MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 92

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Chapter 92

Two days later, another female body.

The short hair that was cut into chaos, the expression of extreme horror. She was stabbed and killed by a sword, blood stained, and still squatting down. Her hands were placed in the lower abdomen, holding a piece of paper in her hand, and the word "two" was written on the paper.

When Su Xiaopei rushed to the scene of the body of the Xikou Road in the town, it was already full of people. Everyone saw her come and gave up a way.

What Su Xiaopei noticed was not the body, but Du Chengming who was squatting on the side of the body and was seriously exploring the situation. Qin Dezheng is on the other side of the viewing, and Xiao Chengming whispered. There were several official positions alongside.

Su Xiaopei's gaze turned from Du Chengming's face to a serious, serious and dignified expression. She clearly saw the expression of the young woman before her death, and her eyes were so big that she could see the most horrible things in the world.

Su Xiaopei felt that a cold air came straight up from the back spine. She thought her face should be pale enough.

Du Chengming turned to see her, licked his mouth, and reached out from the hand of the corpse. The paper was taken out and handed to Su Xiaopei.

"Girl, this, is it for you?"

Su Xiaopei looked down at the word and shook his feet, as if he couldn’t stand. Yan Feize came over to help her. She looked at the letter and looked at Du Chengming. The eyes were red. She shook her head and tried to talk to Du Chengming. She struggled for a long time and squeezed out a few words: "Du Daren ,I……"

"A sword wears a heart, and it is a terrible death. According to the girl's dying expression, she is afraid of being abused and frightened. The detailed situation is still waiting for the corpse to be known." Du Chengming's voice was very painful. Su Xiaopei stared at the body. The hand clenched the letter that said "two", and the breath was so fast that it seemed to be out of breath. In the end, it was not at all, and when I went backwards, she was shocked and stunned, and reached out and took her into her arms.

"Xiao Pei." He was anxious to see her face, seeing her pale face and sweat, her eyes closed very weak, busy to Du Chengming and Qin Dezheng: "Adult, Su girl is not feeling well, I will take her back first ""

Du Chengming and Qin Dezheng did not say anything. They were concerned about a few words, and Yu Fei Ze took Su Xiaopei away.

All the way to rush, took her back to the house.

"Get home." He just said this, Su Xiaopei opened his eyes.

"He is really like." Su Xiaopei gritted her teeth, and the "two" in her hand had been crumpled by her.

"The girl is not bad. I thought it was true." The heart panicked and feared that she would not let her fall.

"I know that the strong man will protect me."

"Yeah." It will still protect you from this.

"The strong man let me down."

"Have a second time, not sinking."

Su Xiaopei didn't say anything, she knew that he was comforting her in his way. She didn't think about it. She leaned her head on his shoulder and hugged it. She gritted her teeth and sighed in her chest. "He kept the original body and waited for me to show it. The murderer left a letter, he didn't even swear, he wanted to see my reaction. The strong man, he killed, just to fight against the spirit of destroying me."

"Yeah. So you think about letting him like it first, and let him see it?" He sat down in the back room with her. "You look at me," he said to her.

Su Xiaopei looked up in his arms and looked at his eyes.

"You have to know that their death is not your fault."

Su Xiaopei clenched his teeth and did not speak.

"You talk, their death is not your fault."

She can't say it, her heart is burning.

"I know that you want to stabilize him. You want him to think that he is the winner, so that he can stop it for the time being. This is true, but you must be clear and sure that their death is not your fault."

She nodded, her reason told her that it was, but she could not say it out loud, she could not say it. If it weren’t for her, the two girls would not die.

"Xiao Pei." He kissed her eyes, "I will lose to him."

"I will not."

"Good. This will be fine."

Su Xiaopei turned her face to the data wall and looked at it again. She didn't think about what information to leave here. Everything had to be thought out and then laid out. It must be hit. What is Cheng Jiangyu wanting? Why do you hate her like this? She blocked his way? He has been here for a few years, so he has melted into the world, his appearance has changed, his age has changed, his personality has changed, what does he want?

"Strong man."


"I was seriously scared and I fell ill."

"Good." "We have not gone out in these few days, only to raise a disease at home."

"You can also go back to Ning'an City for a while."

"Then I will cast my weapon and go."

Su Xiaopei nodded: "He will come to visit me."

"Yeah." He stroked her head and kissed her on her forehead. "Get up, my girl."

She nodded again. "I won't admit defeat."

In the evening, Du Chengming led a person to visit Su Xiaopei. One is to ask Su Xiaopei what thoughts or clues he may have about the murder. Secondly, I heard that she was too scared, fell ill, and came to visit.

Su Xiaopei was lying on the bed|face, his face was very bad, and the kitchen was still fried with medicine. The strong smell of medicine could be heard from far away. Several people went into the house and looked at Su Xiaopei. Du Chengming was very concerned about her illness. She also heard that she was too confused in her mind and could not remember who would be the murderer. She only knows that the person must be her hometown, perhaps she is looking for Cheng Gongzi, but this person has been looking for a long time, but also has a lot of relationships, and has not found clues.

Du Chengming listened and nodded. "The girl didn't find him, how can she be sure that he is here?"

Su Xiaopei frowned, but he did not expect him to ask. If this is Cheng Jiangyi, then she will be seen by any lie. Said that Cheng Gongzi had left a book to her, saying that she knew him and knew that he was coming. These can't be said.

"Actually, I came here and was entrusted by his family. He left the house for a long time, his mother was seriously ill, missed his son, and he did not want to live. I was entrusted to come to him and take him home."

Cheng Jiangxi has a very good relationship with his mother and is a filial son. When Su Xiaopei said this, he stared at Du Chengming’s expression. It is a pity that Du Chengming was very calm. He did not show a slight wave of emotions, as if he heard something from others. He asked: "I have found him, will the girl go home?"

"That is of course. How can the scenery be outside, not as beautiful as home."

"Don't ask where the girl's hometown is?"

"It’s very far, very far. It’s not known to say that adults."

"How does the girl plan to go back?"

Are you testing her way back to modern times? Su Xiaopei blinked: "To take a boat."

"Carrying the boat?"

"Well, take a boat like a spaceship."

Other people didn't react. The term was fresh for them, but it was a kind of boat, but Du Chengming's face was pumped. To cover up his face, he turned to look at Fei Ze, saying: "If Su is gone with someone else, You can be pitiful."

冉非泽一正正: "The adult is not worried about me. If my girl wants to lose me, I will interrupt her leg."

Everyone laughed and was ashamed that Su Xiaopei had a look at it. Du Chengming turned to Su Xiaopei and smiled: "It seems that the girl is not going."

"The strong man is a joke, I am going to go."

"But Cheng Gongzi has killed a lot of people, and it is clear that it is directed at the girl. This is a murder case, how is the girl disposed of? If it is gone, it is not something to do."

Su Xiaopei bites his lip and his face is pale. For a long time, I whispered: "I don't want to take it. I really can't afford it. Adults also see the scene. Although I have seen many murders before, they died for me. How can I stand? I don’t dare to find this person. I have to go home early to be at ease."

When she didn't finish her words, she was interrupted by 冉非泽: "I don't want to ask adults. She woke up and yelled to go home today. The thief is doing this. Things, scared the girl away, how can I Ok. It’s just a matter of interrupting the leg.” He looked at me and I couldn’t bear it, so several people laughed again. Su Xiaopei gave him a white look.

Du Chengming thought for a moment and smiled: "What the heroes say is that the girl does not have to panic about the thief. We will definitely hold him back. The girl is safe and sick."

Qin Dezheng also interjected: "Sue girl is flustered, and raises it well. This thief catches the murderous thing and gives it to Du Daren. If the girl thinks of any clues, she will report it to us." Smiled at Su Xiaopei and reached for her hand. "You see, I said that adults will definitely find a way."

A look of kindness, sour people are busy saying goodbye. Du Chengming also asked about the situation of Dr. Fei Zewei giving Su Xiaopei a cure. He looked at the doctor's prescription and walked away and looked at the wall in Su Xiaopei's house inadvertently. This was gone.

Bai Yulang was left behind by Yu Zemin to do some chores and run errands. No one disagreed, and he quickly left Bai Yulang.

Bai Yulang is also a clever one. He took the initiative to report: "Uncle Shu, I told you that we have been busy all these days. Du Daren and Qin Daren led us a few times, visited the home of the deceased and explored the surrounding areas. I also returned to Pingzhou City, so that I can test the autopsy. The Pingzhou City trial is similar to our Ning'an City. I also tried several related people, but unfortunately I didn't find any clues. Those people also It’s not the murderer, it’s finally released. The elder sister’s Cheng Gongzi still has no news at all.”

"You went back to Pingzhou City?" Yan Feize asked the time one by one on the front side, and Du Chengming really didn't have time to kill this second person. He is not present.

After that, Yu Feize and other people inquired about Gu Kang’s whereabouts, and then listed a timeline with Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei said: “This shows that his helper is more than one person. He is also in the door of Ning’an City. Someone, there are people in the Seven Kills. He is also in other places. He has an organization, a strong man. He has his power network. We have to think big."

"But what good can he do? These people in these sects are all trying to stabilize their power position and will be swayed by him. He controls them to do things for a while, and if he wants to climb through them, If the martial arts lords are in other positions, they are detrimental to the interests of these people. These people are afraid that they will not agree."

"If he asks nothing, these people will feel that they are taking advantage of it. They have learned something and have taken power without being threatened. This is a clever thing. They borrowed his strength but felt that they Stronger than him, vanity was satisfied, but I was actually held in the palm of his hand."

"He doesn't ask for it at this time. He will ask for it sooner or later. He is just a catcher. Those martial arts people are very self-sufficient. It is really impossible to hold him as a respect."

"He really doesn't ask for it, otherwise he won't do anything to catch the head. He is a changer. He is a strong man. Do you know what is going on? He is just enjoying the fun of playing with others. He is very smart. He used it. His current status, those martial arts people will be hooked, they get his help, and they think they have control, they can withdraw at any time. But they are asked to be seen by Du Chengming very well, they can not get out, they do not know. ”

Su Xiaopei thought of the letter she received "whoareyou" for the first time. It wasn't that she hindered him. He discovered the playthings. He tasted the excitement of blood. So she said today that she would go back and be scared back. He didn't want to lose this fun, and he wasn't sure if she could really go back to modern times. Maybe, he would be quiet for a while and no longer. At least, before he confirms if she can get out of his control.

Yan Fei Ze was silent for a while, then said: "You are right, his identity is really good. If he is also a river and lake people, then things are much easier to handle. We use the rules of the rivers and lakes to solve, what other people say Come. It’s just that he is catching fast, there are taboos in the rivers and lakes, they don’t want to be governed by the government, and of course they don’t want to provoke the government’s troubles. If we don’t have strong evidence to pull him down from the other side, there’s really no killing. The way is."

Su Xiaopei frowned: "strong man."

Yan Feize looked at her: "I am not kidding. I don't like killing people. I don't kill a lot. But if he is like this to you, I don't care whether there is any evidence. Just confirm that he is doing what he is, he is the master, I will Will want his life. Have fun with him? I am not interested."

Su Xiaopei can't speak. This world is really different from her world. She did not want her hands to be bloodless for her, there was no evidence, she could not do it by inferring murder, and she did not want to blame it. She knows that Fei Ze is not a Shu Han, he is a kind, kind and good man.

Su Xiaopei was worried and felt a lot of pressure. She felt that there must be something she did not expect.

In the night, Li Lidong brought news. He made people look up Du Chengming. This person has a good family since he was a child. Some of his money is silver. He is a martial artist from Qilinmen, but he is not getting started, because his father has to find a tolerance for him. When Du Chengming became a 18-year-old, he became a squatter in Pingzhou City. He did not do anything, but he would do some work, and with a martial arts, he gradually rose to the position of the total catcher. Fourteen years ago, when he was out of tolerance, he was hit by heavy rain and lightning. His horse was frightened and stunned, and he was thrown off the mountain road and rolled off the bottom of the cliff. His subordinates rescued him under the cliff after the heavy rain stopped. At that time, he was dying and carried back to his home. The doctor said that he could not be cured. Unexpectedly, this Du Chengming life is big, but in the end it is not dead, but after awakening, I will not speak for a while, and I can’t eat a good meal. I recovered after a few months.

"Fourteen years ago?" Su Xiaopei stayed for fourteen years? She imagined that Cheng Jiangyan had come up with a bold decision in her early years, but it was so early in fourteen years. He was so clever that he found that the environment in his place was not right. In order not to expose the accent and the problem of speaking, he did not reveal his writing and made a difference, so he used the condition to cover up.

Fourteen years, it is enough for him to become another person. 2k novel reading network

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