MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 321 Shock of the Eternal God

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We all know that title missions have a high death rate.

Those who are qualified to take on the title task are all the elites of the various armies.

Just like these nine passers-by, almost everyone has a mechanical treasure.

They are all masters of law.

He is richer than most of the true gods outside.

The level-breaker that Lu Ge killed before not only seized a wing-like mechanical flow treasure, but also a large number of true god-level treasures.

It has been rewarding.

At this time, his eyes fixed on another passer-by.

The passer-by hurriedly said: "Brother, I attacked you earlier because of the rules of Wuqilou. Now that we have all qualified for promotion, there is no need to continue fighting, right?"

Lu Ge looked at the others.

The fighting is basically over.

There were a total of ten passers-by in their group, and now there are only five left.

Lu Ge sneered in his heart.

According to the rules of Wuqi Tower, even if you go to the upper floor, there will be fierce competition.

The victors of the first floor have looted the property of other passers-by.

They are also kept temporarily.

After finishing them off later, these treasures and equipment are naturally his.

At this moment, five cyan beams of light fell from the void.

Everyone knows that this is the entrance to the second floor.

They immediately flew up and rushed directly into the cyan beam of light.

Seeing that Lu Ge didn't attack them.

The passer-by before was also relieved.

He regretted in his heart, why he picked the strongest one, he was really blind.

The passer-by in the joint attack was as strong as him.

However, he was killed by Lu Ge.

This is enough to prove that Lu Ge's strength exceeds them too much.

When Lu Ge's eyes looked over, he only felt the glow on his back.

Wait for them to go up to the second floor at the same time.

Suddenly found that there were already five passers-by on the second floor.

The five passers-by were far away from each other, wary of each other.

Lu Ge understood immediately.

These should be the ones that came in earlier than them.

Lu Ge didn't know how long the interval between them was.

Just curious how these guys are still on the second floor.

When the previous five passers-by saw Lu Ge and others coming up, they immediately looked over.

"Our last batch is actually so fast."

Lu Ge looked at the environment on the second floor.

It seems more like a volcanic world here, with wide cracks and galloping magma everywhere.

The air was filled with the smell of sulfur.

From time to time, there are volcanic eruptions on the ground, and fiery red magma rises into the sky.

Come down again like a red rainstorm.

The hot temperature is like a barbecue.

The environment here seems to be worse than the first floor.

At this time, Lu Ge noticed that the previous batch of five passers-by had fierce eyes and were approaching them without any trace.

Lu Ge suddenly understood.

The reason why they stay on the second floor is because they must meet the conditions to break into the third floor.

This condition is when the number of passers-by on the second floor reaches ten.

The five members of Lu Ge's group can only meet the requirements if they come up.

Lu Ge rejoiced in his heart.

Fortunately, the killing did not continue on the first floor.

Otherwise, even if he reached the second floor, he would not be able to meet the promotion requirements.


At this moment, ten pillars of blue light descended.

Once again, the ten passers-by were enveloped, and the voice in the void sounded again.

"You will be teleported to a small world, and your mission is to survive."

Haven't waited for their response yet.

The huge teleportation force teleported them into a small world with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

Only then did Lu Ge realize that they were teleported separately.

That is, each person has a small world.

He watched his surroundings vigilantly, and it seemed that this level was about to suffer a terrible attack.

Their job is to survive.

According to the rules of Wuqilou, they can only resist and cannot hide in palace-like treasures.

Otherwise, it will be killed directly.


In a small world with a diameter of hundreds of millions of kilometers, huge secret lines suddenly appeared one after another.

These secret lines are connected together, covering every inch of space in the small world.

Suddenly, these secret patterns began to rotate.

With a dazzling light, like a lightsaber.

Overwhelming, covering Lu Ge.

His reaction speed is also extremely fast.

Using the saber in his hand, he slashed out viciously.

Just defending against an attack, attacks from all directions also came.

Lu Ge estimates that the power of these lightsabers is comparable to the attack of a true god.

The number of attacks is too much.

As endless as a meteor.

Although it is a bit troublesome, it is not a problem for Lu Ge.

Don't say it's him...

Other passers-by were also able to hold on.

They used the machines in their hands to fight and kill. After the initial panic, they gradually adapted to the rhythm.

Lu Ge did not relax his vigilance.

It is impossible for them to pass the second level so easily.

Sure enough, the ground shook violently.

Countless magma rushes forward, and the fiery red lava continues to gather, finally condensing a flame giant.

The flame giant is extremely huge, burning with fire all over his body, and magma is flowing on the surface of his body.

With a roar, they began to frantically attack these passers-by...

When the flame giant attacked them, the lightsaber attack from the secret pattern map did not stop.

The ten passers-by were in a hurry.

While avoiding the light attack, they must also avoid the attack of the flame giant.

The fire giant's attack is too strong.

Once hit by him, it will be sent flying immediately.

In this way, the consumption of their divine power is terrible.

If this goes on.

I'm afraid they won't last long, and their divine power will be exhausted.

For a while, except for Lu Ge.

The other nine passers-by were in a hurry and were struggling to maintain.

What they don't know is.

On the highest floor of Wuqi Tower, there was a pair of eyes watching them.

There is a silver-gray palace on the highest floor of Wuqi Tower.

The palace was filled with gray mist.

Four huge thrones were vaguely seen.

Three of the thrones were empty, no one was there.

Only one of the thrones had a figure shrouded in gray mist.

Although he couldn't see his face clearly, the aura he revealed seemed quite terrifying.

at this time.

There are pieces of light curtains floating in the palace.

One of the light curtains shows the scene on the second floor of Wuqi Tower.

"What a bunch of trash!"

This figure was very dissatisfied: "Is there not a peerless genius?"

"His Majesty the God King has been away for so long, and he doesn't even have a qualified successor. I'm so disappointed."

He is one of the four commanders of the God King Valley.

Although Lu Ge has also seen many Void Gods, and even killed a few of them by his design.

But none of the Void Gods that Lu Ge has seen can compare to this guy.

Although the leader of the God King Valley is also the true **** of the void.

But the original three commanders of the Red Flame Army can also be easily killed by him.

The voice was full of frustration: "The only value of our existence is to find qualified successors for His Majesty the God King, but after so many years, there is not a single qualified successor in the world of Jin. Are the rules of the world of Jin still too lax? It should be harsher!"

at this time.

The gaze of the leader of the black mist was suddenly attracted by a figure.

That was Lu Ge starting to show off.

Before, he just used the ubiquitous lightsaber attack in the sky to detect his agility.

His strength is less than 10%.

When his agility is fully deployed, it is simply faster than those who focus on attacking.

It's like strolling in the courtyard.

Even with his eyes closed, these lightsaber attacks couldn't touch him.

As for the crazy flame giant, it was chopped off by Lu Ge.

The eyes of the leader of the black mist lit up.

He had never seen a barrier breaker with such a wonderful agility.

Since the establishment of Wuqi Tower.

There are countless generations of passers-by.

No breaker has ever been able to enter his eyes.

Lu Ge's performance was amazing.

It was the first one he found, and he was stunned.

"Can such a genius be cultivated among the four major legions?"

"What a pleasant surprise!"

"Who is he? Let me see..."

"Hua Xiong from the Southern Legion? Very good."

Seeing Lu Ge strolling in that small world like a leisurely stroll, there was an elegant aura all over his body.

The commander of the black mist became more and more satisfied the more he watched.

His voice roared in the palace: "Hey, you three guys don't sleep late, come here quickly and see what I found."

His voice echoed in the gray palace.

On the top floor of the gray palace, the other three leaders of the Valley of the Gods are sleeping.

With the roar of the leader of the black mist.

Three powerful auras suddenly spread out.

On the three surrounding thrones, three powerful figures gradually emerged.

The throne ruled by the black mist is completely shrouded in gray clouds.

On the throne next to him, a beautiful woman in silver armor appeared.

The whole body exudes a faint light, as if bathed in the sun, just looking at it can make people feel peaceful and peaceful...

Opposite the beautiful woman, sat a strong man covered in blood-colored armor. He exuded a **** aura, as if he had stepped out of a mountain of blood and a sea of ​​blood.

On the fourth throne, there is a strange beast covered in black scales.

The black beast has only one eye, but that eye seems to be able to see through everything, and it seems to be able to devour everything.

The leader of the black mist seemed very excited: "Haha, look at what I found, the passer-by on the second floor, look at his movement."

The eyes of the other three commanders stared at the past immediately.

"Sure enough!"

"This body method is too clever, he is just a master of laws..."

The three commanders were also shocked by Lu Ge's movement.

How do they know.

Lu Ge's agility was practiced by countless avatars on the edge of life and death.

His countless clones are fighting all the time.

They are all experiencing crazily on the edge of life and death.

Then, through continuous integration of experience and continuous improvement, this set of agility was created.

Lu Ge's agility definitely surpasses many true gods.

Even many void gods are inferior to themselves.

The strong commander, who was covered in blood-colored armor and exuded a fierce aura, suddenly felt: "What a miraculous movement, even I was inspired, it's so clever!"

The leader of the black mist, the beautiful woman, and the black beast looked over at the same time.

Their eyes are incredible.

"What? Even you are inspired? Don't forget that you are the Eternal God!"

The three commanders of the God King Valley were simply shocked.

Although they are all four commanders of the God King Valley, among the four, only this one has broken through the Eternal True God.

Being able to inspire the Eternal God is enough to prove the genius of this guy.

The **** leader said seriously: "I'm not joking, since I followed His Majesty the God King, this is the most exquisite movement technique I have seen."

His eyes were full of anticipation: "Maybe this guy can create miracles, and he can really get the inheritance of the **** king."

"Let's take a look at it slowly!"

The four commanders of the Valley of the Gods are very excited.

It would be even more gratifying to see someone obtain the inheritance of His Majesty the God King than the four of them break through to the Eternal True God.

At this time, the trial on the second floor has entered a fever pitch.

Except for Lu Ge, the other nine passers-by are getting more and more difficult.

The flame giant's attack became more and more violent.

Just when these soldiers were struggling to cope, countless huge palms suddenly emerged from the magma on the ground.

Each palm has millions of kilometers.

And extremely fast.

One of the passers-by couldn't dodge, and was directly grabbed by the big hand made of magma.

Just a moment of stagnation.

Huge palms from all directions grabbed him at the same time, trapping him there tightly.

At the same time, the light attack above, and the fire giant's attack also arrived.

The passer-by looked desperate and howled unwillingly.

next second.

All attacks fell on him.

Only a loud bang was heard.

His body shattered directly and turned into nothingness.

The treasures that exploded from his body were scattered in the void.

After the passer-by was killed.

The lightsaber attack from the sky, the crazy flame giant, and its elusive magma giant hand all disappeared.

Then the small world he was in also broke directly.

Other passers-by are still struggling to support.

Their divine power is getting less and less, and they don't know when it will end.

"How long shall we hold on?"

Every passer-by is anxious.


One of the passers-by was unfortunately caught, and then was enveloped in a horrific attack.

Another passer-by fell.


As if there was a chain effect, two more passers-by were unfortunately caught because of their restlessness.

And then fell...

At this time, four of the ten passers-by were reduced.

Only six remain.

Just when they were feeling uneasy, the attack around them finally stopped.

The small world also slowly dissipated.

The six passers finally breathed a sigh of relief: "We survived."

Among the six passers-by, Lu Ge was the easiest one.

He even had time to calmly put away the treasures exploded by the four fallen ones.

Although the other passers-by were keen-eyed, they did not dare to compete with him.

It's not easy to survive.

Following the cyan beam of light, they ascended to the third floor.

The environment on the third floor is much better.

This is a green prairie, and the air is relatively fresh.

After the six of them ascended to the third floor, they found that there were already five passers-by.

It must have been from the first two batches.

There are a total of eleven people in total.

Everyone is vigilant and has just risen to the third floor.

One after another, they used teleportation to stay far away from other people.

In this environment, no one can be trusted.

Lu Ge nodded secretly.

Sure enough, those who survived were all powerful and cautious people.

There are eleven people here now, and there is no movement in the void, so it is estimated that the conditions are not met.

They continue to wait.

In the process of waiting, one after another, the passers-by from behind came up.

Three months later, the third floor finally gathered forty passers-by.


The conditions are met, and the trial of the third floor officially begins.

Read The Duke's Passion