MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 147 Burning the sky and boiling the sea, fusion exercises (ask for a monthly ticket)

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  Chapter 147 Burning the sky and boiling the sea, fusion of exercises (ask for a monthly ticket)

  Under the turbid deep sea, the Thunder Flame Behemoth looked at the front with cold eyes.

  After the seabed hills collapsed, the deep-sea dragon turtle buried itself 20 meters deep, the yellow energy pervaded its body, and the damaged rocks around it gradually became compatible.

   Soon a brand new hill appeared on the bottom of the sea, and the power of the earth flowed on it, exuding a heavy meaning.

  This kind of tortoise-style defense, even the Thunder Flame Giant Beast felt a little speechless, it didn't expect this deep-sea dragon turtle to have such a move.

   It seems that this should be the talent it obtained when it broke through the seventh level and awakened the blood of the dragon.

  Under normal circumstances, seven-level high-level mutant creatures will have two natural abilities, while creatures with awakened dragon blood or king-level blood will have one more.

   And this talent will be very powerful.

  At this moment, if the Thunder Flame Giant Beast wants to continue attacking the deep-sea dragon turtle, it needs to destroy hundreds of thousands of tons of rocks above it, and most of the attacking power will be dispersed by the seabed.

   But thought it would be fine if it was shrunk.


  Accompanied by the blazing breath, the blazing power in the Thunder Flame Giant Beast exploded, and the flames on its body exploded in an instant, and the blazing flame emitted a temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius.

  Suddenly, the surrounding sea water boiled, and a large number of white bubbles burst out.

   Hum! With the endless hot energy gathering in the body, the golden-red flames on the feather horns on both sides of the Thunder Flame Behemoth's head were blazing, forming a faint crown of fire on its head.

   There is even more dazzling light in its open mouth.


  With a diameter of one meter, the fiery breath with a temperature of 5,000 degrees Celsius burst out, and the sea water boiled where it passed, like a pillar of fire wrapped in white steam.

  This kind of flame breath is not an ordinary plasma flame, but a hot flame transformed by high-purity heaven and earth energy, so it will not go out even on the bottom of the sea.

  In addition, the breath of the Thunder Flame Giant Beast also contains a powerful impact force. When it landed on the hill, it erupted and shook instantly, and countless flames erupted.

  Under the impact of the fiery flames, the rocks within more than ten meters melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the hot magma was continuously thrown away, and then cooled under the wrapping of seawater in the distance.

  Under the impact of the fiery flame breath, even the yellow energy contained in the rocks could not stop it, and gradually a downward fiery channel appeared.

  At the same time, with the explosion of endless fiery energy, the sea water in this sea is boiling, and the terrible energy fluctuations make many mutant creatures dare not approach.

  Especially the ferocious dragon power emanating invisiblely from the thunder flame monster bursting out with all its strength is even more frightening.

   It's just that the Thunder Flame Giant Beast has just advanced to breakthrough after all. After persisting for two minutes, the hot flame breath in its mouth gradually weakened, and finally went out suddenly.

  At the same time, the flames burning on it also suddenly dimmed, leaving only some small flames jumping, and the breath became much weaker.

  ...The staying power is still a bit short.

  Looking at the huge deep pit that runs through the hill for nearly twenty meters and is five meters wide, it has almost touched the dragon turtle and gradually cooled down, the giant thunder flame was a little speechless.

   Actually, it’s not that its stamina is a bit weak, but that this breath attack method is the strongest trick of mutant creatures, and it consumes a lot of power while it is huge.

   Otherwise, if the energy is endless, everyone will breathe out when they meet, and they will spit out wherever they go.

  Even if the aura of the Thunder Flame Giant Beast weakened a lot, the deep sea dragon turtle buried deep in the ground has no plans to come out.

  Because it knew that the strongest thing about this terrifying dragon beast was not its breath, but its body that contained terrifying power, so it almost killed it just by meeting it.

  Just as the Thunder Flame Giant Beast looked at the stable hill, moving its sharp claws, and was about to dig the mountain if it couldn't pierce it with its breath, the hill shook slightly.

  Yellow energy filled the air, and a crack opened, followed by the low roar of the deep-sea dragon turtle.

   Ho Ho! Me, you, hatred, for, kill me?

   Hey, this mutated beast is a bit smart. The Thunder Flame Giant Beast paused, with surprise in its eyes.

  The so-called spiritual intelligence does not refer to intelligence.

   It can be said that as long as the creature mutates and evolves, it will have a little intelligence, and as the level increases, the intelligence will become higher and higher, even not inferior to humans.

   But intelligence does not mean that the opponent is smart. Many mutant creatures are still beasts even if they are at level 8 or 9. They are just smarter beasts.

   Still follow the instinct of wild beasts to survive, hunt, and fight.

  Like the deep-sea monster that attacked the Jianjiayan Beast on Chen Chu's birthday, it had a high IQ, held grudges, and was caught up and eaten by the Jianjiayan Beast.

  The meaning of intelligence refers to intelligence and wisdom. These creatures with intelligence know how to learn, communicate, think, and self-dissect cognition.

   Like the narwhal.

  As for this deep-sea dragon turtle, it seems that he has not communicated with other creatures very much. Although he knows how to express spiritual thoughts in his roar, his expression is intermittent.

  The Thunder Flame Giant Beast let out a low growl.

   Ho Ho Ho! Who says there is no enmity, you robbed my coral resources and my fish at the beginning, and now I have encountered new and old grudges.

   I don’t know if the Thunder Flame Giant Beast meant too much, or the content was too rich, the deep sea dragon turtle suddenly fell silent.

   After almost a minute, its roar came again from the crack.

   Ho Ho! Me, no, grab? First time, seeing you.

  This time, the expression ability of the deep-sea dragon turtle has improved a little bit, and the roar is full of doubts and grievances.

  Because it doesn't remember seeing this ferocious dragon beast, let alone snatching its resources. This dragon beast is so terrifying, how dare it **** its things.

Ah! He still doesn't admit it. The Thunder Flame Giant Beast's eyes turned cold.

   Ho Ho! Forgot so soon? At the beginning, I saw you eat my luminous coral, and then evolved into a dragon beast.

  The deep-sea dragon turtle under the hill was stunned.

  When the Thunder Flame Giant Beast mentioned evolution and breakthrough, Dragon Turtle finally knew what resources and fish it was referring to, as well as the black mutant beast it met on the road.

   No wonder it felt familiar with the red feather horns on both sides of the dragon beast's head.

  But... this terrifying dragon beast is actually the weak black strange beast back then!

  Thinking of this, the deep-sea dragon turtle was very shocked. I didn't expect that in such a short period of time, that unremarkable mutant beast would become so terrifying.

   The concept of time is slow in the eyes of turtle creatures.

   In the eyes of the Thunder Flame Giant Beast, almost two months have passed, but in its eyes, it only ate a few meals and slept a few times.

  Then the unremarkable black strange beast came to the door.

   Ho Ho! I, no, grab you, there, I am the first, here.

   Ho Ho! Later, I left and was occupied by fish. I want to advance, so I will go and eat...

  Because the expression was too much, the deep-sea dragon turtle roared for a long time this time.

   It probably means that it didn't grab the resources of the Thunder Flame Giant Beast, which was where it discovered first.

   It’s just that it should have finished eating the first batch, and it left. When the stronger ones came back, it was found to be occupied by those crystal horn fish, and the two sides had conflicts.

   This also explains why those crystal horned fish seemed to know the dragon turtle at that time.

   So, I don't care?

  The Thunder Flame Giant Beast let out a low growl.

   Ho Ho! Regardless of the resources, you drive away the big crystal hornfish that I was guarding to eat, and how do you eat up the small ones?

   Facing the righteous Thunder Flame giant beast, the deep-sea dragon turtle under the hill was a little confused.

   It didn't expect that those mutated fish that were not weak and not small in size were actually the food raised by the black mutated beasts that were so small (ten meters) at that time.

  However, considering the terrifying combat power of this dragon beast, it seems reasonable to raise a mutant fish that is more than twice its size in captivity.

   Ho Ho! Yes, sorry, I, don't know, those, your food.

   With the continuous communication, the deep sea dragon turtle expressed its meaning more and more smoothly, and kept growling, expressing its apology to the Thunder Flame Behemoth.

  The killing intent in the Thunder Flame Giant Beast's heart weakened after such a mess.

  No way, it knows that some strong words just now are unreasonable.

  But the law of the mutant beast world is like this, the weak eat the strong, just like when the deep-sea dragon turtle passed by when it was only ten meters, it didn't even bother to look at it.

   And this time it will speak well, because the Thunder Flame Giant Beast showed overwhelming combat power in the previous battle.

  So at any time, strength is the only criterion for measuring status and attitude.

  Just as the Thunder Flame Giant Beast thought about it and left it alone, killing it was too troublesome and was about to leave, the Deep Sea Dragon Turtle hesitantly roared from the crack.

   Ho Ho! I, forgive you.

  The Thunder Flame Behemoth turned around: Ho Ho! What will you pay me for?

   Ho Ho! I know the place, there is something delicious, I will take you there.

  Suddenly, the eyes of the Thunder Flame Behemoth lit up. Unexpectedly, there would be such a reward in the twists and turns, so it couldn't help roaring: Houhou! All right, come out and lead the way.

   Ho Ho! Come out, you can't, hit me.

   Ho Ho! Don't worry, as long as you don't lie to me, I will definitely not hit you, and the last incident will be canceled by then.

Roar! real?

   Ho Ho! I, Lei Yan, always keep my word. This is very well-known in the sea. If you don’t believe me, ask Dasha... that guy Dajiao.

   Ho Ho! Dajiao, who is it?

Roar! A narwhal.

   Ho Ho! A unicorn, a killer whale, what is it?

Roar! Where did you come up with so much nonsense, if you can't get out, I'll dig it out if you don't?

   It seemed that it was frightened by the explosion in front of the Thunder Flame Giant Beast. Under its repeated assurances, this giant deep-sea turtle was still dawdling and asking questions.

  The nagging inquiries made the Thunder Flame Giant Beast a little impatient.

  Feeling that the Thunder Flame Giant Beast was a little angry, the cracks on the seabed hill continued to crack, and the dragon turtle buried 20 meters deep in the ground crawled out while the rocks were collapsing.

   Fortunately, it was relieved that the Thunder Flame Giant Beast did not intend to do anything.

   Ho Ho! Let's go, lead the way, I just haven't had enough.

   Ho Ho! Well, Lei Yan, you, keep up.

  The deep-sea dragon turtle was obedient, and hurriedly moved its thick limbs to move on the bottom of the sea, walking towards the dark deep sea, but the speed...was a bit slow.


  In the morning, when Chen Chu came down from upstairs to have breakfast, Chen Hu who had just eaten an egg on the table was taken aback: "Brother, why have you grown so big?"

   "Bigger, what's bigger?" Chen Chu was a little puzzled.

  Chen Hu scratched his head, gestured with both hands and described: "It's just... a little scary, like you filled the whole room."

   "You mean momentum."

  Chen Chu said casually: "It's nothing, I made some breakthroughs in cultivation last night, so you will feel a little oppressed and uncomfortable, and you will be fine in two days."

  With the soaring attributes of the physical body, his cultivation has also stepped into the fourth heaven, and the hidden and mysterious methods that were originally introduced can no longer completely restrain his aura.

   This situation will last for about a day or two, and it will disappear after the hot blood in his body calms down.

  Although he could rely on attributes to continue strengthening the secret technique, especially when he held more than 170 attributes in his hand, Chen Chu did not choose to do so.

   "So that's it, I'll just say it." Chen Hu was stunned, and then said with admiration.

   "But brother, you are so powerful. I heard that you are now the number one genius in Nantian Wugao, and you have broken through the fourth heaven before that An Lingqing."

  Chen Chu sat down, picked up a fried egg and said casually, "Did you hear what your classmate said again?"

  As for school matters, Chen Chu seldom mentioned them at home. After all, no matter how powerful he became, the family members should still be what they were.

   "Hey! Li Yiyi told me." Chen Hu laughed.

   "Li Yiyi."

  Chen Chu thought for a while, then suddenly asked, "Is her brother Li Meng?"

  Chen Hu was a little surprised: "Hey! Brother, how do you know? I only found out that her brother is Li Meng two days ago."

   "I heard Li Meng mention that he has a younger sister before, but I didn't expect it to be true." Chen Chu's eyes were a little strange.

  He didn't expect that his younger brother's classmate was really Li Meng's younger sister, and they seemed to have a good relationship, so what is that?

   "Okay, eat twice and go to school quickly."

   "Brother, don't you go to school today?"

   "I'm going to find a place outside the city to practice. I won't go to school anymore. I'm too strong now. If I burst out with all my strength, I won't be able to use it at school."

   "Oh, that's it." Chen Hu showed envy in his eyes.

  Chen Chu had a lot of things to do this morning. After breakfast, he drove the emptied cold chain transport vehicle to the car rental office to return it, and then took a taxi to the suburbs.


  A figure flashed across the forest at an astonishing speed, and Chen Chu traveled more than ten kilometers in just a while, and came to a valley full of rocks in the deep mountains.

  After arriving here, Chen Chu jumped onto a five-meter-high boulder in a flash, and then with a thought, he held the heavy Eight Desolation War Halberd in his hand.

  Chen Chu closed his eyes slightly, and the information about the Eight Desolation Purgatory Halberd Technique appeared in his mind, and then he opened his eyes suddenly, and thoughts rang in his mind.

   "Consume 30 attribute points to strengthen the Eight Desolation Purgatory Halberd."

  Different from getting started with the secret technique, the requirements for getting proficient in the advanced combat technique of the Eight Desolation Purgatory Halberd are higher, although Chen Chu can master it after a month of hard work.

   But there is no need to waste this time.

   It's just that the property page was not strengthened immediately, but a string of transparent text appeared in front of his eyes.

   "It is detected that part of the operation route of this combat technique overlaps with Mingwang Knife. Whether you choose to fuse the two combat techniques, the halberd light will be sharper after fusion."

  Chen Chu paused slightly.


   Today, the 13,000-word update of the third update is completed, and it will continue tomorrow. Brothers, remember to vote for monthly tickets and subscribe to support Yiboha.



  (end of this chapter)

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