MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 282 How crazy is it? let me see

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The masters of the universe of the Hongmeng all left after the welcome ceremony.

Palace-like treasures also flew away.

Even the Lord of Chaos left after telling Lu Ge a few words.

Come and go.

He was the only one left in the temporary foothold of the huge Hongmeng in Cosmos Sea.

Lu Ge was rather speechless.

The masters of the universe who dominated one side in the original universe looked like wage earners in a hurry when they arrived in the universe sea.

It's just working for them.

The masters of the universe experience in the universe sea is nothing more than looking for treasures and opportunities.

Through the simple welcome ceremony just now.

Lu Ge also understood.

The power of the original universe is the weakest in the universe sea.

The Human Race Hongmeng is still one of the nine top forces in the original universe.

It came to the sea of ​​the universe, but there was nothing there.

The masters of the universe of the Hongmeng must be careful when wandering in the universe.

For fear of encountering a strong enemy.

Especially the lunatics in the first cycle of the universe.

Their time limit is approaching, and they are trying every means to improve their strength, survive reincarnation and survive.

The masters of the universe of the Hongmeng generally hide from them when they see them.

In the cosmic sea, if the forces in the original universe meet.

Even hostile forces such as the human race and the demon race would not fight to the death if they did not **** the treasure.

But when you meet a strong person in the first reincarnation universe, or the second reincarnation universe.

It is very likely that there is no end to death, even if there is no treasure, no contradiction.

This is the cosmic sea.

A place full of danger and falling at any time.

"Is the original universe the weakest?"

Lu Ge smiled, he didn't care about this.

Although the situation in the universe sea is chaotic, the primordial universe is in decline, and the human camp is at the bottom.

so what?

This is the cosmic sea, and there is no need to take into account the supervision of the original will of the original universe.

Lu Ge can throw off his arms and do a big job.

Are the masters of the universe in the first cycle of the universe all lunatics?

It's best not to provoke yourself.

He ruled madmen.

There are ways to wake them up.

crazy? Packed too lightly!

The masters of the universe in the first reincarnation of the universe are strong, no matter how powerful they are, can they be stronger than the strongest in the universe?

Nine battle clones can kill a universe powerhouse head-on.

Does he still care about these masters of the universe?


The Lord of Chaos took Lu Ge to meet the Lords of the universe of these Hongmeng.

Also say hello to them.

Pull Lu Ge into Hongmeng's special channel in Universe Sea.

A communication channel for the virtual universe.

The masters of the universe of all races have such an agreement.

Once you encounter an irresistible and powerful enemy and cannot escape.

You can call for help through the virtual universe.

If the nearby Master of the Universe sees it, they will immediately rush to support it.

This is also the means by which they improve their survival rate.

This is the kindness of the Lord of Chaos.

He didn't want Lu Bu to fall into the universe sea prematurely.

Although Lu Bu has Xeon armor protection.

But it can't stand the madness of the first round of cosmic powerhouses.

In fact, the Lord of Chaos was too worried.

It would be nice if Lu Ge didn't bother them, except for their Xeons.

Whoever provokes Lu Ge among these masters of the universe will die.

Who can stand up to gang fights.

All the masters of the universe in the first cycle of the universe combined do not have as many clones as Lu Ge.

What's more, in the vast universe, it will take a long time for them to gather together.

Lu Ge is different.

He has hive space and is not subject to any restrictions.

In an instant, hundreds of masters of the universe can be called to surround and beat each other.

Under normal circumstances, Lu Ge would not take the initiative to find fault.

Making a fortune in a low-key manner is the last word.

Let's search for those dilapidated mini-universes first.

I just heard about it.

There are more than 10,000 dilapidated small universes that can be observed in the cosmic sea.

The powerhouses in the cosmic sea are nothing but treasures and the raw materials for making treasures.

They don't care about other resources at all.

Mainly because I can't afford to waste that time.

A dilapidated small universe is only 100 million light-years in diameter.

It is not as simple as rushing to search the space with a diameter of 100 million light years.

That requires careful searching, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

Fortunately, Lu Ge has countless avatars, which come in handy.

He sent out to eat the treasure hunting brigade, and only after entering those small universes would he summon the army of clones.

Lu Ge has plenty of time now.

You can slowly rummage through small universes, one small universe after another.

As for Lu Ge himself, he has already set foot on the mountain of Qingfeng Realm.

Now look around at the surface of Qingfeng Realm.

Familiarize yourself with the environment first.

Although there are more treasures in the inner domain of Qingfeng Realm, it is also more dangerous.

After adapting to the periphery, it is not too late to choose to enter the interior.

After several teleports.

Lu Ge came to the halfway up the mountain in Qingfeng Realm.

The periphery of Qingfeng Realm is divided into airspace and waterspace.

The so-called airspace refers to the flying large celestial boulders surrounding the Qingfeng Realm.

Airspace is relatively safer.

After all, for countless years, those large celestial boulders have been explored countless times.

There has been nothing good for a long time.

The powerhouses of all forces will not waste time on these celestial boulders.

They prefer to explore the waters of Qingfengjie.

The so-called water area is the water area formed by the waterfalls impacted by the peaks of the Qingfeng Boundary.

The waters of the three major Jedi in the cosmic sea will never be the same as the waters of the original universe in his impression.

The waters in Qingfeng Realm are extremely terrifying.

The water area here is extremely wide, with a diameter of hundreds of millions of light years, which is almost as large as a universe country of human beings in the original universe.

There are also dangers in the waters.

Every drop of water is like a star, and when a huge wave is set off, it is very terrifying.

But the Lord of the Universe can bear the weight in the waters.

Lu Ge has read the information given by the Lord of Chaos.

There are still a lot of treasures hidden in the outskirts of Qingfeng Realm, that is, in the waters.

But to find these treasures, in addition to strength, you also need a certain amount of luck.

Lu Ge quietly entered the water.

He quickly adapted to the harsh environment here.

One after another, battle clones appeared around.

For the first time, a total of 3,000 battle clones were summoned, and they entered the waters to explore.

Once encountering any danger, Lu Ge will know it instantly.

The water area in Qingfeng Realm is too large.

Lu Ge and three thousand combat clones explored below for a year.

He didn't even meet a single foreigner.

He also didn't meet the strong in the original universe.

The waters below are indeed dangerous, and his avatar has encountered trouble several times.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

Lu Ge never encountered any of the treasures in the waters.

None of the more than 3,000 battle clones was encountered.

If you haven't read the original.

Know that there is a great deal of treasure in it.

Lu Ge wondered if all the treasures in this water area had been taken away.

Although no treasure was found.

Lu Ge found the materials used to make the treasure.

Although it is only the most basic material, it is in the Qingfeng boundary waters, one of the three great Jedi.

These materials are of high purity.

Especially in large quantities.

Lu Ge's avatar unceremoniously dug up all these materials.

He also has other avatars practicing forging weapons on Craftsman Star.

Of course, more of this fine material is better.

The better the material, the better the weapon will be.

Now Lu Ge's avatars in charge of forging are making rapid progress.

They have no problem forging ordinary treasures.

Even Lu Ge can make these avatars forge satisfactory products according to his own requirements.

Even the most basic material for forging a treasure is extremely expensive.

Lu Ge was very satisfied.

He found that the deeper the water, the more material it contained.

Lu Ge simply expanded the number of these clones to 30,000.

These 30,000 people are all top cosmic overlords.

If it weren't for the immortal level clone, it wouldn't be able to withstand the enormous pressure in the waters.

He insisted on mobilizing billions of immortal clones to cover the entire water area.

Now I can only use these top cosmic overlord clones to hunt for treasure...

There is great power in numbers.

The efficiency of treasure hunting with 30,000 clones is much higher than that with 3,000 clones.

Just when Lu Ge was hunting for treasure here, he was having a great time.

The leader of the Hongmeng organization, Luo Fan, was in trouble.

He is also in the waters of Qingfeng Realm.

But accidentally broke into a first universe era, a trap set by the master of the universe of the one-horned desolate bull tribe.

The surrounding space is blocked.

There was no way he could escape.

The Lord of Luozhen was very anxious, he knew the guy who set up the trap.

The lord of the one-horned desolate bull clan.

The one-horned desolate race was originally one of the most powerful races in the era of the first universe.

The Lord of Desolation is even more famous.

This is a famous madman, extremely crazy.

Once you encounter it, you will never die.

However, the Lord of Desolation is extremely powerful, and the ordinary Lord of the Universe is no match at all.

Even if there are two masters of the universe, they may not necessarily be able to beat the master of the wilderness.

The first reaction of the master of Luofan was to find ways to escape.

It's a pity that this place is blocked, and it is impossible to escape in a short time.

And a terrifying opponent as huge as a mountain appeared.

The Lord of Desolation stared at the Lord of Luofan with a little excitement.

"I have been waiting for a long time, and finally a prey came to my door. In the era of the third universe, a strong human race in the original universe, the Lord of Luofeng, I have your information here."

The Lord of Luozhen tried his best to keep himself calm.

He was alert and ready to fight.

While whispering: "Lord of the Desolation, we don't have any hatred, I have never offended you, and I don't have any treasures on me now, so you don't have to keep fighting with me."

The Lord of Desolation shook his head and said, "You blamed me wrong!"

His demeanor was somewhat ferocious.

"Perhaps the other strong men are here to block the road and rob, to kill geniuses, but I am not, I am purely for killing, this is my way!"

"I don't have much time left. Only by driving you masters of the universe to a dead end will you show some real skills. I hope you don't let me down."

The Lord of Luofan was extremely anxious.

He has already seen the Lord of Desolation approaching step by step.

He would definitely not be able to beat a top-notch master of the universe like the Lord of Desolation.

As early as when I was delaying the time just now.

The Lord of Luozhen has already sent a distress signal through the virtual universe.

All the masters of the universe in the Hongmeng League of the universe have received distress letters.

In the depths of Qingfeng Realm, the Lord of Chaos City is escaping a fatal crisis in an extremely dangerous manner.

He also saw the distress letter in the virtual universe.

The Lord of Chaos City frowned: "The Lord of Luofan unexpectedly met the Lord of Desolation in the First Universe Era? This is troublesome."

Only he can restrain the Lord of Desolation.

But now, he is in the depths of Qingfeng Realm, and he will not be able to go back for a while.

When he rushed back, the day lily was cold.

"Lord Luozhen, I can't go back, I hope others can help you, hold on."

Among the masters of the universe of the human race, many of them, like the masters of the chaotic city, cannot return to special places.

They were also worried for the Lord Luofan.

But the distance between each other is too far, beyond reach.

I can only hope that the members of the alliance near the Lord of Luofan can come to the rescue in time.

The Lord of Luozhen is not too unlucky.

After he sent out the distress signal, a Lord of Yue Qi who was relatively close to him saw it.

The strength of the Lord of Yueqi is about the same as that of the Lord of Luofan...

He is also more afraid of the Lord of Desolation.

However, if he could join forces with the Lord of Luozhen, he might be able to escape.

"Go over and have a look first, save if you can, and withdraw if you can't."

Similarly, Lu Ge in the waters of Qingfengjie also saw the distress signal.

"It's all about making trouble for me."

The Chaos City Lord pulled him into the universe sea channel of the virtual universe.

Let him call for help in times of crisis.

But he can't use it at all.

But the Chaos City Lord and the other universe masters of the human race have a good starting point.

And Lu Ge believed it too.

If he is really in danger, he will send out a distress signal in the virtual universe.

The Lord of the Universe nearby will surely come to his rescue.

This is called hugging for warmth.

"It's not far away anyway, I'll go and have a look."

"I'd like to see who this Lord of Desolation is, who actually set traps on purpose to hunt and kill my strong human race."

Lu Ge rushed over aggressively.

He also had an idea in his mind.

First weigh the strength of the Lord of Desolation and see where the gap is between them.

It is said that the Lord of the Universe in the first reincarnation of the universe era is powerful.

Then he had to experience it for himself.

How strong is it.

At this time, within the domain controlled by the Desolate Lord.

The Lord of Luozhen is desperately fighting for his life, or running for his life.

But the space is so big, there is not much room left for him to move around.

"The Lord of Desolation is a lunatic!"

The Lord of Luozhen was extremely angry, why did he meet him.

The Lord of Desolation laughed wildly and chased after him.

"Lord of the human race, you can't escape!"

The attack of the Lord of Desolation twisted the starry sky, and even the void was collapsing.

There was a loud bang.

The Lord of Luozhen fell out again, and his physical strength dropped by 6%.

Although the body of the Lord of Luofan is also huge enough.

But he couldn't stand the terrifying attack of the Lord of Desolation.

The Lord of Luofan ran for his life while desperately recovering his divine power.

He was extremely anxious.

At this time, only 60% of the divine body remained.

If it goes on like this, he will surely perish here.

But the space blocked by the Lord of Desolation was so strong that he couldn't open it at all.

The Lord of Desolation was not in a hurry at all, and he was not worried that the Lord of Luofan would be able to escape.

It's like teasing him on purpose.

The Lord of Desolation's attack is full of tricks, and various secret techniques appear in turn.

The divine body of the Lord Luofan plummeted.

In desperation, he received a reply from the Lord of Yue Qi: "Luo Fan, I'm sorry, I can't break the blockade of the Lord of Desolation, I can't get in, I hope you are safe and sound!"

The heart of the Lord of Luofan sank to the bottom of the valley.

It seems that the Lord of Desolation has been plotting for a long time, and even the Lord of Yue Qi can't break through his sealed space.

Who else can save him?

The Lord of Desolation laughed wildly: "Who else can I call? I let you call whatever you want, and no one can save you."

Lord Yue Qi, who was outside the blocked space, was extremely frustrated.

He watched helplessly as his companion was killed inside, but there was nothing he could do.

This feeling of powerlessness is extremely uncomfortable.

At this time, Lu Ge arrived.

"Lord of Yueqi? What are you doing here?"

The Lord of Yue Qi looked up and found that it was Lu Bu who had arrived.

The joy on his face suddenly froze, Lu Bu is a newcomer.

He sighed: "Master Peerless, there is no way, the blockade of the Lord of Desolation is too strong, we can't get in."

Lu Ge suddenly laughed: "How strong is it? Let me try!"

Lu Ge could tell at a glance.

The space blockade of the Desolate Lord borrowed a top-level treasure in the domain category, plus the fusion of space secrets.

It is not difficult to get rid of it.

Also use top-level treasures of the field category to collide to offset the opponent's bonus.

But Lu Ge didn't intend to do this.

The Yan Shenhalberd was raised high, and it was smashed down viciously.

"Open it for me!"

With the loud rumbling noise, a terrifying wave enveloped the entire blocked space.

An extremely strong field blocked by the Lord of Desolation.

Lu Ge used the Yanshen Halberd, and it was blown away like a pushover.

"Lord of Luozhen, go this way!"

The Lord of Luozhen only has 10% of his divine body left, and he is in despair.

I heard Lu Ge's voice as usual.

He felt incredible.

Unexpectedly, it was this newcomer who saved him.

The Lord of Luozhen escaped from birth.

It was too late to thank Lu Ge, and he was about to run away with him.

Unexpectedly, Lu Ge stayed behind.

"You go first, I will stay and meet the Lord of Desolation."

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