyi was a little surprised when she saw it. After all, in her shallow knowledge, the scythe star in such a situation can only rely on nutrients to maintain its daily life.

"I took advantage of my authority to let the giant scythe get priority." Hua Zhuoyu wrote lightly.

Ning Buyi frowned, looked at Hua Zhuoyu and said, "You should tell me." She looked a little annoyed, resentful that she didn't think of this link.

Hua Zhuoyu smiled and said: "This is not your responsibility, you don't have to suffer for it." Shanhaixing is developing, and the most needed thing for development is money, she knows Ning's difficult situation.

"But am I not a great philanthropist?" Ning Buyi saw her feelings from Hua Zhuoyu's face, and her heart felt warm immediately. She muttered something in a low voice, and then said after a while, "After they move, they will rebuild their homeland." At that time, a special purchase channel will be opened on the Starlight."

On the scythe planet, which is full of chaos, there is no "peace" to speak of. Even if you receive the task of distributing supplies, it also represents "danger". Among the messy and strangely dressed people, you don't know which one of them will be a member of the "Survivor Organization". its put away. The emotions of those who are about to leave their homeland are violent. Although their ancestors have migrated, they have not, and this planet is "home" for them.

Ning Buyi followed Hua Zhuoyu and sat on the patrol ship, but he didn't go down to the air square built by countless chains and iron plates. The supplies were transported by simulated robots.

"In the beginning, they were all using manpower. After all, it can give them a sense of intimacy. But after experiencing no less than ten meat bomb attacks, the patrol team agreed that there should be coldness between them. Even so, in various cities Among them, robots are still damaged every day while distributing supplies.

"The survivor organization is the most hateful, but don't underestimate the people in the city.

"I understand their emotions, but that doesn't mean they can go crazy in front of me."

When saying this, Hua Zhuoyu's tone was a bit cold, as if he had stripped and abandoned all his emotions. It wasn't until Ning Buyi glanced at her that there was more emotion in her eyes, and she gently warned: "Anyway, this place is very unsafe, don't trust others easily."

Ning Buyi nodded, she suddenly heard what He Chao mentioned earlier.

"Will someone be sent from the front line?" Ning Buyi asked. Xia Tu obviously regarded the giant sickle star as an abandoned son. Even if something went wrong when he immigrated, he used the excuse that the war was important and he didn't care about people's livelihood, and it was difficult for others to blame him. After all, he came to the scythe star to expel the invading enemy.

"It's not important." Hua Zhuoyu snorted lightly, "There are more people who want to win the favor of the residents." When she arrived at the scythe planet, she found people from the Alliance of Civilizations, and they did not join the patrol team , but also working hard to maintain order in the city. On the day of migration, they will definitely arrive as "messenger of justice" and expel the "survivor organization". In the Greedy Wolf galaxy, the "Alliance of Civilizations" has a very good reputation and is the guest of many big shots.

"Alliance of Civilizations?" Ning Buyi immediately thought of this force. Although she didn't have a good impression of Zhao Lan and his party, since she knew that they were the sharp weapons under the princess's command to fight for the throne, she got rid of her contempt and looked at them from an objective point of view as much as possible. After getting information about Xia Tu from the Alliance of Civilizations, she felt that this group of people was even more amazing. Can Xia Sang's forces controlled by Xia Tu be so detailed? No, definitely not. Even His Royal Highness didn't take the "cowardly" princess Xia Sang seriously at all, did he? However, looking at the historical process of the Great Xia civilization, the phenomenon of "easy storage" rarely occurs, and there are legal constraints, and the cost performance of "coups" has become extremely low. That is to say, as long as Xia Tu doesn't make a big death, even if there is something wrong with "private morality", it will not be easy to be deposed. The possibility of Xia Sang successfully becoming queen is not so great, but Xia Tu succeeded...

"What are you thinking about?" Hua Zhuoyu's voice interrupted Ning Buyi's wandering thoughts.

After all, it was outside, Ning Buyi could not directly say about "wanting to rebel", she shook her head and said, "It's nothing." After a pause, she asked again, "How did the 'survivor organization' get organized? How come there must be a leader? Have you not found the whereabouts of the other party yet?"

Hua Zhuoyu said in a deep voice: "According to the current information, it is the Nebula Star Thief Group that is messing with the wind and rain. But these guys are extremely cunning, and they travel between planets. As long as the leader of the Star Thief Group is around, they will not will perish."

Ning Buyi: "..." She also didn't want to understand the purpose of those lunatics from the Star Thief Group, nor did she want to speculate on their thoughts. There will always be many people with strange brain circuits in the world who specialize in doing things that harm others and benefit themselves.

When distributing supplies, all he saw was chaos, but when Ning Buyi followed the patrol to destroy a "survivor organization" stronghold, he didn't know what the real "chaos" was. With all kinds of shells flying in the thick smoke, it is hard to imagine that this is a civilized and peaceful society. Hua Zhuoyu beside him had a familiar expression. When a planet is about to die, it becomes "Doomsday". In "Doomsday Calamity", order is the least necessary thing to exist. However, these urban chaos will subside with the migration of the population. In the huge greedy wolf galaxy, it is just an insignificant wave.

Time passed quickly, and it was five days in the blink of an eye.

Ten starships from other construction stars entered the scythe star through the orbit. The scythe star is a sparsely populated planet, with a total population of less than 100 million. After the war with the Zerg, a large number of people moved out of the planet one after another. Today, in the ten safe cities that have not been affected by the war, there are only less than five million people left. But even so, migration is a big project.

Ning Buyi originally thought that she would be able to witness the spectacular spectacle of human migration, but on that day, she followed Hua Zhuoyu on a patrol ship and went to the interstellar orbit to ambush possible enemies.

Hua Zhuoyu looked serious: "It's not just the survivor organization that may appear here, but also other star bandits. During this migration process, star bandits are the most likely to rob population." To be honest, being robbed There may be almost no survivors who left. Even if the star thieves were arrested, they would probably destroy the "goods" first.

"It would be great if I could be more stable." Ning Buyi sighed.

Hua Zhuoyu nodded and didn't say anything more. This is the greatest expectation of the people in the entire Greedy Wolf galaxy.

The cold word "migration" is the accumulation of countless sufferings and lives.

If one day Xingting does not need to exist, she will definitely applaud.

The brief conversation between the two was soon suspended.

The patrol ship caught a signal from a distance, analyzed it and sounded an alarm to the entire fleet. The "stealth" system installed on the patrol ship will not work when the opponent is gradually approaching. At this moment, when they find the enemy appears, they want to seize the upper hand and attack the opponent first, but they also know in their hearts that such a degree It is difficult for the attack of the star thief to break through the hard shell of the Star Thief spacecraft. This time the confrontation is just a "test".

Different Star Thief regiments have different combat styles, some are good at escaping and retreating, and let you bomb for three days and three nights without moving. Some are mainly "reckless", such as the weird spaceship that looks like a huge octopus gradually appearing in the starry sky at this moment, and thirty mech fighters flew out of the cabin. Unlike human form, their mechs are all "alien".

"Devil phantom." Hua Zhuoyu frowned, turned to Ning Buyi and said, "The mech fighters of this star bandit group are a bit weird, their leader has developed a phantom attack wave - called 'indescribable terror' , is a kind of mental pollution attack. Remember to bring mental potion later."

Ning Buyi let out a "hmm", and glanced at the furry nine-tailed fox that kept rubbing against her feet.

"Charm" is also a kind of mental attack, right? So this little guy was refreshed in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book, actually for this moment?

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