MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 439 437. Potion

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   Chapter 439 437. Potion

  Every time before getting Fox's feathers, Jon actually thought about whether there would be a day in the future when the feathers on Phoenix's body would be bald.

   As a result, when he turned into a phoenix, he would also face this problem.

   The form of the Animagus is of course based on the transformation of all parts of the body when the wizard is in human form, including the moment the magic is completed, some decorations worn by the wizard will be integrated into the transformation. The most typical is that after Mag turns into a tabby cat, there is a circle of glasses-like patterns around the cat-shaped eyes, which is a fusion of specific items.

And the feathers on Jon's body after he became a phoenix are actually all kinds of body hair in human form, most of which are hair. It will really show the state of a bald man.

Just when Jon was thinking about whether plucking too many feathers would affect the growth of his hair in the future, Lily's figure suddenly appeared beside him, holding a trembling older man in her hand witch.

  Jon stood up from the ground immediately, and Lily immediately grabbed Jon's arm after meeting him, and led him away from this place quickly.

   "How is Petunia's family?" Lily grabbed Jon's arm with one hand and dragged the older wizard with the other, asking in a cold voice.

  Jon quickened his pace to keep up with her.

"I have already sent them back to Lyon and handed them over to Professor McGonagall. Sure enough, I encountered a problem at their house. Three Death Eaters came to the door to find them. I killed one, caught one and finally ran away. Then I Give the captured one to Professor Lupine, and they estimate that they will be able to extract a lot of information from his mind soon."

   After quickly walking away from the meeting point where they were before, and temporarily confirming that no one else followed Lily's apparition trail, Lily grabbed the wizard and warned Jon.

   "You wait for me here first, I will send him back to France, this person still has a lot of information to ask."

  Jon nodded immediately, and then he watched Lily and the wizard disappear before his eyes again.

In the last period when Voldemort controlled the British wizarding world, the entire UK was under the apparition monitoring of the Ministry of Magic. If you want to use transnational apparation magic, you must submit an application to the Department of Magical Transport, and everything is done privately. The act of apparating across borders is illegal.

  Aurors with serious circumstances will directly follow the traces left by apparation to foreign countries. Even pure blood will accept the Ministry of Magic's interrogation and explain the reason when he returns to England.

And now, because the Triwizard Tournament has just ended, the current Voldemort has also carried out a major shake-up of the top management of the Ministry of Magic, which has temporarily paralyzed the basic work of the Department of Magical Transport. The extremely manpower-intensive work was temporarily put on hold.

  Of course, such news is unknown to the magic people outside, and there are obviously some internal channels in the Wuping Line.

   Didn't keep Jon waiting long, Lily reappeared by his side after ten seconds.

  Her body looked dusty, as if she had just walked out of a construction site, and it was only at this time that she had time to use a cleaning spell on herself to clean up the dust.

   Not in a hurry to talk about their experience today, Lily took Jon to the central street of the town and found a restaurant to have their first meal today.

In order to catch up with time during the day, they didn't have a serious meal. Originally, Jon could actually have a meal at the Dursleys' house, but unfortunately, when he first arrived at noon, the relationship between the two parties was not very happy, so the meal It didn't work out.

   Waiting for the food to be served and no one else around, Lily ate and exchanged with Jon what she had gained today in a low voice.

"I found out that the supplier of Snape's alias, Prince, used to buy potion materials, that is, the wizard I just sent to France. He has a batch of materials necessary for Prince's identity every year. Table of contents."

   "Did you find that catalog?"

   "We almost found it, but the materials are too messy. Without further clues, it is impossible to tell what kind of potion he wants to refine, but there is one thing I can probably guess."

   Lily's eyes flickered.

   "Before, he had been making some kind of very important potion for his master."

   Jon thought about it.

   "Why do you say that?"

"If he prepared these materials for himself, there is no need to use a false identity to find a third-party material supplier. He used to be the vice-principal of Hogwarts Castle, and he also worked part-time at Pure Blood Academy. Potions Professor, with his position and relationship, he can use Hogwarts resources to obtain these materials, which will be more convenient and cost-effective."

"But now he is in the role of Prince, which means that he doesn't want or someone wants to keep him from being noticed by others. The refining of this potion has something to do with Snape. And we saw this morning When he was him, he also said that when his master reacted, he would take the initiative to come to him. The only person in the UK who is qualified to order him to do this is his master. But because of this trio Because of the Tournament, Voldemort had changed inside himself. He didn't know the importance of Snape to him at first, but now he finally realized that no one but Snape could help him refine that kind of The medicine he needs."

"So when we were at Snape's house, he had someone conduct a second investigation there, and it happened to coincide with us. Today, when I traced Prince's identity, I was also with a team of Death Eaters. The gangsters have met, and they have obviously discovered Snape's identity."

  Jon nodded thoughtfully, and he asked along Lily's train of thought.

   "So what we need to figure out now is, what kind of potion did Snape concoct for Voldemort before? How could it make him so slow-witted and unable to get rid of it?"

  Lily didn't answer Jon's question. While drinking the creamy onion soup in the bowl, she recalled the list of ingredients she saw in the evening, and she remembered every suspicious ingredient on it.

  So if these materials are refined into a potion, what kind of potion is it that Voldemort can't get rid of and that only Snape can make?

  (end of this chapter)