MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 280 enter the cosmic sea

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don't look

"Qingfeng Organization?"

Lord Sirius said these words slowly word by word.

The Master of Humor also stood beside him nervously.

Looking at the blood-colored ocean all around, and one strong person after another slowly walking out.

They understand even if they are dull.

The guy named Lu Bu from the human race in front of him is related to the Qingfeng Organization.

It was the Qingfeng organization that killed the miracle worker.

Jiang He smiled: "It's not too stupid, you two were very arrogant when you grabbed something from me just now."

Lord Sirius said unwillingly: "You have already taken the tomb of the black god, what else do you want?"

"not enough!"

Jiang He simply expressed his attitude: "I give you two choices, first, hand over all the treasures on your body, and second, kill you, and we will take it ourselves!"

"Threat us!"

The Lord of Sirius was furious, with madness in his eyes.

He and the Lord of Humor are both capable fighters in the Monster Race.

The dignified master of the universe was actually threatened.

The master of humor broke out in a cold sweat looking at the many strong men looming in the sea of ​​blood.

The powerhouses of Miracle were all killed by them, let alone the two of them.

The Qingfeng Organization is a group of bandits, they already knew that.

A total of 100,000 star fields were taken away by the Qingfeng organization from the monster race, the machine race, and the Zerg race.

Relying on their powerful strength.

But their strength has improved too much.

More than 10,000 years ago, there was no way to deal with the strongest beings in the universe who attacked them.

Now it can actually kill the strongest in the universe.

Look at your current situation.

If the Qingfeng organization wanted to kill them, they couldn't escape at all.

If you don't want to be killed, you can only obey the other party's words.

The Lord of Humor and the Lord of Sirius looked at each other.

The Lord of Sirius said in a deep voice: "What are we, I can give it to you, but the soul gem and devil vine are the treasures of the old monster, so I can't give it to you."

Jiang He shook his head lightly: "You have no room to bargain, what I want is everything."

He glanced at the soul gems and devil vines that exude powerful fluctuations: "Old monster, since you are willing to lend you these two treasures, you should be mentally prepared for this. It is not your responsibility if you can't protect them."

"My patience is limited, speed!"

The Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Humor were forced to hand over their treasures.

The Heavenly Wolf Hall of the Lord of Sirius, the Vajra Bracelet of the Lord of Humor, and many other treasures on his body.

Including the equipment on their bodies and the weapons in their hands.

Don't let go of everything.

More importantly, they also handed over the old monster's soul gem and devil vine.

The Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Humor are bleeding from the heart.

Hundreds of millions of years of hard work, once back to before the rise.

All valuable treasures on him were taken away.

How do you explain to the old monster when you go back?

Jiang He, who was full of harvest, was in a good mood: "Go away, don't worry about my backlash, I want to kill guys of your level, it's easy."

"keep it!"

The blood-colored sea in the sky suddenly shrank.

Re-transformed into nine powerful fighters like a cloud of masters.

Under the gaze of a group of strong men.

The Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Humor didn't even have the guts to speak harshly.

Get out of here first.

Jiang He was behind them, and said calmly: "Go back and tell the old monster that our Qingfeng organization took the things. If he wants to have an opinion, he can ask for it himself!"

Lord Sirius felt sour.

If the Breeze Organization hadn't killed the Miracle Creator before.

Maybe the old monster will come to the door and ask for his signature treasure.

However, the miracle creators who were as powerful as the old monsters were all killed.

The old monster may not have the guts to come to the door.

The guys organized by Qingfeng are lawless. If the old monster comes to the door in person, it is very likely that he will not come back.

The same trick can only be used once.

If this time, the Yaozu wants to hire the lone cosmic powerhouse to deal with the Qingfeng organization.

There may not be any strong men in the universe who dare to take this order.

Even his own Heavenly Wolf Hall was lost, the Lord of Heavenly Wolf was extremely depressed.

In fact, he didn't know that when Jiang He was staring at the Heavenly Wolf Hall.

The Heavenly Wolf Hall no longer belonged to him.

Even if Qin Shihuang hadn't happened this time, Jiang He would have done it sooner or later.

The confidants around Lord Sirius, as well as the backbone of the clan, are basically Jiang He's avatar...

But he is the master of the universe.

The monster race, machine race, Zerg race, and their affiliated life groups are also facing the same situation.

Jiang He's avatar sneaked in everywhere.

Many lords of the universe, overlords of the universe, and confidantes around the Venerable Universe have all been replaced by Jiang He's avatar.

Therefore, Jiang He is really not afraid of what the Yaozu will do.

As for the old monster.

Does he have the guts to ask for it? If he dared to come, he really wouldn't want to go back.

The two signature top-level treasures of the old monster are quite good.

Whether it is the soul gem or the devil vine, they all have great power.

Especially when the two cooperate, they can produce unexpected effects.

Jiang He could completely give these two treasures to the same avatar to use.

In addition to these, no matter the Heavenly King Hall of the Lord of Sirius, or the Vajra Bracelet of the Lord of Humor are good things.

He is the biggest winner in this encirclement and suppression of Qin Shihuang.

I got the black **** tree, all the treasures of the miracle creator, the two signature treasures of the old monster, and all the treasures of the Lord of Sirius and the Lord of Humor.

Many of the masters of the universe who participated in this operation have left, and many are standing in the distance to watch the excitement.

Seeing that the Qingfeng organization even dared to hack the old monster's signature treasure, I was in admiration.

These members of Qingfeng organization are crazy.

And a powerful lunatic.

Try not to provoke them in the future.

After all, this place is still deep in the space mezzanine.

Jiang He quickly flew out with nine combat clones.

He couldn't wait to count the treasures left by the miracle creator.

But before that, he still has some things to do.

That is to fully take over the twelve continents left by Qin Shihuang.

Suddenly, he frowned.

He himself, who stayed on the twelve continents, has already discovered the rapidly approaching Master of the Universe.

Jiang He instantly understood that he was not the only one paying attention to the twelve continents.

After all, the diameter of the smallest of these twelve continents is several light-years.

Coupled with the countless life groups above, this is a continent of treasures.

Although many of the Lords of the Universe are detached from the outside world, it is impossible not to pick up such a huge bargain.

Even if you don't have time to manage the twelve continents, it would be a huge sum if you sell them off.

After realizing that someone is making up his mind.

Jiang He simply passed through the honeycomb space and teleported there in one step.

He stands in the void beyond twelve continents.

He looked indifferently at the dozen or so universe masters who were approaching quickly.

He knew all these guys.

There are Zerg, and there are Prison. There are also members of the Crystal Clan, and even a few strongmen from the Northern Xinjiang Alliance and the Jiuyu Alliance.

Seeing Lu Bu, he stopped outside with the nine fighting clones.

Many masters of the universe also stopped.

The cosmic lord of the Zerg race said with a charming smile, "Master Peerless, why did you block my way?"

The Master of the Universe of the Zerg race naturally hated the Qingfeng Organization.

Because of the Qingfeng organization, the Zerg also lost a large amount of territory.

If the Lord of the Universe of the Zerg is allowed to face the Qingfeng Organization alone.

He definitely didn't dare.

But now behind him are strong men from various ethnic groups and forces.

No matter how arrogant the Qingfeng organization is, does he dare to offend all life groups and superpowers at the same time?

Jiang He can see through the small plan of the Lord of the Zerg universe at a glance.

He calmly smiled and said, "Of course there is a reason for stopping you. Have you seen the twelve continents behind you? Our territory, if you go any further, it will be an illegal invasion."

"Your territory?"

The Lord of the Zerg universe sneered, "As far as I know, those twelve continents are the private property of Qin Shihuang. Now that Qin Shihuang is dead, those twelve continents will be shared equally with us."

The voice just fell.

Many masters of the universe responded one after another.

"That's right, Qin Shihuang is dead now. These two continents are unowned, and we should divide them equally."

"Qin Shihuang committed suicide, and was not killed by your Qingfeng organization. The relics left by him should be shared by us organizations that participated in the encirclement and suppression."

"You organized it easily, and kept saying that these twelve continents belong to you. Do you have any evidence?"

Jiang He paused, then laughed: "If you want evidence, that's easy."

After speaking, Jiang He lightly snapped his fingers.

"Are you all carrying large detectors? Go and see for yourself, and see if this is the Dark Continent, is it ours?"

Everyone snorted coldly.

After turning on the detectors again, the detectors carried by the Lord of the Universe are naturally the top ones.

Jiang He let them approach.

Under the action of the detector, the situation of the twelve continents can be seen in a panoramic view.

Seeing that the twelve continents are so prosperous.

The masters of the universe are even more envious. These twelve continents are not only large in size, but also have many life groups. They are good places.

But then, their expressions changed.

After Jiang He snapped his fingers.

The twelve continents seem to have received some kind of order.

Village after village, city wall after city, including the mortal countries one after another, almost all raised a flag.

That is the banner of Qingfeng Organization.

Almost instantly, endless flags were flying on the twelve continents.

Discovered by many observant masters of the universe.

Not only that.

There are also very obvious marks engraved on the armor of the German army in some mortal countries.

That is the logo of the Qingfeng Organization's pattern after it has been shrunk.

Many masters of the universe looked at each other in awe.

They looked at Jiang He in disbelief.

How did this guy do it?

Have these twelve continents really been captured by the Qingfeng Organization in advance?

A command can make twelve huge lands move at the same time.

All mortal kingdoms and countless life groups all move in unison.

The flags of the Qingfeng Organization flying side by side have already explained the problem.

These twelve continents were really organized by Qingfeng.

Now that these twelve continents have masters.

The Lords of the Many Universes no longer insisted.

After all, for the sake of these twelve continents, it is really not cost-effective to be an enemy of the Qingfeng Organization.

What's more, this matter is extremely scary to think about.

When did the Qingfeng organization take these twelve continents.

According to their information, these two continents were the private property of Qin Shihuang from beginning to end.

Could it be that the Qingfeng organization was already laying out a long time ago?

However, Qin Shihuang obtained **** from Universe Sea and brought it back, which is a recent event.

Qin Shihuang just brought **** back to the original universe.

The original consciousness of the original universe, as well as the powerhouses of the universe of their major ethnic groups, sensed it.

This is something that happened only recently.

Could it be that the Qingfeng organization is a prophet?

Or is it a coincidence.

It would be too scary if it was a coincidence, and the realization didn't make any noise.

Although there are wars in the twelve continents.

But the signals to the outside world are all their internal belief wars.

How could it have evolved into the territory of the Qingfeng organization without anyone noticing.

Apart from these twelve continents, has the Qingfeng Organization extended its hand to other places?

Many masters of the universe feel more and more that the Qingfeng organization is unfathomable.

"It turns out that these twelve continents have been taken by you a long time ago, what a bother!"

The Lords of the Many Universes do not make any entanglements.

Get away immediately.

Jiang He stood where he was, and sent them away with a smile.

After all the masters of the universe disappeared, the smile on the corner of Jiang He's mouth gradually faded.

These life groups and all forces will be shocked by this.

Jiang He could almost guess it.

After they go back, they will definitely check all the sites under their flag.

To prevent penetration by the breeze tissue.

However, they are doomed to find nothing.

Those middle and high-level people who were controlled by Jiang He's clone and seized their homes could not find any flaws at all.

As long as Jiang He is not activated, there is no task for them.

Their, their usual living habits, and soul breath are exactly the same as before.

It doesn't make any difference.

Not leaving any clues at all.

These hidden avatars of Jiang He will only play their due role when Jiang He uses them.

Otherwise, it is usually just gathering information.

Something happened here, and all the masters of the universe have left the secret realm of Qiankun.

But Qiankun Secret Realm is doomed not to be restored to the past.

Qin Shihuang died.

His three soul slaves also died.

Jiang He didn't plan to keep the other universe lords, the so-called main gods, and those immortal gods.

Almost at the same time, they were all killed by Jiang He's clones.

He needs no captives, nor their surrender.

What he wants is a clean twelve continents.

In addition to counting the harvest, the next step is to manage these twelve continents well.

Because of the special location of Qiankun Secret Realm.

Jiang He intends to manage these twelve continents well, using this place as one of his bases.

Still pretty good.

Qiankun Secret Realm This is where all the empires of the twelve continents are already under his control.

In addition to these empires, there are many life groups.

It has been said before, because of Qin Shihuang's inaction.

Let the number of lives on these twelve continents seriously exceed the standard.

As a result, among the countless beings on these twelve continents, the one with the highest cultivation level will also reach the Universe Venerable.

Although the twelve continents are also killing continuously, the number of life groups has always exceeded the standard.

The first thing to do is to reduce the number of lives on the twelve continents.

According to Jiang He's calculations, at least a 50% reduction should be required.

Only then can the normal density of life groups in the fish be restored.

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