MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 19 019

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Hua Zhuoyu had no intention of dissuading him.

The three judges who came to Desolate Star this time were He Chao, Ning Mo and Zhao Qiuyu. He Chao was arrogant and conceited, Ning Mo was silent, Zhao Qiuyu was most likely to make this mistake. She herself is synonymous with impulsive and violent. Furthermore, her paternal grandparents were botanists, and they have an extraordinary enthusiasm for real plants.

base perimeter.

Zhao Qiuyu held a few branches of red thorns like blood jade, his eyebrows and eyes were full of excitement: "Red thorns are not plastic composites, they are real plants! How can there be plants in the barren star? Their genes have overcome dark pollution Is it? If I bring it back to Wang Xing, I wonder if it will be able to live.”

Ning Mo glanced at Zhao Qiuyu, frowning. Zhao Qiuyu's movement was really too fast, and before he had time to stop him, the opponent snapped a branch and beat back the patrolling robots nearby. She was also very surprised when she saw the plants, but she was not as dazzled as Zhao Qiuyu. Looking at He Chao, who had nothing to do with her, she rubbed the center of her brows, sighed, and said, "The protective cover of the base is still in operation. I'm afraid there is an owner here. We-"

"It must be the boss!" Zhao Qiuyu said with confidence, she carefully held the red thorns in her hands, looked at the series of blood-red thorns with burning eyes, and said with emotion, "Otherwise, what is the boss doing here? ? The boss is really too powerful, how can he cultivate plants? Could it be that she took over some old scholars?"

Ning Mo did not refute, but she felt that it was unlikely that this base belonged to Hua Zhuoyu, because it was the residence of the Ning family. If her little cousin is still on Desolate Star, then the right to belong should be in her hands.

He Chao's eyes flickered, and he said in a deep voice: "There is only one base in Desolation Star, let's go in." He Chao's voice fell, and a series of sharp sirens sounded. Abnormal light flows on the protective cover, like water waves. A warning sign appeared deep in He Chao's heart! His expression became sharp, and he shouted loudly: "Go back to the spaceship, we are locked!"

The cannonballs bombarded the three of He Chao and the spaceship like a rain of stars, mercilessly. At the beginning, the three of them were sure that Hua Zhuoyu was here, but at this moment, some doubts arose deep in their hearts. If Hua Zhuoyu was here, would it put them in such a predicament? Maybe Hua Zhuoyu was also trapped here? The other party used this to lure them into the bait? In the blink of an eye, countless thoughts flashed through the minds of the three.

At this moment Hua Zhuoyu followed Ning Buyi into the hall, she pursed her lips without saying a word.

Ning Buyi didn't have the mind to pay attention to Hua Zhuoyu, she folded her arms and looked at the picture projected on the electronic screen with a sneer. She was not officially meeting these three people, but the distance was not too far. She activated the skill "Master" and assigned the opponent as an enemy. These three people escaped from Desolation Star if they had the ability!

The artillery fire hit continuously, and the bang was deafening. Ning Buyi's face was tense, and he gritted his teeth full of distress. Cannon fire is a one-time consumable item, and it has to be replenished after use. I don't know how much it will cost. But if they don't attack quickly, the three inquisitors will react sooner or later, and the base will suffer even more losses.

He Chao, Zhao Qiuyu, and Ning Mo rushed back to the spaceship in a panic, but the system that was originally good suddenly malfunctioned, and there was only an electronic sound of "loading". He Chao and the others planned to use the weapons on the spaceship to fight back. Who knew that such a thing would happen? It is too late to restart the system manually. They are now completely locked by artillery fire, only to be "caught in the urn" by the opponent.

He Chao punched his fist bitterly. He raised his head and stared at the protective shield in front of him and the battle robot that slowly came out.

"That's—" Ning Mo's heart rose to his throat, and after a short pause, he screamed again, "Beidou!"

Zhao Qiuyu frowned: "Do you want to fight?" Although they were trapped in the spaceship, they were not at the end of the road. After all, their mechs could even use their abilities.

He Chao said with a cold face: "This base is too mysterious, why not take this opportunity to go in and have a look." He meant to give up the last resistance. Unbuttoning his sleeves, he strode out of the cockpit. Ning Mo and Zhao Qiuyu looked at each other, and after thinking for a while, decided to follow He Chao's footsteps.

Ning Buyi in the base watched this scene and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It is best if the opponent is willing to lay down their weapons. They also want to explore the mysterious base, right? Her temples throbbed, and there was a storm stirring in her head. She rubbed the space between her brows, not worried about the three judges who were still "awake". Fortunately, Beidou knocked out all the people who disarmed.

"Are you going to bring them into the base?" Hua Zhuoyu didn't express any opinion during the whole process, until now.

"Then throw it outside to feed the beasts?" Ning Buyi sneered, with a bit of anger remaining on his face. If Hua Zhuoyu wasn't here, of course she wouldn't make such a choice. But now that Hua Zhuoyu is still there, with her in charge, the three of them can't make any trouble. Taking a long breath, Ning Buyi mocked again, "The fair and selfless Xingting? The judge of the light and the moon? I think he is a thief!"

Hua Zhuoyu was dumb.

What these three people did made her lose face, but what she cared about was not her face, but Ning Yi's emotions. After thinking for a moment, she said, "Are you angry?"

Ning Buyi asked back: "Isn't it possible to see this with eyes? Can I not be angry? The door of the house has been smashed!" Ning Buyi is full of anger and has nowhere to vent, and arresting Hua Zhuoyu is an output. The small treasury she had accumulated with great difficulty has dried up again!

Hua Zhuoyu smiled embarrassingly, knowing that he was hit by a gun. She lowered her eyelashes and thought for a while, and suddenly a bunch of neatly tied lavender appeared in her right hand. Handing the bouquet of flowers to Ning Buyi, she blinked and said, "Don't be angry."

The faint fragrance lingered on the tip of the nose, and Ning Buyi's brain was stuck for a moment. She opened her eyes that became round due to anger, and said in disbelief: "You use my flowers to please me? Hua Zhuoyu, why are you so—" Ning Buyi racked his brains but couldn't think of a suitable adjective. He snorted coldly, after such a commotion, Ning Buyi's anger did dissipate quite a bit.

Hua Zhuoyu said: "He Chao is the son of a wealthy merchant, and their family's treasury is even richer than that of the royal family. Zhao Qiuyu, that is, the short white hair, her father and grandfather were researchers. They devoted themselves to the research of plant recovery and researched a lot. Nutrients that are good for plant growth are simply not available in the market. As for Ning Mo, you can tell which company she belongs to just by her surname, maybe you should call her cousin."

When Ning Buyi heard about the origins of this group of people, she felt annoyed, but soon realized it. She folded her arms and glanced at Hua Zhuoyu: "Are you suggesting that I take advantage of the fire?"

Hua Zhuoyu smiled: "Why are you taking advantage of the fire? This is compensation. After all, they destroyed the red thorns we planted so hard."

Give us back, she worked so hard! Hua Zhuoyu is really shameless. Ning Buyi cursed secretly, snatched the bouquet of lavender from Hua Zhuoyu's hand, found an ordinary copper bottle from the space button, poured in three nutrient supplements, and then kept the lavender flower branches in the bottle . She held the copper vase and glanced at Hua Zhuoyu, snorting coldly: "You will follow me later."

Hua Zhuoyu nodded: "That's natural."

When the three of He Chao woke up, they found themselves thrown on the gravel ground with an energy-locking ring on their wrists—this meant that they could never use their spiritual power and abilities. He Chao struggled to stand up, but was kicked by Beidou, who was standing by the side, and knelt down on the ground again. He Chao's face was flushed, and a flash of humiliation and anger flashed across him. He took a breath to calm himself down, turned to Beidou and said, "Where's the owner of the base?"

"Master will be here soon." Beidou's electronic voice was as calm as water, without the slightest ups and downs.

"Did you feel the fresh plant smell?" Zhao Qiuyu didn't care too much about her situation, her eyes were terribly bright.

"Plants are basically extinct in the galaxy, how can there be so many?" He Chao answered coldly.

Zhao Qiuyu shook his head: "My perception is not wrong."

Just as they were discussing in a low voice, a fat little dumpling flew over with flapping wings. Her shaggy head was crowned with lavender petals like twinkling stars. Not only that, she also holds a bouquet of lavender in her paws.


"Fengjiu clan?!"

Two voices sounded at the same time, and the excessive surprise made the tone sharp.

Xiao Fengjiu stopped when she heard the word "Fengjiu". She flew onto Beidou's head, looking down at He Chao, Zhao Qiuyu and the others.

"Jiujiu, who is it?"

Beidou: "Enemy."

When Xiaofengjiu heard this, she became angry immediately, and handed the lavender to Beidou, while she scratched wildly like the three bound people below, as if she wanted to scratch their faces.

"Isn't the princess of the Fengjiu clan looking for her younger sister?" Ning Mo covered his face with his hands and whispered. A while ago, the crown prince of the empire made a big fuss and helped Princess Fengjiu to find someone, but nothing happened in the end, but most people still remember this incident. The base of Desolate Star No. 1 is really weird, whether it is the appearance of plants, Big Dipper or Feng Jiu, it has exceeded their expectations.

"Who knows?" Zhao Qiuyu shrugged, staring at the bunch of lavender with burning eyes, as if fascinated by it.

"Xiao Jiujiu." A clear female voice like a clear spring suddenly sounded, and Xiaofengjiu stopped patting and scratching immediately after hearing it. She angrily flew towards Ning Buyi and Hua Zhuoyu who were walking slowly, until they landed on Ning Buyi's shoulder. She pointed forward with her right wing, and after two chirps, she said again: "They are bad, hit me!"

The three of Zhao Qiuyu, who were in a mess, were speechless. How could they do anything to Fengjiu in this state? His gaze fell on Ning Buyi for a moment, and then by mistake, he stuck to Hua Zhuoyu's body.

"Zhuoyu!" "Boss!"

The trio sounded, and the eyes of the three were full of expectation and joy.

Ning Buyi let out a "tsk", and stared at Hua Zhuoyu coldly.

Hua Zhuoyu smiled slightly, looked at the three of Zhao Qiuyu, pretending to be confused, and asked, "Do I know you?"

The author has something to say: A dead fellow Taoist will never die a poor Taoist.

Read The Duke's Passion