MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 429 427. Do it if you can

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  Lily's two counterattacks limited the trouble they might encounter in Knockturn Alley to this time.

  Other people who are ready to move can see that this is not easy to mess with the mother and child.

   The Unforgivable Curse is by no means low-end magic. Not to mention that normal magic schools do not teach higher-level black magic at all, and learning channels is a big problem. Even if there is a way to learn it, wizards who can really use it successfully and exert its effects are rare, and most of these people are concentrated among the Death Eaters under Voldemort.

   And Lily directly cast Cruciatus twice without saying a word, plus she dared to bring her child to the notorious Knockturn Alley so boldly at such an age, a fool can guess that this is a difficult problem to provoke.

   After that, Jon and Lily did not encounter any trouble in Knockturn Alley.

  Until they came to one end of Knockturn Alley, they reached a road section that was as dirty as the wooden shed area in front of it, but there were several open shops.

  Lily chose one of the most inconspicuous shops, which looked more like a simple wooden shed than a house.

  She took Jon and opened the rag that was used as the door and walked in. Inside was a small room filled with various bottles, jars, and strange things.

During Jon's time in Durmstrang, in addition to the three Unforgivable Curses, he also studied a lot of other knowledge related to black magic, coupled with the influence of many forbidden books in the ring, so after he entered the door , it can be seen at a glance that 80% of these things displayed in this shop are related to black magic.

  The remaining 20% ​​is not without problems, but with Jon's current knowledge reserve, he still can't recognize it.

While entering, Jon saw the old woman sitting behind the counter, wearing a large pointed hat to hide her face, leaning on a cane full of knots, hunched over Behind that shabby counter.

   "A rare customer, what a rare customer."

   She seemed to see who the visitor was through the gap in the wide brim of her hat, and she gave a burst of admiration with that ugly voice.

"I didn't expect you to come to me at this time. Now is the time when you are proud of your spring breeze. Why did you take the risk to come to England? Or after the end of the Triwizard Tournament, what Dumbledore and the current Lord of England reached? Is peace just a cover-up? Are you planning a new move?"

   Lily frowned, looked at the hunched old witch, and said in a cold voice.

   "You'd better talk to me with your original voice and appearance, Tom, you should be able to tell that I'm in a bad mood right now."

  Hearing the name Tom, Jon couldn't help but make Jon look slightly sideways.

In his impression, there are only two people named Tom mentioned in the original book. One is naturally the "Tom Riddle" who hates the name given to him by his mother, and the other, according to the normal The world line was supposed to be "Old Tom", the owner of the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley.

Hearing Lily's unceremonious words, the old witch laughed dryly, then she pulled a rope hanging from the ceiling beside her, and then the rag that was used as the door seemed to be locked by the door frame. As if it was absorbed, the only entrance and exit was sealed.

  After all this was done, the old witch reached out and took off the pointed hat with a wide brim that she was wearing, just at the moment when the hat left her head.

  The hunchbacked old hag changed instantly in front of Jon and Lily. A bald, thin but tall old man stood up from behind the counter.

   Sure enough, as Jon expected, this Tom who pretended to be an old witch hiding in Knockturn Alley and opened a shop was once the owner of the Leaky Cauldron.

Now in the Leaky Cauldron Bar under Voldemort's rule, Jon went there with Dumbledore during the summer vacation of his first grade. Old Tom, the owner of the Cauldron Bar, swapped with Borgin Bock and came to Knockturn Alley, which is a bit of a strange fate.

   "Long time no see, Mrs. Potter, I heard you are doing well in France?"

  Old Tom had a complimenting smile on his face, his wrinkled face was as bright as a blooming chrysanthemum, and at the same time he turned his head to look at Jon.

   "Who is this? I haven't heard of anyone in the Order of the Phoenix with such an old child?"

  Jon was standing behind Lily, holding the corner of her clothes with one hand, pretending to be a shy little boy.

   Judging from the current situation, this old Tom should have some relationship with the Order of the Phoenix, but obviously the relationship is not that deep.

   Lily didn't intend to greet him or talk about anything else, but directly stated her intention for coming.

   "Don't worry about who he is. Help me find out now. Between 9:20 and 9:30, how many people came to Knockturn Alley through Apparition, and have these people left?"

  Hearing Lily's request, the smile on Tom's face froze immediately, but soon he smiled embarrassingly again.

"Perhaps you don't understand, since the Triwizard Tournament ended and you won the game, the current British magic world has become a little restless. Just yesterday, Aurors came to Knockturn Alley for inspection, and they are still here permanently. A group of people, if I help you check, then"

   Lily just looked at him indifferently, and interrupted him.

   "Don't forget who helped you get a foothold here in the first place, and don't forget your promise at the time. Or, do you think some words can be lost over time?"

   "No, no, of course I didn't mean that, but you should also consider my safety, right?" Old Tom said hastily.

   Yet Lily just stared at him.

"If you really want to be safe, you can go to France now. It may not be easy to go abroad in other places in the UK, but it is not such a difficult thing in Knockturn Alley. You have been staying here all the time. The Dark Lord may not have the day when he really rules all of Europe, but he has always fantasized about submitting a certificate for his bloodline, right?"

  Tom seemed to have been told the truth. The expression on his face was embarrassing and a little scared. He looked at Lily with almost begging eyes.

"I'm already like this, Mrs. Potter, Professor Potter. I lost my pub and my home. The reason why I'm still here in the UK is to get back what belonged to me. So proving that I'm a pureblood is the only way to fulfill my wish, not because I want to bully the moose or anyone else!"

"When you were kicked out of the Leaky Cauldron, you were left on the street with a broken wand and nearly starved to death. It was Dumbledore who saved you. You didn't want to hang out with us, and it was he who helped you find a piece of food in Knockturn Alley A place to live. Why didn't you say at that time that you just wanted to get back your own things? Why did you promise at that time that as long as anyone in the Order of the Phoenix needs your help in the future, you will not refuse anything?"

   Lily drew out her wand and pointed it at Old Tom's forehead.

   "Now you have only two choices, either you come, or I will find a way from your mind, and I will find it myself!"

  Old Tom was scared.

His pleading and mourning face disappeared at this moment. At first, he thought that he had grasped the psychology of Dumbledore's people. Don't take that risk again.

   It is obvious that Lily's current performance has completely exceeded his expectations!

This "Mrs. Potter" didn't act like a person on the side of justice at all. On the contrary, she was even more of a Death Eater than a Death Eater. She turned her face away without saying a word, and the wand was about to touch Old Tom's forehead. It was punctured!

  Old Tom could see that the widow in front of her was not joking, and she seemed to be suppressed in her calm face, as if she was not surprised when she went crazy!

   "Don't get excited! I'll check! I'm checking!"

  He was trembling, not daring to hesitate any longer, he reached out and rummaged through the broken cabinet behind him, and took out a transparent ball.

  The glass ball looked extremely dirty, the surface was covered with dust, and some places seemed to have been knocked out and covered with black mud.

  The wand in Lily's hand hadn't been put down yet, and she was still pointing at Old Tom's head, staring at him as he stroked the dirty ball, and then the whole ball lit up with a gray light.

   "Three, a total of three people who used Apparition to come to Knockturn Alley in those ten minutes"

   Before Old Tom finished speaking, a red light lit up on the tip of Lily's staff, and the next moment Old Tom's body went limp, and he fell to the ground.

  The glass ball in his hand also rolled down and rolled under the cabinet.

Jon blinked his eyes, and for a moment he didn't understand why Lily would act when old Tom was about to tell the location of these three people, and then he saw Lily waving his wand again, and his eyes were on old Tom's greasy eyes. bald.


  The silver thread of memory followed Lily's magic wand as a bridge, and appeared in her mind. All the information that old Tom got from the glass ball just now was truly and unmistakably obtained by her.

   “Be suspicious of everything he says and does who cannot be trusted.”

Lily didn't know if she was teaching Jon or explaining her behavior, but while speaking, she also turned and walked towards the street outside, as if she had already determined that at this time period, through phantom shifting Shaped to the position of everyone in Knockturn Alley.

  Jon glanced at Old Tom who fell unconscious on the ground, and then he quickly followed Lily's pace.

  After coming out of this old Tom's shop, Lily turned around and cast a spell with the effect of blocking on the entrance.

   Such an approach is of course not purely to protect the safety of the comatose old Tom, but the greater purpose is to protect their own whereabouts.

Lily didn't say anything to Jon. After getting some information from the apparition that appeared here in Knockturn Alley during the period when Snape escaped from France, she seemed to have made her own judgment in her heart. , took Jon and walked quickly in the other direction of the street.

Soon they crossed more than half of the street, and came to an area that was obviously cleaner and tidier than other places. Of course, this place also belonged to the scope of Knockturn Alley, but the wizards who could open shops here were obviously more than those in other places. More capable or more background.

  They came to a store marked "Hancock", then pushed the door and walked in.

   This shop looks like it specializes in selling some prohibited potions. Jon even saw the price of the love potion on a sign hidden in a corner.

  The store owner is a tall black man. When Lily brought Jon in, he keenly noticed Lily's extraordinary.

   "Good morning, this elegant and beautiful lady, what do you need?"

  He had a rare courtesy that most wizards in Knockturn Alley didn't have.

Even if Knockturn Alley has been reorganized and turned into a place for pure-blood families and some rich mixed-race families to sell their stolen goods and conduct some dirty transactions, maybe not everyone serves these noble people. This potion shop The owner of the store obviously has seen the big world. Lily's dress and bringing such a young child to such a street that can be called a garbage dump in the magical world are obviously only some pure-blood lunatic families can do it.

   "You can call me Mrs. Nott." Lily said in a cold and haughty voice.

Jon also twisted his neck, and pulled Lily in front of him, who had tied a bow on him before. He raised his head proudly, pretending to be a little **** from a noble pure-blood family, no, the young master .

   "Mom, it really stinks in here, it's dirty my nose and eyes! When are we going to go home."

  Seeing Lily's plan to make a detour, Jon also understood and showed a face full of disgust and disgust.

   "Shut up! Told you to keep your Knott upbringing!"

  She lowered her head and yelled at Jon sharply, then after blinking her eyes, she looked at the black shopkeeper again.

  Hearing their conversation, the store owner relaxed a little. He has dealt with these pure-blooded men all day long, so he naturally knows that they have such a bad temper.

   "Ah, it turned out to be the wife and young master of the Nott family, you"

   "All petrified!"

  The shopkeeper's attention was always on Lily when he was talking, and he never thought that Jon, who looked only six years old, would suddenly pull out a magic wand to cast a spell!

  No surprise, his eyes widened and he could no longer control his already stiff body.

   After finishing all this, Jon didn't stop, and immediately locked the door of the store, and Lily had already begun to extract the relevant memories of the wizard who came to this store from the shopkeeper's mind.

  Obviously, the code of conduct that both Jon and Lily are following now is that if you can do it, you will never force it too much, and if you can solve it with magic, you will never cause yourself more trouble!