MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 15 015

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The Zerg who have been cut off from the spiritual connection with the Zerg King are very easy to brainwash. The "little bee" in the hourglass bottle is shaken to a mess, and when it is released, it has lost its instinct to attack. Ning Buyi is very interested in "bees", but now the most important thing to pay attention to is the Zerg invasion of the barren planet. Her "master" ability is not strong enough, and currently she can't even cover the entire base.

The Zerg quickly confessed its accomplices. Besides him, there were three other Zergs who came to Desolation Star to search for traces of Hua Zhuoyu. But they didn't take it too seriously, after all, no one knew which planet Hua Zhuoyu fell on during the scuffle. And in the state of the other party's dark pollution, even if he didn't die, he would be disabled. Although there was no news of the birth of a new judge in Daxia, what if they were suppressed by them? With this in mind, the Zerg planned to turn around and go back, but they didn't expect the conditions of the barren star to be too bad. Their spaceships lacked energy and could not enter the interstellar orbit at all. This time I went to the base to find it, and I caught the signal not long ago, thinking that there are resources here.

"Who are the other three bugs who arrived at Desolation Star?" Hua Zhuoyu asked lightly.

"Master Monasha, Benjamin, and Jackie." Three names spit out from the mouth of "Little Bee".

Ning Buyi didn't have any impression of it, he thought it was a small character that never appeared in the novel. It's just that she saw Hua Zhuoyu frowning, she couldn't help thinking, and asked: "Is it a big shot from the Zerg race?"

Hua Zhuoyu slowly repeated three words: "Monasha."

Ning Buyi: "What identity?"

Hua Zhuoyu said casually: "The traitor."

"Ah?" Ning Buyi showed a look of astonishment, "Is it human?"

Hua Zhuoyu glanced at Ning Buyi quite speechlessly, and said after a while: "Where do you want to go, it's Zerg. The former queen's personal guard, but now she is the new queen Chris's confidant."

Ning Buyi hadn't heard of these things, and didn't expect the Zerg to have "court struggles", but yes, they are one of the three major civilizations after all, and it is too common to fight for power.

"The current queen of the Zerg, Chris, is also known as the Wing of Betrayal. Her throne was not justified. She was taken from her sister Hill. In the beginning, she was just a humble under Hill Captain of the personal guard, after all, their mothers have given birth to too many children. Who would have thought that such a fate would happen." Hua Zhuoyu talked about the old things of the Zerg, and his eyes flashed a little dignified. The previous Zerg Queen had a relatively gentle style of conduct, but this one was fierce and fierce. As soon as she took office, she began to eliminate dissidents and killed all her brothers and sisters. Oh, you can't say that, at least the previous Queen Hill is still alive.

"Zergs, you also know that their society is different from that of humans. The queen is the head of the whole clan, and at the same time shoulders the responsibility of reproduction. This is actually their instinct. The previous queen became a prisoner before she had time to choose a husband. But now this She is a woman, but she overwhelms her reproductive instinct with her own will. She is dangerous."

Listening to Hua Zhuoyu's words, Ning Buyi thought about the description of this "queen" in the novel—except for the entanglement with the male protagonist Xia Tu, her life trajectory was blurred, and she didn't even have a history of ascending to power through a coup d'état. The plot of the novel she knew was simply a hundred versions behind the manual, so it was not of much use.

After digesting the newly added "data" with a complex expression, she met Hua Zhuoyu's eyes and asked what she cared most about: "Can you deal with those Zergs?"

Hua Zhuoyu tilted his head and smiled, and said slowly: "Are you looking down on me?"

Ning Buyi didn't give Hua Zhuoyu any face at all: "But you became a homeless dog only after being attacked by the Zerg. Besides, your mecha has not recovered to its peak."

Hua Zhuoyu smiled meaningfully: "But it is enough to deal with a few down-and-out little bugs."

It's not easy to doubt Hua Zhuoyu's ability. The heroine is a child of luck, but her own luck is often proved by some bad things. If something happens to Hua Zhuoyu, then her hard work and investment during this period will not be in vain. Or Hua Zhuoyu was more ruthless, and those little bugs were crushed to death, so her "worker bee" was ruined? No matter which extreme it is, it is not what Ning Yi would like to see. Frowning and thinking for a while, she said seriously, "I'll go with you." She needs to test the skill of "master" with the help of foreign creatures.

"Are you worried about me?" Hua Zhuoyu "returned to his old ways", when he said the word "worry", his tone gradually became ambiguous, and there was a different kind of style in those beautiful eyes. Ning Buyi wouldn't be trembling if he said this with another face, but Hua Zhuoyu's eyebrows and eyes are all about her aesthetics.

"That's what you say." Ning Buyi was tired, and put on a badass attitude.

Forget it, don't argue with Hua Zhuoyu, isn't it just that she took advantage of her verbally? No less meat! But if there is any delicious output from the base in the future, it must be a piece of jade from Shaohua!

Ning Buyi didn't accept the offer, which made Hua Zhuoyu feel a little regretful. She crossed her arms and said again: "If you want to go there, you can, but there is no shelter on all sides, you can only walk with me."

"This colleague refers to—"

"Stay in the cockpit of the mecha." Hua Zhuoyu thought for a while, "But fighting is different from manual digging before. In order to improve combat efficiency, you will activate the spiritual link, and you sitting in the co-pilot are no exception. But not You need to issue combat orders, you just need to overcome that—" Hua Zhuoyu's tone suddenly paused, and it took a long while before he found a word, "The feeling of machine sickness."

Ning Buyi: "Is it any different from motion sickness?"

Hua Zhuoyu said with a half-smile, "That's the difference between being dizzy for an hour and being dizzy for a month."

Ning Buyi: "..." Isn't this killing her? ! She knew that driving a mecha required an extremely strong body and boundless mental strength, but she never thought that being a "passenger" would have such high requirements.

Hua Zhuoyu changed the subject: "Of course, I can also do it manually to minimize the dizziness. It's just—"

As soon as Ning Buyi heard the word "just", she knew that Hua Zhuoyu was going to make a request.

"Is it just me?"

Ning Buyi glared at Hua Zhuoyu angrily.

The trouble was caused by her, and she was able to ask for benefits!

"Of course I am willing to solve the trouble, but Miss Ning Buyi, you want to follow the 'sightseeing', isn't this making it more difficult for me?" Hua Zhuoyu said solemnly, "I will not make any difficult requests for you, the base is fresh I want to have a taste of the fruits and vegetables, that’s all.” With the lessons learned from the previous “melons”, she was afraid that Ning Buyi would be unhappy, and that the things in the field did not belong to her.

Knowing that Hua Zhuoyu is still thinking about "one hundred thousand" watermelons, Ning Buyi is completely speechless.

For a bite of melon, as for?

Read The Duke's Passion