MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 47 047

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Star Network Forum.

A new post titled "Guess what I saw on the official website of the Interstellar Court..." appeared in less than five minutes, and the word "explosive" was appended to the end. As long as it was refreshed, there would be new posts.

2L: Am I wrong? The planet owner of Shanhaixing submitted the Ning family to the interstellar court in the name of "illegal intrusion"? Isn't the planet owner also a member of the Ning family?

3L: I thought that "Mystery One" was the base of the Ning family, but now it looks like it has nothing to do with the Ning family?

4L: The owner of the planet is called Ning Buyi, who is she from the Ning family? Is there any melon? It seems that there is no such person among the young ladies of the Ning family.

5L: The crime of "illegal intrusion" can be big or small. In fact, even if the planet master kills them, they will not be held accountable. If they go to the interstellar court, do you plan to reconcile?

138L: I have a question, why did the Ning family invade Shanhaixing illegally? Am I killing my lovely fruit?

156L: On the day of the court hearing, I must go to watch!

1195L: So who is the planet owner of Shanhaixing? Which base is it? Mysterious No. 1, have you never heard of it before? How did they grow the plants? Are there any follow-ups in my big summer bases? When will our literary stars also have plants?

1196L: I don't understand. Why did you choose a barren star? Is Wenxing not good?

1197L: I don't understand +1, and it is revealed that Mysterious No. 1 has no contact with several bases in Daxia, which means that the seeds and planting methods have not been circulated outside. As long as Mystery One is not open, only Desolate Star will have plants.

1198L: Wouldn't it be good to have more people to study? Why are you so selfish?

1199L: The statement above is a bit too much, why is it selfish? Look at the big bases of Wenxingxing and Jianshexing, where tens of billions of dollars are invested every year, without even a splash. What are you doing for them? a waste of resource. And isn't it possible to buy fruits and vegetables on the Starlight platform? Some rhizomes are themselves seeds, so why haven't they come up with a trick? A group of guys who just eat and don't work.

Whether it is the decline of the "dark pollution" of Shanhaixing or the fruits and vegetables of the "Mysterious No. 1" base, they can cause a big storm on the star network. When the two are combined, the related discussions have never stopped. When they saw the official notice of the interstellar court, some people rushed forward brazenly like a great white shark smelling blood, digging deep into the relationship between the mountain and sea star planet master and the Ning family. Under the excavation of the paparazzi, Ning Jun couldn't hide what happened back then, and those who knew the truth accused him one after another.

—Suddenly understood why the relationship between the planetary master and the Ning family is not good. It turns out that there is still this old affair.

—Give your daughter a planet that is about to be destroyed as compensation, and then you want to go back when you see that the planet is saved? Or these dignitaries will play.

—The scumbag will be destroyed.

Ning family.

Ning Jun received the notice from the interstellar court in advance, and he was already very busy, and he was even more angry when he saw the news on the star network. He wanted to deny it, but it was a pity that the evidence found by those who dug deep into the information could not allow him to erase it. He tried to settle it with money, but the other side was unwilling at all, and it was obvious that he had the support of a certain force. Besides the royal family, who else would oppose the Ning family and the supervisor?

"Second brother, you are notorious now, and it has already affected the image of our Ning family."

"That's right, and this kid Yun Jing, why is he so reckless? Now the defendant has been brought to the interstellar court, and our family has lost face."

"Just tell me what to do?"

Listening to the speeches of the brothers, Ning Jun became more and more angry. His eyes were gloomy and cold, and he asked angrily: "What do you mean? Is it my idea to go to Shanhaixing? And don't just mention Ning Yunjing, isn’t your good son also in the accompanying queue? Ning Yunjing is not the only one who will be brought to court.” Seeing that the brothers’ expressions were not very good-looking, Ning Jun took a deep breath, “ There is no point in making accusations now, and this matter must never go to trial!"

"That's your second brother Ning's seed, and he's not familiar with uncles like us."

Ning Jun almost gritted his teeth when he heard the sarcastic remarks. He said angrily: "I will contact you!" Even though he said that, Ning Jun knew that this way would not work. He actually contacted Ning Buyi when he got the news, but the result was that the other party pulled him away. It's dark, he can't communicate with Ning Buyi at all. Now he can't wait to strangle that dead girl to death! It is unlikely that the dead girl will withdraw the lawsuit, so she can only start from the interstellar court. But the difficulty lies with the royal family. If they want to instigate this matter, it may not be easy for them to do well. If he contacted people from the royal family, the Hua family and Si family might not see such a thing happen.

Ning's mansion.

Ning Xiao paced back and forth restlessly.

He is Ning Jun's cousin, the oldest in this generation, but he has a dull temper and is not very lovable in the Ning family. But his daughter Ning Mo is the judge of Xingting, which makes the Ning family dare not throw face at him.

"Are you thinking about the second uncle?" Ning Mo sat on the sofa and watched the news. She felt a headache from being shaken by Ning Xiao's figure. She stretched out her hand to press her temple and sighed.

"Why is your cousin so ignorant? She sued Yunjing to the interstellar court. Doesn't this make people watch the excitement of our Ning family?" Ning Xiao said.

"You're not right. This is not our Ning family's business. Shanhaixing has nothing to do with the Ning family. Isn't Ning Yunjing's behavior illegal intrusion?" Ning Mo said.

"Why doesn't it matter?" Ning Xiao frowned. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he turned and stared at Ning Mo, "You acted with the presiding judge before, did you know about Shanhaixing?"

"Is this important?" Ning Mo said slowly, "The 'illegal intrusion' matter cannot be suppressed, and people in the entire galaxy are paying attention. If you really want to save our family's face, you have to stop the second uncle in advance , to save him from making mistakes in a moment of impatience, which will affect the image of the Ning family and even the supervisor."

Ning Xiao was taken aback and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ning Mo smiled slightly: "For the supervisor, the best solution is to remove the second uncle's position, what do you think?" Not only the supervisor, but also for the Ning family. Since the establishment of the Supervisory Department, the three schools have been in charge, but as long as the representatives come from the three schools, it doesn't matter who it is. By sacrificing Ning Jun's family, you can get rid of the relationship, so why not do it? She was afraid that her good second uncle would lose his head for a while and make some kind of deal with the royal family that the supervisory department could not tolerate.

Ning Xiao's heart turned cold when he heard it. Even after seeing the scandal, he didn't think about Ning Jun's resignation. But after hearing what Ning Mo said, he felt that this possibility was extremely high. He was afraid that people with some authority in the family would gather together and start a discussion. He was a little panicked, he smiled wryly at Ning Mo, and asked, "What should I do?"

Ning Mo didn't want his father to be involved, so he immediately responded, "Don't worry about it, just do what you have to do."

Ning Xiao was silent for a moment, looked at the somewhat unfamiliar daughter, and asked tentatively: "Is there Xing Ting's promotion?"

"What are you talking about?" Ning Mo frowned, and said seriously, "Xingting is only responsible for the planet."

Mountain starfish base.

Ning Buyi blocked Ning Jun long ago, she was unwilling to communicate with members of the Ning family. When the interstellar court routinely asked if she would like to reconcile privately, she flatly refused. If those people can't be feared this time, then who will invade Shanhaixing in the future? Ning Buyi waited patiently for the day when the trial would start, but on the eve of that day, Ning Buyi received a message from Hua Zhuoyu.

"Ning Jun reconciled with the royal family and successfully bribed three judges."

When seeing this line of words, Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, fearing that he would lose the lawsuit this time. But soon, her panic dissipated like a cloud of smoke. Since Hua Zhuoyu had received the news, it meant that she had a solution. Sure enough, not long after, new news came in again.

"On the day of the court session, the Supervisory Division will apply to intervene in the trial. The interstellar court belongs to the imperial government, and the Supervisory Division has the right to supervise it."

Ning Buyi asked: "Does this mean that the supervisor has given up on my good father?"

Hua Zhuoyu replied: "This is the least expensive way to pay." As long as all the blame is placed on Ning Jun and Ning Yunjing, the Ning family who represents the supervisor can be picked out. The Hua family had already "killed relatives with righteousness" once before. If the Ning family could not do this, they might be looked down upon by the people in the future and gradually lose their authority.

Ning Buyi can probably guess the other party's excuse, after all, she, Ning Yunjing and Ning Jun are a family by blood. As long as the matter is pushed to the "small family", wouldn't it have nothing to do with "everyone"? Ning Buyi doesn't care about other people's comments, she only wants to see the results that are beneficial to Shanhaixing, hoping to deter people with ulterior motives. After thinking for a while, Ning Buyi asked another thing she was very curious about: "It stands to reason that if the royal family finds an opportunity, they have to bite off a piece of meat from Ning Jun. Why did they compromise?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "I don't think you would want to know."

Ning Buyi: "..." After pondering for a while, she tentatively said, "You won't use my identity to make a fuss, right? Could it be that he still wants to marry me into the royal family?"

Hua Zhuoyu: "Congratulations, you guessed right." As long as the prince of the empire does not get married, everything will change. Li Liyuan's support and Shanhaixing's plant base are more important, which is clear at a glance. But before Xia Tu made a decision, Li Ziyan overheard the news under Xia Sang's hint, and then followed Xia Tu to make a big fuss. Xia Tu is about to go to the battlefield to be gilded. He imagined breaking off the engagement with Li Ziyan, at least after the matter of the giant scythe is resolved. Now he is not willing to quarrel with the Li family, so he can only sternly reject Ning Jun and scold him. But who knows what he thinks? At least the judge who refused to meet Ning Jun before now accepts Ning Jun's bribe.

Ning Buyi felt disgusted at the thought of being coveted by Xia Tu, how dare this kind of male protagonist really dare to think about it? !

At this moment, the atmosphere in the prince's mansion was as solemn as lead and iron. Even Si Xun, who had a good relationship with Xia Tu, pursed his lips, lowered his head and dared not speak.

Xia Tu was in an extremely unhappy mood, his face was ashen. A Li Ziyan dared to give him a face. If it wasn't for the support of the military, why would he be so complacent?

"How did she get the news? Could it be that a wiretapping device was installed in the house?" Xia Lord asked with a serious face.

Si Xun curled his lips and thought to himself, isn't this obvious? Li Liyuan and His Highness are just using each other's relationship. One wants to use this to clear the control of the Imperial Family by the Superintendent, and the other probably wants to use the relationship to become a candidate for the Marshal of the Empire. With Li Liyuan's achievements and qualifications, he was a little far away from that position, so he could only think of crooked ways. Si Xun didn't like Li Liyuan, but unfortunately His Royal Highness didn't listen to him at all, and wanted to use his charm to win over Li Liyuan, and then control the Li family.

"She has changed a lot recently." Xia Tu frowned. In the past, he didn't have a good impression of Li Ziyan, he only remembered that she would dress up beautifully and appear in front of him inexplicably. But such a person who is obsessed with himself is very easy to control, almost obeying his own words. But since when did it change? Obviously at the beginning, she was willing to follow her without any name or distinction.

Si Xun muttered: "A woman's heart is a needle in the bottom of the sea."

Xia Tu pressed his eyebrows, and he said slowly: "Send a set of the perfume gift box newly developed by Sanmu."

Si Xun raised his head and glanced at Xia Tu, and tried his best to straighten his face: "... Zhenmu is already bankrupt."

Xia Tu: "..." He had already forgotten about this matter. At this moment when Si Xun suddenly mentioned it, the anger in his heart was like a frenzy, and he swept the things on the table. Only then did the depression go away.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye it was the day of the trial.

In order to demonstrate the fairness of the interstellar court, all trials that do not involve top secrets are open to the entire star network. With the mood of eating melons, countless netizens clicked into the entrance of the court, and then they were popped out the next moment, saying that they did not have the authority to observe.

—? ? ? ? Why are you not allowed to sit in? Could this also be top secret?

—The upstairs is really young, this is just an excuse. If it is really a confidential case, we have no way of knowing.

——The Ning family, one of the three giants of the empire, was on trial. It's gone, what right do we **** have to know?

— Then I will doubt the fairness of the court.

Ning Buyi did not attend the interstellar court in person, but as the planet owner and plaintiff, she has the right to observe. In the base, even the four little bees who worked hard in the flower fields put down their work and sat in rows in the government affairs hall, watching the court scenes projected on the curtain.

The matter between her and Ning Yunjing does not involve high-level secrets, and it is not open to the whole star network. It is likely that the Ning family is secretly operating. Ning Buyi didn't want to make people happy, seeing the people rushing into the Interstellar Court gave up the idea of ​​watching, she sent a message on Xingwei: An application for an open trial has been submitted to the court.

This is tantamount to denying that this case is a "top secret" matter. The spectators who originally planned to give up rushed forward non-stop, applying and complaining at the bottom of the page. After receiving the complaint, the staff of the Supervisory Department put pressure on the court. Under attack from both inside and outside, the court could only take a step back and opened up to the entire star network.

The excuse Ning Yunjing can use is nothing more than "family", but how can he use "love" to move people in court?

On the forum, the initial post has reached over 10,000 floors, and with the trial of the "illegal intrusion" case, the popularity of the post continues to increase.

12346L: Is it a bit too much to say? The half-brother is also a real brother, right? There are billions of ruthless.

12347L: I thought for a while, if I had such a planet, I would at least share it with my family.

12348L: Does this mean that your property is equal to the family ownership?

12349L: Back upstairs, we are all one family, why should we separate them so clearly?

13569L: You are a family if you are not related by blood, thank you.

14567L: Have you noticed that Shanhaixing's mercenaries are all orcs? I also saw a post before, saying that there are fruits and vegetables in the Beast Star Free Trade Market, so they are also produced in the Shanhaixing Base, right?

14568L: The upstairs means that Shan Hai Xing actually has contacts with Beast Xing? Impossible? We Daxia people don't have enough for ourselves, how can we share it with the beast star? You don't have to do this again, do you?

14569L: What happened to Beast Star? Are you racist? [Fruit and vegetable pictures], are you envious?

15000L: Originally, I thought Shanhaixing was nothing. Even if I sue my brother to the interstellar court, I can understand it. But I got the news that our scientists are not allowed to visit the Shanhaixing base, and they also employ beast races and build a market on the beast planet... All of this has to be thought-provoking. Wouldn't it be a crooked ass?

15001L: They also asked Tu Shan Sansan to act as their representative, but we were politely rejected by local celebrities in Daxia.

On, as the friendly exchanges between Shanhaixing and the orcs became known to everyone, few people cared about Ning Buyi and the Ning family, and they all focused on the "beast civilization". In the eyes of some radicals, although the Orcs are one of the three major civilizations, they belong to a backward, barbaric and barren era, and cannot be compared with the Great Xia civilization at all. They couldn't accept that the relationship between Shan Hai Xing and Beast Xing was closer than that of Great Xia Wang Xing.

"My lord, the public opinion on the Internet is not very good. Many people say that they will not buy products from our base in the future." Xiong Xun looked serious. He was very dissatisfied with those Daxia people. When they bought priceless fruits and vegetables at a low price, they all shouted Bodhisattva, but now they changed their mouths and said that the Shanhaixing Base is selfish. And these people have a big prejudice against the orcs.

Ning Buyi asked: "Is anyone applying for a refund?"

Xiong Xun shook his head.

Ning Buyi smiled and said again: "Are the products on the shelves not sold out?"

Xiong Xun shook his head again.

Ning Buyi said disapprovingly: "If that's the case, why do they care?" She will not force everyone to think the same as her, she will only insist on doing what she wants to do, even if thousands of people slander her, she will not change. "I will go out for a while." Ning Buyi suddenly said again.

"Going out?" Xiong Xun frowned, and before he finished speaking, he saw Feng Ermao rushing over, blinking his eyes and said, "Where are you going? It's too dangerous outside, take this with you!" She said, pointing point to oneself.

Ning Buyi: "..." Feng Ermao is not as good as Bai Ze in this battle with the five scum.

The double supervision of the open trial and the supervisory department made the judge dare not be sloppy. Even if he agreed to Ning Jun, he could only act in accordance with the "law". Regardless of public opinion, Ning Yunjing's "illegal intrusion" is an unchangeable fact.

After the verdict came out, Ning Yunjing accepted the result and no longer appealed.

In the Ning family, Ning Jun was furious and cursed the supervisor's companions viciously. If they hadn't intervened, how could there be a "public trial"? How can I say that it is not their internal affairs? The rest of the Ning family were not as angry as Ning Jun. For them, as long as the family's reputation was preserved, Ning Jun's line had nothing to do with them. Fearing that Ning Jun's heart would be resentful, which would affect the stability of the supervisory department, the Ning family simply submitted a document to the supervisory department, requesting the revocation of Ning Jun's position in the Ning family.

If Ning Jun hadn't caused a scandal, no matter how displeased everyone looked at Ning Jun, it would be impossible to pull Ning Jun down, but he just gave others a chance. Before he caused a bigger disturbance, his post was dismissed. After the Emperor of the Empire signed it, it was announced to the public through the portals of the government and the Supervisory Department.

Ning Buyi originally didn't bother to pay attention to the messy matter between Ning's family and Jianzhengsi, but when Hua Zhuoyu sent the news, she glanced at it a few times, so she also knew that the internal struggle of Jianzhengsi was bigger than she imagined serious. The mistakes brought to her by the plot are serious, and now they have been corrected bit by bit.

"Have you set off yet?" She was obviously more concerned about Hua Zhuoyu's whereabouts than the debate on Xingwang. Now that the communication of the scythe star has been cut off, no one can tell what the situation is like there. Hua Zhuoyu went there as a star court judge, but she is a Daxia person after all, and she has an inextricable hatred with the Zerg race.

Hua Zhuoyu said: "Soon."

Ning Buyi asked again: "How many safe cities are there left?"

"Iron Tree City." Hua Zhuoyu replied, paused for a moment, her eyes flashed, and she teased, "Why are you asking this? Do you also want to take an interstellar trip?"

Ning Buyi didn't hide anything, and said frankly, "I do have this idea."

Hua Zhuoyu's expression became serious all of a sudden, she changed her previous lazy posture, and her eyes shone with a sharp and serious light. "I don't recommend you to go to the scythe star." She said, fearing that Ning Buyi would not realize the seriousness of the problem, she deliberately aggravated her tone and repeated, "It is very not recommended."

"I have to go." Ning Buyi said lightly.

The side mission given in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book became more detailed, and the location was exactly the scythe star she had guessed before.

"Do you want to plant trees on the giant scythe?" Hua Zhuoyu couldn't figure it out, so he could only make such a guess.

"I have my reasons." Ning Buyi frowned and didn't want to say more.

Hua Zhuoyu also knew that she couldn't make Ning Buyi change her attitude, so she took a step back: "At least let me know when you leave." After a pause, she emphasized, "You can't expose your ability. He Chao It's the Inquisitor, who can boldly use the ability to purify. But you can't.

"Maybe if I say this, it will give you a feeling of indifference to life, but I must tell you that you are more important than anyone else." The choice itself means injustice. She can only choose to face the future, civilization, and absolute freedom. Most people are responsible.

Read The Duke's Passion