MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 3 The dreaded 10,000-hour rule

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Cheng Lidong didn't look away until he watched Ah Da open the courtyard of T-91 with his own eyes.

Lu Ge calmed down his killing intent in time and muddled through.

He knew he couldn't do anything here.

This supply point is very important.

For a long time to come, this place will become his material transfer station.

Can't go wrong.

In less than an hour, the staff at the supply station delivered the supplies purchased by Lu Ge.

A dozen or so large boxes full.

Ah Da finished counting them one by one.

The staff handed him three additional phone cards: "Unregistered, five hundred, including one hundred yuan call fee."

The price was fairly reasonable, and Ada paid the bill happily.

The next moment.

Lu Ge's consciousness returned to his body.

Ah Da's supplies have been put into the hive space.

Each of the three splits has a set of combat uniforms.

Each person has a sniper rifle and a machine gun, and the bullets are in the honeycomb space, and they can be taken whenever they need it.

Lu Ge transferred all his skills and knowledge about firearms to the past.

His body hunted monsters in the wilderness for three years.

His marksmanship has long been proficient.

The three split bodies instantly accepted these marksmanship experience and muscle memory.

Their bodies trembled at a small frequency, which was fine-tuning their muscles.

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became sharper.

They have completely inherited all marksmanship related skills and experience.

The three splinters were wearing combat uniforms, each holding a gun, and guarded the small building.

Lu Ge took out a thick military coat and put it on his body.

I ate an energy bar with water.

It was much more comfortable now.

There is one more important thing to arrange right now.

He took out a mobile phone with a new card from the space and dialed a number.

"Which one?"

A cold female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Liu Yan, I'm Lu Ge."

Through the memory of the original owner, he learned that Liu Yan was his child.

At the age of nineteen, both of them became warriors at the same time.

Lu Ge joined the HR Alliance.

Liu Yan chose to join the military, and now he has become a captain, the deputy leader of the military's special operations team in Black Cloud City.

Different choices did not affect the friendship between the two.

"Fart, I'm still working overtime."

Hearing the fiery voice on the other side, Lu Ge pulled out a smile.

"It's nothing, I just miss you."

Liu Yan reacted quickly: "Borrow money? I didn't."

Lu Ge continued to be greasy: "I don't borrow money, I just haven't chatted with you for a long time, and I want to hear your voice."

"Now you hear me, hang up!"

"Wait, I have something to do..."

Lu Ge stopped talking: "I can't go back to the wilderness area now, can you take my sister-in-law and Xiaodunzi to live with you tomorrow for a few days? I can go back in a week at most."

"Is your sister-in-law in trouble?"

"There's a **** with evil intentions, but you don't need to intervene, I can solve it myself."

"Then be careful, I will pick you up early tomorrow morning."

"thank you!"

Liu Yan was silent for a while: "Next time you have something to say, if you dare to tease me, I will give you a discount on your legs."


After hanging up the phone, Lu Ge let out a long breath.

Liu Yan lives in the military compound, which is heavily guarded.

She is also a captain, and her sister-in-law and little niece are safe in Liu Yan's house. No matter how arrogant Xu Jiang is, he dare not mess around in the military compound.

Xu Jiang and Cheng Lidong must be knocked out within a week.

Lu Ge sat cross-legged in a corner with his overcoat on.

He looked down at his two broken legs, and his mood was not as bad as he imagined.

On the contrary, he was a little rejoiced.

Glad to be alive again.

Although the leg is broken, at least it is still alive.

Moreover, this body is young and vigorous, and it is also a high-level fighter.

Feeling the surging vitality in his body, Lu Ge couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Normal people don't appreciate the joy of being born again after a long-suffering illness.

Just lost the legs for a while.

This is a world that devours the starry sky, where everything is possible.

The water of life can do the rebirth of a broken limb.

Although the price of water of life is as high as 30 billion.

But now he has hives and split bodies. As long as he is not impulsive or wasteful, and plans to develop the size of the split body before moving, it is not difficult to collect 30 billion.

Lu Ge began to take stock of useful information on himself.

In addition to his proficient marksmanship, his body also practiced a "Storm Sword Technique"

"Gust of Wind Sword Technique", a C-level sword technique, is divided into three levels, and it can be doubled when practiced to perfection.

It's a pity that the progress of the original body is still spinning on the first floor.

He is not interested in knife skills, and he has very little time to practice.

He put most of his energy into pondering marksmanship.

No matter how small the mosquito legs are, they are still meat.

Although "Storm Sword Technique" is not comparable to "Nine Layers of Thunder Saber", the double increase at this stage is not bad.

The split body should develop in a balanced manner.

Hot weapons are no problem against beast-level monsters at this stage.

After reaching the beast general level, they will be stretched.

Beast-level monsters have strong vitality, and it is difficult to kill them unless they are hit with special bullets.

In the later stage, it mainly relies on improving one's own combat effectiveness, and sword skills and body skills are essential.

Fortunately, now he has a hive consciousness.

Memories and skill experiences can be shared.

For example, this "Storm Sword Technique" is different when practiced by one person and practiced by ten people.

10 splinters used the "Storm Knife Technique" to fight monsters to the death for 3 days in the wilderness area.

Combine them all with muscle memory and skill experience.

Then the achievement and effect of one person practicing for 300 days will be achieved.

How about a hundred split bodies practicing at the same time?

One thousand... ten thousand?

The experience and skills of so many splits come together, plus the legacy of muscle memory.

I believe that it won't be long before the third level of perfection can be practiced in "Storm Sword Technique".

At that time, all the skills and experience of the third level of the Gale Blade Technique will be uploaded to the hive cloud.

The newly exchanged split body can be directly inherited.

This is simply cheating.

Lu Ge had heard of the 10,000-hour rule.

That is to say, a person who concentrates on learning a certain skill for 10,000 hours can become an expert in this field.

In the future, let the split body learn according to the 10,000-hour rule, memory fusion, and experience superposition, then the results will be amazing.

Lu Ge will have more experts in many fields.

But he also knows.

The 10,000-hour rule does not apply to all industries.

There is also a limit to the law of 10,000 hours for the split body to use the crowd tactics.

For example, in some extremely complex subjects, in addition to memory and comprehension and understanding, there is no way to maintain rapid growth.

That is, diminishing marginal returns.

The entire growth process should be linear, and there will be no geometric explosion.

As the total amount of knowledge increases, the difficulty can only increase.

Unless the gene multiple is increased, comprehension and logical analysis ability will be increased at the same time.

Think here.

Lu Ge suddenly thought of the old bull bee.

He tried calling out.

The old bull bee unexpectedly escaped from space and appeared in the real world.

The pitch-black old buffalo was just floating in front of him.

"You need me for something?"

The voice of the old bull bee rang directly in his mind.

"Is there any way for these split bodies of mine, or me as the blueprint, to increase the gene multiple?"

"There is a way."

The old bull bee's answer was extremely concise: "Work hard to earn energy points and exchange for more splits. The more splits you exchange, the more complete the hive will be awakened. It's not difficult to increase the genetic multiple."

"When will it be?"

"When the total number of your splits reaches a certain number, there is a chance to get a lottery."

"I see, thank you."

After clarifying the doubts in his heart, Lu Ge no longer struggled.

His accumulation of knowledge is still far from that bottleneck.

Besides, his main goal now is to improve the combat effectiveness of the split body.

Whether it's body skills or knife skills, you can directly use a lot of muscle memory and experience to pile them up.

This doesn't require much logic and analysis.

The law of 10,000 hours can be hard-stacked into 100,000 hours or even millions of hours with split bodies.

What kind of skills cannot be practiced?

Another key to improving the combat effectiveness of the split body is himself.

The higher his physical fitness, the higher the level of the split body he exchanged for.

Now that he is a warrior level, he can exchange for a warrior level split body.

When he reaches the Warrior level, UU Read Book, then he can exchange all of the Warrior level splits.

When it reaches the God of War level, it will be amazing.

After all, the total number of all Gods of War on the entire earth is less than 4,000.

So the difference now is the speed of cultivation.

Lu Ge thought hard: "How can we increase the speed of cultivation?"

The old bull bee suddenly appeared.

It vibrated its wings lightly: "When the number of your split bodies reaches 108, the hive can evolve into a five-star array."

"The five-star array can increase your cultivation speed by five times."

"The number of splits reaches 10,081, and the hive can evolve into a six-star array."

"Can the six-star array increase the speed of cultivation by six times?"

"you guess?"

Lu Ge was silent for a while: "Can you guess or not?"

"Let's increase the number of your split bodies to ten first, then I will give you a surprise."

Lu Ge was a little excited.

Reaching 108 split bodies can increase the training speed by 5 times.

This hive is amazing!

It just seems that this old buffalo is a little unscrupulous.

According to what it means, in the future, if there are more split bodies, it can be improved.

Wouldn't the level of cultivation be soaring?

The higher the level of cultivation in this world, the longer the lifespan.

Reaching the planetary level, the life span can reach 1000 years.

At the star level, the lifespan can reach one epoch (10081 years)

The following universe level, domain master level, and world master level are too far away, so don't think about it for now.

Then set a small goal for yourself, to reach the star rank first, and live him for 10081 years.

[Lu Ge silently clenched his fist, this should be the obsession of a former terminal cancer patient]

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