MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 64

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Chapter |6|4

Su Xiaopei woke up the next day and found that everyone was not the same as before.

Ji Jiawen's younger brother is obviously respectful and respectful to her. I want to come to yesterday. He is very happy and thinks she is a talented person. Luo Hua and Cao Hedong are not so alienated from her. Playing games together and doing team building activities is really useful. Then it is to pay for it. He is more cautious than before. The other side is very concerned. Maybe she thinks that the situation of other people will unfairly affect the **** case of the Seven Kills. It is worrying.

Fang Ping, watching his expression reaction, Su Xiaopei felt that he was successful, he believed her method, and thus caused this doubt to himself. Su Xiaopei silently observed that he did not deliberately approach him. She knew that now there is a chance for him to come to her for help.

As long as he had this thought, he calculated the Linglong Mountain and returned to the outside. She also had the opportunity to help him.

But to say that it is different from the past, the change is relatively large. He was more violent this day, and he didn't seem to be pleasing to anyone. He also guarded her with the mouse. Well, this description is really inappropriate, but she does have this feeling.

She used to sit on the knife as usual, and he always swayed around her. To be exact, she always swayed in front of her and blocked her sight. Cutting a branch should also be cut in front of her. The tool for making a rattan to break the organ should also be sitting in front of her. The back of the head is always shaking in front of me. It is really annoying.

"The strong man." Su Xiaopei couldn't help but for a long time.

"Do you do it?" Yan Fei stopped his life and looked back at her.

"Can you move a place?"


"You are blocking me."

"What is it that keeps you doing?"

Su Xiaopei, she can do anything, she does nothing. "Stunned." She blocked her staring eyes.

Look at her, look at her, look at her own place, and return: "The place where the girl needs to be in a daze is still quite large."

"Well, so I am trying to move."

If he doesn't move, he can't borrow other men's clothes to wear to her. Only he can work harder to help her block her sight. Yan Feize turned and continued to work.

Su Xiaopei glared at his back and did not move?

"The strong man." She for a long time and called again.

"Do you do it?"

"You are blocking me from seeing the scenery."

“Where is the scenery so good?”

Except your back is pretty good. Su Xiaopei was speechless and had to continue to marry him. As a result, Fei Zeze said in her contempt: "Girl, I am physically strong, my back is wide and shoulder-length, and it is quite eye-catching. What does the girl think?"

"What do you say?" Su Xiaopei really wants to show him the face, not too thick.

"When the girl said, would you say that I would like to think?" Xiao Fei, who smiled at the face, finally converges before Su Xiaopei really loses his temper. He took things and collected them and sat next to Su Xiaopei.

"What happened to the strong man?"


“Why are you in a bad mood?”


“Why are you too embarrassed to say something?”

I don’t have a single syllable, I changed my nose. Sometimes a woman is too good to understand is not a good thing. At this time, Ji Jiawen ran over and respectfully said: "Predecessors, I took them away." Yan Feize nodded, and Ji Jiawen moved the rattan he had edited to the side, and organized it with other people.

Su Xiaopei could not help but whispered: "He called your predecessor."

"I am indeed his predecessor."

"Oh." Su Xiaopei nodded. "I thought that the predecessors were all called the old talents. Like Cao's head."

冉 泽 横 横 横 横 横 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , He really is not a small number of years. If he is a relative, he will be a baby, and he will be a grandfather earlier. He can be a grandfather, but he walks all over the place. This is not a delay, but again, He just likes her.

"Girls are like me." I can't help but remind her.

Su Xiaopei reacted for a while before he reacted to what he was talking about. She stunned and then blushed. She felt embarrassed for her first age and argued: "I am in our hometown, but it is very common. "Look at the expression of 冉非泽, and say: "It’s not the usual condition that you can’t get married. It’s very old. Many of our girls are years with me, and they are not married.”

Yan Feize nodded seriously: "The girls in the girl's hometown are really calm."

Su Xiaopei suddenly shut up, still sinking, and no one is anxious? Anyway, she is not in a hurry.

"So we are like this, it is quite good, girl said?"

"Go, go." Take her to tease and have fun.

冉非泽摸|Touching the nose, still waiting for another encouragement, Cao Hedong called him to the side, how to prepare those things to be arranged, let him work in the past. It’s really unpleasant to be in the heart of Fei Ze, and he screamed a few times and told Su Xiaopei to run around, and then it passed. Su Xiaopei rushed his back to make a face, and his eyes could finally be widened.

Someone whispered a little while: "Su girl."

Su Xiaopei turned his head and looked at it. "Pay heroes."

Fu Yan approached Su Xiaopei and glanced at Xiaofei, who looked at them. He whispered, "Sue girl, the method that the girl said yesterday is really wonderful. I see Fang Shu’s mentality is not good today. Last night, I saw him try in the woods. That **** is coming."

"What did he try?"

"I don't know, I asked him, he said that he just asked some irrelevant." Fu Yan seems to hesitate, think about it, and asks: "Fang Shu said that he heard the ringing tone of the people of Jiu Ling Dao, and said that he saw The clothes corner, plus the Jiu-Xing Taoist and my master did have a festival, the blade marks are also consistent with his nine-bells, so we decided that the Jiu-Xing Taoist is the murderer. But on the day of the self-testing marks, Fang Shu did not In the ringtone, I figured out what he heard on the day, and the spirit has always been bad. Yesterday, I was really worried. The girl was very knowledgeable, I don’t know if there is a way to help Fang Shu, as usual yesterday. Let him tell which ringtone he heard at the beginning."

Su Xiaopei looked at him seriously, and he said something awkwardly. He bowed his head and said: "I am a bit reckless. It’s just Master’s **** vengeance. I have to report this as an apprentice. If there is a way to give evidence, it’s really convincing. Best. If it can't, I have to wait for the rules of the rivers and lakes."

Su Xiaopei listened and nodded. Fu Yan looked up at her and asked: "The method of the needle of yesterday, can be used on the ringing tone. When you hear a ring tone, ask if the needle is the sound."

Su Xiaopei smiled and said: "The heroes are smart people. If you use the same reason, you can use it. If you use it, you need to concentrate on it and concentrate on it."

I nodded and said that everyone tried it when playing last night. Sometimes it is not possible. Sometimes the needle does not move for a long time. Afterwards, Su Xiaopei taught the spirit of concentration. He looked at it for a long time and naturally understood. I heard Su Xiaopei say this, and he said: "Thank you for the girl, then I will say something to Fang Shu, and discuss whether to use this method to try again after the discussion."

Su Xiaopei should have, I wish them all the best. The words became more and more happy, thanked Su Xiaopei again, and walked away. Su Xiaopei watched him go to Fangping and whispered to him. Fang Ping listened and listened. He looked at Su Xiaopei and then thought about it. He nodded. Both of them looked relaxed. Fang Ping was far away from Su Xiaopei. Holding a fist and giving a gift, then turning around with the words, seems to continue to talk to the other side.

Yan Feize came over and asked Su Xiaopei what was going on, Su Xiaopei said the situation. It’s not as impulsive as he imagined, and it’s quite savvy.

Su Xiaopei glanced at him: "He is so shrewd, but it is a bad thing for me."


"I have let Fang Daxia know that there are some problems with his memory. If he can't solve it, he may think about asking for help. The method of paying the heroes is to lead him back to the ringtone. Now They should be able to identify the ring tone after they have been bent on, and they will not doubt that Fang Daxia has not heard it. But he does not blame him. He only said that the heroes did not recognize which kind of ringtone. From this point of view, it is right, if I am At that time, he was not hypnotized, and he would not have expected it."

Yan Feize frowned. "Isn't that going out and letting me get another ringtone recognition meeting?"

“Is it too troublesome?”

"That depends on who it is. I am not happy like them. How can I bother?" Yan Feize said it was very emotional.

Su Xiaopei rushed his head and wrinkled his face, expressing sympathy.

"Cough, if it is a girl's business, it will not bother."

Su Xiaopei laughed and learned that the men were brave and clenched: "Thank you for the help of the strong men."

Yan Fei’s face is stiff and stiff, is he not obvious enough? Girl, you can't hold your breath, don't you have such heartlessness? He clearly has been holding his face and expressing his feelings. Is it really not obvious enough?

Su Xiaopei took back the hand of the boxing fist and held it on the raft. It was very uncomfortable to keep moving. Only this one movement, I do not feel the curve of the chest stretched out, thin clothes can not cover the full shape. Looking at the past from the perspective of 冉非泽, I will look at the 浑| He felt the blood rushing to his face, and he wanted to turn his face away, but his eyes were reluctant, and he couldn’t help but look at his eyes. She clearly wears the same thing. He didn't see it when he didn't find it before. He could always see it after he found it. What happened?

Su Xiaopei adjusted his posture and sat down with his legs. She is still thinking about the matter of Fangping: "They are not smooth in their ringing tone. They have never heard of it and can figure out which kind of ringtone, unless he is fake. Then I will think about why not It’s too deliberate to get involved.”

After a while, she found that she had not returned, and she looked up and asked him, but saw him fly and walked away. "I remember a lot of things to do, very busy, I went first."

Su Xiaopei frowned, what can I do? So busy, she still kept her from posing as a fake mountain. She was bored and looked at the west and looked at it. After a while, she came over again and looked serious. "Girl, have you ever told them that you are a master in Ning'an City?"

Su Xiaopei thought for a moment: "No." She only said that she had helped Qin Qintou in Ning'an City to handle the case. She did not specifically mention that she was a teacher. It was too low-key, and the current situation said that it was not appropriate.

"I don't remember the girl mentioning this." 冉非泽道, "I can say that the girl has said that she is a female teacher."

Su Xiaopei screamed, surprised and rounded his eyes.

Yan Feizhao squinted his eyes: "How does he know?"

Read The Duke's Passion