MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 86

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Chapter 86

Death row jail.

A young man looks like a man who was taken in and placed in an empty cell. The jailer locked the door and took a few prisoners who looked at the other cells and left. The son of the son leaned on the fence, staring at the back of the jailer disappeared, then left to look at the right and looked at the cell. The prisoner in the cell next door collapsed and sat in the corner, only turned his eyelids and looked at him, then he lowered his head.

The son looked at it for a while, went to the prison bar connected to the next door, whispered to the prisoner and asked: "Brother, how long have these jailers come in and patrol?"

The man raised his eyelids: "How long is it, here is the death row, the person who is going to die, what is the relationship between them and the patrol?"

The son of the son made a disgusted expression, hate the voice: "Dead? Who wants his mother to die!"

"How about that? When you get here, you are waiting to die."

The son didn't talk, he sat down and leaned on the fence. After a while, I asked, "Brother, what do you call?"

"Luo Ping."

That son said: "My surname is white, and I call it Bai Laosi. The outsiders call me Bai Siye."

Luo Ping sneered: "Four? Death."

Bai Laosi glanced at him and said: "Want to make a death, it is so easy. They are waiting for you!" The words are very determined, and there seems to be some plans.

Luo Ping finally had some interest in him. It seems that this son is a personal thing, but also loves to brag about publicity. He scraped it over and whispered, "Bai Siye, what did you do?"

White old four eyes: "What can a man do? A few women, his mother's, Chen Ergou's miscellaneous. He waited, Laozi went out and couldn't kill him."

Luo Ping did not speak at the side. Bai Laosi gave him another look: "How come you, come in?"

Luo Ping snorted twice, did not answer. Bai Laosi did not ask this question. He only said: "When are you ready to die?"

Luo Ping did not speak, tightened his mouth, and answered for a long time: "How long will it take?"

White old four noses: "Hey you look like that."

"I am waiting to die here, not my father, what can I do?"

White old four whispered again: "Yes."

Luo Ping was humiliated, and his heart was very unhappy. He said: "It is useless to be a lord, and it is not the same."

"Hey, the daring is still quite big. If the Lord doesn't care about the swearing way, Chen Ergou can catch me? Ye is not the same as you."

Luo Ping understood this, Chen Ergou refers to the county magistrate. He listened to what the old man said about how the short hair squats, and he trembled: "But the singular accent, the weird words, the short hair of the maidens?"

"Exactly. She looked at the jewelry hidden in my hall and said that all the things were done by me, mother, I just trained those little girls to be obedient."

Luo Ping was excited: "I am the same."

"Well?" Bai Laosi glanced over: "Don't be close to the man. He has a way out, but he doesn't plan to go with others."

When Luo Ping heard it, his heart moved. "Four Lord, you said, this is a mess. I am with you, I am coming in, it is really harmed by that niece." He said so like this, he said that he was arrested, I also approved how the short-haired girl was, and when she fell into the water, he watched her sink. It was dead. Later, she came back alive and incited the girl who had died to betray him.

Bai Laosi listened and said: "It really is her."

"Right, yes, it is her. Four Lords, you are also harmed by her, then we are really good."

Bai Laosi grinned, his face was not so happy. "Mother's, the more I want to hate, the old man is not going to rectify her."

"Four Lord." Luo Ping carefully said: "This is a prison sentence, but it is not a place to go in and out."

"Oh, what about that. What are you doing with you?"

Luo Ping gritted his teeth: "How do you plan to go out?"

The white old four police picked up and moved away from the body. Luo equaled and waited, and then couldn't help but ask: "Four Lord, how do you plan? Here, one more helper is more than one help. We are all harmed by the same person, but also a suffering brother. I am willing to help you."

"No brothers and brothers." Bai Laosi looked at the door of the prison with vigilance, and squatted around, no one paid attention to them.

His eyes and actions were seen by Luo Ping, Luo Ping did not speak, only silently calculated. After a while, a jailer opened the door and went in for a round. Luo Ping opened his mouth and yelled at the jailer and shouted his eldest brother. He shouted and noticed that the face of Bai Laosi showed tension. Luo Ping’s heart was happy. He asked the jailer to drink water. The jailer slammed a few words, but he still poured water on him. A bowl, then turned around and locked the door.

Luo Ping took a sip of water and smugly smiled at the old man: "Four lords, one more helper is more than one helper, but if there is one more enemy, I am afraid that it will be yours. I am a dead, but not afraid. Tell the story, let the jailer brother make a reward, and teach me the last days are better. Do you think that Chen County magistrate will think that you have the idea of ​​escape?"

Bai Laosi looked at him coldly and said: "Yes, there is no shortage of rivals, but you are a virtue, you have to raise your own price. As you said, it is a death. I can also teach you the last days. If you are obedient and willing to work for you, I will accept you as a servant. Otherwise, you will not think about anything."

"Yes, yes." Luo Ping was overjoyed in his heart, and he was very flattering and said: "Four Lord, you are jealous of me, I don't know how to speak. I am swearing that the Four Lords are personal things, and I am willing to follow the Four Lords."

Bai Laosi smiled coldly: "Then you will manage your mouth, let me arrange it, and have your own benefits."

Luo Ping should have, nodded hard.

Su Xiaopei posted Luo Ping's information under Fufeng. According to the timeline, this is the earliest clue. I hope that he can find out what he can do. On the far right is Zhang Da paper, and the name of the person is the question mark. There are many questions listed below.

This person must have crossed, and this is certain. But the time he passed, his current looks did not know. Suppose he is Cheng Jiangyan, suddenly came to a strange environment, the body changed, his identity changed, and maybe his age changed. His spirit must have been hit, the pressure of the environment and a series of changes made him overwhelmed and caused personality changes. But how does his rich creative imagination and technology become psychology skills and can be applied so skillfully?

He became another person, in other words, another person became him. Then, does the family, relatives, and friends of that person perceive his change? What is his occupation, or economic source?

Su Xiaopei stared at the problem on the wall. He was coming in and asked her: "Are you ready?"

Su Xiaopei nodded.冉非泽道: "Then let's go." He wants to take her to the Xuan Qing faction. Jiang Weiying gathered the hands of the various factions and tried to eliminate the hidden dangers of the people behind the scenes. Su Xiaopei wants to talk about the traits that can be inferred from this behind-the-scenes person. It is practical to say that this is called a criminal psychological portrait.

Many people came from the Xuanqing School. They stood in a dense place, and the hall could not be plugged in. The place was placed on the school ground. Su Xiaopei used to wear Confucian clothes and hats in the past. Jiang Hanzhong Han met her and could not help but whisper. There are Su Xiaopei’s heads here, and many of them don’t know. Only everyone has heard about her affairs. She has made the law of the gods in the exquisite array, and helped the seven killing villages to break the strange case. These things have spread throughout the rivers and lakes. Some people have told that she is a high-ranking person. Some people have told that she is really a demon girl. But in any case, Xuan Qing sent Jiang Jiangmen to come out and said that the factions need to work together to find one person. No matter what the minds of the factions, they can come.

Su Xiaopei listened to Jiang Weiying briefly introduced everyone present here, a trip. She knows that there is a lot of fun here, there is a sincere pursuit of the murderer, and maybe, it is to inquire about the enemy, but it does not matter. As she spoke, she observed the crowd. God’s count, Gu Kang, also came. He calmly gave gifts and was normal with the people around him.

Before Su Xiaopei spoke, Jiang Weiying first said a few words. He said the **** case of Qi Zhuang Zhuang, saying that the people of Jiu Ling Dao were killed in Linglong, and that the death of Jiu Ling Dao, the helper of Fu Yan has not been found yet. There is a mysterious person who is invading the martial arts. He may have controlled some people in some martial art, such as paying for words, such as helping the words. The person must not be seven. There may be more help lurking in the martial arts factions. They killed the Jiuzhong Taoist today. Maybe there will be other goals in the next step. Before he acts, the factions need to be careful to guard against it. Grab the opportunity and find him.

After that, Su Xiaopei told her the inference.

"He has a good position between the ages of 40 and 50. Maybe he is the head, the deputy head, the owner, the manager, etc. It is very positive and very friendly. He is not in a hurry and is very organized. He has the knowledge, can draw the classics, is good at observation, he is very persuasive, a short conversation can make you feel trust for him. He is understanding, let you feel your distress, he can understand and will help you And you are willing to let him help. He is neatly dressed, his hair is neatly combed, and the clothes, shoes, socks and accessories are carefully watched, and even the colors are well matched. His face must be clean and the weapons are often wiped. The nails are trimmed neatly. He is thin, not tall and tall, and looks like no threat. He likes to look into your eyes when he speaks. He is very patient. He doesn't like music, musical instruments, loves work, and pays attention to identity."

Su Xiaopei said in a series, finally someone couldn't help but ask aloud: "How do you know? Do you recognize him?"

Someone spoke, and some people immediately followed up and shouted: "When you know who he is, he will arrest him and say that many of them do?"

"I don't know who he is." Su Xiaopei answered.

"So how do you say so clearly? Edit it?"

"Before 40 to 50 years old, because I have observed heroes and heroes, this martial arts has a lot of attention. Although the younger generation is full of talents, everyone will respect each other's age status. Even if it is outstanding, such as Xiao. Xiao Daxia, because of his young age, it is not easy to get the trust of others and let others take it or not. And the person we are looking for now, he controls more than one martial arts person, some followers Even if he is in a high position, if he wants different people to trust and obey, his age must not be light. His face, speech, knowledge, etc. are all based on inferences. Who is the big guy? I know that I heard that his status is not low. As a disciple of Qi Zhuang, he has done a lot of things on behalf of Qi Zhuang, and many of his external affairs are also handled by him. He is confident, somewhat violent, and high-eyed. At the top, the knowledge is broad and daring, such a young man, in order to conquer him, in addition to being able to grasp his needs and weaknesses, his own conditions are not appropriate. We are looking for this person, every The same details noticed."

No one spoke around, Su Xiaopei glanced around in a circle, and some people later said: "But such people are really a lot in the rivers and lakes. There are many sects, people with status, which do not pay attention to the instrument, which is not good. Is it polite? As long as he has the right to position, to gain trust and accept others, isn’t that easy? The girl said, but it sweeps out a lot.”

This speech taught many people to laugh. Everyone looked at Su Xiaopei and waited for her to answer.

Su Xiaopei faintly said: "He has some flaws. Maybe the house is not going well, the wife will have grievances. These mortuary secrets are not completely impenetrable walls. It is reasonable to have some rumors. But this person can't stand these, so he He will certainly control his wife, perhaps hiding his wife in the deep, perhaps divorcing his wife. If he is unmarried, he does not intend to become a family at all. But according to his age, I think the former is more likely. Dear, but not close to his wife. He does not like to talk about such things. In the eyes of outsiders, he is of high moral character, not close to female color, and does not swear words and talk about love. Maybe he used to be like this, his These problems or changes started a few years ago or even earlier."

There was no one around talking, and everyone looked at each other. This is inferred to be extremely daring, and it’s quite awkward to say that a woman is facing them.

"His personality, preferences, details of life, etc. have undergone tremendous changes, starting a few years ago or even earlier. If you look carefully, you may have clues."

“How is this inferred again?”

"He wants to get the reliance on the ranks of the heroes of the rivers and lakes, and organizes different types of people from different sects to follow him. He has to observe, to find candidates, to adapt and integrate slowly, it takes time. It will be a few years. Yes." Su Xiaopei evades the weight, some answer is not asked. But some of the people who were questioning were circumvented and did not ask.

Su Xiaopei continued: "He is a very good person to find your inner weakness. Your *, your panic, he can see, he will quickly grasp this point, lobbying you, controlling you. He can speak, will give You come up with an idea, but his means will not be to please you, but he will also exert some mental blows on you, making you feel ashamed and sad, and let you feel uncomfortable."

"Who would listen to him like this?"

"Yes." Su Xiaopei quietly glanced at Gu Kang, he was hanging his eyes at this time, seems to be listening attentively and seriously thinking.

"Stupid?" The man who spoke shouted again.

Su Xiaopei replied: "Everyone has a stupid son in their hearts, but some people have suppressed the stupid son. Some people's silly sons ran out and he could not control."

"In short, the girl said, there is such a person, maybe in the middle of us?" Luo Hua asked.

"Maybe he is not here, maybe, he must have a different connection with the people here. You should have seen him here, maybe there are his followers sitting among us."

"Isn't that turning his head, is that we are looking for him?"

"He already knew it." Su Xiaopei, otherwise, he will not provoke her again and again.

It turns out that the person really knows.

The next day, Liang Dezheng and Du Chengming rushed to Wuzhen, saying that they received the news that Su Xiaopei had trouble in Wuzhen, and they quickly came over. But I haven't said a few words yet. If the tea is not served, there will be a letter from Jianghan Han, and there will be a new notice on the wall.

Su Xiaopei passed them together. The wall on this notice is: "welldone!!"

A few people on the side automatically handed in ink and ink, and Su Xiaopei slammed the words on the wall. She took the pen, drew a smile next to the sentence, and painted the gesture of the scissors.

Jianghu Zhonghan looked at it and did not disable his hand. "Girl, what is this?"

"This means that we have the confidence and determination to beat him!"

"Yes? Is this gesture so imposing?" The people looked at each other, swayed, and then couldn't help but smile.

Su Xiaopei looked up and looked at it. The original momentum was overwhelmed by the costumes of the people. I really want to tell them, what, this gesture is not suitable for the men to do, really! 2k novel reading network

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