MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 59 repair

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Chapter 59

Su Xiaopei's ugly big-character poster is very useful. At least for a few days, no one ran to the front to guard their house. They only looked far away and guarded the main road.

However, the defender is also white, because he is not planning to hide his whereabouts. He swayed and took Su Xiaopei to the nearby farmhouse to buy food and food, and took a walk with Su Xiaopei, but most of the time he was in the house. Everyone noticed that he had never left the house alone, and he went with the eccentric woman wearing a hat.

In the past few days, Fei Ze has met some people, who are the buyers he wants to cast weapons. He confirms the drawings with them and then finalizes the delivery time. There are still some people who are eager to subscribe to the news. Yan Feize only listened to the request, wrote down, did not say no. Although those people felt that they were not very happy, they did not dare to remind them. They only waited for him to make sure that he had promised to do so, and he was ready to send the money.

Su Xiaopei noted that Yan Feize is quite rigorous in this regard. Every guest is seen alone, and someone secretly inquires about what weapons others have made and he never leaks. The people who ordered the door are like thieves, and seem to be afraid of being discovered by others. Yan Feize told her that in the rivers and lakes, the exclusive weapon is a treasure, a symbol of status. Su Xiaopei thinks she can understand.

Su Xiaopei did not care about the things that were not made by Ze Zemin. She couldn’t control it. She couldn’t help it. She didn’t have such a good thing when she greeted the guests with tea. In fact, she had to work hard to get rid of her. The things to cook, or they both have to go hungry. Such Tiansu Xiaopei also let Qi Feize help her to do something, that is, to write a letter to Qin Chutoutou and Bai Yulang, telling her that she is safe and sound, saving them from worrying, and lest they treat her as a pending case. On the other hand, she also wants to ask if she has been looking for her during the days when she was not there. Cheng Jiangyi has given her a letter and should come again. If he has left other clues, she will continue to find. So this letter is very necessary, but she is very worried that Qin catches the head and they pursue her two months.

Yan Feize did not worry. He wrote a letter to Qin Chuantou. In the letter, he said that Su Xiaopei’s remarks were repeated when he was unconscious. Then he did not know where he was trapped. He woke up one day. When I found out that I was left in the Xuanqing School, I ran out and found it. In the end, Fei Ze and them said that Su Xiaopei is now in him, safe and sound, so that they have to worry, and this matter involves the rivers and lakes, they do not have to deal with, he will find out the solution.

"Do you explain this?"

"This is good. If it involves the rivers and lakes, and there is no civil murder case involved, the government can leave it alone, always."

Su Xiaopei nodded and thought that the ancient underworld would be awesome, and the government could live well.

The letter was sent out, and Su Xiaopei had half of his heart. These days she also sorted out the time clues of all things and posted them on the wall. All the information about the relevant people and other people know it, and they are posted on the wall. But what she knows is really limited. She and Yu Feize said that it is best for her to see these people or related people, and to understand more. Yan Feize promised to arrange for her.

"Just start from the strong man." Su Xiaopei is very serious about helping Xiaofei to solve the problem.

"Good." Yan Feize promised, and sat up and took the initiative to explain: "In the next year, twenty-nine, the first birthday of the thirteenth month, no wife and wife, clear and white, not arrogant, not looking for flowers, not gambling, not greedy, loyal and reliable Some crafts, can make money, raise a family, not a problem, strong and healthy, happy and clean, looks good, is a good match."

"Will it be too good to provoke a debt? Can a strong man resent this?"

冉非泽撇嘴: "The girl has to play with me."

"No, I asked seriously." Su Xiaopei is facing the face.

Yan Fei Ze held her chin and sighed in her heart, that is, she asked him seriously. Every time his serious temptation provokes her, she can seriously block it, which is very frustrating.

"Strong man." Su Xiaopei reminded him to answer questions.

"Is there no love debt, the trouble girl who rescued people did not know? Didn't it also be solved? And the girl did not infer that it would not be a woman to do the murder."

"If it is a woman who likes it, and it invites the enemy to frame the poisonous hand, there are also such things."

"Love rival?"

"The two people like the same girl at the same time, and the two are called rivals."

Um, I’m nodding. This he has asked, he seems to be no rival.

"After the strong man thinks that this dirty thing happened, can someone benefit from the strong man?"

Yan Fei Ze thought for a moment: "There is no. I cast weapons or not, this matter will not affect."

"Does anyone have a loss from the strong man?"

冉非泽 shaking his head.

Su Xiaopei remembered it. Also asked: "What harm does this bring to the strong man?"

"Trouble, very troublesome." Yan Feize frowned. You see now, he wants to cultivate and deepen his feelings. As a result, a group of rivers and lakes are staring at his house, taking the girl out for a walk and talking about the distance. A group of martial arts savage people look at it, quite awkward.

"Can you have a life worry?"

"Nothing." His life and his hands are very valuable.

Su Xiaopei remembered it again. She stared at the paper for a long time, and she couldn’t find any clues from her. She dried the ink, took the paper and prepared to paste it on the wall. Yan Feize looked at her movements and the paper full of words he could not understand. He said: "Girl, I have a relationship with a girl. When it is an important person, how can I squeeze in with one of those people?" However, it is appropriate to put me on the bed alone."

"It's funny." Su Xiaopei really laughed. Is he a poster? Also posted on the bed.

Su Xiaopei posted the piece of 冉非泽, and posted around him is Li Lidong and Cao Hedong. The two men helped Zhang Fei Ze, and benefited from the benefits of the first cast weapon. The other was the party who knew that Yu Fei Ze wanted to kill him, but nothing happened so far.

"The strong man, the man who can be the first to take the weapon, is the temporary decision of the strong man, or is it fixed before?"

"Regularly determined." Yan Fei smiled. "The girl is not letting go of any details. The brothers are not suspected, the girl is relieved."

Su Xiaopei nodded, but still held the attitude of doubting that everything can be doubted. She has no friendship with these people and will not be affected by subjective impressions.

Su Xiaopei stared at the information on the wall, and Fei Fei stared at her. Seeing her so wholeheartedly helping him, he is really happy.

The next day, Yan Feize took Su Xiaopei to go to the door of the gods and said that it would be a good day to open the furnace. Before the non-Zhe Ze said, the Jiu-Xing Taoist is the door of the gods, the masters of the ancestors, have a generation, but do not care about the martial art, only like to explore some strange things.

As the name implies, it is the sect of divination and deconstruction, that is, the largest intelligence network in the rivers and lakes that Yu Feize and Su Xiaopei said.

Su Xiaopei went to the small door and found that it was the day that Fei Ze told her, but it was actually the organization of fortune teller. Su Xiaopei understands that every city must have a fortune teller. Most people are also willing to fortune their own future. Of course, the news that can be covered in this process is naturally quite a lot, not only a lot, but also very convenient. Those who come to fortune-telling are sure to know everything and say nothing.

Su Xiaopei laughed, and the ancient underworld were really talented. "What about the gang?" she asked. "There are also gangs here, and every town and even the country has it. Isn’t their news better than fortune tellers?"

"There are gangs, but once they don't want to do this, the second is not as convenient as the door. But the news is also well-informed, um, can count the third."

"Which is the second?"

"The thief helps, the brother of the brother."

“The thief helps?” Su Xiaopei was a little surprised. “Is this name really?”

"The brothers don't call it like this, but everyone cares that they call the thief, who cares about their own name."

Su Xiaopei is dumb, and the rivers and lakes are really too disrespectful. In this respect, it is worthy of sympathy for this winter.

God counted the door, and the view of opening the door was 冉非泽, and he asked him if he asked. Yan Fei Ze led Su Xiaopei into it together.

The gates of God's door are small and old. The entrance to the backyard is not big. The black lacquer is layer after layer. The sandalwood weft is decorated with aroma, which makes it quite mysterious. After leading them into a room, they left, and they didn’t even say hello. Su Xiaopei looked around and looked at the environment.

"Afraid not afraid?" Yan Fei asked her.

Su Xiaopei shook his head, and Xiaofei smiled: "It’s a pity that the girl is not scared and crying, so I don’t feel comforted. It’s a pity.” Yan Fei’s expression looked really regrettable, and Su Xiaopei gave him a look.

The middle-aged man who led the way and led a young man in the green robe came in. This time he did not say much, and he only retired when the man was polite. The man was holding a fist at the smashing of the singer: "Hey heroes."

Yan Fei Ze returned a gift: "Gu Gumen."

Gu Kang did not continue to be a guest, only to the non-Zhedao: "Shi Shu has been troubled recently, not here, he knows that the heroes will come today, leaving a few words, tell me to tell."

"Look at the head of the house."

"At the beginning of next month, it is the opening time of the Kyrgyzstan. The stranger has arrived, take a good grasp. Take the risk of success and failure, good and evil."

I’m listening to it, I’m not moving, I just thank you. Gu Kang looked at him, his face was unpredictable. He was very unfriendly to Yan Fei, which made Su Xiaopei quite uncomfortable. She had no feelings about this Gu Kang. She looked at him and wondered if she would ask questions.

At this time, Gu Kangdao: "The girl wants to ask, then ask." That tone made Su Xiaopei unhappy.

"You are so powerful, have you figured out who is the real murderer of the killing of the seven killings, or what clues? Can the nine bells have a message?"

Gu Kang sneered: "The girl does not believe in my God's ability." The disdain in his tone made Su Xiaopei very uncomfortable.

Gu Kang continued: "Uncle Shi calculated that he had a big robbery, and he would have to break through the exquisite array. So he went to Xiping on the day, and on that day, the seven killing Zhuangzhuang head was killed. Uncle did, if it was not that day, the uncle went to break the exquisite array, and there are also many people who are present. Is this not a big one?"

"So the faction now calculates who the murderer is or is there any clue?" Su Xiaopei still asked.

Gu Kang's eyes blinked, and the voice was still cold: "The girl came from afar, and she has a heavy responsibility. The future is unclear, but she has the help of the nobles everywhere. The girl has a mystery in her heart, she has no way to start, she can’t escape, and the murderer is also a murderer. Choose another day."

What are you selling? What do you want to prove? These words can't help her. Su Xiaopei sighed and licked his mouth. Yan Feize looked at her and saw her not talking again, she took her away.

Out of the door, Su Xiaopei was not happy.冉非泽问: "Can you have something to gain?"

"A strong man can have something to gain?"

"Forget it."

"On those three sentences?" Su Xiaopei disapproved. "I can also edit this, how much is there."

冉非泽笑笑: "When I was a teenager, I saw a long time with Master. He said to me at that time, my marriage is rough, I need to wait for romance, I don’t want to be a stranger, this life is awkward." He paused, and again "When he said, I am already here."

Su Xiaopei said: "Have your master ever been widowed, and you are wandering around with you?"


"That's not it, he is like that, you are brought by him, and the natural marriage is also bumpy. It needs to be treated with such a thing, and it is applicable to anyone." Su Xiaopei did not like Gu Kang, "they Those who say are all things that are sinful. When people listen, they will rely on their own situation. I mean, whoever is similar, then the person who listens will analyze and explain, and have their own It may be correct to correspond to the situation."

Yan Feize continued to laugh and blinked: "I don't like that."

"Look, the strong man will read the heart, it will count, know what I am thinking."

"I also know that the girl has the true ability, only to endure in the inside." Her unhappy and unconvinced, he can really understand.

"Yes." Su Xiaopei waved his fist. "I can count. It is not easy to climb the door. It is very difficult for him to fight. He is afraid of others. He is suspicious, and he is very happy. He respects the nine bells." I’m afraid, I think his is now given by the bell of the nine bells, but maybe the nine bells are because of the kind of anyway, I don’t want to take care of it. You just feel the attitude of this head, which makes him feel uncomfortable. He feels himself It is true, he can't accept any doubts and disrespect, and he is suppressed everywhere in the martial art, so God counts in the door, fearing that the heart is not in the right place. No matter what the budget of the nine bells is, or what is found out, Did not tell him, according to their status as the first intelligence organization, actually did not find out, his suspicious personality felt that he was suspected by the nine bells, he was very angry."

Yan Feize stopped and he was surprised by Su Xiaopei’s confidence. "girl……"

"I am right, aren't you?"

"How did the girl know?" Was he suspected by the president of the nine bells, did they find out what he did not know, but Su Xiaopei said that the other things were all in the middle.

"There is a basis for inference." Su Xiaopei carried his hands: "The atmosphere of the place, the feeling between the head and the disciples, the tone and content of his speech, his reaction to you, the reaction to me, the head of this It’s a typical kind of person, it’s a good inference. So the strong men are not fooled by their gods.”

Yan Feize was silent for a while and said: "It is not deceived, some are true." His romance is really coming, her self-confidence, her vivid expression, even her frowning back hand movements, let him Heart beats.

The author has something to say: 123 romance is too pumping, brushed for a long time before brushing into the background, hoping to be able to update smoothly.

I haven’t finished the previous article, I’m working hard, and I’m trying to restore the day after I’ve done it. Give me some more time. 2k novel reading network

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