MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Yan Feize took Su Xiaopei to Xuanqing and met Jiang Weiying. He told Jiang Weiying and Xiao Qi the same darkness after Luo Linger, Fu Yan and Shen Jimen's room table. Both of them were shocked.

"So, Gu Gumen and Fu Yan colluded to frame the nine bells long?"

"It's very possible. It's just that we have no evidence."

"Who is that Luo Linger?"

"It is the daughter of a martial arts museum owner in Ning'an City. She killed and killed people and was smashed by the girl." Yan Feize said the case of Ning'an City Sima Yiqing, and thought about it, Luo Linger and the case may be It doesn't matter, but there was no evidence at the time. Luo Kui took all the blame. I didn't expect Luo Kui to end up in prison. Afterwards, Luo Linger would have made such a strange thing.

"She didn't kill the girl, why did she have to bear the crime, and Su girl appeared, she was not poked? What is this intention?" Jiang Weiying and Xiao Qi's doubts and 冉非泽, etc. know this Like people.

Su Xiaopei was blind and dazed, and when she said that Luo Kui had been exhausted, she thought of something.

"Su girl." Jiang Weiying's call called Su Xiaopei's attention back. "What do you think of this? That Luo Kui is doing his own thing, Luo Linger is doing his own thing, and he is paying his own words. Next, what will happen to Gu Zhangmen?"

Su Xiaopei shook her head, she didn't know.冉非泽道: "Luo Kui was sentenced to ask after the fall, sooner or later, Luo Linger said that the big hatred has been reported with the father, and that the words are debunked and the crime is nowhere to go. I don’t know if it happened, but these people are still There are some reasonable reasons. The head of the Gu is now not falling, but he threatens the girl, and I don’t know what to do next."

Xiao Qi said: "You told me last time, we sent people to seriously inspect, and there is no one in the door. There are some complaints and dissatisfaction, but which one is general, no Very great hatred, Gu’s position is stable, and the people of Jiuhuan are also smooth on the surface. I haven’t found anything for the time being. Moreover, the action we are inquiring, the door in the door is a bit of a wind, Gu’s head Very prepared."

"If he is a guilty conscience, his natural vigilance is high." Yan Feize thought for a moment, and Jiang Weiying said: "Jiang Jiangmen, if this is not a struggle within the sect of the gods, then I am afraid it will become a big problem in the rivers and lakes. The name is named Su girl. Before she died, she also scared Sue Girl. Gu’s door was also threatened by death. They might have people behind them. Maybe the people of Jiu Ling Road are not the ones who care about the head, the people behind the scenes. If this is the case, then the various factions of the rivers and lakes should be wary and careful. I don’t know where the power of the person penetrated, how to do it.

Jiang Weiying felt that he was justified and frowned.

冉非泽又道: "The nine bells are the standard of the people, everyone in the rivers and lakes knows that he can understand the future, and the girl of Su is knowledgeable, she can detect what has happened, and both of them are wizards. Maybe ...... "Yu Feize has not finished this, Xiao Qi has screamed: "Ah, that is so."

Jiang Weiying's brow wrinkles deeper. If so, then this person's mind is too heavy, and his ambition is not so simple to play with one. "I will contact the factions to let everyone take more precautions." He looked at Su Xiaopei, who had never spoken, and asked: "Su girl, who is the person who posted a message on the wall? What is his intention?"

Su Xiaopei shook his head: "It is my hometown, but I don't know who he is, and I don't know what he wants. His message..." She paused and thought about it: "He is scaring me."

"Frighten you?" Jiang Weiying wants to ask why everyone wants to scare you, but this is quite rude, he did not say anything.

But Su Xiaopei himself said: "Cats and mice, maybe they think it's fun."

Yan Feize frowned and glared at her. He was very dissatisfied with the play of others. Jiang Weiying indulged in a moment and said: "They want to kill the people of Jiu-Xing. There are also simpler ways. They have used this stone two-bird plan to blame him. He has to turn around him. No, when it comes to us, we have to turn around these martial arts groups. They, are they also quite interesting?"

Su Xiaopei did not speak. Yan Fei Ze reached out and took her.

Jiang Weiying sighed: "Non Ze, I understand the intention of you to come to me. If this is true, then the factions of the rivers and lakes should do a good job early, otherwise, it will be in a catastrophe. The hometown of the people, but the Cheng Gongzi you used to ask for books?"

Yan Feize glanced at Su Xiaopei and nodded: "It is him."

"I will inform the factions and teach them to find this person. If he has the ability, can he still escape the eyes and ears of the whole martial arts?"

If Fei Ze did not speak, the death of Jiu Ling Dao, will it be related to this? He saw what he should not look at?

If you give up your life, you can do it.

What is that wish? The name of the journey is afraid of the people of the nine bells, so I have to put him to death? He turned his head and glanced at Su Xiaopei. She is hanging her head and has no spirit.

Yan Feize and Su Xiaopei returned to their homes. He waited for her to sit down and asked: "You have very few words in Xuanqing today." According to her composition, it is a matter of careful explanation and deliberation. But she was just sitting quietly.

"Do you have a heart?" He sat next to her.

Su Xiaopei sighed: "Today's strong man said that Luo Kui's case, I thought of it."

"What do you think of?"

"The death of Luo Kui was based on the method of hypnosis that I used to find the jade pendant for the wife. After the adult wanted to use this method to interrogate the confession."

I’m thinking about it, it’s true. He understood. "There are Luo Kui's associates in the government. He is afraid that you will use this method to teach Luo Kui to say something they don't want to let Luo Kui say, so Luo Kui is dead."

"After people die, they can't ask anything." Su Xiaopei said: "That is to say, behind the case of Luo Kuina, there is still a secret. Maybe it is just to keep Luo Linger, she is indeed involved in the case, it is possible, The method of blaming them used has the guidance of others. After all, some details of Ma Zhengyuan’s crimes are not known to ordinary people."

"If there is someone in the house, then this person is always watching you by your side." Yan Feize thought suddenly and some fear, "So you are taken away, there is no clue left, that is, the thief can do it." That's it. I really shouldn't leave, I really shouldn't leave you alone. You are alone, let him be awkward. He also wrote the letter to scare you, how does he know your hometown? How does he send you to Linglong? Does he want to trap you in the tree to torture you, teach you to fear, teach you obedience. He..."

"The strong man." Su Xiaopei couldn't help it anymore. She twisted and held his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder. "I have never suffered, I have never suffered."

冉非泽摸|Touch her head and take her to her arms: "Have you thought about it?"

Su Xiaopei was a little stiff and she knew what he was asking. "not yet."

"Thinking like this for a long time."

"It’s only a few days."

"Xiao Pei, I have no relatives around me."


"So I can go anywhere, it’s fine. It’s okay to take a son-in-law to go home. Is it all right?”

Su Xiaopei bit his lip and couldn't speak.

"I am definitely a good son-in-law who can please mother-in-law."

The boast in his tone made her want to laugh, but the despair in her heart made her want to cry again.

"Strong man." She tried to calm her mood: "You let me think about it again."

"Yeah." He stroked her hair: "If you don't think the result is bad, I will hit you ass.", don't cook for you."

Su Xiaopei closed her eyes. If she beat her a fart, she could take her home, she is willing. She can take him to the barber shop to cut a clean short hair, take him to the brand store to buy his favorite clothes, buy him shoes, help him tie, do not know if he would like to wear a suit, she thinks that men wear The suit is pretty good, and he is so tall, his shoulders are wide enough, and he must be handsome in his suit. She is also willing to take him to the Western restaurant and let him taste different dishes. He can also see the tap, can use her toilet, sit on her sofa and watch TV...

Su Xiaopei hugged him, holding it hard, and the sadness in his heart surged again. She bit her lip hard and let herself not cry. Yan Fei Ze hugged her, full of confidence, his girl is happy with him, he can feel that she is so happy with him, she will promise him. They can become a family and become a family.

Su Xiaopei seriously considered it for several days. She felt that she had to tell all the facts about her. She couldn’t marry him any more. She couldn’t let him have hope. I was so sorry for him. And when things get to this point, if she can't confess to him, he won't understand what happened to her. Why did she appear in the exquisite array? If these are not clear, then the investigation of the people behind the scenes is also There will be obstacles. She wants to understand, she wants to tell him everything.

Su Xiaopei is very confident in Zhai Feize. Not only is she confident, but also trusts her whole heart. She believes that if she listens to those who will believe her, he will not hate the origins of her, but she does not grasp his feelings for them. Nothing will be done. She hopes that he will not be too upset, but no matter what reaction he is, she will accept it. If he blames her for deceiving him and giving her feelings, she can understand it. This is indeed what she did wrong. She is sorry for him.

In short, she intends to tell him everything, accept all his attitude towards her, she did something wrong, she must bear.

It’s just that Su Xiaopei is a bit timid, and there are some things that are easy to think about and not easy to do. She wants to find an opportunity to say, but she always feels that the timing is wrong, or that her courage is not enough. It was dragged on for a few days.

On this day, Su Xiaopei just got up, washed and waited for breakfast, sitting on the edge of the bed and brewing courage, practicing the process of frankly explaining in the brain, how to think how to do it. Zhai Feize had breakfast in the outhouse, and she just wanted to greet her to come out to eat. Someone ran out in front of the door.

"Predecessors, seniors." Come from Ji Jiawen, "There is a new message to the **** the wall." The Xuanqing faction also sent people to search the suspicious people these days, monitoring the movement in front of the wall, but this day New announcements were posted on the wall, and they were generally like Bai Yulang and others, but they did not see anyone doing it.

Su Xiaopei sneaked, and quickly rushed to the announcement wall with Yan Feize.

On the wall is a brand new big white paper with the words "youreallydie?"

No one understood what was written on it. Everyone except the curiosity was nervous. Only Su Xiaopei sneered. It’s really nothing new, the rhythm of this demonstration is not well mastered. She turned and wanted to go back to the place to grind the ink. There are several rivers and lakes next to the man who are handed over to the stage and the pen.

"Girl, do you want this? I am ready for you." They saw new news and they were busy and compact.

"Girl, we are also prepared. We are thicker and write with momentum."

"Girl, what did the **** write?"

"Don't be swearing." Someone said, but asked: "What does the girl look at him?"

Su Xiaopei laughed. She took a pen handed over by a man and sat full of ink. She wrote a sentence below the sentence. The word is still very ugly, ugly, everyone screamed, but in order to show respect for the girl, no one sighed, only seriously looked at her and wrote three strings of symbols.


When Su Xiaopei wrote, Min Fei Ze and Bai Yulang and others were paying attention to the expressions of the people around them. No one was unusual. From the faces of everyone, no one could read these words.

"Girl, what is the meaning of writing?" Someone asked.

"He threatened me, asked if I really can't die?" Su Xiaopei answered. The people around the rivers and lakes have been screaming at this letter, which is really shameless, and it is so disgusting that it scares a girl.

"Girl, what do you answer?"

"I told him that the sister is a god, not dead."

The surrounding area was silent. For a long time, some people couldn’t help but scream, and then they were photographed by the people next to them. Ok, in fact, everyone has to endure hard work. This answer is really true, and it is also very shameless.

Sister is a god! Which girl can talk like this!

Yan Feize lowered his head and his shoulders shook, and he was laughing. The expression of Jiang Hanzhong is even more funny than the words written by his girl. It’s so cute, his girl is the cutest in the rivers and lakes.

The lovely girl stretched out his hand and took him to the house. She took it seriously and took him home very aggressively. She looked at her and finally couldn't help but grin. So cute, his girl with a serious expression is the most lovely in the world.

After a sigh of relief, Su Xiaopei closed the door and pressed Zhai Feize to the chair, sitting opposite him.

Yan Fei Ze always looked at her and laughed, could not stop laughing. Su Xiaopei couldn't smile, she took a deep breath, and her courage suddenly rose sharply. She must catch the opportunity to live with him.

"Strong man, don't laugh."

"Good." But the corner of the mouth is still curved, and there is still a smile in the eyes.

"I have something to say to you."

"Good." He felt something and the smile stopped.

Su Xiaopei bit his lip and took a few deep breaths. "The strong man, there are things, I have been staring at you."

"Yeah." Yan Feize was serious at this time.

"My hometown, far and far away." Far away, she was destined to not have him, she was forced to come here to find Lang, but was carried to the battle platform. That person will not only write a letter to scare her, she knows.

I want to get started! Before the start, she had to confess all things to this man. This, she loves the male 2k novel reading network