MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 274 Lu Ge, Hardworking and Get Rich

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Atuman's cultivation base is increasing at a terrifying speed.

The ninth-order peak of the domain master level!

In a short period of time, he went directly from a rookie at the fifth level of the star level to a master at the peak of the ninth level at the domain master level.

According to the strength standard of Yuanao Secret Realm.

He should already be a legendary powerhouse by now.

On the continent under your feet, once you become a legendary powerhouse, you can build your own lord country.

The first generation head of the Tulip family is a saint (universe level)

The Tulip family only produced that saint (cosmic level).

Since the death of the Patriarch, there has never been a saint (cosmic level).

Today, the Ziyanlan family, the rival of the Tulip family, relies on the fact that there are two saints (universe level) in the family.

That's why the Tulip family was brutally wiped out.

After narrowly escaped death, Atuman escaped with difficulty with his young master.

Unexpectedly, when the mountains and rivers are at an end.

His cultivation has actually risen to the peak of the legendary ninth rank in an instant!

It was like a dream.

Legendary class! What a powerful force!

Atuman just exerted a light force, and the armor made of hundred-forged steel on his body instantly shattered, like a paper lake.

In the next instant, Atuman soared into the sky.

Suspended in the sky like a god, he suddenly roared: "I have become a legend!"

Then he flew back to Lu Ge and said excitedly: "Master, have you seen it? I have become the pinnacle of legend now, and we can take revenge."

The young master who was hiding in the sea of ​​consciousness was dumbfounded.

He saw with his own eyes how Atuman was promoted from the star rank to the ninth rank of the domain master rank in just an instant.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

If Atuman possesses legendary strength, then he can really take revenge.

Lu Ge looked at the excited Atuman and just smiled.

This is just a reward from him to this loyal warrior.

To integrate into this world, he needs every entry point.

This point is very good.

According to the force level of Yuanao Secret Realm.

Everyone from the first to the ninth rank becomes a knight, and the ninth rank knight is equivalent to a star rank.

Only by becoming a saint can one break through to the universe level.

The domain master level is legendary.

The world master level is a demigod.

Immortal level can be called a god.

The universe venerable class is called the main **** here.

The Lord of the universe is the unique Supreme God, the Lord of Yuanao.

The reason why Lu Ge came here ahead of time was because of these twelve continents.

After all, the diameter of each of the twelve continents in Yuanao Secret Realm is 3 to 10 light years.

This is already quite a large landmass.

The Yuanao Secret Realm belongs to the Lord of Yuanao, and it is a private territory~

The master of Yuanao's negligence in management made Yuanao's secret realm so chaotic and its level so low.

If it is left to him to take care of it, it won't take long for this mysterious place to be transformed into a treasured place of geomantic omen.

According to the records in the original book, the Lord of Yuanao must die.

The moment he brought back that 'strange thing' from the Universe Sea, his fate was sealed.

The original will of the original universe let him die.

The various alliances and forces of the original universe also let him die.

Even the mastermind behind Yuanao Lord wanted him to die.

It's going to be a carnival.

At that time, the Ancestral God Sect, the Alliance of Star Beasts, the six peak races, the Northern Border Alliance, and the Nine Realms Alliance, these top forces in the universe will all participate.

No anti-theft novel network

They will unite to kill Yuan Ao's master and **** that 'wonderful item'.

Not only that, as long as you can dedicate your strength in the process of killing the Lord of Yuan Ao.

You will be rewarded with the will of the original universe.

All races that made contributions to killing the Lord of Yuanao will be favored by the original will in the next period of time.

The cosmic energy within the racial territory will increase to a certain extent.

Children born during this period will have higher talents~

Therefore, the Lord of Yuanao is destined to be a tragedy.

It was entirely his own fault, and the Lord of Yuan Ao deserved no sympathy.

There is also a conspiracy involved in the death of the Yuan Ao Lord.

In the future, the fall of the creator of the giant axe, the only supreme being of the human race, will be related to the death of the Lord Yuanao.

Lu Ge has no friendship with the creator of the giant axe.

Just relying on the giant ax creator to protect mankind for hundreds of millions of years, you can't watch him die.

This time, because of Lu Ge, the tragedy of the creator of the giant axe may be avoided.

Since the lord of Yuan Ao must die, the twelve continents in the Yuan Ao Secret Realm are ownerless.

How could Lu Ge, a person who knows how to live a life, not be tempted.

Coming here early this time is to let my avatar occupy twelve continents.

In order to prevent other forces from robbing themselves at that time.

At this time, after the pleasant surprise, Atu came back to his senses. Who gave him his all-powerful abilities?

He seemed to have heard the young master's voice before.

He asked incredulously: "Master, is my strength bestowed by you?"

Lu Ge smiled slightly: "Atuman, just now, I awakened the memory of my previous life. I was a **** in my previous life, and now I have regained my strength."

A Tuman's eyes widened in an instant: "The young master was actually a **** in his previous life? Now he has awakened his memory and regained his strength.

? "

Atu was ecstatic, he didn't have the slightest doubt.

If the young master is not a god, who can have such a penetrating ability?

Make him an instant legend.

At this time, the space with a radius of one million kilometers is still imprisoned.

Except for the two of them, everything else is still.

Now with Lu Ge's strength, his strength, and with the help of domain-like treasures, he can cover the entire continent.

Lu Ge snapped his fingers.

The space confinement is lifted.

The hundreds of dragon knights woke up like a dream, they had no idea what happened.

When imprisoned, they do not feel the passage of time.

I just felt a blink of an eye.

They continued to roar wildly, rushing towards Lu Ge's master and servant.

However, they never dreamed of it, just in what they thought was a blink of an eye.

Everything has changed.

With a wild growl, Atu blatantly charged into the dragon knights.

Tigers join the sheep!

In front of a domain master-level ninth-level peak powerhouse, this group of star-level dragon knights has no power to resist.

Hundreds of dragon knights were slaughtered in an instant.

"Come on, let's get revenge now."

Lu Ge promised the boy that he would avenge him.

Say what you say.

The two turned around.

Before they were hunted down.

Now, Lu Ge came back with a murderous attitude.

Their goals are clear.

Go straight to the base camp of the Ziyanlan family, a city built on a high mountain.

There are two saints in the Ziyanlan family, so powerful that they dominate one side.

In fact, it wasn't just the Tulip family that was wiped out this time.

There are several other smaller clans without saints.

Seeing Lu Ge and Atuman appearing outside the city, the star-level leader guarding the city immediately recognized them.

"Aren't those two remnants of the Tulip family? How did they fall into the trap?"

"Where did the dragon knights who chased them go?"

Lu Ge came to kill people, so he didn't bother to talk nonsense with them.

He just gave a look, and Atuman rushed out.


The city wall collapsed, and the bones of the leader below the city were all gone.

To take revenge, they should do it themselves to have a good time.

Among those who were massacred in the Tulip family, many were close relatives and friends of Atuman.

He had hated Ziyanlan's family for a long time.

Lu Ge gave him a chance to vent.

How could the guards of the Purple Flame Orchid family be legendary ninth-order peaks.

This is unilateral massacre and crushing.

Only the Ziyanlan family was killed until blood flowed into rivers and heads rolled.


With a roar of fury, the two saints of the Ziyanlan family finally appeared.

They looked at the countless dead and injured clansmen, and they were furious.

"Who are you? Is there some misunderstanding?"

The two saints are aloof, they don't know Lu Ge and Atuman at all.

I just can't figure out when he provoked a legendary master.

Atuman's eyes were already red.

But at this moment, he also stopped, staring angrily at the two saints of the Ziyanlan family.

"Two old things, so that you can understand that this is the young master of our Tulip family, and we are here for revenge!"

"Tulip Family? This is impossible!"

The faces of the two saints of the Ziyanlan family changed drastically: "The Tulip family doesn't even have a saint, where did the legendary master come from!"

At this moment.

Lu Ge said calmly: "Atuman, don't talk nonsense with them, kill them all."

They're just two cosmic-level rookies, and Lu Ge really doesn't have time to chatter with them.

"Yes, master!"

Atuman let out a roar, and killed the two saints of the Ziyanlan family.

How could the two of them be Atuman's opponents.

In a panic.

One of the saints of the Ziyanlan family shouted loudly: "You can't kill me, our family has already surrendered to God Disa!"

"If you kill us, God Disa will definitely not let you go."

The Ziyanlan family actually turned to a god?

A Tuman hesitated for a moment.

The power of the gods has penetrated into the bone marrow, and they can't afford to provoke them now.

Lu Ge sneered: "God Disa? Frighten me with a military master-level immortal, kill!"

A Tuman gritted his teeth suddenly, although the spirit was terrifying.

But the young master said he wanted to kill, so he must kill.

Only two puffs were heard, and the two saints of the Ziyanlan family were killed.

This immediately caused a catastrophe.

When a strong man from the Ziyanlan family was about to die, he laughed maniacally and said, "It's over for you, if you dare to kill the saint of our family, we have already reported it to God Disa, you wait to die."

"Going to the sky and entering the earth, the entire continent will have no place to hide for you, and you will surely die."

Atu looked at Lu Ge in a panic: "Master, we have offended a **** now, what should we do?"

Lu Ge looked around with his hands behind his back.

He said calmly: "Why panic? Soldiers come to block you, water comes to cover you, don't forget your young master, I am also a god."

A Tuman suddenly realized, and puffed up his chest again.

"That's right, the young master is a god, so there's nothing to be afraid of."

"The Ziyanlan family has committed a heinous crime, kill them all and avenge the family."

In Yuanao Secret Realm, Lu Ge didn't have the slightest mercy.

It is impossible for him to take these twelve continents without bloodshed.

He should use the method of thunder to win quickly.

God Disa is just a military master-level immortal within tens of billions of kilometers.

After taking him down, the site will be established here.

In a vast temple.

God Disa, who radiates golden light all over his body, is listening to the reports of his servants with endless majesty.

He controls the three empires within a range of tens of billions of kilometers, and they are constantly fighting.

Disa enjoys the feeling of being in control.

When the time is right, drop a little divine power.

These mortals will crazily believe in him, treating him as an omnipotent god.

At this moment, God Disa frowned suddenly.

He had just received news that a small family that had just taken refuge in him had been wiped out.

There are countless families who believe in him, and he doesn't even know which Ziyanlan family is.

However, destroying the family that believes in him is tantamount to challenging his divine power.

It is necessary to establish his majesty by means of thunder.

He looks around.

Eight burly men with a height of more than three meters were sitting on both sides.

These are his eight personal disciples.

Each of them is a demigod, and they represent the majesty of his **** Disa on weekdays.

God Disa said coldly: "A small family called the Ziyanlan family has been exterminated. Go and find out who is provoking Shenwei, kill them all!"

As soon as Disa Shinhwa's voice fell, he heard the last eight disciples laughing: "It's gone, it's gone, a small Ziyanlan family, who cares."

He looked at God Disa foolishly: "I said, for the sake of a small Ziyanlan family, you let us go for a trip, don't you take us seriously? Why don't you go by yourself?"

As soon as the words fell, his seven senior brothers were all dumbfounded.

I couldn't believe my ears.

Little junior brother can say such disrespectful words.

Immediately, God Disa's face became gloomy, and a terrifying divine power pervaded the entire hall.

A cold murderous intent enveloped the Eighth Disciple.

"Old Ba, do you know what you are talking about?"

The eighth apprentice picked his ears: "I know, I mean, have you sat enough in that seat? I want to sit too."

God didn't wait for Disa to be furious.

Suddenly, a cyan light instantly enveloped the entire hall.

The other seven apprentices of God Disa sat there without moving.

God Disa was terrified.

He found that he couldn't move, even with all his strength, he couldn't move a finger.

He watched his eighth disciples helplessly, and slowly adjusted to stand in front of him.

"Who are you?"

God Disa understood that the person in front of him was definitely not the Eighth Disciple.

The feeling he gave himself was even more terrifying than the main god.

Lu Ge shook his head: "You don't need to know so does a dead person ask so much, let me see what is in your memory."

A terrible spiritual power enveloped God Disa.

He didn't even have a chance to resist.

His eyes became dull in an instant, and he was controlled by Lu Ge.

Now Lu Ge's spiritual power and his achievements in illusion.

Even if it is the overlord of the universe, it is difficult to escape his spiritual illusion.

Not to mention the immortality of this army leader.

God Disa's memory was opened in front of Lu Ge, allowing Lu Ge to search.

Sure enough, no surprise.

There is also the main **** Chiyan above the **** Disa.

Moreover, God Disa is the soul servant of Lord Chiyan.

There are more than 300 immortal gods in the continent under Lu Ge's feet.

There are two main gods in total, that is to say, there are two Universe Venerables.

One of them is the main **** Chiyan, and the other is the main **** Huixie.

The two main gods are divided into two camps.

The relationship between the two camps is hostile, and terrible **** battles often break out.

Now, as long as Lu Ge kills this God Disa.

Then Lord Chiyan would know instantly.

But who cares.

With a snap, Disa's soul dissipated.

Hundreds of millions of miles away, there is a rolling volcano.

In the center of the volcano, there is a towering temple suspended.

The main **** Chiyan is here.

"Who killed God Disa?"

The Lord God Chiyan was angry, and God Disa was his soul servant, who could send him information at any time.

But the last information he got was that one of Disa's disciples rebelled, and he didn't know what happened next.

Lord Chiyan fell into deep thought: "Even if Disa's apprentice breaks through to the gods, it is impossible to control Disa all at once. Could it be that the main gods from other continents have come?"

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