MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 329 Boiling big summer, the hero returns

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Three days have passed since the threat of the "anti-alien alliance" in the West.

The "Anti-Alien Alliance" is becoming more and more rampant, and the number of countries joining the alliance has reached 38 countries.

They clamored to block Daxia economically.

To suppress Daxia militarily.

Even if Great Xia has nuclear weapons, it is not afraid, there is more than one nuclear country in the alliance.

No matter how they clamor.

The Daxia military side was quiet.

It seems that after the strong statement was made at the beginning, there was no follow-up.

It is generally believed in the world that Daxia is cowardly.

But what they didn't know was that after gaining knowledge, the old general's vision had long been different.

There are thirty Great Desolate fighter planes, enough to be invincible in the air.

As for the Army.

Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, the army of Great Xia has never been afraid of anyone.

Especially now, Lu Ge intends to strengthen all the soldiers in Daxia.

For example, the cheapest 'Purple Light Lotion'.

One kilogram of 'Purple Light Lotion' is only 15 black dragon coins.

The Black Dragon Mountain Empire is all his.

Something like 'Purple Light Dew' is just a daily drink for the rich in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Theoretically, there are as many as you want.

One ton of 'Purple Light Dew' can transform 100,000 people into warriors.

The standard for a warrior is to have a punching force of 900 kilograms and a speed of 25 meters per second.

The current world record for the 100-meter run is still 9.8 seconds.

Every fighter is several times faster than the world champion.

One ton of Ziguanglu can make 100,000 people become warriors.

The number of active soldiers in Daxia is two million.

Twenty tons of purple light dew is enough.

When the old general led the generals at all levels in the sea, land and air, he saw with his own eyes the physical fitness of the 300 special forces soldiers who first took Ziguanglu soared.


One punch burst the sandbag.

And when they successfully broke the 100-meter world record, they all opened their mouths in surprise.

"4 seconds!"

Countries around the world have studied super soldiers for many years.

Unexpectedly, it came true.

Three hundred warriors and special forces, running and charging at the same time, brought a great impact to people.

Their speed is too fast, like a cheetah.

Become a warrior.

It's not just strength and speed that have been improved.

It is an overall improvement of physical fitness.

If such a warrior is allowed to fight in the city or in the field, the lethality will be terrible.

Among them, the powerful ones can already dodge bullets.

When Lu Ge wants to promote all the more than two million soldiers in Daxia to warriors.

The generals of Daxia couldn't believe it.

It is already a miracle to be able to create such a fighter.

Lu Ge actually said that the two million soldiers in service in Daxia would become warriors.

It was like a dream.

"If you want to defend your home and country, how can you do it without a good body."

The old general gave an order, and all the soldiers in service were on standby.

Under the precise control of Lu Ge's mental power.

Fifteen grams of purple light dew appeared beside each soldier.

After the soldiers took it, they were pleasantly surprised to find changes in their bodies.

All of a sudden, the Great Xia land was filled with fighting spirit like a rainbow.

Even some fighters are gearing up, what anti-alien alliance.

There is a way to call and try.

Dare to **** our big summer thing, how courageous!

Lu Ge watched the people and soldiers of the entire Great Xia with his own eyes, under his own influence.

The spirit changed little by little.

A sense of accomplishment rose in his heart.

It even feels like farming, and the harvest is spiritual satisfaction.

The stronger the body, the stronger the confidence.

Now that the soldiers have been promoted to warriors, it is better to be more generous.

After all, in the era of hot weapons, warriors can still be killed by bullets.

If it can be promoted to Warlord or God of War, it's almost the same.

However, not everyone can upgrade the Warrior God of War.

Lu Ge asked the old general to select soldiers who had made meritorious service or outstanding combat capabilities in major military regions.

They will be promoted to warriors.

A total of 3,000 soldiers who had made meritorious service to the country and the people and were loyal to the people were selected.

Under Lu Ge's operation.

Three thousand fighters were promoted to the rank of generals.

His physical fitness has soared, and his combat effectiveness is amazing.

As for the candidate for the God of War, Lu Ge already had a plan in mind.

Daxia seems to be peaceful these years.

But in places that ordinary people can't see, there are many dead soldiers of the Great Xia.

For example, border drug control, such as Northwest terrorists, and overseas separatist forces.

Daxia's battles are all the time and never stop.

It's just that ordinary people don't know about it.

There are not a few soldiers who have been disabled or even sacrificed for the country.

When he learned of Lu Ge's decision.

Even the old general was quite shocked, and even moved to tears.

He grabbed Lu Ge with trembling hands: "What you said is true, those heroes who have been disabled or even died..."

Lu Ge nodded seriously: "Yes!"

The old general became excited: "You wait, I will call right away."

Some demining heroes lost their hands and eyes in order to save their comrades in the demining process.

In the Manyue counterattack, he was wounded in eight places, blind in both eyes, and still led the soldiers to reject the hero.

and many more…

There are so many fighters like this...

According to statistics, the Great Xia Kingdom currently has 840,000 disabled soldiers.

Lu Ge told the old general.

These disabled soldiers can be sent to Yanhuang Hospital.

a week later.

Give them back a healthy body.

This is the best gift for soldiers.

As for such a superhero who has made military exploits.

Lu Ge asked the old general to send someone to pick it up, and he wanted to transform the body of the God of War himself.

Only such a hero is qualified to become the God of War in Great Xia.

Looking at the regrown hands and feet, looking at the long-lost light.

The soldiers were inexplicably excited.

Not only has he regained his health, but he also has the power to destroy the world.


This time, a total of 600 heroes who made military exploits were selected.

All of them were healed of their injuries by Lu Ge, and their physical fitness was raised to the level of God of War.

For a time, Da Xia had 90,000 more generals and 600 war gods, and his strength increased greatly.

If the "Anti-Alien Alliance" dares to carry out the so-called force sanctions.

There is even no need to dispatch a prehistoric fighter.

Only 600 war gods can wipe out all these invaders.

After doing all this, Lu Ge finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He doesn't need to worry about the next thing.

It's fine if the "Anti-Alien Alliance" doesn't come, but if it dares to show up, it will definitely be very lively.

He returned to Yanhuang Hospital and returned to Zhang Yalin's side.

He managed to travel back this time, in addition to making up for the regrets in life, he also wanted to be filial in front of his parents.

The biggest wish of his parents is that he get married and have grandchildren as soon as possible.

He is determined to fulfill his parents' wishes.

Life is only more than a hundred years, and he estimates that it will take another million years to reach the 100,000-fold genetic level.

Therefore, he can settle down and enjoy life.

Then, it was time to propose to Zhang Yalin.

What is more distressing is that Zhang Yalin also knows that he is not ordinary, and is waiting for his showdown.

How should I tell her.