MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 285 Lu Ge's feedback

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It's different from those powerhouses in the first cycle of the universe who are running out of time and falling into semi-madness.

Lu Ge was not in a hurry at all.

How many years has he practiced with all his strength?

He has plenty of time to constantly adjust and improve his plan.

The hive mind is also sorting out information about the cosmic sea.

Now we need to improve the map of the spaceship.

He just obtained a map of a spaceship, which is probably larger than the maps that humans have obtained today.

Just in time to go back and exchange as a supplement.

It's not that I haven't thought about buying it with other forces in the universe.

This graph is too expensive.

It doesn't necessarily mean that someone sells it or not, the key point is that this kind of picture can be faked.

The mixture of true and false is the deadliest.

Lu Ge simply extinguished this kind of thinking, it is better to explore slowly by himself.

Although this speed is slower.

At the current pace.

Lu Ge estimates that the avatar team will have about three hundred years to reach the space of the black-grained stone pillar.

He has explored more than 70% of the outskirts of Qingfeng Realm in the past hundred years.

The next step is to go to the inner domain.

There are more goodies in the inner domain.

For top-level treasures, the more he is, the better.

Thousands of clones entered the inner domain of Qingfeng Realm from different directions.

There is indeed more pressure here.

Lu Ge is not in a hurry to explore slowly.

His main consciousness will come when he encounters treasures or secret realms of interest.

The rest of the time he was fine-tuning his formation.

The forces in the universe sea are complicated, and there will be more and more fights in the future.

In addition to the joint attack, the crowd tactics also pay attention to the formation.

Formation combat is more suitable for melee combat.

Lu Ge has studied formation tactics for more than ten thousand years.

He has been studying the formation from the moment he had avatars to the time when he realized the "Mother and Ancestor Chaos Monument" in the initial universe.

Among them, the understanding of the formation of the "Mother and Ancestor Chaos Monument" has been superb, and there are endless changes.

And Lu Geqing is better than Lan because of Lan.

Through the continuous deduction of hive thinking, this change has been developed to the extreme.

At first Lu Ge's goal was 1+1>2

It turned out that this goal was too simple.

Two people have two-person tactics, three people have three-person tactics.

In ancient times, there were a series of formations such as 'two rites formation', 'three talents formation', 'five elements formation', 'eight trigrams formation', 'thirty-six celestial gangs' and so on.

After all, the history is only a few thousand years, and the research on the formation is only superficial.

It's different in the vast universe.

Countless life groups, countless epochs, there are always some amazing and brilliant people bursting out sparks of inspiration.

Lu Ge's avatars lurking in the major ethnic groups, in addition to collecting intelligence and resources.

It will also learn from the wisdom crystallization of those ethnic groups.

Through hive thinking, these knowledge and inspirations are sorted out and integrated, and then applied to actual combat.

Combined with its own conditions to optimize and improve.

The biggest advantage of the formation formed by Lu Ge's avatars is their understanding and incomparable tacit understanding.

No matter how tacit the partner is, it cannot be compared with it.

Now that Lu Ge encounters strong enemies, he usually bullies them with numerical superiority.

Difficult opponents, such as the most powerful in the universe, serve them with combined strikes.

His biggest trump card, the ever-changing array, has yet to be used.

Lu Ge estimated that this day is not far away.

He is not satisfied with letting the 'Green Bee' dominate the primordial universe.

Cosmic sea can also be done.

At that time, more than a hundred forces in the universe sea will be enemies.

Lu Ge's idea is to keep a low profile first, collect resources, and develop strength is the most important thing.

At least 5,000 sets of top-level treasure suits must be prepared first.

Since it is a clone team, it must be neat and orderly.

A team of 5,000 avatars of the cosmic overlord wearing top-level treasure suits.

Enough to sweep across the sea of ​​space.

As long as the true **** of the void does not come out, the most powerful person in the universe who possesses the most powerful treasure will also have to kneel.

Now many forces in the cosmic sea are afraid of the number of cosmic masters in the 'Green Bee Organization'.

But how do they know.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of Lu Ge's avatar.

The more time passes, the more clones there will be.

Fortunately, now Lu Ge is only slowly developing his power, trying to explore the vast starry sky of the universe sea.

Once he wants to do something.

Cosmos Sea will definitely turn people on their backs and jump around like chickens and dogs.

at this time.

The avatar Lu Bu has appeared in Hongmeng's Universe Sea headquarters in the virtual universe.

He wants to talk to the Lord of Chaos.

However, after waiting for a long time, the Chaos City Lord did not appear.

After a long time, a ray of consciousness from the Lord of Chaos came in.

He said that now he was inside Qingfeng Realm and was stopped by a strong man from Ziyue Holy Land.

Finish with that guy first.

Come in after the battle is over.

"Purple Moon Holy Land?"

Lu Ge pondered, Ziyue Holy Land, one of the two holy places?

When he read the original book, he didn't have the slightest impression of Ziyue Holy Land.

The small universe where the Purple Moon Holy Land is located is 21 light-years in diameter.

The ancestor of Ziyue is the true **** of the void.

This made the powerhouses of Ziyue Holy Land extremely proud.

In addition, the master of the universe in Ziyue Holy Land has no threat of an imminent end.

Therefore, Ziyue Holy Land has a natural sense of superiority when facing the powerhouses of the three great reincarnation universes.

Ziyue Holy Land is so arrogant, Lu Ge wanted to go in and have a look when he came to Universe Sea.

However, the entire Ziyue Holy Land is under the control of the Ziyue ancestor.

Any disturbance in the Holy Land cannot be hidden from the ancestor of Ziyue.

Can't get in at all.

Lu Ge just wants to try the master of the universe after being controlled by his soul?

After being controlled by the soul, if you can hide the truth from the Ziyue ancestor, you can successfully enter the Ziyue Holy Land.

Lu Ge has a way to let his avatar spread here.

The Purple Moon Holy Land has experienced one era of reincarnation and the universe, and the family background is very rich.

Wouldn't it be a pity not to go in and beat the autumn wind.

According to the coordinates given by the Lord of Chaos, Lu Ge's avatar that had already entered the inner domain of Qingfeng quickly rushed over.

at this time.

In front of the Lord of Chaos, a golden figure with three faces and eight arms was standing there, and behind him was a phantom of a huge hammer.

The Lord of Chaos City asked: "I don't know you, the strong man of Ziyue Holy Land, do you have to fight?"

"It must be hit!"

The three-faced strong man roared filial piety: "Chaos, you are the target of my trial. If you dare to avoid and not fight, I will kill the strong men of your human race. I will kill every one I see!"

Chaos City Lord frowned: "Then fight!"


He didn't talk nonsense, and immediately started fighting with the three-faced and eight-armed sledgehammer in the Purple Moon Holy Land.

The giant hammer was quite excited.

The giant hammer danced wildly, crushing the void, and cracks appeared one after another.

The Chaos City Lord slapped it out with a palm.

There seems to be a universe in his palm, where various laws converge.

A palm fell, and the giant hammer of the giant hammer expert collapsed and shattered.

Cracks also appeared in the divine body of the giant hammer powerhouse.

He roared: "City Lord of Chaos, you are really powerful, I picked the wrong test object, I can't beat you."

After speaking, the giant hammer turned around and ran away.

The Chaos City Lord didn't chase after him, he had seen this kind of thing a lot.

Because of the reputation.

The master of the universe from Ziyue Holy Land often challenged him.

If it weren't for not wanting to create trouble for the race.

That palm just now killed the giant hammer expert.

The Chaos City Lord let him go.

Lu Ge didn't intend to let it go.

The strong man with the giant hammer ran tens of billions of kilometers, and he had more than a quarter of his heart.

"This Chaos City Lord is more powerful than the rumors. It's a pity that there is only one Chaos City Lord in the human race, and other universe masters are nothing to worry about."


The giant hammer master suddenly noticed that the surrounding void was blocked.

He looked around alertly.

Could it be that the Chaos City Lord is chasing after him? Can't!

There are so many strong people in the Holy Land who challenge the Chaos City Lord.

How did something happen to him.

"Three-faced and eight-armed? Your Ziyue Holy Land's best aptitude is four-faced and twenty-four arms. Your aptitude is really not that good."

"Just use it, who let me touch it."

One figure after another came out of the void.

He stared at the giant hammer like a hungry wolf.

When Lu Ge removed the space blockade, he smiled with satisfaction.

The half-dead sledgehammer who was beaten was controlled by the soul of success.

What he said just now was correct.

Ziyue Holy Land has the best aptitude with twenty-four arms on four sides, followed by sixteen arms on four sides, and finally eight arms on three sides.

The better the qualifications, the more pure the blood.

The resources obtained are even more inclined.

This sledgehammer powerhouse is only three-faced, and his aptitude is definitely not that high.

But it doesn't matter.

Lu Ge just used his identity to enter the Purple Moon Holy Land.

As long as he enters the Purple Moon Holy Land, he can win those world master-level top geniuses.

It's just that I don't know if the Void God of Ziyue Holy Land can detect it.

Give it a try, at worst, you will be discovered and lose a clone.

But he seems to be more confident in the old bull bee.

The avatar that had been seized before had never been discovered.

Including Zuo Shanke, the ancestors of the Star Behemoth Alliance, these top powerhouses.

This time, let's try the Void God of the Purple Moon Holy Land.

At this moment.

Lu Bu's avatar suddenly saw the Chaos City Lord returning to the virtual universe.

The Chaos City Lord grinned.

He rarely seemed so happy.

Chaos City Lord smiled and said: "Lu Bu, there is good news. The creator of the giant axe of our human race has obtained a "giant axe" in the Qingfeng Realm, which is the most powerful treasure. This is a happy event for me as a human being."

For the ethnic group in the original universe.

Xeon Xeon is definitely the treasure of the town.

The creator of the giant ax has never had an Xeon, and this time he finally got an ax-type Xeon, which is even more powerful.

With a satisfactory weapon for the creator of the giant axe, the position of the human race in the original universe will be more stable.

No wonder the Chaos City Lord is so happy.

The situation of the human race is not good.

Every ethnic group has the strongest in the universe.

Especially the Yaozu, they have two cosmic powerhouses, they are extremely arrogant.

Now that the creator of the giant axe has an Xeon, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After being notified by the Chaos City Lord, more than a dozen universe masters appeared in the virtual universe one after another.

Everyone is very happy.

They talked loudly, and their spirits were high, which is a great event for human beings.

The great ax creator was also extremely happy.

He said to everyone: "The news that I got the most powerful treasure is temporarily kept secret, and the strongest effect can be exerted at the best time."

It is deeply believed in many universes.

Although it is impossible to hide the most powerful treasure, it will still have a miraculous effect if it is taken out at a critical moment.

Lu Ge also sat on the long table.

This was the first time he sat at the same table with the creator of the giant axe.

For the creator of the giant axe, this strong man who has guarded mankind for countless epochs.

Lu Ge's heart was also full of respect.

In this life, because of Lu Ge, the creator of the giant axe did not get the fake map, so I don't know if it will fall or not.

If possible, Lu Ge will try his best to help the creator of the giant axe.

The importance of the creator of the great ax to the human race is self-evident.

In the original book, after the news of the fall of the giant ax creator spread.

The monster race, zerg race, and machine race immediately united to launch a war against the human race.

They are not willing to wait a moment.

To destroy the foundation of the human race, get rid of the human race.

In fact, what the masters of the universe just said was wrong.

It's not that the position of the human race in the original universe is unshakable after the creator of the giant ax obtained the most powerful treasure.

In fact, long after the Green Bee Organization was established.

In the original universe, there is no group that can threaten the human race.

It's just that these masters of the universe, including the master of Chaos City, and the creator of the giant axe don't know.

In fact, the Qingfeng organization has always been on the side of the human race.

Even in this life, Lu Ge couldn't stop the creator of the great ax from falling.

The fate of the human race will not change either.

At this time, the creator of the giant ax turned to Lu Ge: "Lu Bu, I heard the Lord of Chaos talk about you. It's very good. Last time you encircled and suppressed the Lord of Yuanao, you made great contributions to the human race."

Lu Ge is also very modest: "You are too much, I am also a member of the human race, and it is only right and proper to contribute to the race."

The creator of the giant ax laughed: "Good job! This is the pillar of my human race."

"By the way, the Chaos City Lord told me just now that you need detailed information on the 'Cosmic Boat'? I happen to have a part here, and I will send it to you now."

Lu Ge was overjoyed: "Thank you! It just so happens that I also have some information on 'Cosmic Boat', and I will pass it on to you right away."

The creator of the giant ax was stunned when he saw the information that Lu Ge sent.

The information Lu Ge gave him was actually more detailed than what he gave.

He couldn't help but said: "This is actually the information on the core area of ​​the 'Cosmic Boat', and it is so detailed, where did you get it?"

Lu Ge smiled slightly: "Coincidentally, I got two inheritances left by my predecessors who wanted to reincarnate in the waters of the Qingfeng Realm, and there was information about the 'Cosmic Boat' was very happy.

The detailed maps and information on the 'spaceship' contributed by Lu Ge are also crucial to the entire human race.

They all congratulated and thanked Lu Ge.

But that's not enough.

Lu Ge also gave a considerable part of the information.

This part is the detailed map and information of more than 70% of the outer domain of Qingfeng Realm.

Don't look at the human race who has been struggling in the universe for countless years.

After all, their number is too small.

How many places can a dozen masters of the universe explore.

Lu Ge got the information of the Chaos City Lord at that time.

Among them, there is only a small part of the outer domain of Qingfeng Realm.

Now he made up the rest.

Lu Ge said with a smile: "I also got these by chance, and now they are all given to the ethnic group for free."

Lu Ge didn't intend to make a high profile.

It is true that the human race cannot give him exciting rewards.

For example, the creator of the giant axe has also contributed freely for countless years.

within our means.

Lu Ge is also willing to give back to the ethnic group, only in this way, the human ethnic group will become stronger and stronger.

For Lu Ge's contribution, the creator of the giant axe was extremely moved.

Finally someone who can take the pressure with him.

The creator of the giant ax is more like the patriarch of the human race. He and the dozen or so masters of the universe guard the human race together.

Until now, there is another Lu Ge.

In fact, he also has some information and maps of other areas.

But it's too shocking to take it out all at once.

It is always more appropriate to slowly hand it over to the ethnic groups in the future.

With the 'cosmic boat' information given to him by the creator of the giant axe, the speed of his avatar moving in the 'cosmic boat' has been accelerated a lot.

It is estimated that it will reach the predetermined space in more than two hundred years.

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