MTL - In the Age of Mythology, I Evolved Into a Stellar Behemoth-Chapter 112 Come down to Kyleya, I've found you

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  Chapter 112 Descending to Kailya, I found you

  Eleven thirty in the evening.

  Looking at Chen Chu who came to him suddenly, Zhao Zhilong suggested: "Currently there is no transport plane in Laestru. If you want to go to Kaierya, you can only drive by yourself."

   "However, the road conditions in Ke Luoya are a bit troublesome, you have to be mentally prepared."

  Chen Chu nodded: "Well, we know, and we have rented a modified off-road vehicle at the base, but we just need to trouble the teacher to report it."

  As the probationary students of special soldiers, Chen Chu and the others need to report if they want to leave Laestru, otherwise the sudden disappearance will cause some trouble.

  So I went to find Zhao Zhilong at night, the reason was that a classmate with a close relationship was injured, and I was going to have a look.

  Zhao Zhilong smiled slightly: "Since you are already prepared, be careful on the road."

  After talking to Zhao Zhilong, Chen Chu returned to the room with Xia Youhui, who was going to rent a car, put on the battle armor, carried the weapon on his back, and walked out with the suitcase.

  Although the situation in most parts of Koroya has stabilized, the two are still fully armed for safety reasons.

  Just waiting for the two to take the elevator out of the hotel, they saw Li Meng, who was also fully armed, carrying a heavy hammer, smiling and standing in front of the modified off-road vehicle, waiting for them.

   "Chen Chu, Lao Xia, you two are too mean, you didn't notify me when you were going to Kaierya."

  Xia Youhui was speechless: "What's the matter, we're going to kill people, do you think you can withstand a sneak attack by a guy in the middle of the Fourth Heaven?"

   Li Meng said sternly: "I know, you are because of Lin Xue and the others, and now the trial class group has spread the word."

   "Although I can't withstand the sneak attack of the Blood Envoy in the middle stage of the Fourth Heaven, I will hide, and there are many people and strength. What if I find it first?"

   "Get in the car if you want to go." Chen Chu interrupted: "You don't need to do it at that time, just leave it to me. It's just a four-layer sky."

   As he spoke, Chen Chu threw the suitcase and long knife into the extended compartment at the back, came to the driver's seat, opened the door and sat in.

  After the Dragon Elephant Kung Fu limit strengthening breakthrough, Chen Chu estimated that all his combat power would explode, including the activation of runes, which would be around the middle of the fourth heaven.

   Now half a month later, his basic attributes have skyrocketed again. With the improvement of strength, it is not impossible to kill in the mid-term of the Four Heavens.

   "Damn, it's still Chen Chu, you're just a dick, you're just a fourth heaven, kill him when the time comes." Li Meng smiled and hurriedly followed.

   Soon, with the roar of the engine, the extended off-road vehicle disappeared into the night.

  As Zhao Zhilong said, Ke Luoya's road conditions are very bad.

  As a backward country, before the chaos, Keluoya had only one national road together with major cities. After the chaos, many bridges and roads were destroyed and blown off.

  So even if Chen Chu had satellite navigation, the road of more than 700 kilometers was still winding for a day, starting at midnight, and it was almost the next afternoon before approaching Kaierya.

  Xia Youhui looked at the road signs retreating, rubbed his sore neck: "It's almost here at last."

  Li Meng also nodded painfully: "Yes, it's finally here."

   After bumpy days and nights, they eat some dry food when they are hungry, and sleep in the car when they are sleepy. Even if they are practitioners, they feel a little uncomfortable.

   On the contrary, Chen Chu, who concentrated on driving for a whole day, didn't feel as uncomfortable as them. The reason was naturally that his physique surpassed them too much.

  Facing the setting sun, a huge city appeared in the eyes of the three of them.

  Compared to Laestru in the 1980s, Kailya has some civilized atmosphere in front of her. There are tall buildings in the city, and the roads are much wider and flatter.

   Overall, Chen Chu felt like he had just entered two thousand years, with a somewhat prosperous look.

  At this time, as we approach Kailya, there are gradually more vehicles on the road along the way, and there are also some pedestrians on both sides.

   Only after entering the city, the three of Chen Chu could keenly feel the breath of blood and fire.

  Many dilapidated buildings are surrounded by a cordon, and excavators and other machinery are being pulled down and demolished, and some roads are severely broken and barely passable.

  In addition, some buildings still have large areas of burnt black marks, green trees that have fallen on the roadside and have not had time to deal with them, and Koroya soldiers who have a post at three steps and a post at five steps.

  According to the address, Chen Chu drove an off-road vehicle through several intersections and arrived at the hospital in the south of the city, and was stopped by soldiers standing guard at the gate.

   "This is a controlled area. Please park your vehicle in the parking lot outside and verify your identity when entering."

   "It's so troublesome to enter a hospital."

  Xia Youhui was a little upset: Those guys are really useless, and they are all first-class martial arts geniuses. It has been ten days and they haven't killed all the blood disciples in the city. "

  Li Meng nodded in agreement: "That's right, if we were here, we would have been caught and beaten to death one by one."

   "You two, don't brag, you think this is Lesteru." Chen Chu shook his head, and drove the car to the open-air parking lot next to it.

   Bang Bang!

  Heavy footsteps landed on the ground, and Chen Chu and the others in dark red battle armor got out of the car with calm expressions, and walked into the hospital after passing the face recognition at the gate.

  Behind him were the gaudy Xia Youhui and Li Meng.

  No way, compared to Chen Chu who just changed into a black cloak, Xia Youhui's black wings and the barbs on each joint of Li Meng's battle armor are very conspicuous.

  However, during this period of time, many people were injured. There were trial students and soldiers in the hospital, so the nurses and doctors here were used to seeing special soldiers in armor.

  Chen Chu and the others came to the front desk of the inpatient department and asked politely: "Hello, I want to ask, last night there was a patient named Luo Fei who lived in which ward on which floor?"

  Because he left in a hurry last night, Chen Chu didn't have time to ask these questions.

   "Please, please wait a moment, let me take a look." The little nurse was a little nervous, and looked down on the computer in a panic.

  No way, although Chen Chu and the three of them restrained their breath, they still accumulated some invisible evil spirit after beheading many believers and even mutant beasts during this period of time.

  It’s fine if you’re a cultivator, it doesn’t matter if you are strong, but ordinary people can’t stand it.

   Soon the nurse said nervously: "The patient lives in single room 07 on the sixth floor."

  Chen Chu, holding the helmet, nodded politely: "Thank you."

   "No, you're welcome."

  At this time, Xia Youhui suddenly remembered something, and asked: "By the way, is there another patient named Baimu here? Which floor does he live in?"

   "White curtain? Wait a minute."

   "He also lives on the sixth floor, but the ward is No. 46."

   "Okay, trouble."

   Soon the three of them came to the sixth floor. Just as they stepped out of the elevator, they saw Lin Xue and Lin Yu standing in the corridor, who were a little bit faint. They were a little surprised when they saw the three of them.

   "Chen Chu, Xia Youhui, why are you here?"

  Xia Youhui smiled and said: "Squad leader, you are injured. As a classmate and a member of the club, can we not take a look?"

  Chen Chu nodded slightly: "Looking at your appearance, the monitor, you are really fine. Where are Luo Fei and Yi Rui?"

   "Yi Rui is fine, he was discharged from the hospital in the morning to investigate the news about the blood envoy, and Xiao Yu and I stayed here to take care of Luo Fei."

  During the conversation, Lin Xue and Lin Yu looked at each other with a look of surprise in their eyes.

  Because the moment the three of them approached, they actually felt a sense of heavy oppression from Chen Chu, as if they were approaching a terrifying monster.

   But how is that possible...?

   While the two women were in shock, Chen Chu asked in confusion: "It stands to reason that Luo Fei's killing of the blood envoy was inside information, how did that person know that the person who killed his younger brother was Luo Fei?"

   "Besides, your actions are irregular, and Luo Fei's exercises can shield your own breath and killing intent. How did the other party find you?"

  Lin Yu said softly: "We also thought about the first question after we came back. We speculate that the other party should have kidnapped Kailya's official staff, and that person's status is not low."

   "After all, the people who can access the materials of our trial students are at least the new high-level officials."

   "As for the second question, that guy is very insidious, using two blood disciples from the Third Heaven as scapegoats."

   "When we were chasing and killing the two blood gangsters, we saw one of them was about to escape, Luo Fei shot him dead, and then he quickly locked the position."

   "Fortunately, we were not far away at that time. Hearing Luo Fei's exclamation from the earphones, I hurried over."

   "It's just that the man is very strong, and the three of us are no match."

   "If the injured Luo Fei hadn't used the secret treasure given by her sister-in-law to repel that person, and the guardian teacher came from a distance after receiving the rescue information, the consequences would have been disastrous."

   "So insidious and cunning." Chen Chu narrowed his eyes slightly.

  At this moment, Xia Youhui cast a look at Li Meng: "Ah Chu, go in and see Luo Fei, let's go see that guy Bai Mu, after all we are good friends."

   Li Meng suddenly smiled and said: "Yes, let's go to see the white screen and let that guy show off after coming to Kaierya. This time it's miserable."

   Chen Chu could only shake his head speechlessly for the two people's gloating.

  Chen Chu nodded slightly to Sister Lin Xue, then gently pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

  I saw the girl lying quietly on the hospital bed, her hair scattered aside, her face was pale, and her delicate and pretty face looked a little transparent in the sunlight outside the window.

  At this time, she gave people a feeling of weakness that would break if touched at the slightest touch. This was the first time Chen Chu saw her like this.

  The girls in the past were youthful and lively with a little bit of playfulness, and they were quiet and quiet when reading quietly. Every time they sat together, Chen Chu felt very comfortable.

but now…

  As if sensing someone beside the bed, Luo Fei's eyelids moved, her eyes slowly opened, surprise and joy appeared on her frail face.

   "Chen Chu, why are you here?"

  The moment she saw Chen Chu, the girl's eyes seemed to brighten a little.

  Chen Chuwen smiled gently: "I heard that you were injured, so I drove here from Lestru, and Lao Xia came with me."

  The girl's eyes showed a touch of tenderness, and she said softly: "I'm fine, but my heart was injured, and my blood is a little weak. I will probably recover after a few days of rest."

  Chen Chu nodded: "Well, you rest at ease, I will deal with that guy."

  Although it is said that murderers are always killed, but this time it involves his 'good friend', Chen Chu will naturally not let it go, after all, he is not a saint.

   "You and the squad leader should be careful."

  Luo Fei reminded: "That person is good at hiding, and his strength may be stronger than what he shows. He can actually block the **** ring of thorns given by my sister-in-law."

  She thought that what Chen Chu meant was to join hands with Lin Xue and the others to kill the blood envoy, but Chen Chu didn't explain it, and nodded slightly: "Well, don't worry, I won't be careless."

  Then Chen Chu asked curiously: "But what is that thorn blood ring? It can actually force back a mid-level quadruple heaven master."

  The girl who seemed to know that he would be curious narrowed her eyes for half a moon, smiled, and explained: "It is a one-time secret treasure made of high-level mutant materials."

   "I usually wear it on my wrist, and it will be activated when it encounters life-threatening danger, and it will burst out with great power to repel the enemy."

   "However, this kind of disposable consumable is very precious. My sister-in-law only gave me one when it came out this time."

   "And my sister-in-law will definitely scold me when I go back this time." After speaking, the girl stuck out her tongue cutely.

   Chen Chu can only say that he is really envious of this.

   This is the difference between ordinary people and cultivating families. Compared with them who came to the trial with high-level resources and self-defense secret treasures, Chen Chu was far behind.

   Poor and white, he has to work hard to get everything by himself.

  Next, Chen Chu chatted with Luo Fei for a while, mainly talking about their going to Kurutur City, and the girl kept smiling during the conversation.

   It wasn't until Luo Fei looked a little tired that Chen Chu let her have a good rest, opened the door and walked out of the ward.

  Chen Chu looked at Lin Xue, and said gently: "Squad leader, Lao Xia and I will report and deal with the accommodation issues first, and I will trouble you to take care of them here."

  Lin Xue nodded: "Well, you go to the police first, and tomorrow we will work together to figure out a way to get that guy out."

   "Well, no problem." Chen Chu nodded.

   Next, Chen Chu went to the white curtain ward at the end of the corridor. When he went in, he saw Xia Youhui, Li Meng and the similar white curtain were bragging.

  Chen Chu who walked in smiled slightly: "How is it? Are you recovering well?"

   "Hey, Xiaoshang, Xiaoshang." Bai Mu smiled.

   "Tch, Ah Chu, don't listen to him bragging. This guy has a few broken ribs in the front. Fortunately, he didn't hurt his internal organs."

   " serious." Chen Chu paused slightly.

   But if he didn't ask Bai Curtain why he didn't exchange for advanced recovery resources, not everyone is Xia Youhui, Lin Xue and the others.

  For a white screen with an ordinary family like him, the contribution point is naturally a little bit less.

  Bai Cur didn't take it seriously and said: "It's okay, I've almost recovered now, just a small problem."

   "Just recover it."

  Next, Chen Chu stayed in the Baimu ward for a while, and then greeted him: "Then let's do it, Baimu. We won't disturb your rest, and we'll come see you tomorrow."

   "Okay." Bai Mu nodded with a smile, obviously very happy that Chen Chu and others came to see him.

   After saying hello to Sister Lin Xue in the corridor, the three walked out of the hospital.

   It's just that Chen Chu didn't drive when he came to the parking lot. Instead, he opened the trunk and carried the long knife behind his back, making Xia Youhui and the others stunned.

   "Ah Chu, aren't you going to report to the police?"

  Chen Chu said calmly: "Don't worry, let's take a look around first to see the situation. That guy's target is Concubine Luo, maybe he's hiding around."

   "Since he can find out that Luo Fei is the one who killed his brother, then he must also know that she is recuperating here."

   "You're right, that guy might be ambushing around." Xia Youhui and Li Meng also reacted, their eyes fixed, and they carried the heavy shield and heavy hammer behind them.

  The surrounding area of ​​the hospital was relatively empty and there were not many buildings. The three of Chen Chu were very conspicuous wearing armor and carrying weapons on their backs. After walking around the surrounding residential buildings.

   Soon the corners of Chen Chu's mouth rose.

"Got you."

   The 4D update is completed today, and will continue tomorrow. Remember to subscribe and support it.

   Also, the protagonist doesn’t know how to be a babysitter, and the trial is over after this battle



  (end of this chapter)

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