MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 152 Appeared in front of people, ranked sixth

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  Chapter 152 Manifestation, ranked sixth

  The endless fog behind him spread to both sides, forming a 10,000-meter-high wall of gray fog, and in front of it was the Tianzhu cliff that sank a thousand meters. No wonder it was called Tianzhu Station.

   Just as Chen Chu and his group of freshmen were standing on the edge of the cliff, staring at the magnificent wild forest in the distance, a man's voice sounded from the loudspeaker at the station.

   "The trainees over there, don't look, come over and register."

   Suddenly Chen Chu and the others turned their heads to look, only to notice a guardhouse building tens of meters away.


  Chen Chu coughed dryly: "Let's go there first, and we have to rush to the Nine Ring Mountains where the school is located."

  Hong Tianyi, in fluttering white clothes, nodded: "Indeed, this is only the entrance to the Alien Beast Battlefield, and there is still a long way to where the school is."

   Li Chen said excitedly: "Let's go, brothers."

  When those guys hurriedly walked towards the guard room, Chen Chu took the initiative to carry a suitcase for Luo Fei, and the girl followed behind with a smile in the corner of her eyes.

   "Facial bone recognition passed, fingerprints passed, Nan Tian Wu high school freshman, Hong Tianyi."

   "Facial bone recognition passed, fingerprints passed, Nantian Wu high school freshman, Li Chen..."

  Under face verification, everyone will hear an electronic sound of their identity when they pass by the door of the guard room, which is very accurate and the defense is very strict.

   After passing the identity verification, the fifteen people followed the signs and walked towards the huge lifting platform behind the guard room.

  It is said to be an elevator, but it is actually a row of more than a dozen huge elevators installed on the cliff wall, which are specially used to pull people and goods.

  In the guard room, the soldiers in military uniform were a little surprised: "This group is actually another freshman from Nantian Wugao."

  Another person also nodded: "Indeed, this year's Nantian Wugao freshmen are a bit strong, and only so many talents have broken through the third heaven in just one semester."

   "One generation is stronger than one generation."

  During the conversation between the two, Chen Chu and the others had already come to the lifting platform and stood up. Seeing this, a soldier shouted: "Geniuses, please stand still. I wish you good fortune in martial arts."

   Accompanied by the soldiers' blessing, the huge lifting platform suddenly descended at an alarming speed.

  The gust of wind howled in the ears, and the speed of descent almost reached 100 meters per second. The ground rapidly enlarged at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it came to the bottom in just over ten seconds.

  As the lifting platform stopped slowly, Zhang Zilong couldn't help covering his chest: "Damn it, I almost thought we were going to fall to our deaths."

  Li Chen shook his head: "Thanks to you, you are still a master of the third level, and this sense of weightlessness scares you."

   "Nonsense, a rapid drop of 100 meters per second would scare even the third heaven, and we are not high-level powerhouses." Zhang Zilong complained.

   While the two were talking nonsense, Chen Chu looked at Concubine Luo, and found that her expression was relatively calm.

   Luo Fei's eyes narrowed slightly, and she bent into a half-moon with a smile: "This weightlessness doesn't scare me. Before I practiced cultivation last year, I parachuted at an altitude of more than 10,000 meters."

  One year ago, at the age of fifteen, Wanmi parachuted. Chen Chu looked at the girl in front of him in surprise.

   Unexpectedly, she used to not only shoot guns every day, but also seemed to be better than he imagined in all aspects. At least he didn't dare to let Chen Chu go skydiving at the age of fifteen.

  Outside the elevator is a huge square, full of huge trucks pulling goods, and soldiers with weapons can be seen patrolling past from time to time.

  Here is a military base similar to cargo transfer.

  At this time, a captain officer came over, first glanced at the time on the watch on his wrist, then looked at Chen Chu and the others and said in a deep voice, "A student from Nantian Wugao?"

   "Yes." Chen Chu and the others nodded.

  The captain officer said in a deep voice: "Before you came, your teacher has already applied for a flying fighter for you, and it is on the runway of the airport No. 5 over there."

   "Let's go, I'll take you there."

   The people who didn’t expect to be on the plane had a meal: “I’m sorry, comrade.”

   "You're welcome, everyone is for Dongxia."

  Led by the captain officer, everyone passed through the perimeter of the military base and arrived at the so-called No. 5 airport after walking for about 20 minutes.

   Suddenly everyone's eyes showed shock.

  On the edge of the vast and huge airport runway, there are hundreds of unmanned fighter jets with a wingspan of more than ten meters, and hundreds of black fighter jets with a wingspan of 30 meters.

  There are more than a dozen energy bombers with a wingspan of 60 to 70 meters and a total length of more than 100 meters full of sci-fi shapes on several separate runways.

   This is only known to Chen Chu and others after seeing pictures of these fighter planes.

   In addition, in some aircraft bays, there are also some special fighter planes that Chen Chu has never seen before.

  The flying fighter they were flying in was one of those special fighters, with a total length of more than 30 meters and a wingspan of more than 20 meters, resembling a pointed bird.

  When everyone came to the fighter plane, the captain put a little on the equipment on his left arm, and the tail of the fighter plane sank slowly, and a rear boarding door stretched out.

   Noticing the surprise in the eyes of Chen Chu and the others, the captain couldn't help introducing: "This is a new generation of energy anti-gravity fighter, code-named Blue Bird."

   "The main material is made of mutant animal bone mixed alloy, which is several times stronger than aerospace alloy, but lighter in weight with the same volume."

   "The most important thing is that this fighter has strong energy adaptability, and can activate the energy shield to fight against mutant birds."

   "The kinetic energy to start the engine is provided by high-purity energy crystals, and the inscriptions engraved on the surface can absorb the energy of the surrounding heaven and earth to replenish."

   "This fighter is more than ten times stronger than previous fighters in terms of performance, speed, flexibility, and weapon power."

   "It's just that the energy concentration of the outside world is not up to the standard and cannot be used, so you can't see it outside."

   During the captain's introduction, everyone boarded the fighter plane, put weapons and luggage on the fixed positions on both sides as required, and sat down along the seats on both sides.

   After everyone buckled up their seat belts, the captain officer had already arrived at the pilot's seat of the fighter plane, and there was already a driver sitting there.


   Accompanied by vibrations and humming, this futuristic sci-fi fighter plane slowly slid out of the warehouse, and then a powerful magnetic field erupted below, and it suddenly raised its head with a thrust from the tail.

  Boom! Under the berserk thrust, the fighter plane rose obliquely into the sky, almost reached the sound barrier acceleration in just two breaths, and rushed into the sky with piercing roar.

  Under the strong sense of weightlessness, even Chen Chu watched in amazement as the white clouds retreated at a rapid speed outside the window.

   After the fighter plane flew smoothly at twice the supersonic speed, Chen Chu let out a breath, looked at Luo Fei who was on the side and shook his head: "I always feel that my style has changed a lot after entering here."

  Luo Fei said softly: "It's normal, because most of the power of various countries has been spent on military research these years."

   "Whether it's real martial arts training, or military weapons, equipment, materials, etc., almost all of them are constantly exploring and researching, so they are far away from civilian use."

   Luo Fei's words not only did not feel at ease, Chen Chu was inexplicably uneasy.

   It stands to reason that in this era of high martial arts and mutant beasts, the development of science and technology should be very fast.

   After all, after the Extraordinary Era, many scientific and technological researches that are limited by materials can make breakthroughs, but under such circumstances, countries have devoted all resources and energy to the military for decades.

  Gives a strong lack of firepower, so it feels like it is desperately developing.

  What makes weapon research surpass nuclear weapons, and the human race, who is already as strong as a myth and legend, has such a strong sense of crisis?

  Chen Chu subconsciously came up with the words 'frontline battlefield'.


  Flying at supersonic speed, the fighter plane traveled more than 500 kilometers to Jiuhuan Mountain in just a while.

  As the height of the fighter plane dropped sharply, the buildings built in the forest were imprinted in Chen Chu's eyes, adding a civilized atmosphere to the endless forest.

  Besides, there are also some buildings in the distant sky, spreading like a straight line.

   Hurrah! Under the control of several anti-gravity engines, the Jade Bird fighter plane descended vertically and landed firmly on the square in front of the Nantian base.

  When the cabin opened and Chen Chu and the others got off the plane one after another, at the edge of the square, Chen Qi, the third class teacher in Chen Chu's class, came over.

  Chen Qi's face remained solemn as always, and he nodded slightly as he watched the captain who came down together: "I'm sorry to trouble you this time, Du Yu."

  The captain showed a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, you are welcome. I am also from Nantian Wugao. I will give these students away no matter what."

   Li Chen was a little surprised: "Comrade Captain, you are also a student of Nantian Wugao!?"

  Others, including Chen Chu, also had surprise in their eyes. They didn't expect this captain in his early twenties to come from their school.

  Du Yu nodded with a smile: "Yes, but my talent is not as good as yours. I barely broke through the fourth level when I graduated. I joined the military and became a captain."

  At this moment, Chen Chu asked curiously, "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

  Pang Long and the others are martial arts teachers, but Chen Qi, the head teacher of liberal arts, is actually in the battlefield of alien beasts. No wonder I didn't see her on the first day of school.

  Chen Qi said calmly: "Don't be surprised, this time it's my turn to guard here, and someone else will come next semester."

   "Okay, come with me to allocate a dormitory, and then I will find someone to guide you to familiarize yourself with this place, and I will think about other things tomorrow."

  Just as Chen Qi finished speaking, the wall on the left side of the square was 30 meters high and 10 meters wide. No, the big screen suddenly lit up.

  I saw a row of big red characters appearing on it.

   "Qin Zhe, Yunshan Wugao, the fourth level of realm, broke through today, February 13th, and ranked 23rd in the first-year talent list!"

  The row of red fonts was as big as a person, and it was still shining with red light. Almost everyone in the square could see it. Li Chen and others who had just arrived were all taken aback.

   "Damn, what is this?"

   "A first-year student of Yunshan Martial Arts High School, ranked 23rd at the fourth level."

   "It's too exaggerated. Chen Chu's breakthrough last week was already surprising. I didn't expect so many monsters in the first grade to break through to the fourth level!"

  At this time, the row of big red characters slowly shrank, and then the big screen showed the list of talents in the south of Dongxia, the third grade, the second grade, and the first grade.

  Chen Chu glanced over the first two grades and landed on the first grade list.

   The first place is a man named Ning Fei, Ming Chengwu Gao, who broke through the fourth heaven on February 1st, six days earlier than Chen Chu.

   Followed by second, third...

   "Chen Jianyi, Qin Chuan Wu Gao, ranked fifteen in the talent list, broke through the fourth level on February 8."

Um! Chen Chu's gaze moved slightly, and he landed on the sixteenth place on the talent list.

   "An Lingqing, Nantian Wugao, ranked 16th on the talent list, and broke through to the fourth level on February 11th."

   Sixteenth place, I didn't expect An Chengqing to break through for two days. Chen Chu was thoughtful.

   "Look, An Chengqing has also broken through the fourth heaven."

   Just as everyone raised their heads and looked at the huge leaderboard in amazement, a person hurried back from the entrance of the square, and it was Xia Youhui.

  At this time, the guy's battle armor was a bit dirty, and he was carrying a heavy shield. After seeing Chen Chu, he shouted excitedly: "Ah Chu, you are finally here."

  Speaking, Xia Youhui ran over excitedly, and greeted: "Luo Fei, you are here too."

   After saying hello to Luo Fei, Xia Youhui turned to look at Chen Chu: "Hey! I calculated the time, and you should be there soon, so I rushed back early."

   "Let's go, Ah Chu, let's pretend... No, we're going to register."

   As he spoke, he hurriedly pulled Chen Chu's arm, and ran towards the big screen in front of him.

  Xia Youhui explained excitedly: "The data of the Alien Beast Battlefield is separated from the outside world. You need to log in. Come on, enter your student number for verification..."


  Chen Chu coughed dryly: "Pretend... Take your time with the registration, why are you in a hurry than me?"

   "Hey, don't you want to see Ah Chu blink?" Xia Youhui laughed.

  As Chen Chu passed the verification, and then pressed his palm on the detection instrument below, the big screen lit up again, and a row of huge red letters appeared again.

   "Chen Chu, Nantian Wugao, the fourth level of realm, broke through on February 6th, ranked sixth in the first-year talent list."

   This moment is not just the base of Nantian Wugao.

   Throughout the Southern Alien Beast Battlefield, there are 18 first-class martial arts schools and more than 40 second-class martial arts schools in the base square. This row of characters appeared on the screen.

   "Chen Chu!"

  At Qinchuan Wugao base hundreds of kilometers away, Chen Jianyi looked up at the name on the big screen, subconsciously the figure walking out of the raging fire appeared in his mind.

   "Hahahaha! I knew it, Ah Chu, you can pretend as soon as you come."

  Looking at the big red characters showing Chen Chu ranked sixth on the big screen, Xia Youhui laughed out loud.

  But Chen Chu was a little puzzled: "Lao Xia, when did this list come out?"

   There was no such thing in the Alien Beast Battlefield information he read earlier.

  Xia Youhui laughed and said: "I heard from those seniors that it was only a few months ago. It was almost when we went to Keluoya. It was divided into the genius list and the record list."

   "However, a few months ago, the talent list was only divided into second grade and third grade. Last month, a freshman broke through the fourth level and entered the battlefield of alien beasts before dividing into first grade."

   "This list covers 18 first-class and 41 second-class Wugao bases in the Southern Alien Beast Battlefield. Every time there is a change in the list, a huge red letter will be displayed for everyone to see."

   "For example, now, many people in the Wugao base in the south know that there is a genius named Chen Chu."

   "How about it, Ah Chu, doesn't it feel good?"

  Chen Chu looked back at the envy and surprise on the faces of those students behind him, as well as the surprise on the face of Captain Du Yu, and couldn't help shaking his head: "A little bit, it must be a lie to say there is no."

  As long as people have the desire to express themselves, this is an instinct deep in the genes, and no one can escape it, just like women like to wear beautiful clothes and men like to "stage".

   It's just that the personality is calm, and mature people will control their desires.

  Xia Youhui proudly said: "Hey, I also know this kind of feeling is very cool, so I hurried back to see you pretending to be aggressive, without waiting for Lao Liu and the others."

   No, I pretended to force you to be so excited... Chen Chu was speechless.

  At this moment, Chen Qi came over, glanced at Chen Chu, and said casually: "Xia Youhui, you came back just in time, take them to the dormitory allocation, and introduce them to the specific situation here by the way."

   "Teacher Haole, just leave it to me."

   Xia Youhui waved excitedly while talking: "Brothers, let's go, I will take you to visit the base first, and say hello to those genius 'seniors' by the way."

   "There's another freshman here, and the second semester of the first year of high school will start, right?"

   "This year's freshmen are so strong!"

   "That's right, including the previous two batches, almost forty people have broken through to the Third Heaven."

  On the steps at the entrance of the base, many old students in ordinary combat uniforms looked at the group of freshmen passing below, each with complicated expressions.

  The breath of these second-year old students is mostly in the second heaven, and a few are in the early stage of the third heaven.

   Not bad, it's that weak.

   There are only a few geniuses in this world, and even the martial arts students of first-class martial arts colleges like Nantian Wugao, there are not many martial arts students who can always be brave and diligent.

  There were more than 600 students in the last Nantian Wugao Foundation Building, but only more than 400 remained in the second grade.

   During the period, those students who were too poor in talent, or couldn’t stand the boring and difficult training, and didn’t dare to fight and faint, etc., finally gave up and chose liberal arts.

   There are many such people.

  For example, when the school started a few days ago, Chen Chu noticed that among the original 900 or so students who established the foundation, almost a hundred students chose to switch to liberal arts.

   Some of them will drop out when the next grade starts, just like the current second grade "old students".

  Among the more than 400 second-year senior students, only 200 have broken through the third heaven, and nearly 200 people are struggling in the middle and late stages of the second heaven.

   These people can only accept some common missions in the base, or hunt those first- and second-level mutant beasts nearby to earn contributions and accumulate combat experience.

  Only those students who have broken through the third heaven will enter the mountains, and only the monsters of the fourth or even fifth heaven dare to stay away from the base.

  In addition, there are more than two hundred third-year students above the second grade.

  The strongest ones have reached the peak of the fifth heaven, and are in a state of breaking through at any time.

  Calculating the total number, there are about 600 students in Nantian Wugao in the Alien Beast Battlefield, and about 800 including logistics and general staff.

  However, usually many students are not at the base, and the permanent number is only four to five hundred.

  With Xia Youhui talking and leading the way, everyone had a general understanding of the base.

  It is divided into dormitory area, practice retreat area, logistics area, cafeteria, mission information and general worker dormitory activities and other construction areas.

  Besides, because of the magnetic field and the seal, the signal here is disconnected from the outside world, and there is only one dedicated line buried underground that can connect to the rear military base.

  During the period, Xia Youhui introduced two mission modes, but it was covered in a few words.

  At this time, those who can come here ahead of time are all geniuses. No one will choose to keep the mission. The purpose of coming here is to fight against mutant beasts and sharpen themselves.

   Of course, the most important thing is the contribution point.

  With this, everyone can exchange a large number of cultivation resources suitable for themselves, and improve at a faster speed.

  After roughly figuring out the basic information here, Chen Chu and others came to the logistics management office to register and allocate dormitories.

  The dormitory here is divided into several buildings for men and women, and each person has a separate room, which is not much different from the school.

   When these things were done, Liu Feng, Li Meng, Bai Mu and Yuan Chenghuang also completed their tasks and returned, and a group of guys came to the door excitedly.

   Thank you for "Eternal Cold Wind", "Water Judgment of the Yellow River" and everyone's rewards, monthly ticket support, and more later.



  (end of this chapter)

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