MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 437 435. Dismemberment

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  Chapter 437 435. Dismemberment

  Petunia closed her eyes tightly trembling all over, and she also helped Dudley who had been frightened into a fool to blind his eyes.

  Among the three members of the Dursley family, only Vernon didn't close his eyes, and then he saw the blood-red scene!

In his eyes, he just saw Jon dodging Nott's second green light beam with his extremely dexterous body skills, and at the same time waved the small wooden stick in his hand, and then chanted an unknown spell .

   Another Death Eater who was still standing had a light shield reflecting blue light shattered!

  Then the eyes hidden behind the iron mask showed disbelief, his body began to separate from the waist, blood plasma, intestines, and internal organs spewed out!

   And on the originally clean and flat wall behind him, there was a huge cut mark!

As he grows older, at the age when his 16th birthday is about to pass, the strength of magic in Jon's body has grown to more than 80% of that of a normal adult wizard. And the superposition of the strength of the two-handed spellcasting made his sharp front Wuying exert more than twice the normal power!

  The Iron Armor Curse temporarily released by the Death Eater had no possibility of resisting it, and was directly dismembered on the spot!

Vernon looked at this scene with a terrified face. At this moment, his brain went blank. He just flashed through the actions of waving a bat and picking up the phone to say that he was going to call the police when he just met Jon. I feel like I have wandered between life and death countless times today!

   Then his stomach turned upside down, and he began to hold his neck and bow his head to vomit.

  Jon is disgusting too.

  He has really restrained himself. Since the Killing Curse can affect people's mind unconsciously, Jon has been restrained from using the Death Curse since this morning.

  Although Shenfeng Wuying is also black magic, but the degree of blackness is definitely far from the level of the three unforgivable curses, so he doesn't have much scruples when using it.

   But based on the current result, in terms of affecting the mind, he always feels that Shenfeng Wuying is not as friendly as the civilization brought by Avada Kedao.

Jon still had time to think about this, and Nott, who was connected to put pressure on him, gasped and was shocked to find that three minutes ago, three people broke in strongly, a three-on-one situation, but now there is only one left. He is still standing alone!

  Especially the way of death of the dismembered Death Eater was unbearable for a normal person, even Nott, who was usually evil, could not accept such a cruel and **** scene.

  He had already started to retreat in his heart, and if he ran away, even if Voldemort punished him later, as long as he didn't die, he would admit it!

Many Death Eaters have heard of Jon's name, but for such a student who is only in school, even if he has such a brilliant record, most of them still maintain an attitude of indifference, thinking that A student who is less than fifth grade in a magic school, no matter how good he is, how good can he be?

   Now, I don’t know what others think, but at least Nott knows that students in magic schools are different from each other!

   Then, he used Apparition!

   Without any hesitation, just when Jon was about to point his wand at him again, his body twisted, and the next second, he disappeared into the Dursleys' house.

This old guy's apparition speed is surprisingly fast, and he can even chant spells silently, and he didn't even think about bringing the teammate who was lying on the ground with the stun spell, which made Jon feel anxious for a while. Haven't reacted yet.

But it doesn't matter if one escapes. It is impossible to hide the fact that someone in France came here chasing Snape. Jon is not afraid that his identity will be discovered by the British magic world. After learning the Animagus of the Phoenix , he can be said to be the most unlikely wizard in the world to be killed, and also the least likely to be caught.

   If he could really focus the attention of these Death Eaters on himself, it would be like helping Lily on the other side a lot.

  Jon didn't let Petunia and the others open their eyes, but dragged the unconscious Death Eater to the Dursleys' side.

   "Continue to close your eyes, take the things you packed up, and when I tell you to open your eyes, open them again."

  Vernon, whose face was pale, also tightly closed his eyes, and then Jon snapped his fingers, and his whole body lit up with golden-red light!

  He turned into a bird with bright red feathers, but the bird's size and appearance were still a bit young, obviously because it had only died once, and the resurrection had not yet reached adulthood.

   But this does not prevent Jon from using the abilities that Phoenix should have normally.

  He stood on Petunia's shoulders, the light on his body enveloped the Dursley family of three, and finally disappeared completely in place with their luggage!

   "Prince? Yes, that's the name."

  The wizard sitting in front of Lily is obviously not in a normal state, he said with a dull expression.

   Lily looked at him blankly, and continued to ask her own questions.

   "So he has purchased many kinds of precious materials from you?"

   "He is a big customer, every year just after Christmas, he will buy a batch of designated potion ingredients from them." The wizard replied.

   "Do you have a directory for this potion material?"

   "Yes, it's in the second drawer of the cabinet in my room."

  Lily didn't rush to get the material catalog, but continued to ask in a low voice.

   "Recently, has anyone else asked you about the name Prince?"

  The wizard answered quickly.

   "Yes, just two days ago, they hid their identities, but I can see that they are already very powerful in the magic world, and that kind of cloak is not something ordinary people can buy."

   "Did you tell them everything you know?"

   "No, I don't know."

   When answering this question, the wizard obviously hesitated, but Lily could see that he wasn't hesitating whether to say it, but really doubted the memory in his mind.

   "I probably didn't tell them, but I seemed to sleep that day, and then those people disappeared."

   Lily looked deeply at the businessman in front of her who was in charge of selling some precious and scarce potion ingredients. The information he said now had obviously been explained to another helper two days ago.

   It is even doubtful whether the material catalog still in his drawer is the original version!

   Tomorrow, the update time will be adjusted, one chapter will be updated around 1:00 noon, and one chapter will be updated around 6:00 pm. I hope to maintain such a healthy update state in the future


  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion