MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 311 Mixed into the Red Flame Army

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Wan Jun ran through it, and also collected his head and body.

Lu Ge still aroused public outrage.

Most of the elders of the Green Vine Tribe were stopped.

But the vast majority of the green vine tribe powerhouses have locked on this annoying guy.

He killed too many strong men of the Green Vine Tribe.

Blood debts require blood to pay.

The overwhelming attack engulfed the sky, and various types of treasures emerged one after another.

Lu Ge is like a small paper boat in a storm.

There is a danger of being overturned by huge waves at any time, and if you are not careful, you may be doomed.

Fortunately, his control over space and time has been perfected.

You can always find a glimmer of life in the rage that fills the sky.

"Ha ha…"

Lu Ge fought from east to west without touching his body, and harvested ten heads and more than thirty corpses of the Lord of Law.

The feeling of dancing on the tip of the knife is really exciting!

Cosmos Sea doesn't have such a fierce battlefield for him to roam.

Every minute and every second is hovering on the verge of death, and the adrenaline is soaring.

The real **** powerhouse of the Lvteng tribe was quite shocked while being resentful.

"Why is the master of the law so skillful!"

"Don't say that the group of soldiers can't stop him, even if we wait, we may not be able to stop him."

"If this guy hadn't appeared in the Qingshi tribe, I would have thought he was a super genius trained by the military."

"Contact the tribe. If it doesn't work, ask the patriarch to come forward. Geniuses like the Qingshi tribe must be killed!"

Many true gods of the Green Vine Tribe began to contact the tribe.

But soon it felt wrong.

"I can't get in touch with the patriarch, and I can't get in touch with other people in the tribe. What happened?"

At this time, Lu Ge was killing back and forth, holding up a head of a strange beast and roaring loudly.

"Lu Ge, good job!"

The warriors of the Qingshi tribe kept cheering.

Lu Ge is also quite proud, this time he has killed so many enemies, how can he exchange for a few Xeons and treasures.

Although he is not lacking now.

But who would want too much of this kind of thing?

With so many clones, no amount of equipment is enough.


Just when Lu Ge was about to kill again, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

The surrounding void is cut off.

It is the true God of Void'One Thought Void'!

The entire battlefield is controlled by the Void God, and in this area, all domain-type treasures are invalid.

This is the power of the Void True God.

When Yi Nian Void enveloped the battlefield, all the warriors of the Qingshi tribe and the Lvvine tribe felt it.

Is there a Void True God joining?

Which party's patriarch is it? Logically speaking, it shouldn't be.

Even the hundreds of true gods on both sides looked at each other in blank dismay.

But then, they realized something was wrong.

Above the battlefield, five huge figures appeared.

They are the five void gods.

Behind them there are black clouds covering thousands of kilometers.

Only when I got closer did I realize that it was a black cloud, but a boundless army.

There are more than ten thousand true gods, and the master of laws with tens of millions of levels.

They have surrounded the entire battlefield.

A black flag burning with red flames and thousands of kilometers long descended from the sky.

Right in the middle of the battlefield.

The black banner was buzzing, and a terrifying aura enveloped the battlefield.

"It's the 'Red Flame Army'!"

"No, the 'Red Flame Army' is here!"

The fighters of the Qingshi tribe and the green vine tribe turned pale with shock.

The Red Flame Army is not the military, 77

The battlefield suddenly became chaotic.

"Your patriarch is dead, surrender obediently!"

Followed by a true **** with nine heads and different beasts roaring filial piety.

Two million miles of **** corpses are lying in the void.

"The patriarch..."

"They killed the patriarch!"

The eyes of the warriors of the Qingshi tribe and the green vine tribe instantly turned red.

Their patriarch was actually killed.

The patriarch is the true **** of the void!

The true God powerhouse who was an enemy just now roared at the same time: "Run! Once caught by the 'Red Flame Army', you will be a slave forever. Anyone who can run is counted as one!"


Millions of law lords frantically fled in all directions.

Facing the powerful 'Red Flame Army', they have no chance of winning.

Lu Ge was wrapped in the torrent.

Also a little dumbfounded.

This sudden incident was too unbelievable.

The Qingshi Tribe fought well with the Green Vine Tribe, but suddenly a group of "Red Flame Army" came out.

And killed the patriarchs of the Qingshi tribe and the green vine tribe.

The millions of fighters of the two tribes didn't even dare to resist, and they immediately scattered.

It's a pity that the entire void has been locked.

Domain-type treasures are useless, and their movements are extremely slow.

The group of 'Red Flame Army' laughed wildly and surrounded them.

The strength of the two sides is very different.

They actually have tens of thousands of true gods, including the true gods of alien beasts and the true gods of the tribe.

Tens of thousands of true **** powerhouses are enough to subvert the entire battlefield, not to mention there are tens of thousands of masters of law behind.

Lu Ge frowned.

If he wants to solve this situation, he must summon all the avatars.

But there are five void true gods here, and tens of thousands of true gods.

The situation is too bad.

In order to rescue this doppelgänger, all members participated.

Even if he reversed the situation with the huge number of clones, he would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Not worth it!

Lu Ge analyzed the pros and cons in an instant.

Seeing that many strong men from the two tribes were arrested one by one.

Even those true gods can't escape being besieged, and then they are caught or killed.

Looking at the boundless 'Red Flame Army' army.

Lu Ge's anger rose from his heart, and the evil turned to his gallbladder.

Even if he can't beat him, it's not his style to sit and wait for death.

So what about the Void God.

Let's bite off a piece of your meat first.

"Come to fight!"

Three hundred clones appeared out of thin air.

This is the bottom line that Lu Ge can bear.

His strength alone is not enough, if three hundred clones form a team, they may have the strength to fight.

Even if all three hundred clones fell, he could afford it.

The divine power of the true **** of the void enveloped the battlefield.

Any slight change can't be hidden from them.

They were quite surprised that there were three hundred Lords of Law suddenly on the battlefield.

Where did this come from?

Could it be hidden in the world ring in advance?

But the lord of the three hundred rules can't change the ending.

In the endless army that will soon be overwhelmed.

But it turns out they were wrong.

And it's so wrong!

Once Lu Ge's 300 clones appeared, they immediately formed a formation.

Each of the three hundred avatars was wearing a set of Xeon Xunbao armor and held Xeon Xunbao weapons.

The equipment is luxurious!

Each avatar has the same combat power as Lu Ge.

After they lined up, their power increased dramatically.


Cut like a sharp knife into hot butter.


Just a combined attack of three hundred clones cleared a million-kilometer battlefield.

Even if the void is imprisoned.

The combined attack of three hundred clones still turned this area into nothingness.

Thousands of 'Red Flame Army' died under this terrible combined attack.

Lu Ge led three hundred clones like a tornado.

Sweep the battlefield!

Wherever they passed, the "Red Flame Army" at the level of the master of law gave their heads one after another.

There is no single enemy.

No matter how many masters of law there are around, they are still harvested like melons and vegetables.

"Damn it, stop them!"

From the appearance of Lu Ge's 300 avatars to his fury, it took only one breath.

Hundreds of true gods from the 'Red Flame Army' quickly intercepted them.

True God also kills!

Just dealing with the true **** is much more troublesome than the Lord of Law.


Another joint attack, Lu Ge killed six true gods.

He also lost two clones.

As expected of the world of Jin, it is strong enough and fierce enough!

Seeing this, the five Void Gods outside the battlefield were immediately enraged.

Actually lost six true gods at once.

They don't feel sorry for the loss of the Lord of Law, and they need as many subordinates as the Lord of Law.

But the true **** is different.

How many years does it take to get promoted to one.

The five Void Gods decided to take action in person.

"The fighting power of these **** is so high, I doubt it is a super genius of the military."

"Catch them for interrogation first, and if not, kill them."

"I agree!"

The moment they decided to attack, Lu Ge had already keenly sensed the fluctuations in the void.

He raised his head and glanced fiercely: "Shame? I won't play with you anymore! But this matter is not over!"

One step into the hive space.

Together with two hundred and ninety-eight clones, he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

disappeared at the same time.

There are also the corpses of the masters of law and true gods who were killed by him.


The five Void Gods outside the battlefield looked at each other unexpectedly.

The entire battlefield has been controlled by them.

Cannot use the arcana in the field and cannot use teleportation.

They didn't even see how these guys ran.

Under the finger of a true void god: "Gather the captives of the two tribes, and ask carefully what the origin of these guys is!"


Hundreds of millions of kilometers away from here.

Lu Ge once again appeared in the forest that had just arrived in the world of Jin.

The lords in the nearby area, the dozen or so alien beasts and true gods have all been killed by him.

Instead, they are master-level beasts bred by using their genes.

This will become one of Lu Ge's transfer nodes.

He stepped out from the side of a clone of a strange beast.

The other clones returned to the universe sea.

Lu Ge is holding back his anger now.

A good plan was ruined by this group of 'Red Flame Army'.

"Bluestone Tribe..."

Lu Ge's face changed, and his body flew out instantly.

He saw the body of the leader of the Qingshi tribe on the battlefield.

What happened to the members of the Qingshi tribe?

Although he was already mentally prepared, seeing the tragic situation of the Qingshi tribe with his own eyes still made his heart boil with killing intent.

Everything in the Qingshi tribe was destroyed.

All the supplies that could be looted have been evacuated, leaving only corpses.

He noticed that those who were killed were old and weak.

There are basically no young adults and children, and they are probably all taken away.

He sighed slightly.

Survival in the world of Jin is still so cruel.

This is the case with the Qingshi tribe, presumably the situation with the Green Vine tribe is similar.

What is this group of 'Red Flame Army'?

Don't the four major legions of the world of Jin care?

Lu Ge is really not clear when he first arrives.

He only knew that the world of Jin was the place where the king of Jin raised his soldiers.

This is a huge world with a diameter of one trillion light years.

Countless spirits are born or die every second.

Here, the jungle of the jungle will survive and the fittest will survive.

In addition to not allowing the true gods of the void to deal with the geniuses of the military trials.

I have never heard of other rules.

"Inquire about the 'Red Flame Army'."

The thousands of avatars that Lu Ge had released before have spread to hundreds of thousands without breaking up.

Some joined the military.

Some join tribes.

Some joined local forces.

In a short while, Lu Ge collected the information of the 'Red Flame Army'.

The "Red Flame Army" are bandits and bandits entrenched in the Misty Swamp.

The bandit leader has eight commanders, all of whom are true gods of the void.

There are 30,000 true gods under the command of the eight major commanders, and the masters of nearly 100 million laws.

Their forces spread over hundreds of millions of kilometers, controlling countless mines, tribes, and families.

The eight commanders are very smart.

Although powerful, they have never challenged the bottom line of the military.

Therefore, there was no large-scale encirclement and suppression by the military.

As for the military's trial mission, it's just a small fight.

The Eight Commanders turned a blind eye.

"Eight true gods of the void? They are really powerful!"

There are only two Void Gods in the universe sea, and two holy places have been established.

In a powerful place in the world of Jin, there are actually eight true gods of the void.

That is to say, the Holy Spirit of the world of Jin cannot appear in the universe sea.

Otherwise, the universe sea would have to be occupied by them.

No, Cosmos Sea is now occupied by Lu Ge. If these guys can really go out, they will die forever.

"Where is it not for experience, I will choose your 'Red Flame Army'!"

Lu Ge looked in the direction of the 'Red Flame Army' with fierce eyes.

His avatar joins various forces.

It is the military that joins the most. After all, the military is the most powerful in the world of Jin, there is no doubt about it.

Lu Ge's main consciousness joined the "Red Flame Army" organization.

The other avatars also joined successively.

These 100,000 clones are all of different races, some are the masters of different beasts, and some are from tribes.

In short, one hundred thousand clones were completely integrated into the 'Red Flame Army' and joined various hilltops.

Soon they showed their talents and became the little leaders of the 'Red Flame Army'.

These doubles are now in the latent stage.

He wants to establish an intelligence network as soon as possible.

With his excellent intelligence network, these clones of him began to emerge.

To survive in a bandit den, one must be ruthless, hard enough, and cunning enough.

The tenth year since Lu Ge came to the world of The corpses of the Lord of Laws and True Gods he provided finally made progress.

After the analysis of the old bull bee and the hive thinking, the experiment.

Finally broke through the perfect gene.

Lu Ge's divine power multiplier has successfully broken through to 12,000 times!

Lu Ge was overjoyed.

Although it was a small breakthrough, it was a big step in his plan.

Prove that this is the right way to go.

This is only the tenth year.

The multiplier of divine power is 12,000 times, which also brought a huge improvement to his strength.

This upgrade is an overall upgrade.

All clones of the Lord of the Universe have completed genetic recombination.

Great progress.

In the huge tribe of the "Red Flame Army", Lu Ge's avatar fought openly and secretly, fighting bravely and fiercely.

Successively made a name for themselves among the gangsters.

Three hundred years passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Ge's avatar basically climbed to the position of the team leader.

He also manages the Lord of Thousands of Laws under his command.

Their current status is all based on their power.

In three hundred years.

Of the 100,000 clones arranged by Lu Ge, eighteen of them fell during the execution of the mission.

This is rare in the 'Red Flame Army' camp where the death rate is extremely high.

A thousand years later.

Lu Ge's avatars all climbed to the squadron leader, the master of the 20,000 laws under his command.

There is no need to think about the captain, he can't be a non-true god.

After lurking for a thousand years, Lu Ge's many avatars have completely established themselves.

It is more ruthless and fierce than the 'Red Flame Army'.

At least to convince the 20,000 bandits under his command.

"A thousand years."

Lu Ge's eyes were stern, and he finally increased the genetic multiple to 15,000 times.

"It took a thousand years to lay the foundation, and now we can finally start something?"

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