MTL - Infinite Clone: ​​I Am Invincible In Devouring Starry Sky-Chapter 266 pass smoothly

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Infinite Clone: ​​I'm Invincible in Devouring Stars Chapter 266 Successful Pass

Starry Sky Mountain.

The holy place of the Starry Sky Saint Beast Alliance.

The area where the Starry Sky Mountain is located belongs to the starry sky core.

There are also extraterrestrial chains and inner star chains outside.

Don't even talk about foreigners coming in, they can't even find out.

Under the leadership of the three cosmic masters of the Starry Sky Holy Land.

Lu Ge finally set foot here successfully.

Until now, his plan was only half successful.

This is also a crucial step.

Lu Ge looked up at a dark mountain range in the distance.

The height of that mountain range is several light years, and the length is several times the height.

The Venerable Universe who led the way proudly introduced to Lu Ge and others: "Have you seen it? That is the sacred mountain of our starry sky behemoth, and the greatest ancestor of our starry sky behemoth lived there!"

There was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes: "Come with me, brothers who return from wandering outside, have to go to the holy mountain once, where you will be assessed. As long as you pass the assessment, you will be our real clansmen."

"Assessment?" Lu Ge asked.

"That's right, it's the assessment!" The venerable said: "Before wandering wanderers have reached the immortal level, they are easily taken away by those powerful foreign races. Some foreign races with clever methods cannot even be identified by us."

"But our Starry Sky Mountain can do it. No matter how clever the foreigner's methods are, they will show their original shape in front of the Starry Sky Mountain."

Lu Ge's heart trembled slightly.

He has confidence in these avatars of himself, and it is not difficult to pass the identification of Shenshan, but the difficulty is the ancestor of the starry sky behemoth.

Luo Feng's seizing the house fit well enough, he passed the assessment of Shenshan, but he was recognized by the ancestor at a glance.

Not close to the mountain yet.

Huge figures flew out of the sacred mountain one after another.

The Venerable who led the way laughed and said, "The brothers from Shenshan have come to welcome us."

The number of starry sky behemoths in the universe is very rare.

Lu Ge has never seen such a large number of starry sky behemoths.

The voices of many starry space behemoths sounded in the starry sky at the same time: "Welcome home, brothers wandering in the universe."

Lu Ge's ten clones were immediately surrounded by these starry sky behemoths.

The clansmen of the starry sky behemoths are few in number, and they are very united.

Every member of the same race who has wandered in the universe for tens of millions of years and successfully broke through to the immortal level will be brought back.

So for these brothers of the same clan who have just been brought back, they will show quite enthusiasm.

There have been no new members of the Star Behemoth Alliance for thousands of years.

Unexpectedly, ten of them came back at once this time.

Seven giant beasts with purple figurines and three giant beasts with golden horns.

But obviously, the three golden-horned behemoths are their heads.

"Brothers, let's get to know each other, my name is Venerable Mountain Bearer!"

"My name is Venerable Tuiyun."

"My name is Venerable Radium."


Many starry sky behemoths introduced themselves enthusiastically.

Seeing this, Lu Ge's three golden-horned behemoth clones also began to introduce: "My name is Tu Zun, he is Biao Zun, and that one is Zun Zun."

"Haha, Venerable Tu, Venerable Biao, Venerable Killer, I've heard about you. On the primitive planet, you have made face for our starry sky behemoth alliance!"

Lu Ge said modestly: "I'm really ashamed, I rescued the seniors of the Kui clan in time, otherwise our brothers will be in danger!"

"That is also a great hero. Ten of you dare to challenge the Prison Clan Alliance. Two masters of the universe and a hundred thousand venerables will encircle and suppress you, and you can even kill hundreds of venerables. It's amazing!"

"Haha, the brothers we came back this time are all good, and all of them are geniuses."

"Isn't the Prison Clan Alliance just relying on the number of people? This time the brothers have returned home, and we will go together in the future!"

"Brothers come back for the first time, the ethnic group will definitely focus on training, and they will be stronger in the future!"

Lu Ge also had a smile on his face. He could feel the enthusiasm and joy of these starry sky behemoths from the heart.

No adulteration or pretense.

No matter how indifferent and bloodthirsty they are to alien races, they are very united within the Star Beast Alliance.

This is the intimacy that comes from the blood.

In addition, these starry sky behemoths are basically brought back from the universe.

They have wandered alone in the universe for tens of millions of years, and the huge sense of loneliness made them attach great importance to the relationship between the same race.

Even if they just met, it doesn't prevent them from being life and death brothers.

"Let's go, brother, let's go to Shenshan to accept the assessment."

"Don't be nervous, every brother who comes back from wandering outside has to go through this process."

These starry sky behemoths took Lu Ge's ten behemoth clones and flew towards the dark starry sky mountain in the distance.

The vast and boundless starry sky mountain is divided into multiple areas.

After all, the starry sky behemoth also has twelve peak bloodlines and other branches.

Each ethnic group has its own living area, as well as a space for common activities and exchanges.

Lu Ge noticed that many tall palaces were built in these areas.

These palaces are larger than those of all ethnic groups that Lu Ge has ever seen.

After all, if you want to accommodate this body, which can easily travel thousands of kilometers, you won't be able to let it go if it's too small.

Came to the mountain.

Lu Ge's clone was separated.

Purple Chrysalis Behemoth Clone Go to the group of Purple Chrysalis Behemoths

The Golden Horn goes to the clan of the Golden Horn.

The golden-horned behemoth clone was taken to the front of a palace with a height of hundreds of millions of kilometers.

This is the palace where the master of the universe of the golden-horned behemoth family, the master of the golden horn, resides.

Lu Ge saw it at a glance.

This palace is actually a treasure of the palace category.

Palace treasures have always been very popular among the masters of the universe.

For example, the Sirius Hall of the Lord of Sirius.

Lu Ge had already regarded the Sirius Palace of the Lord of Sirius as his possession.

The time is not yet ripe, it is only a matter of time.

Now the confidants around Lord Sirius are all Lu Ge's avatars, so they don't worry about him running away at all.

"Welcome home, children of the Star Behemoth!"

As soon as he entered the palace, Lu Ge heard a vast voice.

He raised his head and saw two extremely huge figures a million kilometers away.

They are the two masters of the universe of the Golden Horned Behemoth Clan.

For other groups of starry sky behemoths, each group usually has a master of the universe.

As for the family of golden-horned behemoths, there are two of them.

They are the Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuan Mie respectively.

The two masters of the universe looked at Lu Ge's three golden-horned behemoths.

They also showed shocked looks.

"No wonder you will make the Prison Clan Alliance feel ashamed, what a powerful divine body, probably stronger than the overlord of the universe."

"Wandering in the universe can reach the current state, it is not easy, it is a genius of my golden-horned monster clan!"

The Lord of Xuande even laughed happily: "Great, with their three talents, it is a sure thing to step into the Lord of the Universe. The five masters of the universe, the only one among the giant beasts in the starry sky!"

But then he frowned again: "The seven little fellows of the purple figurine monster clan who came back with you, are their talents comparable to yours?"

Lu Ge replied honestly: "They are comparable, and their talents are also very strong."

The Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande exchanged glances.

The Lord of the Golden Horn sighed: "Why is the Lord of the purple figurines so lucky? Seven geniuses come back at once. Doesn't it mean that they will add seven Masters of the Universe in the future, which will surpass us."

Seeing this, Lu Ge smiled lightly and said, "The two masters of the universe, when we were wandering in the universe, we once saw five brothers of the golden-horned behemoth family, but they did not go to the original planet, and they are probably still there In which secret realm?"

The eyes of the Lord of Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande suddenly lit up: "Can you still contact them?"

"Yes, when they come out of the secret realm, they will definitely be able to get in touch."

The Lord of Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuan Mie laughed loudly: "Great, bringing them back in the future will be counted as a great achievement of yours."

With the Golden Horn Beast and the Lord of Xuande, Lu Ge's three Golden Horn Beast avatars easily passed their assessment.

Officially became a member of the Star Behemoth Alliance.

However, Lu Ge did not relax. After all, the real test is still with the ancestor of the starry sky behemoth.

Ordinary starry sky behemoths return from wandering in the universe, and the assessment of the master of the universe with their own group is enough.

However, Lu Ge's three outstanding avatars of golden-horned behemoths might be received by the ancestors of the starry sky behemoths.


The Lord of Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande paused at the same time.

Then the Lord of the Golden Horn smiled and said: "Son, you are lucky. The ancestor wants to meet you in person. Whether you can benefit from the ancestor depends on your own abilities."

"It doesn't matter if you can't get it!" The Lord of Xuande said: "Our Golden Horn Behemoth Clan also has a lot of resources, whether it is inheritance, or secret law, as well as the amplitude of the divine body and the amplitude of the soul, etc., keeping them will greatly increase your strength. !"

small book booth

Lu Ge said gratefully: "Thank you two masters of the universe!"

He is really impressed.

Whether it is in the virtual universe company, or in the Hongmeng, or the Ancestral God Alliance, including other alliances in the universe, there are similar treasures.

If you want to obtain these treasures and inheritances, you must exchange them for points or contribution points.

Alliance of Star Behemoths is not.

They will be completely open to them according to the aptitude of these starry sky behemoths.

The Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande personally led the three clones of Lu Ge to meet the ancestor.

Lu Ge tried his best to calm down his excited heart.

The ancestor of the starry sky behemoth, that is "the strongest in the universe."

He is a strong man on the same level as the creator of the giant ax among the human race, and the mysterious mountain sitter.

Lu Ge has never seen a strong man of this level.

Led by the Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande, they flew directly to the top of the Starry Sky Mountain.

At the very top of the Starry Sky Mountain, there is a huge and incomparably large palace suspended.

At the gate of the palace, there stood twelve mighty cosmic overlord behemoths.

These twelve cosmic overlord behemoths are the twelve peak bloodlines from the starry sky behemoth alliance.

The Twelve Guards had obviously received the order from their ancestors long ago.

They respectfully said: "Lord of the Golden Horn, Lord of Xuan Mie, please come in, the ancestor is already waiting for you!"

Lu Ge could feel the majesty from this palace, which was more terrifying than all the top treasures he had ever seen.

Even now with his cultivation base, he can feel trembling.

It is worthy of being the treasure used by the strongest in the universe, it is really powerful.

The Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuan Mie stood respectfully after entering.

"I have seen the ancestor!"

The palace is like a vast void.

Lu Ge didn't even see where the ancestor was.

Just here, a head thousands of kilometers away slowly protruded from the void.

Lu Ge himself has a clone of the Sea of ​​Nine Nethers, so he was not very shocked by such a huge divine body.

What shocked him was the breath of the ancestor.

The three golden-horned behemoths leaned down at the same time, respectfully saying: "Meet the ancestor!"

The ancestor's gaze began to sweep over the three golden-horned behemoth clones.

Lu Ge could feel that the ancestor's gaze swept over every inch of his flesh and blood, meridians, from genes to soul, and carefully checked everything.

Lu Ge tried his best to calm his mind.

Let's see if we can make it through this time.

After a long time, the ancestor said slowly: "The Golden Horn Behemoth Clan is doing well this time, and they have found three real geniuses! This is also the luck of our Starry Sky Behemoth Alliance!"


The Lord of the Golden Horn quickly said: "These three children are really good. They can raise their divine bodies to the level of the overlord of the universe when wandering in the universe. Facing the 100,000 universe lords of the Prison Clan Alliance and the two masters of the universe Encircle and suppress, and even kill hundreds of venerables on the other side, ruthlessly showing the limelight for our starry sky behemoth alliance!"

The Lord of Xuande also said: "Yes, the ancestors, when we two were at their level of cultivation, we couldn't reach this level. This is the strongest genius in the history of our Golden Horn Behemoth Alliance!"

The ancestor nodded slowly and said: "I understand what you two are thinking, and I will personally train these three little guys!"

The Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuan Mie were overjoyed: "Thank you, the ancestor, our Golden Horn family must thank you!"

They turned their heads and said to Lu Ge's clone: ​​"Tu, Biao, and Lu, this is the luck of the three of you, you should seize the opportunity and try your best to improve your strength, understand?"

Lu Ge was moved in his heart, the two masters of the universe of the golden-horned behemoth family really treated him well.

The three clones nodded at the same time: " We understand!"

Only then did the Lord of the Golden Horn and the Lord of Xuande leave satisfied.

In the huge palace.

The ancestor looked down at Lu Ge's three clones: "It's really good that the three of you can bring seven giant purple figurines to deal with the Prison Alliance for so long in the original star, and you can also kill more than a hundred of the other's universe lords!"

"Our starry sky behemoths have never been stingy with their geniuses. I will let you enter our most important inheritance treasure land to learn 100,000 epochs. If you can meet my requirements by then, I will reward each of you with a treasure set !"

Lu Ge was overjoyed immediately, that's why he came here.

The ancestor continued: "Don't be too happy, if you can't meet my requirements by then, you will be trapped there forever."

Lu Ge's three avatars only felt the scenery in front of them change.

They appeared in a strange space.

He can keenly sense that the flow of time here is different from that outside.

The time flow here has reached an exaggerated 10081 times.

In other words, he has practiced here for more than 10,000 years, and only one year has passed in the metaverse outside.

A treasure land of cultivation that speeds up ten thousand times.

There is no such secret realm in the human race.

Even the ratio of the time flow rate between the Chaos City in the original universe and the original universe is only about 3:1, which is far from normal.

Lu Ge looked into the distance.

He saw forests, lakes, mountains and rivers, and the huge statues of beast gods.

Those are the legendary eight natural beast gods!

Lu Ge's most important goal! +Bookmark+

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