MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 73

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Chapter 73

Fang Ping did not speak for a long time. Su Xiaopei has been waiting for him.

After a long time, Fang Ping finally said: "The grievances between the people of Jiu Ling and the owner are not one or two days. When we find that the owner is killed, the first suspect that can be thought of is the Jiu-Xing Tao. Someone mentioned This is not surprising. If I really didn't hear the ring tone, then I was confused. When I found the owner's body, I was squeaking in my head, and the whole person couldn't move. I was in the middle of the day. After a little calm down, I can recall the things at the time. Xu is too confused in my mind. It is indeed that the people of the nine bells have acted, and they mistakenly think that the sound in my mind is a ring tone."

Yan Feize raised his eyebrows on the side, very surprised. Wan did not expect this Fang Ping to say so. His expression is clearly what he has already thought of.

However, Su Xiaopei’s expression did not change, she even understood that she nodded.

Fang Ping said again: "The girl said this, the truth of her own girl, but I seriously thought about it. If someone else said to me a word and a half doubts about the nine bells, I blame others for imposing memories on me. It is not appropriate. If someone is detained and is only guilty of suspicion, how can this world be fair?"

Yan Feize wants to say that it is not that he puts a name on it, but he just wants to find some clues to further trace it. But he looked at Su Xiaopei, she was calm and calm, and he held back and swallowed back.

Su Xiaopei said the other side: "The Fang Da Xia is justified. We can't conclude from the other words. The death of Fangzhuang, the death of Jiu Ling Dao, need to give them a fair, no one. The victim."

Fang Ping thought of the people of Jiu Ling Dao, and his eyes were full of arrogance. He couldn’t help but whispered himself: “I really remember hearing the ring tone, and it’s really unintentional.”

Su Xiaopei nodded: "Fang Daxia, you feel that no one imposes memory on you, it is entirely your own memory, this is also possible." She saw Fang Wei's subtle expression like a sigh of relief, quietly, continued: "Just this Things are not easy to check, but also need to help me."

"Girl please."

"I have some questions and I want to ask the heroes again, I hope I can find out the clues of things."

Fang Ping nodded very cautiously. So Su Xiaopei began to ask, she first asked Fang Ping how long it took to kill the village, how to get to know the owner, what he did in the seven killings, is not everyone knows. Whether the owner is a wife, a few wives, and several children. There are several apprentices in the owner, what are the names, what friends are there, and what are the enemies. How long is Fang Ping’s own years, whether he is married or not, and whether he has children.

These questions are very good in answering the other side. He answered them one by one, and the more they answered, the more relaxed they were. Su Xiaopei looked at his expression carefully and then began to ask about the situation of other people in Zhuang. What is the personality of the wife of the owner, how is the owner, how are the disciples of them, and how they are to the children. What are the conditions of the disciples' masters? Unknowingly, I asked the main characters of Zhuangli for a circle.

After Su Xiaopei stopped, Fang Ping saw that she no longer asked, nodded, just want to say that we went back to the hall, Su Xiaopei suddenly said: "Fang Daxia, if we have been unable to find the real murderer, Fangzhuang also Don't blame it?"

Fang Ping bowed and shook his head. Su Xiaopei nodded. This conversation is over.

On the way back to the hall, Fang Ping went fast. Su Xiaopei did not rush and walk slowly, and Fei Fei followed her footsteps and saw no one. He asked, "What happened?" He did not understand much.

"He has doubts in his heart, but he doesn't want to tell me."


"I guess maybe he has a hard time thinking that he can't expose the murderer now. He will verify it on his own. It is possible that the time is up and he will avenge himself."

"Can this be guessed?"

"Of course. Because I also know who the person he suspects is?"

"who is it?"

Su Xiaopei took a look at him and his expression was a little playful. I am not in the heart of the heart: "You can tell me, I can guess."

The expression of competing for victory is quite like a child. Su Xiaopei laughed: "The strong man is so intelligent, he can guess it."

What about children? She is not squinting at her: "My intelligence is definitely worthy of you. It is very well matched."

Su Xiaopei smiled a little deliberately, because he said this too embarrassingly. Bai Yulang’s slewing head in front of him looked at them and gave a soft sigh. He felt that the two men were quite childish. Look at them a lot of age, but also want you to guess I guess who is smart, really childish, really teach people to despise.

The latter two ignored him, and he said: "You give me some tips. How do you guess, I know the method, I can guess it."

"If a person has doubts about another person's heart, when he mentions him, he will have doubts about his expression and his content. Fang square is not willing to say it, I asked him other questions, and he came to know him. To express the expression in the truth, and to relax his vigilance, then when he evaluates everyone in Zhuang, he can hear that something is wrong."

When he was nodding, he did not hesitate to listen carefully. He thought that he could think of it.

Su Xiaopei said again: "I will give you some tips, which is what I said. He feels that he can't expose the murderer now, and he feels that he has the ability to take revenge. This is a big leak. If you don't think about it, I don't know. The way is."

"I can guess. I will tell you before the sunset." Yan Feize was full of confidence, and felt that he was so happy with Su Xiaopei. He added: "Fang Ping, how are you planning?"

Su Xiaopei said: "I think he may be wrong, there are omissions, I have to prove to him that he must expose the person immediately, things are not as simple as he imagined."

The talking room hall is already in front of you. When he stopped his footsteps, he still wanted to ask a few more words. Ji Jiawen suddenly ran out and saw that he was not a Zesu Xiaopei: "Predecessor, Su girl." He solemnly complained: "That pays big Xia is talking about Su girl... oh..." Probably he used a word that he couldn’t tell, and thought: "It’s strange to say that Su is a girl."

Su Xiaopei and Yan Feize looked at each other. Ji Jiawen said: "The girl has been away for a long time. The heroes are asked several times to find someone to urge the heroes to come back. They say that there is no reason to leave the guest's house. Master will delay and tell him better. Others. Later, it was quite a long time. Fu Xia began to ask Master how much he knew about Su, and said how the Su girl was in Linglong. Fang Caifang returned, he still said.

冉 泽 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽 泽He walked black to the hall, and Su Xiaopei did not like to talk about it. I heard that he was so angry in his heart. She could see that she was not angry with her. She quickly went to pull him: "The strong man, Wait, don't be angry."

"Do not worry." While correcting, he held the hand that she had pulled back.

"Okay, good, no worries." Well, I am afraid that he really rushed into the conflict and bad things. "Calm, things haven't been done yet."

"Okay." Mr. Zhuang Shi promised very quickly, holding hands and calmly walked in.

Bai Yulang shot Ji Jiawen's shoulder behind him: "Youth, actually slammed." Ji Jiawen smashed his hand and followed it in.

When Su Xiaopei and Yu Feize entered the house, no one spoke in the room, it was very quiet. There are only a few faces on the face of many people. Fang Ping has sat down in his position and frowned. Look at him and look at Su Xiaopei who came in.

"How can this expression be said to me?" Su Xiaopei asked directly. Ji Jiawen, who just came in, confided to the back of the master, Bai Yulang squeezed him, and smacked his shoulders very slyly: "Mo pan, I will help you block." This block even blocked his eyes, Ji Jiawen Standing next to the station.

No one answered Su Xiaopei. The people behind it are not really disgraceful, let alone a girl, who does not want to be a shame in this early bird.

"Is it wrong?" Su Xiaopei said when she said this, she was not looking for something. She really needed to do something to make Fang Ping trust her more.

Su Xiaopei’s questioning and gaze made everyone look at the words, and he coughed and coughed. He said: “There are some questions that I don’t want to ask.”

"Please say."

After paying a look around, I looked at Su Xiaopei and said: "The girl used to be in Ning'an City, but afterwards she appeared in the exquisite array. There was no martial arts, no memo, and I didn't know how to get on the tree. The blade array heard that it was very dangerous. The tree was surrounded by dripping water. I was very curious about who could have the ability to put the girl on. Looking at the martial arts, I am afraid that the master can not do it. To solve this mystery, I went to consult some friends. It was so clever that someone learned from Pingzhou City that someone had killed the female teacher of Ning'an City and then squandered herself. The female teacher's house was full of blood, and the number of Ning'an City Houses was followed. In the month, no clues have been found about the female priest being detained. There are indications that the female master is indeed killed."

Fu Yan stared at Su Xiaopei: "The female master is a girl. How can a dead person appear in the Tiansi silver blade? No one can have the ability to put the girl in. The girl has short hair and is strange. The manners of behavior and so on are different from ours. Dare to ask the girl, what is your origin? You said that your hometown is far away, and there is a source in a faraway place. Where is the hometown? Is it dead again?"

Su Xiaopei also stared at the words, and the question was really good, aggressive, and meaningful. She was angry at the fact that she was deliberately looking for her trouble. She calmly replied: "Pay heroes, you know that I am a female master, you should know that I have a full-time case. I don't have any other skills, it is okay to break the case. If you don't understand the heroes, let me point you to one or two. - Listening is illusory, seeing is believing. What you have heard is not important, the most important thing is to have evidence to judge that these things have been heard. Someone left a suicide note saying that I will kill, you are the letter of the letter, or The letter, I am a living person standing in front of you? I don’t know what the Tiansi silver blade is. I woke up and found that I was trapped in the tree. It’s true. You said that no one can do it. Bring it into the tree, I don't know how big the world is in your eyes, but as the saying goes, there are days outside the sky, there are people outside, paying the heroes to say so full, saves being ridiculed. I am missing the case, Ning'an City Pingzhou City House is in tracing, paying heroes to be curious about the progress of the case, can go to inquire about it. Anyway, paying heroes, the news is well-informed, I heard a lot. After hearing it, check it clearly, don’t understand it. The face of the people questioned this suspicion, In public is an offense etiquette, self-seeking ugly. "

There was a big man on the side that was close to Su Xiaopei. He heard a step forward and rushed to Su Xiaopei and said: "Women, how do you talk to the big son?"

Su Xiaopei sneered: "Wolf girl? Listen, paying heroes for a long time is to want this result? To the people said that my origin is unknown, is not an ordinary person, using the demon method, hiding the heart, not credible?"

"Su girl is more concerned, but the girl is very strange, the rumors are very interesting, and I must be curious, then I will ask the girl for a second or two, the girl is strange."

Su Xiaopei sneered: "I am very small, and I am very happy when I hear the host's confession to me. Paying the heroes and listening to the rumors that I am a stranger, it is better for me to tell the heroes rumors that it is not Really."

Before waiting for others to return, Su Xiaope turned to look at the big man who was rude to her. "How does the strong man call it?"

Strong man?冉非泽道: "Please call him heroes."

"Why?" Su Xiaopei turned his head back.

"I am the strong man in the girl's mouth, don't compare me with him, call him heroes."

A house of heroes suddenly squinted at the smugglers with gaze, should they be compared with this person, this is a rude rough man, okay? Can't put on the small characters on the table, why do these heroes have to compare with him?

"How does the heroes call it?"

Really heroes, there are several heroes in a room who couldn’t help but turn their eyes, and the rest of the eyes are free again.

"My name is a cow." The man was placed on the counter and was blind. He looked at the words and answered Su Xiaopei's question.

"The cow heroes are not high or low in the seven killing villages. The low is because they have been mixed for a certain number of years. It is not because there is nothing to do. There are families, children, and children are young and young. There are some difficulties at hand. But the monthly money given by Qi Zhuang should not be so, so you are gambling, I think it may be bigger. You didn’t return home last night, staying outside. You lied that there is something in Zhuang, but in fact Ghosts are gone. You dare not teach you - the lady knows that her family is quite powerful, isn't it?"

The man was stunned and the whole house was surprised. For a long time, the man called out, "You, you are nonsense, nonsense."

"That's right, there is nothing wrong with it." Su Xiaopei, the old god, is still calmly drinking tea.

Fu Yan’s face was black and ugly, and Fang Ping later questioned: “How do girls know?”

"The disciple who can be used in this room will not be too low, but it is not too low, because the cow heroes are standing on the side. Just like me, I am not in this house, I sit. On the side. The cow heroes have some years, their eyes are not wearing their faces, the waist is not quite right, and at first glance it is a rough man. These characters are not mixed up for a long time. How about this room? He is not as old as his disciple. In addition, his clothes are filthy, like a child eating food, although the clothes are old, the needlework is new, and some people have made up for him. Adding his years, it is inferred that The children in the house. The other disciples in the house are neat and new clothes, with clothes and ornaments, scabbards are clean, swords are taken with spikes, and some are still jade spikes. It can be seen that Zhuangzhong is not ill-treated, but the cow heroes are wearing old clothes, and the clothes are wide and fat. If you don't fit, you can see that he has no money to buy new clothes for himself. Why are the disciples alone in poverty? It is inferred that gambling is a gamble, gambling is hurting, it hurts money, and it is easy to expose. Now he is living in peace and wants to come. Outside, it’s more It’s true. I didn’t return home last night because he didn’t change clothes. A woman who would carefully sew the clothes line for him, how can he still wear dirty clothes to go out? The cow hero is rude and rude, but he is afraid of his wife, but his wife should be careful. The tame person, dare not teach her to know that she is going out*, it must be a wife’s family."

Some words said that everyone in the room was speechless, Su Xiaopei said: "These speculations based on the details did not dare to preserve the whole, but the expression of the cow heroes revealed the truth - phase, I will have some reaction every time I say it, I By recognizing the authenticity of his reaction, he can naturally infer it step by step."

The people continued to be speechless. This is a shameless name for the cow. The girl of Sue is still a cow hero. It really lowers the ranks of these true heroes. But it's hard to say anything, just listen.

Su Xiaopei turned to pay: "Pay heroes."

Paying attention to the eyes. Su Xiaopei looked at him and said: "I am both a master and a true skill. You are deceiving me to be a woman. I know a lot, and I know how to do it. If you really have a way to hear it, you should know that I am a god. You are filthy, I am hiding my heart, and what is my heart?"

Fu Yan said: "The girl is more concerned, I am just curious to ask, why come to the girl."

"There is no such thing as paying for the heroes. Then I have to think that the frogs that pay the heroes at the bottom of the well, I don’t know what I know, and I feel that others are making a mystery, and the demon method is demon. I would like to ask, I only infer that which one is not based on evidence, only It can be done by observing the subtlety. Everyone in the room can do it. How is the demon method? I am just a little knowledgeable, knowing something that the heroes have not noticed before. The scholars teach the knowledge, heroes Before we learned it, we also felt that the lady was a strange thing, different from ordinary people. I don’t know how to do it. Is it true that the heroes are so powerful that they are all monsters?

The heroes face each other and have some doubts in their hearts. Are they humiliated? It’s a shame to be irritated. What should I do?

Yu Fei Ze broke the deadlock in a timely manner and gave the heroes a clearance. "Fortunately, the girl called me a strong man." After all, I laughed at everyone, and thanked me with a look. If someone answered the words, everyone would not be so embarrassed.

The heroes’ eyes slammed into the strong man.

Su Xiaopei turned to Fang Ping at this time: "Fang Daxia, you want to solve the mystery, you can't rely on guessing, let me teach you a few tricks."