MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 306 Zuoshanke, shall we sworn brothers?

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"There is a door!"

Lu Ge was secretly happy.

I'm afraid that the mountain guest will not enter.

As long as he moves his mind, there is a way to win it.

"There are many ways to cooperate, it depends on how you choose."

Lu Ge said in a low voice: "For example, how do you plan to kill the two kings of the 'Shiguo'?"

Zuo Shanke sneered: "You also know that my enemies are two **** kings, do you know what a **** king means?"

He said unceremoniously and contemptuously: "Based on your current power, I am afraid that you will be wiped out before you reach their side."

Although despised.

Lu Ge was not discouraged at all.

"Sitting mountain guest."

He called his name directly: "How many years has it been since you were killed by the two great kings of the food kingdom, and you were reincarnated through the secret method, and came to the universe sea? How many years have passed since you created the lineage of the Yanshen clan, and then you created the lineage of the earth?" Now, how is your progress?"

Zuo Shanke's face was livid.

I wish I could shoot this guy in front of me to death.

This kid specializes in exposing scars.

Since he was reincarnated in the universe sea, he has been making arrangements.

Unfortunately, countless epochs have passed.

There is still no hope of revenge, the enemy is too powerful.

The only thing that made him feel gratified was that the third apprentice, Luo Feng, had indeed good aptitude.

It might be possible to avenge him in the future.

It's just possible.

Vengeance is still far away.

Lu Ge looked at Zuoshanke's expression and knew his mood.

Lu Ge smiled lightly: "You just feel that you don't like my strength now. Do you know how many years I have been using since I came out of the earth?"

He stretched out **** and shook: "Less than 200,000 years!"

When Lu Ge praised himself, he did his part.

Put away a finger: "Attention, I have already dominated the original universe a hundred thousand years ago, and ran across the universe."

"In the primordial universe, my Green Bee organization said nothing, and the Green Bee organization said a word, who would dare to make mistakes among the nine superpowers?"

"The so-called nine superpowers exist in name only."

"If I want, I can wipe them all out at any time, leaving only the Green Bee Organization and the Human Race. You should admit this, right?"

Zuoshanke thought for a while, and let out a heavy cold snort.

have to admit.

The facts are exactly as Lu Ge said.

The Green Hornet organization has actually controlled and dominated the original universe.

Except that the human race is supported by the green bee organization.

The other major forces have basically existed in name only.

The Monster Race, Zerg Race, and Machine Race are now half dead because they are adjacent to the Human Race.

Not to mention losing half of the territory.

Whether the remaining half of the territory can be kept depends on the mood of the Green Hornet organization.

If the Green Bee organization is unwilling.

You can kill them anytime.

The same is true for the Northern Border Alliance, Prison Clan, Crystal Clan and other forces.

All of them Lords of the Universe, Lords of the Universe added up.

I'm afraid it's not even a fraction of the Green Bee organization.

In the primordial universe, the Green Hornet organization was basically invincible.

Lu Ge continued: "In the universe sea, since the first reincarnation of the universe, the second reincarnation of the universe has gradually declined. Except for the Ziyue Holy Land, almost no one dares to follow. Green Hornets is an enemy, you have to admit that, right?"

Only then did Zuo Shanke find out in surprise.

The rise of Lu Ge is really less than 100,000 years old.

It's also horrible.

Although in the following hundred thousand years, the Green Bee Organization did not make any major moves.

But it cannot be denied.

The Green Bee Organization's position in the cosmic sea is more stable.

In the Green Bee organization, mysterious powerhouses emerge in endlessly.

Even Zuoshanke couldn't understand the strength of the Green Bee organization.

"One hundred thousand years..."

Sitting mountain guest's silent heart began to speed up uncontrollably.

He finally began to pay attention to the young man in front of him.

"Lu Ge, I want to hear your plan."

Seeing Zuo Shan Ke started to get serious.

Lu Ge also didn't follow him: "Zuoshanke, you must be able to see that I am now the peak of the master of the universe, and my combat power is comparable to the ninth level. The ordinary universe is not my opponent. By the way, you should Know that in your hometown, the most powerful person in the universe is called the true god."

Zuoshanke nodded silently.

Lu Ge continued: "It is not easy to break through from the master of the universe to the true god. It requires a lot of training and fighting. There are too few opponents in the universe. I need to enter the world of Jin."

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for this.

Zuoshanke did not object.

The world of Jin seems to be the most suitable place for Lu Ge.

"It should be more than a million years before the world of Jin reaches the cosmic sea?"

Zuoshanke corrected calmly: "It's 1.2 million years."

"Okay, my plan is to reach the acme of the Lord of the Universe within 1.2 million years, and when I enter the world of Jin, I will break through to the True God as soon as possible."

Speaking of which.

Lu Ge looked at Zuoshanke and smiled: "You shouldn't be stingy with keeping the good things in Jinzhi World."

Zuo Shanke frowned: "What's your plan?"

Lu Ge got straight to the point. At this time, he didn't need to go around with the mountain guest.


This is the highest inheritance left by Zuo Shan Ke.

"I want this, and although you know it's easy for me to get this, I'd like to take a short cut."

"After all, if you improve your strength earlier, you will be able to take revenge one day earlier."

"As long as you give me the elemental technique, I can reach the peak of the true **** as quickly as possible, and then go to reincarnation."

There was light in Lu Ge's eyes.

"Origin Continent, I have really admired the name for a long time!"

In the eyes of Sitting Mountain Guest.

Lu Ge exuded a different kind of charm all over his body.

Especially when he mentions the continent of origin.

It was like a hungry wolf seeing a lamb.

It is clear that Lu Ge is now as weak as an ant compared to the huge forces in Origin Continent.

But why did he start to worry about those forces.

Lu Ge giggled, the laughter was extremely creepy.

"Zuoshanke, as long as I reach the continent of origin, you will not be far away from revenge."

"Your enemies should start praying now."

"There are not many safe days left for them."

"As long as the enemy I miss, the rest of his life will be spent in nightmares."

Zuoshanke was silent.

He was really moved by Lu Ge.

This guy is really a miracle worker.

Seems impossible.

But if you leave it to him to do it, maybe you can really succeed.

However, Zuoshanke still lacks a little persuasiveness.

Lu Ge also saw it.

He said calmly: "Zuoshanke, can you contact your second apprentice Yanshen now?"

"Why mention him?"

Zuo Shan Ke was obviously very disappointed with this second apprentice.

He gave Lu Ge a cold look: "If I remember correctly, you snatched my apprentice's Flame God Halberd?"

"Hey, that traitor! I'm helping you clean up the door."

Lu Ge didn't blush at all, he murmured to Zuoshanke: "You have a big heart, and you don't care about your character when you teach your apprentice. Do you think that you will be grateful to you if you train your second apprentice?"

"He will not!"

Lu Ge sneered: "He will only complain about your injustice, curse you for giving up on him, and has no gratitude to you as a master..."

Zuoshanke frowned.

He knew that his second apprentice Yanshen was dissatisfied with him, but he didn't believe that guy dared to curse him.

"Don't believe me?"

Lu Ge grabbed Siu Shanke's wrist: "Don't resist, I'll take you to a place."

The strength of Sitting Mountain Guest is now much higher than that of Lu Ge.

If he resists.

Lu Ge naturally had nothing to do with him.

But now he has almost been persuaded by Lu Ge, so he will go.

He also wanted to see what Lu Ge wanted to do.


Zuo Shanke only felt that his eyes went dark, and he lost control of the space.

It's just a millionth of a second, and that's terrifying.

After a millionth of a second, he found that he had left the cosmic sea.

Appeared in the original universe.

"This is the Flame God Continent?"

Sitting mountain guest finally showed a trace of horror.

It was not easy to see this expression on his face.

It is really unbelievable that all this happened.

From the Cosmic Sea to the Flame God Continent in the Primordial Universe.

Even at his speed, through the wormhole, he wants to reach the Flame God Continent.

It will take a hundred years at the fastest.

But just now, he came here from the universe sea in an instant.

Zuoshanke seemed to have thought of something.

He grabbed Lu Ge in shock and said, "If you go through reincarnation and reach the continent of origin, can you do it too?"

Lu Ge smiled: "Although I haven't tried it yet, I believe I can."

Sitting mountain guest gasped.

He really saw Lu Ge's ability.

No wonder he rose up so fast and had such amazing supernatural powers.

He has such abilities.

Isn't it possible to mobilize millions of soldiers at any time.

Not limited by space or distance, you can hit wherever you point.


This kind of opponent is indeed the nightmare of all enemies.

Lu Ge smiled: "Don't get excited, let's find your apprentice first."

at this time.

In the palace where the Flame God was, a banquet was being held.

Yanshen was already drunk.

It stands to reason that with his cultivation base, even if he drank all the wine in a sea, he would not be intoxicated at all.

But if he wants to get drunk that's fine.

After all, if you don't get drunk after drinking, what's the point of drinking?

For ordinary people, wine can solve thousands of worries.

The same is true for Yanshen.

He is quite troubled now, everything is not going well.

Ever since he met Luo Feng and his senior brother, he has been unlucky.

First, he was beaten and snatched away the Flame God Halberd.

Later, it also suffered successive setbacks.

Following the rise of the human race in recent years, the Northern Xinjiang Alliance he belongs to has been suppressed one after another.

The Northern Xinjiang Alliance is stiff because of his relationship with the human race.

Just drive him out.

This made Yanshen furious, if it weren't for the cosmic powerhouse who was more afraid of the alliance.

He is going to turn the Northern Xinjiang Alliance upside down.

Ever since he came back, he's been drinking a lot.

He cursed when he was drunk.

He scolded Luo Feng, saying that he is a treacherous villain who has no respect for his elders and knows no respect or inferiority.

He scolded the City Lord of Chaos, saying that he was narrow-minded and deliberately excluded the loyal and black-hearted City Lord.

He scolded the human race, saying that the human race was the culprit who was ungrateful and made him defect.

He scolded the Northern Xinjiang Alliance, saying that they are a group of poor people who bully the weak and fear the hard, and have no moral bottom line.

He scolded Zuoshanke, saying that he was mean, ungrateful, ill-intentioned, eccentric old thief.

When Lu Ge and Zuo Shan Ke appeared.

It was the time when Yanshen was scolding happily, and he happened to scold Zuoshanke.

The reason why practice is so ingeniously controlled.

That's because the confidantes around Yanshen are all Lu Ge's people.

Under the deliberate guidance of Lu Ge's many avatars, it is so ingenious.

Inexplicably wonderful.

Zuo Shanke's face was ashen, he knew that the second apprentice was dissatisfied with him.

Unexpectedly, it has reached the level of hatred.

The second apprentice wished he could tear himself to pieces.

"I never knew that the apprentices I taught hated me so much."

"Who is speaking?"

Yanshen shook his dazed head, he thought he was having auditory hallucinations.

But the moment he saw Zuo Shan Ke.

Instantly sober up.


He hurriedly stood up and stammered an explanation: "Teacher, things are not what you heard..."

Zuo Shanke was extremely disappointed in him at first, but now he sees him hating himself so much.

A chance to show mercy...

He shook his head and said, "I gave you everything, even if you are so dissatisfied, let me choose to take it back."

Yanshen sensed something was wrong, turned around and ran away.

But in the next instant, his expression changed.

The void around him has completely condensed.

Squeeze towards him from all directions.

With his strength as the master of the universe, he couldn't break free.

An invisible force swept across.

Yanshen's body instantly cleared, and his soul flew away.

Flame God is dead.

There is no need for the entire Yanshen clan to exist.

Just when Zuoshanke was going to destroy the Yanshen clan, he was stopped by Lu Ge.

"How can you say that this is a race that you have spent all your effort to create? It still has advantages. Leave it to me."

Zuo Shanke glanced at him: "Since you want it, I'll leave it to you."

Lu Ge snapped his fingers.

His avatars immediately stepped out to clean up the mess.

Successfully took over the Yanshen Continent.

Lu Ge and Siu Shan Ke returned to the universe sea.

Destroying the Flame God this time was just a matter of convenience.

His main intention is to let Siu Shanke see through his own strength.

Zuoshanke was finally persuaded by Lu Ge.

"Now tell me, how do you plan to cooperate with me?"

Lu Ge smiled: "Hasn't our cooperation already started? As I said before, you should try your best to cooperate with my experience in the world of Jin, so that I can successfully obtain Lieyuanshu."

Zuo Shanke's expression remained unchanged: "That's easy to say, what else?"

"There is also the Nine Tribulations Secret Technique cultivated by Luo Feng, you also give me a copy."

"Don't say that the Nine Tribulations Secret Technique can only be practiced by one person, and it's up to you how many people practice it."

Zuoshanke was very dissatisfied: "You already have the inheritance after dark, why do you need my secret method!"

"Of course it's to get stronger sooner, so that I can avenge you."

Lu Ge looked good for you.

Zuoshanke couldn't beat him, so he had to give him the secret method of the Nine Tribulations.

Lu Ge was satisfied.

"Come on, I'll take you to be a guest on the spaceship."

Lu Ge took the mountain guest directly back to the spaceship.

Today's spaceships are pretty much sorted out.

There is a huge difference between manned and unmanaged time of one hundred thousand years.

Many parts of the spacecraft have been repaired, and many functions have been restored.

It's just that the momentum never came back.

The purpose of inviting Siu Shanke back is to let him work hard and help him repair the power of the spaceship.

After seeing the spaceship, Zuo Shanke readily agreed to come down.

It's not difficult for him.

As long as Lu Ge provides enough materials, it can help the spacecraft recover its power.

Lu Ge was overjoyed.

"Zuoshanke, you are amazing, I have never met you, why don't we sworn brothers!"

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