MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 120 Under the dragon and tortoise, the eight wilderness purgatory (big

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  Chapter 120 Dragon and Turtle Dominance, Eight Desolation Purgatory (big chapter)

  Because his home was on the edge of the city, Chen Chu arrived home first.

   "Old Xia, Luo Fei, monitor and everyone, I'll get off the car first, see you at school the day after tomorrow."

   After saying hello to everyone, Chen Chu got off the bus with the box containing the salute, stood on the side of the road and waited for the bus to leave before preparing to cross the road.

   It was past ten o'clock in the morning, and the station was still some distance away from his home.

  Just before Chen Chu approached, the neighbor who was doing things in the yard next door had already seen him, and couldn't help shouting: "Zhang Xiaolan, your Chen Chu is back."

   There is no way, two months later, Chen Chu's height has reached 1.85 meters, tall and straight, coupled with the handsome military uniform with black background and red border, it is very conspicuous on the road.

  The first one to run out was Chen Hu. This guy had grown in stature after two months of absence. He was almost 1.78 meters tall, and his figure was even bigger and more powerful.

  If he didn't know that this guy was only thirteen years old, Chen Chu would have wondered if it was a muscle trainer pretending to be.

  Chen Hu surrounded him excitedly, and took the suitcase in his hand: "Brother, you are finally back."

   "Ahu, you didn't go to school?"

   "It's already winter vacation, brother."

   "...It's already winter vacation." Chen Chu paused for a moment, then remembered that it seemed to be January 2nd.

  Chen Hu said: "Yeah, the Chinese New Year is half a month away. Fortunately, you rushed back, otherwise the house will be much deserted this year."

   Saying that, Zhang Xiaolan also came out.

  Looking at Zhang Xiaolan who looked a little excited, Chen Chu said gently, "Mom, I'm back."

   "It's good to be back, it's good to be back." Zhang Xiaolan looked at Chen Chu carefully, and was slightly relieved when she found that he was not injured and looked very energetic.

  Two months passed, Chen Chuna's originally childish face matured a lot, with resolute brows showing a heroic spirit.

   This change made Zhang Xiaolan a little bit distressed when she felt a little proud.

  Back home, Chen Chu was pestered by Chen Hu to ask about Ke Luoya's trial, and Chen Chu picked up some things to tell him about it, but he briefly mentioned the fighting and killing.

   At the same time, he gave them the gifts he brought back.

   "By the way, Ah Chu, your birthday is still ten days away."

  At the lunch table, Zhang Xiaolan suddenly said: "I heard Xiaohu said that you made some good friends at school, and there is a very beautiful girl named Luo Fei. Do you want to invite them to your house for dinner that day?"

   After speaking, Zhang Xiaolan's eyes showed anticipation.

   "Cough!...No, no, it's just that there's no need for ordinary birthdays, just eat an egg and pass." Chen Chu almost choked and shook his head quickly.

  It's just an ordinary birthday, it's too troublesome to treat guests to dinner.

  Zhang Xiaolan suddenly felt a little pity: "Well, I also said that you invited your friends to come to your house on your birthday to have fun. It just so happened that I was promoted last month, and my income has increased a lot."

  Chen Chu shook his head resolutely: "Let's wait until the day I turn 20, then it will be meaningful."


   After dinner, Chen Chu was dragged by Chen Hu to ask a lot of things in the afternoon, and finally sent him out on the grounds that he wanted to practice.

   But Chen Chu didn't lie to him.

  In the afternoon, Chen Chu sat cross-legged in the corridor of the backyard, the majestic dragon-elephant power in his body began to circulate, and suddenly the rich energy of heaven and earth swarmed around him.

   Hurrah! Breathing in the energy of the world, Chen Chu devoted half of his attention to the sword armored beast.

  Golden sunlight penetrates the sea water, making the underwater world at a depth of 100 meters look colorful. A ten-meter-long black beast is lazily lying on the coral reef.

  At this time, the Sword Armored Beast just had a full meal and is taking a rest. By the way, it relaxes and appreciates the scenery in front of it. After all, it is not made of iron.

  At this time, the fierce and tyrannical aura on the sword armored beast has subsided, and it looks harmless to fish and animals.

   But even so, no fish dared to approach.

  No way, the ten-meter-long body is inherently intimidating, not to mention the ferocious head and the blood-red feather horns that spread out on both sides, which set off its ferocity and horror.

  But at this moment, the school of fish in front of it ran wildly, and countless large and small fish swam past the sword armored beast.

   Seeing the sword armored beast's eyes open, the pale golden vertical pupils showed a cold gaze, because this situation represented the appearance of a powerful mutant beast.

   Sure enough, a huge black shadow appeared in the distance after a while.

  The pillar-like limbs are covered with scales, the brown tortoise shell as thick as a reef is covered with water chestnut spikes, and the ferocious dragon-like head.

  The most important thing is that this mutant giant tortoise, which is 26 meters long and 10 meters high, exudes a heavy aura.

   This mutated giant tortoise is very strong. Even the sword armored beast felt a strong sense of danger when facing it, and its eyes suddenly became sharper.


  The sword armored beast stood up slightly, and let out a warning growl from its mouth. The oscillating sound waves spread far in the water, causing many small fish to turn their stomachs over.

  Although there is a huge difference in size between the two sides, the sword armored beast is not afraid.

   Regarding its warning, the ferocious mutated giant tortoise just glanced coldly at the sword armored beast, ignored it, and walked past it with its huge body.

   It was ignored. The sword armored beast that was ready for battle gave a meal.

  Looking at the back of the giant tortoise crawling on the seabed and stirring up the rolling sand, the sword armored beast suddenly moved its eyes, and it found that the whereabouts of the giant tortoise seemed to be the territory of the group of mutated crystal horn fish.

  After returning from swimming in the far sea, the sword armored beast hunted next to the mutated crystal horn fish.

  It is not going to let go of the group of mutated fish that are rich in energy, and is also interested in the glowing corals on the crater.

   It just couldn't deal with those crystal-horned mutated fish with a body length of more than ten to twenty meters.

   If facing one alone, the Sword Armored Beast feels that it should be no problem to kill it. As its size grows to ten meters, its strength has also increased many times.

   But it's a pity that these guys gather in groups and never leave the crater. In this case, the sword armored beast is also helpless.

  The frozen cold light attack is too strong to instantly kill three heads, and it doesn't want to take risks for a few bites of mutated fish.

but now…

  The sword armored beast moved its tail slightly, and chased after the mutant giant tortoise from a distance.

  As the sword armored beast moved forward, the seabed in front became lower and lower, one hundred and fifty meters, two hundred meters, and gradually came to a dark water depth of four to five hundred meters.

  It was pitch black here, and even the sword armored beast could only vaguely perceive its surroundings through its feather horns, including the huge black shadow hundreds of meters away.

  But soon, there was a faint light coming from a distance, and it was the habitat of the group of crystal-horned mutated fish.


   Just as the mutated giant tortoise approached 100 meters, the group of crystal horn fish suddenly rioted.

   The two sides seem to have enmity.

  The sword-armoured beast hiding in the depths of the darkness saw the three huge crystal horn fish making a loud movement, and rushed towards the mutated giant turtle with six ten-meter-long crystal horn fish.

  As soon as he approached, six thigh-thick and three half-meter-thick blue beams burst out, and the sea water where the beams passed was instantly frozen into icicles, exuding a terrible chill.

   Ka Ka Ka!

  The majestic cold light shrouded the mutated giant tortoise, and its body stopped immediately. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding sea water was covered by a layer of blue ice more than two meters thick.

  What a strong icy energy. Looking at the iceberg more than ten meters high, the sword armored beast stared.

  But at this moment, the frozen iceberg cracked cracks, and then exploded with a bang, revealing the unharmed mutated giant tortoise inside.

   I saw layers of earth-colored ripples flowing on the giant tortoise, exuding a thick and unshakable heavy breath, moving its limbs and continuing to climb towards the crater.

   This scene reminded the Sword Armored Beast of Xia Youhui, with strong defense but insufficient attack.

  Looking at the mutated giant tortoise that continued to move, the mutated fish with crystal horns became more restless, the blue crystal horns on their heads lit up again, and bursts of blue cold light burst out.

Puff puff! Under the terrifying chill energy, the mutated giant tortoise was frozen into a thick iceberg again.

  And this time, due to the continuous output of the mutated crystal hornfish, the blue ice on the body continued to thicken, and gradually an iceberg more than 50 meters high and hundreds of meters wide appeared on the bottom of the sea.

  In this case, even the giant tortoise couldn't move against the tens of thousands of tons of icebergs, and was crushed to the bottom of the sea.

   With such a huge energy output, the light on the heads of the six ten-meter-long crystal horned fish was dim, and the body was weak, and they stopped soon.

   Then came the three crystal horn fishes with lengths of 15 meters, 20 meters, and 23 meters.


  Under the iceberg, a long siren sounded suddenly, and the thick brown light on the mutated giant tortoise vibrated in an instant, even causing the surrounding seabed to vibrate.

   Boom boom boom!

  Under the violent shock wave, countless sediments were thrown up, the sea water was tumbling, and cracks appeared on the thick iceberg, which continued to crumble.

   Bang bang bang!

  Heavy pieces of ice hit the bottom of the sea, causing slight vibrations, while some fine pieces floated to the surface of the sea.

  The mutated giant tortoise slowly crawled out amidst crushed ice and bubbling water bubbles on the ground, ignoring the mutated crystal hornfish and continuing to climb towards the crater.

  Seeing the giant tortoise climbing halfway up the mountain, the crystal-horned mutated fish became more impatient, and one of the ten-meter-long fish couldn't help but rushed up, trying to knock it away.

   But when the mutated crystal horned fish slammed into the giant turtle, it couldn't move at all.

  Compared to the 26-meter-long giant tortoise with a thick body and four limbs, the ten-meter-long crystal hornfish is as weak as a baby in terms of pure strength.

   Bang Bang! Another two crystal horned fish couldn't help but rushed up and hit the giant turtle hard, but they also tickled it.


   At this moment, the seawater exploded, and the head of the giant turtle burst out at a terrifying speed, like an afterimage flashed and bit the nearest crystal horn fish.

  The sharp-toothed tortoise bites tightly on the center of the crystal horn fish, ignoring its struggle, and with the burst of bite force, the sharp teeth tear the fish scales, and then click!

  Under the terrible bite force, the giant tortoise directly bit the crystal horn fish into two pieces, tore and swallowed it with its ferocious big mouth, and the blood mixed with flesh and blood filled the air.

  Other crystal horn fish panicked and scattered when they saw this, including the three huge crystal horn fish, they only dared to wander far away and did not approach.

   It seems that they have seen this scene several times.

   Soon the giant tortoise finished eating the crystal horn fish, and then continued to climb to the crater above.

   Without the obstruction of those crystal horn fish, the giant tortoise quickly climbed up to the crater, then opened its mouth wide, and devoured the radiant coral reefs.

   Seeing this, the crystal horn fish swimming around became even more irritable. The largest crystal horn fish of the three couldn't help but shoot out another burst of freezing cold light, but it was still unstoppable.

  The giant tortoise with a thick carapace is already defensive against terror, coupled with the thick yellow halo exuding from its body surface, it directly ignores those freezing beams.

  Every time the back is covered with one meter thick ice, those yellow halos that seem to be connected to the earth will shatter the ice, making those crystal horn fish desperate.

  In the dark, the sword armored beast narrowed its eyes slightly.

  It is trying to stop the giant turtle.

  Obviously, those coral-like things may be a treasure, otherwise those crystal hornfish and this giant turtle would not compete for it.

   And it looks like this happened more than once.

  Just being silent for a while, the Sword Armored Beast suppressed the urge to make a move.

  Because this mutant giant tortoise restrained it a bit.

  According to its estimation, its current level among mutant beasts should be at the peak of level four. With the three major physical talents, it can easily kill ordinary fifth-level mutant beasts in seconds.

  Even some sixth-level mutant beasts can win the battle, such as the largest mutant crystal horned fish, which can be hunted one-on-one with confidence.

   But this mutated giant tortoise is expected to be at the peak of level six, and the defense without dead ends on the body surface makes the sword armored beast feel like a rat pulling a turtle, unable to bite.

   As for the idea of ​​killing after exhausting its energy, the sword armored beast gave up after thinking about it.

  Through the observation just now, it keenly noticed that the ability of this giant tortoise should be related to the earth. Standing on the bottom of the sea, it is terrible in terms of defense and resilience.

  Of course, the most important thing is that the sword armor beast has no energy talent, which leads to some restrictions on fighting methods.

   Whether it is attack or defense.

  Under this circumstance, Chen Chu is looking forward to the fourth evolution of the avatar. He doesn't know how much the sword armored beast's combat power will increase after it acquires the energy talent.

   While the sword armored beast continued to lurk, and the crystal horn fish continued to move far beyond the attack, the mutated giant tortoise swallowed a large piece, and quickly ate up the glowing coral in the crater.

   Woo! On the small crater, the mutated giant tortoise raised its head and let out a whistle roar. The sound was deep and thick, and it was heard far away regardless of the obstruction of the sea water.


  At this time, the heavy and vast aura of the mutant giant tortoise exploded, and its momentum soared. Red and blue energy rays radiated from its body, and its body shape began to change.

  The ever-expanding body cracked the spiked tortoise shell, and the cracks on the surface were cracked, exposing the stronger newborn tortoise shell underneath.

  In addition, the limbs of the mutated giant tortoise became thicker, the skin was covered with new thick scales, and the thick soles even grew sharp claws.

   And the most obvious change is the head.

  The scale-covered neck was thicker and slender, and the two sharp horns on the ferocious head pierced the skin, and an invisible coercion spread in the sea in an instant.

  When the two sharp horns grew on its head, the mutant giant tortoise seemed to have gained some kind of sublimation. Not only did it break through to level seven, but it seemed that some kind of blood in its body had awakened.

  The powerful coercion made the sword armored beast stare, because it is familiar with this invisible coercion.

   During the third evolution, it also awakened some kind of genetic power in its body, and obtained a similar 'king' blood aura, and its combat power far surpassed that of its peers.

  Under this terrible coercion, the three crystal-horned mutated fish who were unwilling to attack all the time froze, with a look of fear in their eyes, and retreated instinctively.

   Woo... ho!

  The mutated giant tortoise that has successfully evolved roared excitedly. The whistle-like sound gradually turned into a low roar, and gradually an invisible shock erupted, getting stronger and stronger.

   Boom boom boom boom!

  The terrifying shock force spread to hundreds of meters, and within this diameter range, the seawater exploded and roared like boiling.

   The crystal horn fish within the range of the sound wave vibration was even more unstoppable. The blood in his body boiled, and after just a few breaths, the remaining five ten-meter-long crystal horn fish were directly shocked to death.

  The blood all over his body exploded, and the broken corpse sank and floated in the boiling sea water.

   Under the violent shock force, the three crystal horn fish over 15 meters couldn't stop them. The explosive force retreated wildly before barely rushing out of the attack range, and finally left without looking back.


   The mutated giant tortoise has been dead for many years, and the small volcano with a height of more than 100 meters also collapsed under the force of the shock, setting off billowing sediment and submerging the surrounding area.

   Until then, the mutated giant tortoise slowly stopped its shocking power. With a body length of 30 meters, it fought on the volcanic ruins, roaring like a dragon beast.

  In the darkness, the sword armored beast glanced at the corpses of several crystal horned fishes around the mutated giant tortoise, slowly backed away, and finally turned its head and disappeared.

   And it left in the same direction as one of the escaped crystal horn fish.

  Under the pitch-black ocean of more than 200 meters, the 15-meter-long crystal horned fish was swimming quickly, trying to stay away from the terrifying giant turtle after evolution.

   It's just that it doesn't know that a black ferocious beast is approaching rapidly a few hundred meters behind it, and it came a hundred meters behind it in just a while.

  However, this crystal horned fish is also very sensitive, and when the sword armored beast came to its side tens of meters away, it stopped suddenly.


  The roar of the seawater explosion suddenly exploded, and a darker figure cut through the seawater in the darkness, and appeared on the left side of the crystal horn fish in an instant.

   Facing the sudden attack, the crystal horn fish suddenly turned its head, its huge mouth opened angrily, and a powerful stream of water spewed out like a water cannon.


  The powerful water impact fell on the sword armored beast, but it was ignored by it, and the claws carried terrifying power and landed on the side of the crystal horn fish's head.


  The seawater exploded, and the scales of the terrible crystal hornfish under the claws burst, and the flesh and blood became foamy. The hard skull collapsed suddenly, forming two large pits with a diameter of more than one meter.

  The huge body was overturned by the berserk force, and it rolled back more than ten feet in the sea before stopping.

   It's just that this crystal horn fish has hard bones and strong vitality, even if two blood holes were blasted out of the side of its head, it didn't die.

   Just when the crystal horn fish had just stopped, the violent sea water exploded again, and the ferocious sword armored beast rushed towards it at a terrifying speed.

  I saw the muscles of the Sword Armored Beast swelled, and the endless terrifying power gathered in its claws, like a pair of demonic claws covering the sky and the sun.

   It's just that the crystal horn fish can grow up to now, and also experienced countless fights. The moment the sword armored beast pounced on it, the dark blue crystal horns on its head lit up.


  The sword armored beast directly blasted half of the felicorn's head with a full blow, but the back half of its body was also shot by the blue beam of dying counterattack, and the half of its body was covered with blue ice in the blink of an eye.

  The terrible chill formed a blue ice more than one meter thick, penetrating the outer bone armor, affecting the flesh and blood of the muscles below, the muscles became stiff, and the blood clotted.

  But at this time, the blood of the Sword Armored Beast erupted, its tail rolled, and the solid ice on its body was shattered with a bang.

   Hoo! It doesn't seem very strong.

   The sword armored beast that killed the mutated crystal horn fish in two surprise attacks spit out a string of bubbles, and a humane smile appeared on its ferocious face, making it even more ferocious.

  Gripping the body of the crystal horn fish with its two claws, the sword armored beast bit down with its ferocious mouth, tore off the scales of the fish, and ruthlessly bit down a piece of several hundred kilograms of flesh and swallowed it.


  Feeling the strong aroma of flesh and blood coming from its mouth, the sword armored beast tore a large piece of flesh and blood again, and the thick blood gushed out and dyed the surrounding sea red, but no fish dared to approach it.

  All were deterred by the invisible ferocious aura emanating from the sword armored beast.

  As a crystal horned fish that is so rich in energy that even the sword armored beasts miss it, the moment the flesh and blood enters the stomach, it becomes a fiery turbulence and explodes with a bang.

  With sufficient biological energy, the sword armored beast grew by almost eating a few mouthfuls, and its huge body grew up at a terrifying speed.

  The speed of conversion and absorption of biological energy is becoming more and more terrifying.

   In less than an hour, the ten-meter-sized sword armored beast ate up the larger crystal horned fish, chewing up the bones and discarding only a few unsightly intestines.

  After devouring this crystal horned fish that was rich in energy, the sword armored beast jumped half a meter, approaching eleven meters, appearing more ferocious and ferocious.

   And the evolution value has increased by 40 points in one breath, which is a great harvest.

  In the darkness, the Sword Armored Beast looked coldly at the direction where another crystal horned fish was escaping, and disappeared into the darkness with a turn of its huge figure.

  I hope that the two crystal horn fishes don't run away, or don't get targeted by other large mutant creatures.

   Otherwise, the Sword Armored Beast will die of distress.


  In the evening, the sun was setting in the sky, and the orange-red light rendered the clouds red.

  In the corridor of the backyard, Chen Chu, who was sitting cross-legged, had a stronger aura on his body, and slowly opened his eyes, with a look of pity in them.

   After the territory was destroyed, the remaining two crystal hornfish disappeared into the deep sea without a trace.

  The ocean is too big, as long as the direction is slightly staggered, after swimming for dozens of miles, the world will be far away.

  Chen Chu's eyes were slightly cold, and he said in a low voice: "That mutated giant tortoise will eat it when it meets the sword armor beast after it has evolved four times."

  Although this time because of the giant tortoise, the crystal horned fish gathered together were scattered, and the sword armored beast had a hearty meal.

   But at the same time, the loss is also great.

  Two crystal hornfish that were expected to be at level six ran away, six late level four were eaten by giant tortoises, and those glowing corals that didn't know what to do.

  The sword armor beast has been eyeing these things for a long time.

   For this reason, it also changed its position and chose the edge of the crystal horn fish territory, thinking that it would kill them after its strength improved a little later.

   Who knew Cheng Yaojin would pop up halfway.

   In the next two days, Chen Chu lived peacefully. Apart from cultivating and eating, he just helped with chores at home, and the time passed by in the blink of an eye.

   On the morning of the third day, Chen Chu went to school to report after having breakfast early.

  Wu Gao has a rule that after breaking through the triple heaven, he has the privilege of not wearing a school uniform, so today Chen Chu wore a white long-sleeved T-shirt and gray slacks.

   It's January now, and the weather is cold, but Chen Chu doesn't care about the weather changes anymore.

  Walking on the familiar road to school, looking at the cars and people passing by, Chen Chu couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart, things are different.

  Two months ago, he was still a young high school student. He had just achieved a little achievement in practicing Zhenwu, and he was very energetic.

   After more than two months, he is already a special soldier who has experienced many battles. More than 100 ordinary people have died at his hands, and there are also 20 or 30 practitioners.

  Wu Gao is also on winter vacation at this time, and the school seems much deserted.

  Of course, during the winter vacation, only those liberal arts students do not come to school, and most of the first-year martial arts freshmen will still come to school to practice with the help of those equipment and venues.

  As for the practitioners of the second and third grades of high school, they are rarely seen in school, giving people the illusion that there are only first-year freshmen in Wugao.

   Today, as soon as Chen Chu entered the school gate, he met an acquaintance.

  Looking at Chen Chu approaching, Li Wenwen smiled and said, "Chen Chu, long time no see."

  Chen Chu also smiled slightly: "Long time no see Li Wenwen, how are you?"

   "It's not bad, but it's far behind you." Li Wenwen said with envy in her eyes.

  She used to be a member of Lin Xue's small society, with medium talent, and even established her foundation two days earlier than Chen Chudu.

   But it wasn't long before she broke through to the Second Heaven in the past two months, and Chen Chu and others had already returned to the Third Heaven, and the gap suddenly widened to the point of despair.

   It's just useless to think about it at this time, who made her too weak to participate in the trial.

   And even if she broke through at that time, she might not dare to go to the trial, just like the thirty or so classmates who broke through to the second level but did not participate.

   chatted with Li Wenwen for a few words, and the two separated downstairs in the teaching building.

  Chen Chu wanted to report to Pang Long first.

   It is still the office on the third floor, and no one else has come yet

  Chen Chu knocked on the door and said politely, "Teacher Pang."

   There is no way to be rude.

  Chen Chu had seen Pang Long's ferocious appearance with a weapon in his hand, and his combat power was very exaggerated.

  And after returning this time, he faintly felt that Pang Long's aura was more oppressive, and there seemed to be some signs of breakthrough.

   "Chen Chu, come in."

  Looking at Chen Chu who walked in, Pang Long suddenly said, "What realm are you in now?"

  Chen Chu paused slightly: "...It is estimated that in more than a week, we will be able to break through the late stage of the Third Heaven."

  After Ke Luoya absorbed that energy crystal, Chen Chu didn't exchange it again, so his progress was a bit slower during this period, and he didn't return to normal until he came back.

  As for concealment, there is no need for it. If there is any strangeness, it can be pushed to the degree of fitness or physical talent.

  Including the problem of exchanging life crystals every time, anyway, it is the special talent of the physical body.

  Anyway, it is no secret that he is powerful and agile, and his Dragon Elephant Kung Fu has indeed been cultivated to the limit, so long as he fights, he cannot hide it.

   But even so, Pang Long gave a pause: "When I was on the plane, I felt that your breath was much thicker than other people's. I didn't expect that it was almost the late stage of the third heaven."

   "And I heard from Liu Feixu that you have cultivated the Dragon Elephant Art to the peak of true martial arts."

   Then Pang Long thought for a while: "Is it the late stage of the Third Heaven? It's still too late to calculate the time."

  Chen Chu was puzzled: "Teacher, what's too late?"

   "Of course it's about your skills."

  Pang Long said slowly: "With your aptitude, even if you don't need advanced exercises, it is estimated that you will be able to break through the fourth heaven in at most three months, but I don't recommend you to do so."

   "Is it because of the true power attribute?"

  After studying during this period of time, Chen Chu is no longer as naive as before. He knows that the real power of the Empress of the Four Heavens will undergo a qualitative change, and she will acquire special attributes due to her skills.

   Just like the high-level blood envoy who was beheaded by him, the attribute of true power is corrosion, and even a solid +10 armor cannot completely defend against it.


  Pang Long nodded: "If you break through the fourth heaven like this, even if you are in perfect harmony with the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu, the real power of qualitative change is at most comparable to ordinary high-level kung fu."

   "But if you break through with the dragon-elephant body, your true power will be very scary after a qualitative change. You must know that the dragon-elephant body is among the strongest in advanced exercises."

   "Dragon elephant is so strong!" Chen Chu was a little surprised.

   "Of course, that is a very domineering skill among advanced skills. In addition, there are supporting top-level skills on top of the dragon-elephant hegemony."

   "At that time, you don't need to transfer to practice and you can directly cultivate, break through the seventh heaven in one breath, save you a lot of time and resources, and steadily reach the peak of the real martial arts nine."

   "So, I need to press the time to break through...?" Chen Chu frowned slightly.

  After the first semester of senior high school, there is still half a year until he can participate in the mutant beast trial and earn a lot of contributions in the second year of high school. Is this time wasted?

  In fact, Chen Chu's original plan was to break through the fourth heaven normally. Anyway, his Dragon Elephant Kung Fu is comparable to ordinary advanced Kung Fu skills after being maximized.

   And it is expected to break through in about two months, not the three months that Pang Long said.

  At that time, with the increase of the four evolutions of the sword armored beast, and the four attributes that are usually improved, his combat power will be among the strongest even in the four heavens.

   In this way, when you go to the Alien Beast Battlefield in the second grade, you can kill a few fourth-level mutant beasts at random, and you will have enough contribution points to exchange for advanced skills.

  Pang Long shook his head: "Don't suppress it, didn't I just say it's still too late."

   "As the energy of the heaven and earth in the Eastern Xia area becomes more and more concentrated, in addition to the few primitive mountains blocked by the army in the country, there are also more and more low-level mutant beasts in the ordinary mountains."

   "Therefore, a big sweep will be carried out every year to control the number and strength of those ordinary mutant creatures."

   "After discussion, the official plans to increase the once-a-year sweep to twice, and let the major martial arts high schools share part of the pressure and allow freshmen to participate."

   "In this way, freshmen can accumulate practical experience in advance, and can earn additional contribution points, and grow faster."

   "Actually, this plan has been discussed for a long time. It is the real test task for the new students of Wugao in the future. It will continue forever, but Luo Ya is just an accident."

   "Based on your record of beheading quadruple blood angels, this cleanup is not difficult for you. Just killing dozens of ordinary mutant beasts is enough to exchange for your needs."

   " task." Chen Chu was speechless for a while.

  He didn't expect that this was the real novice task, and Ke Luoya's trial before was completely accidental.

   At this time, Pang Long smiled and said: "Of course, if you think those ordinary mutant beasts are not challenging, you can also apply to me in advance to go to the Alien Beast Battlefield."

   "Under normal circumstances, as long as the realm breaks through the third heaven, no matter whether you are a second-year student or not, you can apply."

   "However, in previous years, few freshmen were able to break through the triple sky in the first semester of the first year, so this requirement has not been announced."

   "Advance application... Forget it." Chen Chu shook his head slightly.

  If he didn't know the cleaning task, he might still be a little bit excited.

   But after knowing that there will be a large number of channels for obtaining contribution points in the future, he has no idea of ​​going out for the time being, which is more important than breaking through the fourth evolution of the quadruple heavenly sword armored beast.

   After saying this, Pang Long waved his hand: "Okay, this matter will be announced in two days. It's still early, go to the 33rd floor and choose a secret method."

   As the top 100 people in this trial, Chen Chu has the reward of choosing an ordinary secret method for free.

  Speaking of the secret method, Chen Chu couldn't help asking: "Teacher, is there any difference between the secret method and the real martial arts we practice?"

  Pang Long thought for a while: "There is a big difference. True martial arts are progressive as a whole. As long as you practice, you will improve steadily, while the secret method is an extreme strengthening."

   "At the same time, secret methods are divided into four categories: strengthening, boosting, explosive and special."

   "As the name suggests, the strengthening category can strengthen strength and speed. I remember that there is a secret method that can double the basic strength of the practitioner when it is cultivated to great success."

   "Double." Chen Chu was startled.

  Doubling does not sound like much, but you must know that this is a basic increase, not a true power.

   It is equivalent to saying that if the limit of the fourth heaven is 4,000 kilograms of arm strength, practicing this secret method can reach 8,000 kilograms, which is already close to his current strength.

  Chen Chu couldn't help but asked with interest: "Teacher, is it difficult to practice this secret method?"

  If he practiced this secret technique, wouldn't his basic strength be doubled directly, and his full-strength combat power would directly leapfrog to the fifth heaven?

  Pang Long glanced at Chen Chu and knew what he was thinking: "The difficulty of this secret method is not bad, and it takes half a year for someone with good talent to practice it successfully."

   "But it is said to be doubled. In fact, there is a limit to the increase. When it is completed, it can increase up to three tons, which is 3,000 kilograms of basic strength."

   "In other words, the limit of all common secret methods has a certain upper limit, whether it is strength increase, speed burst, or natural attribute enhancement..."

  In Pang Long's introduction, the real martial arts method is equal to a complete car, while the secret method is a certain part of the augmented parts or other functional equipment.

  And these secret methods have a certain upper limit, and after the practitioner reaches a high level, it will appear relatively mediocre.

  Therefore, many people are breaking through the third heaven. Although they will choose one or two secret methods to improve their combat power after breaking through the fourth heaven, they will not exchange for too much practice.

   After all, a person's energy is limited, and he can't give up the basics to specialize in secret methods to hinder the progress of the realm.

   When the words were about the same, Pang Long suggested: "Next, your enemies are mainly mutant beasts, so you can consider casting soldiers for your first secret method."

   "Cast soldiers." Chen Chu's eyes flickered.

  Pang Long smiled and said: "Didn't you wonder why our weapons are so powerful? You will know when you go up and read the introduction to the secret method."

  With doubts, Chen Chu took the elevator to the reading room on the 33rd floor.

  It was still early today, and it was winter vacation again, so there was no one in the reading room, so Chen Chu went straight to the 'Internet cafe private room' area where he had learned the exercises.

   Randomly found a small private room, closed the door, turned on the computer, and entered the student number for verification.

   "Verification passed, welcome to use the Tianyu Think Tank system."

   "Your current high authority in Nantian Martial Arts has been upgraded to level II+, and you have the qualifications to exchange all high and low-level exercises, ordinary secret methods, and exchange resources below the fifth heaven."

   "In addition to this, you can also query some secret information below level Ⅱ+ authority, prompt, secret information cannot be leaked at will."

  Ⅱ+ level, the authority has been raised so high after this trial. Chen Chu was a little surprised.

  When he built his foundation within half a month, his initial authority was level I+, and he could choose two low-level exercises for free.

  Xia Youhui and others who built the foundation within a week were at level II-, and Lin Xue, who built the foundation in three or four days, was level II.

  The only Ⅱ+ grade in the whole school is only two days of foundation building and half a month of second heaven, An Chengqing.

   Later, after reaching the 49th place in the ranking battle, Chen Chu's authority was raised to level II-, which meant that his talent was similar to those of ordinary geniuses.

  According to Xia Youhui, there are more advanced talents above level II+. As long as that kind of pervert doesn't die halfway, the weakest is the top powerhouse of Jiuzhongtian.

  Chen Chu clicked on the permission behind the name on the touch screen, and four options popped up below, representing skills, secrets, resources, and information.

   Click on the secret method option, and the screen changes immediately.

  Compared to low-level exercises, there are only 21 secret methods. Chen Chu clicked on the introduction of each secret method, and the content was roughly the same as what Pang Long said.

  Enhanced type that increases the basic strength by three tons, explosive type that instantly increases the speed by 30%, and can make the real power become hot, cold and other attributes.

  However, compared to these, the special type of secret law is much more miraculous, and there are only two of them.

  One of them is called Hidden God's secret method, which can suppress one's aura and hide it at the beginning of practice, and can reduce a certain sense of existence and integrate with the surroundings when it is completed.

  This secret method made his eyes shine.

  Because the exaggerated cultivation speed has been giving Chen Chu some headaches, although he has no intention of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, he doesn't want to be exposed to the spotlight all the time.

  If he has practiced this secret technique, he will not be exposed immediately if he has an explosive breakthrough in his cultivation in the future, but will choose a reasonable time to show it.

   Another secret method is casting soldiers.

   Casting Soldiers, as the name suggests, is to forge your own extraordinary weapons. Official orthodox practitioners will basically find a way to practice this secret method after breaking through the fourth heaven.

  Because the F-grade alloy weapon used by Chen Chu and the others is already the limit of weapons made of ordinary materials.

  This kind of weapon is okay against low-level mutant beasts, but it is not powerful enough when facing those high-level mutant beasts with energy defenses and terrifying physical bodies.

  Including the Sword Qi of the Four Heavenly Empress.

  Because the bodies of those advanced and top-level mutant beasts have been tempered by the energy of the world for a long time, they have a strong immunity to energy, and finally return to the 'weapon'.

  Facing this problem, some experts worked together to develop a secret technique called Casting Soldiers.

  Based on alloy weapons, the real power, spirit, and even blood of the practitioner are integrated into extraordinary materials with secret methods to forge powerful extraordinary weapons.

  These weapons are strong, sharp, and integrated with the caster. They can be used like arms and fingers, and they have some characteristics of real martial arts.

  The higher the level of the extraordinary weapon, the stronger its power.

  The weapons of some peak powerhouses are even comparable to the legendary artifacts, possessing all kinds of terrifying powers, which are very terrifying.

  However, cultivating the secret method is time-consuming and energy-intensive.

  Especially the secret method of casting soldiers. Not only does it take a long time to temper the quality of weapons with real power, but it also needs various extraordinary materials to upgrade the level.

   After reading these, Chen Chu's gaze became very strange.

  Because the extraordinary weapon is very similar to the legendary magic weapon, and the Casting Art is similar to his attribute enhancement.

  That is to say, this secret method is of no use to him at all, but at the same time, in order to cover up the problem of strengthening extraordinary weapons later, he must choose or exchange it in the future.

   Thinking of this, Chen Chu felt a little bit pained. He hadn't decided whether to choose Zhubing or Hidden God for the free quota.

   Then Chen Chu clicked on the resource option, flipped through it, and his eyes fell on the special items.

  ‘Xumi’s wrist, low-level space equipment, is made of special materials containing weak space power, and has a three-cubic void space that can be extended and deformed’

  'The exchange requires the realm of the fourth heaven, level II or above authority, and 500 contribution points. This item contains an identification mark and cannot be traded. '

   "...Five hundred contributions." Chen Chu stared.

   But thinking about the space involved in this thing, it seems that 500 contributions, that is, 500,000 yuan, is not too expensive, or even very cheap.

  If you tell those rich people that you can buy a storage space for only 500,000, they will definitely go crazy.

  But 500 contribution points... It's hard to get enough.

  Chen Chu shook his head, went back to the exercise options, and found the Dragon Elephant Overlord Body Zhenwu.

   "Dragon Elephant Hegemony, one of the strongest high-level exercises, requires 300 contribution points for exchange, and requires level Ⅱ+ and above for authority."

   "The fourth stage of this exercise needs to be built with the essence and blood of dragon-type mutant creatures. When it is completed, it will condense the dragon-elephant combat body and possess a part of the power of the dragon-elephant giant beast. The power is overbearing and pushes everything horizontally."

   "The power of a giant beast, the battle body of a dragon elephant!" Chen Chu took a breath.

   But there is no contribution point now, so he can only take a look.

  Then Chen Chu returned to the area of ​​advanced skills, but this time he searched for advanced combat skills, and all his targets were heavy weapons.

  As his physique became more and more terrifying, Chen Chu felt that the sword was too light to use his increasingly terrifying strength advantage.

  In addition, the level of King Ming's sword technique is also restricted. After breaking through the fourth heaven, there is no supporting combat technique that can exert stronger real power.

  As for whether the straight knife with enhanced attributes will be wasted, I don’t need to worry about it, because there will be no shortage of attribute points in the future when there are sword beasts collecting life crystals.

   And at that time, the sword can be integrated into the new weapon, inheriting some of the enhanced features.

  However, Nantian Wugao only has nine high-level combat skills, and the only one, Batian Thirty-six Slashing Swordsmanship, was not very satisfied with the introduction.

  Finally, his eyes stopped on an advanced combat technique called [Eight Desolation Purgatory Halberd].

  The Eight Desolation Purgatory Halberd, mainly heavy and sharp, sweeps across all directions. It needs to be cultivated by those with natural powers.

   And the exchange of advanced combat skills only requires one hundred contributions, but... not now.

  Chen Chu shook his head, opened the information category again, and immediately saw a lot of content that ordinary people and ordinary students are not qualified to know.

  For example, each Wugao has the duty of repression, assisting the local officials to protect the safety of the city, and each Wugao teacher is a practitioner from the sixth heaven on the frontline battlefield, and they usually rotate every five years.

  In addition, every city's first-class martial arts high school or second-class martial arts high school core has a special light wave detection tower that radiates around the city.

  Especially in coastal areas, these light wave detectors can accurately detect the energy fluctuations emanating from mutant beasts above level 3, lock the landing location, and respond quickly to protect the local area from being invaded by mutant beasts.

  This information made Chen Chu think deeply, did the energy fluctuate in his body?

  Compared to human cultivators, those mutant beasts are huge and don't know how to restrain the energy fluctuations on their bodies. It is indeed easy to find them through this detection method.

   It seems that the sword armored beast will also need to pay attention when it comes back.

   The 4D update is complete today.

   Brothers, I want to order all of them, so the next daily update will be a large chapter, I hope everyone understands.

   Brothers, on the last day, those who have a monthly ticket, go ahead again.



  (end of this chapter)

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