MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 325 those years of regret

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The diameter of the earth is 12,742 kilometers.

For Lu Ge, it is really not too uncomfortable.

His small universe is 100 million light-years in diameter.

He teleports once, at least starting from a light-year.

The big city where he works is thousands of kilometers away from his hometown.

It's a long train ride back and forth.

I don’t dare to go home when I have nothing to do, only to go back during the New Year.

I have worked hard in the city for many years, and I don't even have a house.

Because of my health, I quit my job some time ago.

The rent was due and everything was thrown out by the landlord.

In such a bustling city, there is no place to stand under the feet.

Even if Lu Ge ruled the primordial universe and dominated the universe.

When he returned to the once familiar city.

Feelings of depression and powerlessness still suffocate him.

The helplessness and despair that year, only I can deeply understand.

Years of hard work.

With great difficulty, I quickly saved the down payment for buying a second-hand house on the edge of the city.

A serious illness, back before liberation.

Except for the deposit for hospitalization, the remaining 5,000 yuan of his money was transferred to his family.

He did not tell his parents about his condition.

He intends to leave this world quietly.

Unexpectedly, he crossed over.

Will come back someday.

Now with his strength, it is more than enough to move the earth around.

It takes a lot of perseverance to continue living as an ordinary person.

As mentioned earlier, what to do when the poor become rich.

Buy a car and buy a house.

There is no need to buy a car, he has plenty.

Throw out a piece of mechanical flow treasure at will, and it can change the appearance of any car on the earth.

I looked at the luxury cars all over the street.

Lu Ge said casually: "Let's be domineering. Although this car is very rustic, it is called the coal boss's special car, but it looks majestic."

Performance doesn't matter.

Do you still need to worry about performance when you are a treasure of mechanical flow?

Buy a car and buy a house.

If possible, Lu Ge would like to move out of a mobile castle directly from the hive space.

Just like the large castle with a diameter of 100 kilometers that he bought in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

Or move out a palace-like Arcana.

But no.

He hasn't decided whether to change the world or not.

Before he made a decision, he still followed the rules of this world.

Find a high-end real estate.

Specializing in high-end villas in urban core areas.

A villa is worth 20 million.


He didn't encounter the kind of sales in the sales office that are often seen in novels and film and television dramas.

I didn't succeed in pretending to be coercive, and I slapped my face. After all, I was a little upset.

After all, this is reality.

The salesmen in this high-end sales office have undergone strict training and are of high quality.

Even if they look down on you and don't think you can afford it, they will receive you politely and introduce them politely.

This is professionalism and a company requirement.

Who knows which customer is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Just pay the money and get the key.

The villas are all ready-made and finely decorated, and you can move in with your bags.

The reason why he bought a car and a house again was that Lu Ge wanted to return home in good condition.

If you go home, your parents and folks ask you what to say.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for someone who went to college and worked outside the city for many years without even a rented house in the city.

Even if he doesn't care.

Also consider the face of the parents.

It is very realistic in the countryside. The status and face of the elderly after the age of 60 in the village depends entirely on their children.

If the child is promising, the parents are tough in the village and speak loudly,

If you are not promising, naturally no one will take care of you.

Although many people don't want to admit it, in fact many rural areas follow the law of the jungle.

With a house and a car, the next step is work.

A dignified true God.

He wanted to let him join the company to social animals, and he was reprimanded by his harsh boss.

Sorry, he can't do it.

It's better to take over a company and be your own boss.

If he wanted to acquire the company, the five million left after he bought the house was far from enough.

That's no problem.

Five million is the start-up capital, and he called up five hundred avatars who are proficient in the financial field.

directly into the stock market.

These avatars of him are all major cosmic countries of the human race, and they belong to the existence of giant crocodiles in the financial field.

Even if there is only five million starting capital.

It can also make him a lot of money.

The task Lu Ge gave was to earn one billion within three months.

If he wants to be fast, he can also succeed in a few days.

He has made too much noise since then.

Anyway, he has time now.

His spiritual power has enveloped the whole world, and his parents are all well.

Not bad for these three months.

During these three months, he intends to enjoy some life.

Make up for the original regret.

He doesn't care about feasting and feasting, luxury and money.

His other avatars have experienced these things countless times.

What he wants to experience now is emotion.

For example, ask your three or five friends and brothers out for a drink.

For example, go secretly to see the girl you once had a crush on.

"Old Jiang, where have you been hiding these days? I can't reach you by phone."

"That's right, I couldn't find anyone in your rented house. I thought you were sold to traffickers."

Lu Ge and his two friends, Liu Meng and Zhang Shan, complained a lot.

Lu Ge laughed: "It's really something wrong, come out and buy you a drink."

"Another day, it's inconvenient for my wife to be at home today."

"Me too…"

Lu Ge shook his head helplessly.

The two brothers are strict wives, and it is not convenient to even have a party after they get married.

Lu Ge often thinks, what is the purpose of getting married?

There is no freedom at all, and it is better to be single and happy to serve an ancestor at home.

But when I meet a good woman, I still want to marry her and spend the rest of my life together.

Lu Ge also has a way to deal with these two bad friends.

He murmured, "If you don't come out, I'm going to ask you to wash your feet after drinking..."

"What, do you need to work overtime tonight? Can't you do it tomorrow? Well, I'll come right away!"

"Honey, the company needs to work overtime..."

Once the trick is done, these two guys are still old-fashioned.

When the two met, they asked, "Where do you go to wash your feet after eating? Is my little sister pretty?"

Lu Ge was also proud: "Get in the car first, after drinking, you can choose the bathing in the whole city by yourself."

"Overbearing? You kid got rich!"

"Tell me honestly, what did you do? Did you fall in love with a rich woman?"

The two walked around Lu Ge's new car curiously.

Happier than Lu Ge changing the car himself.

After getting in the car.

Liu Meng asked again: "Why did you go there, why did you suddenly disappear?"

"I'm sick..."

Lu Ge told the truth: "Not only did I not tell you, even my family members kept it secret. I thought I couldn't survive anyway, so I used all my savings to buy lottery tickets. Guess what, it was a misdiagnosis!"

The three suddenly laughed.

Lu Ge continued: "What is Double Happiness? My terminal illness was misdiagnosed, and I won the lottery ticket."

He patted the steering wheel: "This car was bought with lottery prize money."

What Lu Ge said was half true and half false.

Both brothers are smart people, and they don't believe everything.

They don't get to the bottom of it.

They went to a restaurant they used to go to, ordered a few dishes, and each had a bottle of white wine.

"How's your work going?"

Liu Meng took a sip of his wine: "It's not good, the old boss is gone, the new dog has to install his confidant, and I will be pushed out to another department."

Zhang Shan also scratched his head: "Recently, the company has laid off employees. Old programmers like us are very dangerous. Maybe one day, I will be fired."

"By the way, Old Jiang, we went to your company to find you, and the company said you resigned? What are you doing now?"

Lu Ge laughed and said, "I'm a vagrant..."

"Fuck, then you still treat us to dinner and wash your mother's feet..."

"I won the lottery, have you forgotten?"

Lu Ge smiled brightly.

The two brothers gritted their teeth in hatred: "I just can't stand how he looks like a local tyrant, I'll call two technicians to wash my feet!"

The three old friends have no constraints.

Laughing and cursing, bragging and farting.

Even if the wine he drank was just ordinary blended wine, he drank it very comfortably.

Lu Ge was also very happy.

He was even happier than he had obtained hundreds of mechanical treasures.

Finally home.

I can still see my old friends, brag and fart, chat and drink with two bad friends.

very nice.

Some people say that a person who attains enlightenment can ascend to heaven.

Now that he is fine, of course he will bring his friends with him.

Zhang Shan's wish is not to be a programmer for a lifetime.

He wants to start his own game company and develop his favorite games.

Liu Meng's wish is rather strange, he wants to open a modeling agency.

Every day there are a lot of Yingying Yanyan around him.

Lu Ge couldn't help teasing: "There are still a lot of Yingying and Yanyan, you are not afraid that your wife will kill you."

Liu Meng frowned: "I really envy you, Lao Jiang, a bachelor, it's good to be single."

Lu Ge said with a blank expression: "You can say that I am a bachelor, there is no need for the bachelor in the back."

Liu Meng was a little impatient: "Old Jiang, what kind of job are you looking for? You said that Zhang Shan's company is full of bald programmers, so he can't introduce you, but I can introduce you to several girlfriends, right? None."

Zhang Shandigu said: "It's so simple. Although Lao Jiang has a good skin and is more handsome than the two of us, but he doesn't have a house or a car. Girls nowadays are very realistic. Who will cultivate your relationship first? No They don’t even care about the car and no house, it’s just so realistic.”

Afterwards, Zhang Shan's eyes lit up: "Lao Jiang is rich now, and he has bought overbearing, and then bought a house. It is not easy to find a girlfriend based on his conditions."

Liu Meng winked: "Old Jiang, guess who I met a while ago? Hehe, your girlfriend in college is still so pretty."

Lu Ge frowned: "Zhang Yalin? You should be married, right?"

"No no!"

Liu Meng shook his head like a rattle: "After the two of you broke up, Zhang Yalin went abroad to study medicine. It's hard to study medicine, and she is a doctor. Zhang Yalin is really good, and she is willing to study. Her papers have won international awards several times. Award, and even solved a medical problem with research and development, I don’t remember what it’s called, Zhang Yalin has just been hired by the largest hospital in our city to return to China as an attending physician in the Department of Neurology.”

"Such a young attending physician has a bright future."

"Do you have any ideas, kid?"

Lu Ge's expression was a little dazed for a while: "Zhang Yalin went to study medicine, or did she study neurology?"

In fact, when the two fell in love, he had headaches.

At that time, Zhang Yalin joked that she would study medicine in the future and help the master Lu Ge treat his headaches.

Later, the two had differences because of the issue of going abroad. Like most college students, they broke up after graduation.

Lu Ge stays here.

Zhang Yalin went abroad to study.

The two gradually lost contact, and later Lu Ge was diagnosed with brain cancer.

Then he crossed over.

She never expected to hear about Zhang Yalin now.

Liu Meng's big hand waved in front of Lu Ge: "Missed? Did you miss her? If you think about it, go find her!"

Lu Ge bid 20,000 yuan, got up and walked out.

"You two go wash your feet, I have something to do when I go out."

Liu Meng and Zhang Shan were dumbfounded: "There's no need to be so anxious, right? You can go find someone else tomorrow!"

"I have a book of ghosts and gods"

"Hey, a guy who values ​​sex more than friends!" "Fuck..."

Amid Liu Meng and Zhang Shan's cursing, Lu Ge had already rushed out.

Lu Ge wanted to see her.

Don't want to stay for a moment.

Once the dusty feelings broke out, it was so violent.

Under the cover of his ubiquitous spiritual power.

All of a sudden, he caught the familiar figure.

Lu Ge took a step forward.

It has already appeared in the midair of the city hospital.

through the window.

I saw Zhang Yalin who was arguing.

Zhang Yalin was dressed in white, with a neat ponytail and wide eyes.

"Dean Song, with all due respect, this TGOS project cannot cure patients. It has no effect other than prolonging the suffering of patients and exhausting their wealth. In short, I will not do this kind of project without moral bottom line. .”

This girl's temper is still so hot.

Opposite Zhang Yalin, the bald-bellied vice president was also very angry: "Comrade Zhang, I'm not discussing with you. You must obey the arrangement of your superiors in China, and don't bring back the bad habits from abroad."

Zhang Yalin was not afraid at all: "I don't mean to disrespect the leaders of the institute, but I firmly oppose unreasonable work arrangements."

The vice president snorted coldly: "The hospital spent a lot of money to lure you back from abroad to let you take charge of the TGOS project. If you don't want to take charge, then you resign and I'll give you two days to think about it."

"Don't think about it, I will resign now. I will never do such a conscientious project!"

The vice president snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Zhang Yalin sat on the chair and sulked.

Then start packing your belongings.

"Bang bang..."

Someone is knocking on the door.

Zhang Yalin said without raising her head, "Please come in."

A figure stood in front of her: "Doctor, can I still see a doctor?"

"Sorry, I have resigned, please go to the next door, there is a doctor on duty there."

"If you haven't left the hospital, you can still be a doctor. Show me."

"I told you everything, I..."

Zhang Yalin raised her head and was stunned for a moment: "Old Jiang?"

Lu Ge smiled and said: "It's me, I haven't seen Xiao Zhang for a long time."

Zhang Yalin looked indifferent: "What do you want from me?"

"See a doctor, doctor, I don't feel well here."

Lu Ge sat on the chair covering his chest.

"Then you went to the wrong department. I'm in the Department of Brain Medicine, also known as the Department of Neurology."

"It's almost the same, just listen to to see if my heart is still beating."

"You don't have a heart, how can you jump."

Lu Ge gave her a blank look: "How to talk, I am a patient and cannot be stimulated."

Zhang Yalin had no choice but to take down a stethoscope from the wall, put one end on his chest, and listen carefully.

Looking at the familiar face.

Lu Ge couldn't help but said: "Xiao Zhang, I haven't seen you for many years, but you are still so beautiful."

Zhang Yalin: "Old Jiang, I haven't seen you for many years, and you are still such a rascal."

Lu Ge took off his hand on Zhang Yalin's long leg awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I'm used to it, it's pure muscle memory..."

Zhang Yalin's eyes turned red suddenly: "Tell me, why did you break up with me back then?"

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