MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 135 Deep sea giant

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  Chapter 135 The giant chapter of the deep sea, the clone injured in the **** battle

   With the need for food and the improvement of strength during this period, it has grown to more than 17 meters, and gradually there are some giant sword beasts on its body that continue to expand its territory.


   Under the 100-meter-deep sea surface, the ferocious Sword Armor Flame Beast restrained most of its breath, swung its tail, and swam through the deep sea like a black shadow.

  The huge figure did not cause much momentum except for cutting through the waves of the sea.

  Here is a small submarine mountain range, the ground is undulating, a few miles ahead is still a deep sea area that is thousands of meters deep, and a mountain peak is only tens of meters away from the sea surface.

  In this complex environment, even the Sword Armor Flame Beast has to be careful, maximize its perception, and pay attention to the fluctuations in the surrounding sea water.

  After all, no one knows whether there will be deep sea monsters lurking in the deep ditch below.

   But at the same time, there are more mutant biological resources here. Today it has already eaten several level 4 and level 5 mutant beasts.

  At this time, the Sword Armor Flame Beast had just swam over a trench, and in front of it was a mountain rising from the bottom of the sea. The highest mountain was only 100 meters away from the sea.

   And just as the Sword Armor Flame Beast swung its tail slightly and swam over the mountain peak.


  The mountain below exploded, and huge tentacles in the rolling sand blasted the sea water, sweeping towards the Sword Armor Flame Beast in all directions like a net from heaven and earth.

  Under the sudden change, the Sword Armor Flame Beast reacted faster, and the terrifying power in its body erupted instantly, and the huge figure rose into the sky like a black shadow.

  Boom! The sea water exploded, and the 17-meter-long black monster rushed tens of meters high, with huge tentacles catching up one by one under it.


  The Sword Armor Flame Beast rushing out of the sea drew an arc, and smashed more than a hundred meters away with a bang, and then its figure flashed in the water and came to a depth of tens of meters, with cold eyes turning back.

  On the original mountain peak, there is a giant octopus with a body height of 19 meters and twelve tentacles, the longest of which is more than 20 meters long.

   It's not that I haven't seen the mutated creature of the octopus, the Sword Armor Flame Beast, and even ate a few of them, but this mutated octopus is very scary.

  The huge body is as high as a six-story building, and is covered with thick black horniness, with dense horn spines, exuding a metallic texture.

  The eight thick and thick secondary tentacles are also covered with black horny, and they are full of suckers full of sharp teeth. When they shake slightly, violent water will be rolled up.

  The four main tentacles with a length of more than 20 meters have mutated. The middle and rear ends are soft and flexible, but the front end is completely horny, like a huge sickle with serrated teeth.

   This is a mutated octopus that evolved towards killing. It looks like a monster. Black power flows around its body, and its terrifying aura is stronger than that of a unicorn killer whale.

   This is a seventh-level mutant beast, and it is not weak even in the seventh-level. This can be seen from its shape, but I don't know what its talent is.

  In addition, this mutated octopus is also very capable of hiding. At least the Sword Armor Flame Beast didn't feel any breath or sense of danger before it broke out to attack.

   When disguised as a mountain peak, it even rolled a layer of sand on its body, which is very sinister and cunning.

  At this time, on the head of this mutated octopus, two pairs of huge scarlet eyes stared at the sword armor flame beast, revealing tyranny and greed.

  Obviously, it has regarded the sword-armored flame beast that entered its territory as food.

  At this time, the Sword Armor Flame Beast was also thinking about whether to eat this mutant beast or eat it. It felt that if this giant beast ate it, its evolutionary value would increase by at least one hundred points.

  Although its current level is probably in the middle of the sixth level, it is still not afraid of this powerful seventh-level mutant beast.

  Just as the sword armor flame beast was thinking about whether to pay a little damage and kill this mutant octopus that looked very 'meaty' at first glance, the mutant beast had already launched an attack first.


  The eight secondary tentacles shrank suddenly, and the sea water exploded behind the mutated octopus. Under the powerful counter-shock force, it burst out at an astonishing speed and rushed towards the sword armor flame beast.

  At the same time, the two thick and long main tentacles swept towards the Sword Armor Flame Beast, and the sea water exploded where it passed, and the speed and power of the explosion were terrifying.

  This is what you did first.

  Sword Armor Flame Beast's eyes became sharper, red rays of light erupted from its body, turned into raging flames and burned, its body crashed into the sea water and disappeared on the spot with a bang.

   Bang Bang! Two huge tentacles landed on the reef behind, instantly smashing the rock as hard as iron, and hundreds of thousands of tons of reef rolled into the trench.

  At this time, the flames of the Sword Armor Flame Beast appeared beside the mutated octopus at a terrifying speed, with huge claws...


  The mutated octopus blew like a siren, and the black energy flowed on the tentacles below it, sweeping in all directions, and the sea water within a hundred meters was violent, and the waves were monstrous.

  The violent sea water turned into a vortex under the fusion of black energy, and huge tentacles were mixed in it, smashing all surrounding substances, with amazing power.

  Obviously this is its innate ability, forming a heavy water vortex full of huge pulling power around it, which can advance and retreat as well as defend.

   This move is somewhat similar to the swallowing vortex of the narwhal, but it becomes even more terrifying when combined with the dozens of thick tentacles.

  Especially after the sea water is mixed with those black energies, it becomes viscous and heavy, and once the mutated creatures fall into it, it will be difficult to struggle.

   But those are ordinary mutant creatures.

   Bang bang bang! In the vortex, the Sword Armored Flame Beast kept swimming, its powerful and domineering body directly collided with the vortex of water, flexibly dodging the sweeping tentacles.

  Suddenly, the Sword Armor Flame Beast waved its thick right paw.


  The moment the right paw came into contact with the waving tentacles, a terrifying force came, and the body of the shaking Sword Armor Flame Beast was slightly shaken, and the huge body couldn't help but pause.

  But the tentacle was also uncomfortable. Under the blow of the Sword Armor Flame Beast, the surface protection energy and scale armor were torn apart, leaving four wounds more than one meter deep.

  Although this fencing armored beast does not have explosive strength talent, it can also be seen how strong the defense of this mutant octopus is.

   And just when the Sword Armor Flame Beast almost tore off one of its tentacles with its claws, the rest of the dozen or so tentacles suddenly rolled up and swept towards the sky.

   But at this time, the Sword Armor Flame Beast had turned into a black shadow that tore through the waves, soared into the sky, and flew hundreds of meters away in the blink of an eye to avoid the blow.


  The Sword Armor Flame Beast dodged the blow, but the mountain behind it did not. The mountain with a diameter of tens of meters was directly crushed and flattened by the tentacles one by one.

  The altitude dropped more than 20 meters at once, and the surrounding sea water became turbid for a while, filled with countless gravel and sand.


  The sea surface exploded, and the mutated octopus was like a deep-sea monster. It caught up with the sea surface and stirred its huge tentacles one after another, smashing the waves angrily, and setting off monstrous sprays.

   This creature is really annoying.

  On the sea not far away, the Sword Armor Flame Beast also had a headache looking at the mutated octopuses writhing tentacles around it.

  Compared to this mutated octopus, those mutated marine creatures that only have fins and a mouth, and have evolved at most a talent ability are much easier to hunt and kill.

   On the contrary, once this myriad creature mutates, it will be very troublesome.

   You need to attack and attack, you need talent and talent, and you need mobility and mobility. In this case, the competition is about strong body and strength.

   You need to kill those tentacles.

  Thinking of this, Jianjiayan Beast's pale golden vertical pupils were fierce, and the endless terrifying power in his body exploded, and the sea water exploded behind him in an instant.

  Boom! The Sword Armor Flame Beast instantly turned into a black-red sharp sword that tore through the ocean, and the sea water on both sides was rushed up to a height of more than ten meters by the shock wave at a terrifying speed.

  Under the talent of swiftness, the Sword Armor Flame Beast instantly rushed into the heavy water vortex around the mutated octopus, the muscles in its right paw swelled, and it waved towards a thick tentacle.

  Boom! This time, under the explosion of a hundred times the power, the thick and tough tentacle exploded instantly, and the sea water mixed with flesh and blood became even darker and bluer.

   At the moment when the Sword Armored Flame Beast broke one of its tentacles, its body was also hit by two tentacles because of the moment of pause.

  Under the terrible force, even the Sword Armor Flame Beast was blown away, and landed more than a hundred meters away with a bang, splashing water all over the sky, and the blasted waves were tens of meters high.

   But it didn't work!

  The exoskeleton and scale armor on Jianjiayan Beast is best at dealing with this kind of pure impact force, and its powerful defense is enough to withstand its own weight a hundred times.

  So the moment it fell into the sea, the Sword Armor Flame Beast burst out and rushed hundreds of meters away, dodging the four giant tentacles that came down continuously from behind.

   Suddenly the surrounding sea became more violent.

  More than two hundred meters away, the flame-burning sword-armored beast swam around the mutated octopus, preparing to launch a second attack.

  Speed ​​talent is powerful because it has a process of accumulating power, and it cannot burst out in an instant, otherwise, the great sword of the sea, the armored flame beast, can go anywhere.

  Including strength talent, the same is true. A hundred times the strength burst requires a process of accumulating strength.

  Otherwise, it is not an explosive talent, but a hundred times the normal strength.

  With the raging flames burning on its body, the Qi and blood of Jianjiayan Beast's whole body boiled more and more, the blood flow speeded up, the muscles were more explosive, and the momentum became more terrifying.

  Boom! Seawater explosion.

  The Sword Armor Flame Beast once again exploded with terrifying speed with its swift talent, like a black-red beam tearing the ocean through the heavy water vortex around the mutated octopus.


   Under the blow of Sword Armor Flame Beast's hundredfold power, one of the tentacles of the mutated octopus was broken again, and a large piece of flesh and blood mixed with one of the tentacles smashed into the sea, splashing everywhere.


  The mutated octopus let out an angry roar, the sound was like the buzzing of a siren, its four thick scimitar tentacles smashed everything, and one of them slashed heavily at the sword armor flame beast.


  Under the terrifying power, the Sword Armor Flame Beast instantly turned into a V shape, and was smashed into the deep sea hundreds of meters from top to bottom. The black scale armor on its back cracked cracks within one meter.

  The power of this blow is terrifying, the unparalleled power is concentrated on the tentacles of the mutated octopus, and even the Sword Armor Flame Beast cannot block it.

   Click click click! The shattered layer of exoskeleton scales on the back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, making a crackling sound.

  At the same time, the Sword Armor Flame Beast in the deep sea soared hundreds of meters away, avoiding the huge tentacles attacking from behind.

   This opponent is too strong. There was a rare look of excitement in the eyes of Jianjiayan Beast.

   After entering the ocean for so long, this is the first time it has encountered an oppressive opponent other than the incomparable terrifying beast.

   Then let's fight.

   Boom boom boom boom! As the Sword Armored Flame Beast disregarded its injuries, it blasted off the tentacles of the mutated octopus again and again, and the sea area exploded completely.

   The mutated octopus, which couldn't catch its opponent, became more and more angry. The black light flowing from its body looked like a black demon king, and its tentacles smashed everything within a range of more than 100 meters.

  Especially those four huge scimitar tentacles slashed wildly, setting off monstrous waves, but all of them were dodged by the sword armor flame beast.

   And as the auxiliary tentacles were destroyed one by one, and even a scimitar tentacles, the eyes of this mutant beast became more blood red, filled with endless tyranny and a little... fear.

  As one of the smartest sea creatures, this octopus has become more violent and ferocious after mutation, but its IQ is also higher.

   Noticed that after just fighting for a while, there were only five tentacles left.

  Although the nimble guy was hit by it several times, he turned his head and continued to charge as if nothing happened.

  In this case, unless it can engulf the black guy, it won't be fatally injured just by the tentacles.

   And continue like this, once its tentacles are destroyed, it will become those useless bare food and be eaten by this black guy.

  Suddenly, the violent and vicious mutant octopus felt like quitting.

  But at this moment, the flame-burning Sword Armor Flame Beast burst out at a terrifying speed again, turning into a black-red beam of light and rushing through the heavy water vortex.

   And this time the target is the head of the mutated octopus.

  In an instant, the eyes of the mutated octopus were bleeding red, and the remaining tentacles were like deep-sea dragons, overwhelmingly blasting towards the sword armor flame beast.

  Boom! The seawater exploded, and the Sword Armor Flame Beast slammed on the horned head of the mutated octopus after breaking off a pair of tentacles.


  The sharp claws tore apart the black protective energy, hard scales, and flesh of the mutated octopus, and at the same time, the tentacles bombarded the back of the sword armor flame beast one by one.

  Especially those three tentacles with curved horns, even the extremely strong outer bone armor of the Sword Armored Flame Beast couldn't completely defend against it, and the outer armor was smashed into pieces.

  But the Sword Armor Flame Beast, who had already figured out the opponent's attack limit, ignored it.

  As long as you can't kill me, you will die today.

Roar! The Sword Armored Flame Beast let out a tyrannical roar, its thick hind legs and sharp claws tore through the body of the mutated octopus, and stood firmly, then the claws that penetrated into its head exploded.

   Ho Ho Ho! Under the eruption of the terrifying power of the sword armor flame beast, the **** armor on the surface of the mutated octopus, the tough flesh and blood continued to crack, and was torn apart bit by bit.

   Boom boom boom boom! Under the threat of death, the mutated octopus became even more frenzied, and the remaining tentacles crazily rolled around the sword armor flame beast, trying to pull it away from its body.

  Especially the suckers with sharp teeth all over the tentacles, they frantically bit the cracked scales, trying to tear them apart.


   At this moment, a black light flashed, and the sharp tail spikes burst out, stabbing one eye of the mutated octopus, and then pulled out another eye...

  At this moment, the Sword Armor Flame Beast and the mutant octopus went crazy and got entangled.

  Especially as the crazy Sword Armor Flame Beast erupted completely, a huge wound under its claws almost tore the mutated octopus's head in half, and countless dark blue blood spurted out for a while.

  At the same time, the strength of those tentacles wrapped around the sword-armored beast weakened...

  It took more than ten minutes for the sea area to subside slowly, and the rich blue blood dyed the sea within hundreds of meters darker blue.

  Nine brains and three hearts were destroyed, and the corpse of the mutated octopus whose head was almost torn in half floated in the water, undulating with the waves.

  Beside the corpse of the mutated octopus, the body of the Sword Armor Flame Beast has a dim red light, most of the bone spurs on its back are broken, and the black outer bone scales have also become broken in many places.

   Even the bone spur of the tail was broken.

   This time can be said to be the most tragic battle that the Sword Armor Flame Beast has evolved so far, but at this time its eyes are full of ferocity and bloodthirsty excitement.

  The feeling of fighting close to the giant monsters in the deep sea is so cool.

   Especially this mutated octopus is very strong. Not only has it reached level seven, but it also resembles a creature with a trace of king-level blood, and its combat power far exceeds its level.

   After resting for a while, after most of its injuries recovered, the Sword Armor Flame Beast, like a hardworking bee, went under the sea to collect those tentacles one by one.

  These are foods rich in energy, one is comparable to a fifth-level mutant beast, so it cannot be wasted.

   Waiting for it to eat this high-level mutant beast, it will at least grow a lot in size, and its evolution value may increase by more than 100, which is a big harvest.

   Just a little tired.


  The next morning, when Luo Fei saw Chen Chu, she couldn't help but pause slightly.

   "What's wrong?" Chen Chu touched his cheek strangely, he remembered that he washed his face.

  The girl shook her head slightly: "It's nothing, I just feel that today's you seem to be a little 'fierce' than yesterday."


  Chen Chu paused for a moment, and then found a reason: "Maybe it's because of the constant fighting and killing in the past few days, and the **** smell lingering on his body is relatively strong."

   "Maybe." The girl nodded slightly, saying so, but the woman's sixth sense told her that it shouldn't be the reason.

  Chen Chu smiled: "I'm going back to school."

   "Dragon elephant dominates." Luo Fei's eyes flickered, and she also had some expectations.

   His combat power is so terrifying just relying on the low-level dragon-elephant skill. Once Chen Chu cultivates a more powerful dragon-elephant body, how strong will it be then?

  Chen Chu suddenly said: "By the way, Concubine Luo, don't you need to transfer to advanced exercises?"

  The girl shook her head: "I don't need it."

   "...You don't need it?" Chen Chu paused slightly.

   "Because my exercises don't require comprehension of Zhenwu's will, nor do I need to change my physique. Instead, my true strength needs to maintain the characteristics of pure and non-attribute."

   "Only in this way, can I refine all kinds of extraordinary firearms after breaking through the four heavens, fuse them, assemble them, and upgrade them so that there will be no conflicts between them."

   "Of course, this is also the reason why I am weak in melee combat, and rely too much on weapons and equipment." When talking about these, Luo Fei's tone was very calm.

   "A curious cultivation route." Chen Chu sighed slightly.

  Then separated from Luo Fei in the dormitory, walked straight out of the Armed Forces Department, came to the express train station a few hundred meters away next door, waited for a while and got on the bus back to Wujiang.




  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion