MTL - Inheriting a Desolate Star-Chapter 1 001

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Ning Buyi hid in the dirty and dilapidated warehouse, his hands and feet were cold.

Her heart was beating extremely fast, as if it was about to jump out of her heart.

There was buzzing in her ears, and there were messy spots in her vision. After a long time, she heard the huge roar of the aircraft leaving, and she breathed a sigh of relief, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

The four fields are silent.

Ning Buyi's eyes gradually adapted to the darkness, and her heart, which was about to explode due to excessive tension, became calmer, and she finally got the time to sort out her muddled thoughts.

She came back to life again, but she traveled to a book called "The Lover of the Prince of the Empire" and became a cannon fodder character who died the first time she appeared.

Fortunately, she is out of danger now, and the tense situation just now was to hide the order to kill the prince of the empire.

Her identity in the book is the illegitimate daughter of the Ning family, and she is located at No. 1 Desolate Star, the territory owned by the Ning family. However, due to the serious dark pollution of the planet, it is about to face a new "judgment", and there is a 99% probability that it will be judged as a "Death Star", so the Ning family decided to withdraw from this barren star. It happened that the crown prince of the empire passed by here, and the Ning family started to hold a final banquet. She was tricked by her sisters into the banquet and made a fool of herself in front of the prince, which brought about her death.

To her, this ugliness was a trivial matter, but she just talked about Hua Zhuoyu under the guidance of her sisters. But this "Hua Zhuoyu" is not an ordinary person, he is the heroine of this book, the white moonlight of the prince of the empire, and the main palace who was killed out of thousands of women. Where would the imperial prince tolerate others talking about her beloved?

Ning Buyi happened to land at this node, and became an unlucky ghost.

Fortunately, the spaceship was in a hurry to leave this desolate star with heavy dark pollution, and the sword of Damocles hanging overhead disappeared.

Ning Buyi let out a bad breath, but soon, her smile disappeared. All the people in the base were evacuated by spaceship. Doesn't that mean that she is the only one on this planet that is gradually being swallowed by dark pollution? Then what should she do? Is it possible that there is only one way to die? Maybe after death, he will leave the book world? No, her original body seemed to have also died in a car accident in that world.

[Ding, "Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book" is at your service. 】

[The host has detected signs of life, and starts binding "Desolate Star No. 1", press "1" to confirm, press %...¥#@ to cancel]

[Ding, the soul of the host has been bound to Desolate Star No. 1, and merged with the will of the planet. 】

A weird mechanical sound sounded in his mind, and before Ning Buyi could react, he completed the "forced buying and strong selling" binding behavior.

Ning is not easy to keep silent.

The mechanical sound in my mind continued, and an illusory picture was reflected in front of my eyes—it was almost like a game interface.

[Begin to detect dark pollution...alert! Dark pollution reaches 79%. 】

[Start absorbing dark pollution. 】

Ning Buyi's complexion is a little ugly, the concentration of dark pollution is too high, which means that this planet is not suitable for human survival, even if there is a protective cover, it will not last long.

In the world view of the novel, the planetary levels are divided into four classes, the first class is Wen Xing, the dark pollution is below 20%, and there are only three in the entire Greedy Wolf galaxy, namely the King Star of Daxia and the Zerg Zerg. The second class is construction stars, with dark pollution below 40%; the third class is barren stars, with dark pollution below 60%; the last class is On the Death Star, once the dark pollution reaches more than 80%, there is only one way to die.

There is a planetary judging organization in the Greedy Wolf Galaxy, which is called "Star Court". The judges of the Star Court are born with supernatural powers, and there will always be only eight of them. They represent the fate of the planet and execute the judgment on the planet. Every planet has to go through a trial once a year. Once the results of the three trials are consistent, the fate of the planet may be changed. This is something that even the emperor of the empire cannot intervene thing.

According to the description of Desolate Star in the book, it has faced two trials and is on the verge of extinction. Once the third result is the same as before, it will be downgraded to become a Death Star. As for the people on the "Death Star", if the level of dark pollution exceeds the quota, they will be executed directly! No, this is not a matter of the concentration of dark pollution in her body, but her soul is bound to the barren star, and she is the real planet owner, co-existing with the fate of the planet. Once the barren star is judged to be a "death star", the planet's will and life forms will be obliterated by the Supreme! The so-called judge is the supreme butcher knife.

Ning Buyi lamented his bad luck while checking the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book. It's like a card mall, but instead of heroes of all colors, there are all kinds of weird creatures. She selected one of the trees in her mind and clicked, and an introduction interface popped up.

[Red-spotted thorn tree, a windbreak tree species, has a low level of dark pollution absorption. Purchase price: 10,000 dark matter points. 】

Ning Buyi's eyelids twitched, and his panic-stricken heart gradually calmed down because of the golden finger of the account. Her eyes moved on the interface, and finally landed on the brighter seeds in the front row. With a thought, a pack of "vegetable seeds" appeared in her hand.

[One hundred points of dark matter, successfully deducted]

[Cabbage, one of the favorite fresh vegetables of the abandoned Blue Stars. The absorption level of dark pollution is extremely low, but fortunately, it is fresh and pollution-free, crisp and delicious. 】

This "golden finger" wants her to farm in the barren star?

Ning Buyi hurriedly crawled out of the dirty warehouse, she was a little hungry, the food at the previous banquet was all sent from Wang Xing, she didn't touch it at all. Now that those people are gone, there is a high probability that the leftovers will be picked up by the robot. All she can find now is nutritional supplements.

The base of Desolate Star is not big, and the white dome glows extremely brightly in the night.

Ning Buyi walked into the government affairs hall, the lights on all sides suddenly turned on, and an intelligent robot walked towards her: "Hi, is there anything I can do for you?"

"Nutrient." Ning Buyi gave an order to the intelligent robot, she frowned and looked at the government affairs hall, recalling the plot in the book. After giving up on Desolation Star, the Ning family was unbound from this planet. Her soul is now bound to the earth. It is just a weird spiritual connection beyond common sense. She has to let this planet belong to her legally.

Ning Buyi quickly found the window sill to operate. Fortunately, the barren star is now unbound from the head of the Ning family, but it still belongs to the Ning family before it is completely abandoned. There was her ID code on the chip on the inside of her wrist. The status of the Ning family prevented her from being rejected for her actions. After a few minutes, she became the real planet owner.

Ning Buyi breathed a sigh of relief, but when she found out that the base's energy supply only lasted until August, that is, two months later, her complexion became ugly again. Before being judged as a death star, as long as there is money, the base's energy supply will not be cut off. Naturally, the Ning family has no reason to spend money on it after giving up this planet. Ning Buyi discovered the huge dilemma she was facing: no money! This is really an annoyance that cannot be shaken off in any era.

Even if he is not bound to Desolate Star, leaving is wishful thinking. After realizing this, Ning Buyi starts to take stock of his belongings. A golden finger guidebook, a base, an intelligent robot, a bag of cabbage seeds... If the dark pollution that filled the entire barren star was considered "property", then she would probably be rich as well.

The barren star temperature in June has reached forty degrees Celsius, and it is another extreme at night.

Fortunately, the protective cover at the base was still able to operate. After cutting off the excessively harsh sunlight, the light falling on the body was warm, just like the spring of Blue Star in the past. Of course, if you like other seasons, you can also adjust it, but you have to pay a huge fee every time, and Ning Buyi, who is poor and white, obviously cannot enjoy it.

There is a reclaimed planting area in the base, which allows Ning Buyi to pick up a ready-made bargain.

She has never done farm work and doesn't know how to plant. Searching on the star network, all I get are some messy answers. People in the Tanlang galaxy have a completely different understanding of planting from her original world—it may also be that under the erosion of dark pollution, most common plants have been exterminated, and the remaining plants in Wenxing are also special-grade protected plants. As for the imported ones, they are genetically synthesized mimic vegetables, and ordinary people will never even think about eating fresh ones in their lifetime.

Ning Buyi secretly complained about this absurd world view, she didn't know what to do, so she could only "wait for the good news".

Fortunately, the seeds produced by Jinfinger did not disappoint her, but they broke through the ground overnight and grew wantonly in a way that shattered the world view. While Ning Buyi was stunned, she felt fortunate at the same time. She glanced at the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book and found that the accumulated dark matter was growing at a slow rate. When the time came, she could replace a few more seeds and stay away from that shit-smelling nutrient.

No one is unimportant in such a huge base. As long as the Internet is kept online, it is not considered to be far away from society, and there will be no sense of loneliness.

Ning Buyi's peaceful land reclamation life began. However, when the third crop of cabbage was harvested, there was a huge impact and explosion at the rear of the base, followed by billowing smoke. The siren of the base security system sounded instantly, like a sword piercing the eardrum.

[Didi, the west area of ​​the base has been attacked by an unknown spacecraft. Do you want to activate the security system? 】

Ning Buyi was taken aback and hurriedly activated it. After confirming, she watched helplessly as the intelligent robot in the government affairs hall switched to a fighting form, and ran towards the West District with arrogance.

Ning Buyi's heart trembled.

Is her "end" coming so soon?

She paced back and forth in the hall, full of uneasiness in her heart.

Ten minutes later, the intelligent robot entered the hall carrying an unconscious humanoid creature.

It was a fainted woman.

The blue and white military uniform had several rips, and the sleeves and neckline were covered with mottled blood.

[Ding, it was detected that the dark pollution exceeded the standard. 】

The siren sounded in the Mountain and Sea Illustrated Book.

Ning Buyi felt alarm bells ringing in his heart.

Creatures with excessive dark pollution will turn into bloodthirsty monsters, which are extremely dangerous.

The intelligent robot also followed suit: "Master, do you want to turn on the dark pollution garbage disposal system?"

Reason tells Ning Buyi that it is best to deal with such a dangerous existence.

The existence of the golden finger gave her a room to show her kindness—well, she learned from the information given in the illustrated book that there was a way to strip and absorb the dark pollution on her body. Both the concentration and volume exceed the slow absorption of cabbage.

"Do not deal with it."

Ning Buyi gave instructions to the intelligent robot.

She knelt down, reached out and wiped the blood on the woman's face, her eyes lit up slightly.

How can such a beautiful woman be called rubbish?

Artificial mental retardation has no aesthetics.

Read The Duke's Passion