MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 96

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Chapter 96

Liu Xiang returned to the residence of the house and sat down for a long time. He can't tell what it is like in his heart.

Should you be flustered? Will Luo Linger’s death be amplified by the minded person and cause everyone to trace it and then pull him out? After all, Ning'an City and Pingzhou City are indeed some distances. It takes a lot of days for him to travel to and from the city. This time will leave a lot of doubts, but they should not find evidence. When he has been in the gap for many years, he knows it. The doubt is just a doubt. As long as no one admits, as long as there is no ironclad evidence, the doubts can only be doubtful.

He felt that he was not panicking, but he saw Luo Linger's face today.

Su Xiaopei said that the figure that flashed past, the ghost that appeared in Zhulin to appear to talk to her was dressed up, but he knew that he saw Luo Linger’s face, although the figure flashed quickly, but he did I saw it.

In fact, he should not think much about Su Xiaopei’s words, he knows. The gentleman also married him, this woman has some skills, she must not listen to more words, beware of it. At first, she said that she had to dream about something. He was really vigilant, pretending to be a ghost, trying to set their words, or wanting them to bring words back to the door and let the suspicious people reveal the stuff. He knew this. He is not afraid, he sees through her intentions, he is naturally precautionary. So he didn't evade. He even thought that he could follow them all the time. It was good, so he could know what she wanted to do. He was very vigilant. He was not afraid of the set.

But today | her trip | things completely out of his expectations, she said that Luo Linger has a deceased person, that person is pretending to be a ghost, then the old man wants to claim for Luo Linger. She concluded that it was wrong. No one wants to ask for Luo Linger, no one knows, except him and his husband.

Liu Xiang can't figure it out. If Su Xiaopei wants to pretend to be a ghost, she will continue to use it to continue to scare them with ghosts. But now there are ghosts, but she says that others are pretending to be ghosts. What is it?

She and the 冉 冉 泽 are not the people in Ning'an City, they have no such people here, except those in the door. He knows all the people in Tuen Mun, no one helps them. Therefore, Su Xiaopei could not find a woman so soon to dress up the ghosts in front of them, even if someone is willing to pretend to be a ghost, how to mix into Changfu. When they chased the house, the passing servant could not see anything.

Most importantly, he clearly saw that the ghost was born with the face of Luo Linger. Easy to accommodate? However, Su Xiaopei has seen Luo Linger several times. Can she remember her long hair? To be easy, she can't do it at all. Is it really Luo Linger? But during the day. Liu Xiang smashed the hoe, and during the day, it was impossible to haunt.

But Su Xiaopei was born and resurrected. He knew that she was indeed dead, and when she appeared again, she was alive. If there is such a magical technique in the world, I am afraid that only Su Xiaopei can do it.

Liu Xiang suddenly jumped up. Still yang, dead and resurrected. This Su Xiao Pei Qi can be different skills, it is not a good idea to pass the ghosts and gods, have these people help? She wants to investigate the case. It is difficult to pass Luo Linger. She will not really recruit Luo Linger’s soul to help her solve the mystery. But she knows that the strange things can’t be said and can’t be used as evidence, so she deliberately said it was Luo Linger’s old man said that he was the old man who wanted to apply for her.

Liu Xiang walked around the house, and the more he thought, the more he felt that he could make it.

If this is the case, then Su Xiaoping will be able to know everything from Luo Linger. She will know him, know Mr., and know how Luo Linger died.

Liu Xiang was a little panicked. He looked at the room and suddenly felt that the house suddenly cooled down. Is there a ghost? is it possible?

Liu Xiang sat at the table and tried to calm himself down. He spread the paper, set the stage, and began to grind. According to the usual practice, he had to write down these things and told the gentleman to warn others. He quickly wrote it, and the process of writing was the process of sorting out the ideas. He felt that the mind became clearer and clearer. In the past, those things that were unclear how they happened were found to be reasonable explanations. Su Xiaopei is not an ordinary person, maybe not a person. She has a strange skill, so she can see that this person is a serial criminal when she looks at the scene. She can tell you what you have done by talking to you. She can see things that ordinary people can't see, such as Ghost, such as the soul. When she was in Wuzhen, she even clearly described the origin of her husband’s identity. She had never seen a few faces at that time, but when he heard the person she said, he knew that it was Mr.

How can it be done? Even if you see more people, you can't do it. Therefore, this Su Xiaopei is a demon, and he will definitely see what he is saying, and he will insist that she is a demon.

Liu Xiang wrote the letter and folded it. Then he got up and moved the table. He opened the dark space behind the table. He saw a letter inside. He took the seal and put it in.

Then he put the table and opened the letter. The letter was written by Mr., and he said his arrangement. He sent him to do something. After Liu Xiang read the letter, he remembered it and burned it. Then he sat there thinking, and Mr. miscalculated Su Xiaopei. What did he do for him? He couldn’t kill Su Xiaopei. The more he did, the more he gave Su Xiaopei the opportunity to live. She lived with ghosts. The demon helps, but according to the current situation, her ability is limited, otherwise it will not be so easily killed. It is always a curse to leave her, she will take him out, and she will also take out her. And he didn't want to give her such an opportunity.

He has to think about it, and think about it, listen to Mr., or follow his own ideas. Although he was a little afraid, Luo Linger was not obedient, so he died. What about him? He is ambitious. He recognizes his own merits. He has patience and forbearance. His merits can be seen at a glance. He really knows people and has eyes. He is a Bole, but he thinks that Mr. Su is really miscalculated. When will his letter come to the gentleman's hand? is there time? Steady, he should start quickly.

Su Xiaopei also sat in the room thinking, she stared at the wall in a daze.

"You don't move, I want to be your soul is taken away." 冉 泽 干 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完 完“Is this wall born handsome?”

"Fortunately." Su Xiaopei answered a serious question.

“Where is Jun?” Yan Feize also asked a serious question.

Su Xiaopei glanced at him and replied: "You need to think about this problem, my mind is temporarily unavailable."

冉非泽笑笑, squeezed to sit next to her, took her shoulders and put her head on her shoulders and pressed her head with her head, looking at the handsome wall with her head together. "I packed all the kitchen yards and the house. I was more diligent, and the girl praised me."

"The strong man is great."


"The strong man is really virtuous."

"..." 冉 撇 撇 撇 , , , " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

Su Xiaopei did not speak, she did not like to work. Yan Fei Ze thought about it again: "Forget it, this thing is probably too difficult. You have never done a good job. I should not be able to praise you, and conscience is too hurt to be conscience."

"When you lie, you hurt?" Su Xiaopei gave him a look. "It is really not easy for the strong man to live until now." This day, she lied to her every day, and she saw that he was also very energetic.

"It’s a good loss." He was boasted and boasted.

Su Xiaopei patted his head. "The head is too heavy, my head hurts."

He was not reconciled, and moved his head away, complaining that Su Xiaopei was short, or he could change her head to press him. His skin was not afraid of pressure.

"Strong man."

"Do you do it?" Is he right? She is short, little dwarf.

"To shut up."

Ok, shut up and shut up, and it’s a joy to sit next to the girl.

After a while, joy is enough, turn to business. "Going to the house tomorrow, I am looking for an opportunity to go to Liu Xiangwu. Do you think he should write down the letter?"

"Yes, he must have written it down." So she has to go back to the house and let her find a chance to steal. With that letter, you can prove that he is indeed a group of Du Chengming, and then wait for someone to receive the letter, you can find the next accomplice. But what Su Xiaopei wants is not these. If the letter does not write any evidence, it is useless to catch people. She thought for a long time, thinking of herself as Liu Xiang and thinking about the whole thing. She knows what he wants to do. She hopes that he can start, and only when he gets the current one, is it an empirical test.

"What do you think Liu Liu will do in addition to the letter?" asked Wu Ze. To be honest, he is a bit confused about Su Xiaopei’s tricks. He feels a bit silly. The gods can see that there are ghosts in their hearts. This is what he knows. He also thinks like this. He can suddenly finish saying that there are some people who are applying for it. He feels that there are some windings, not only around, but also fake. He felt that Liu Xiang must have seen it early. But Su Xiaopei is going to do this. He is a bit confused.

"He will think about what the whole thing is going on, he will find a way to remedy it."

"He will not believe in hauntedness."

"I didn't believe it, now I have a letter."

"Is it going?" Yan Feizhe frowned: "How do I feel that there is a ghost in this kind of thing can only hold the stupid like the old six | melon eggs."

"The focus of everyone's attention is different. There is no ghost in the sixth heart, so he is concerned about the matter itself. Liu Xiang is concerned about this person, I will guess what I think, what the more he thinks, The more it will be the result I want."

"Maybe he will be laughing at your house in the house."

"No, people are willing to believe what they believe, only what they believe is the fact. And his mind will involuntarily give him many reasons to convince him. Things are complicated, he needs to mobilize a lot of thoughts to sort out the head here. He must understand and understand, but he can't find a reasonable explanation based on facts, but he must find another one that can convince himself."

"So what does he use to convince himself?"

"He has been involved with Luo Linger. Didn't the strong man also find out that he had not taken a break in the days? So he must have gone to Pingzhou. I was on the day of his accident, he knew that I was dead. And resurrection."

"I know this, but what about?"

"The strong man, except Luo Linger, may only have his exact, surely know that I am dead and resurrected, and maybe even he saw me die. I just said that after receiving the news, I decided that I was a demon girl, Liu Xiang. Seeing it with his own eyes, does he still think that I will be a normal person? Before Du Chengming gave him counseling, he could hold his breath, maybe he didn’t realize that he was so determined. He was always alert to me, what did he say? I will subconsciously resist the rebuttal. I feel that I have a ghost. I am giving him a set. He warns that he can't believe it. Be careful. So I said there will be ghosts. He will think that I will lie to him. I said no ghosts. It is Luo Linger's old man. Apply..."

"Does he think that there is a ghost?"

"He will." Su Xiaopei looked at the wall again. "I am doing my homework all the way. I observe him and test him. I know what he thinks. He is in the middle, the strong man. The dog will jump to the wall." She is afraid that he will hesitate to jump, maybe she should help him make up his mind.

"Isn't it what I thought?" Yan Feize frowned, and then suddenly softly softly said: "Xiao Pei, you should know, if you presuppose that you are dangerous and didn't tell me, I will be very angry, right? ?"

"What about that?" She was not stupid, how could she marry him, but she needed more basis to know what would happen, but now she doesn't know. But he threatened her like this, she was not convinced.

"How?" 冉非泽噎了噎, yeah, how can he, does he really interrupt her leg? "Do not give you a meal!" 2k novel reading network

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