MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 51 repair

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Chapter 51

Shouldn't she kill her?

Is it Su girl?

Qin De is looking at Xiao Fei. But seeing him cold face, no expression.

Qin Dezheng sighed, and then carefully looked at Luo Linger's body, her back was inserted with a short sword, straight through the chest, which is her fatal reason. What is the dagger on the table? Want to show that this is the weapon to kill Su girl? But where is the corpse?

Someone killed her, but let her write the message, what does it mean?

To indicate the murderer or planting, it is good to put the flowers on the scene of the murder. They will trace them here. Lead them, but let them see Luo Linger's body, and want to express something?

It’s like playing with them.

Qin Dezheng has such a feeling in his heart.

Yan Fei Ze never talked, and did not look back at the frightened screaming woman, who carefully searched the house that was simple enough to be simple. Qin Dezheng looked at his actions and turned to the girl. "How many people are in the temple, please ask the master to call everyone, I have something to ask."

The woman was rushing to call someone. Qin Dezheng and 冉非泽 greeted a voice, went outside to explore the environment to search for clues, and 冉非泽 stayed in the house to view. He looked through Luo Linger's house carefully and found nothing useful. The room was too clean and there was nothing extra.

Qin De did not find anything outside the house, but later asked questions and asked about something. A little nun said that when she was at night, she saw that Luo Linger secretly went out and returned in the middle of the night.

But this can only show that Luo Linger is not her sincere practice, perhaps because of this as a cover to do something in the dark.

But now that people are dead, nothing can be asked.

Yan Feize and Qin De were busy on the day and rushed back to Ning'an City overnight. There was nothing in the road, and he returned to the city, but he quietly found Bai Yulang.

Bai Yulang went to Su Xiaopei’s house with Fei Ze, and Fei Feize had now lived in. The blood house did not move. He only slept in the study. When Bai Yulang entered the house, he felt that there was still some hair in his heart. This is the place where the dead people are. Although I heard in the town of Wuzhen, "I am a girl in my heart," I realized something, but I don't understand how the elder sister Su is like this. How can I get to the heart?

"What is wrong with Uncle?"

"The old sixth." Yan Feize sat, screamed, but stopped again. This said: "I suspect that some people in the door are weird."

Bai Yulang’s glimpse, immediately serious: “How do you say this?”

"Sue girl lost a strange letter before she disappeared. She left a letter with me, and she asked her to find her, but she did not show up." Bai Yulang nodded, and those who believed that he searched the house also saw it. Just did not see any problems, and put back to the original place.

"I used to help the girl to find someone and help her send the letter to the passing temple. Before I went to Ning'an City, the address left was my liaison office in the rivers and lakes. After I left Ning'an City, I left the address. It is your name."

Bai Yulang nodded again. This matter was not confessed to him. I was afraid that these letters would attract people who didn’t know the details. So he asked him to help him through the eyes. He told Su Xiaopei to be more secure.

"So, the letter sent by me did not reveal a residence of Miss Su. The letter of tracing sent by Tuen Mun was sent to the Tuen Mun by the Tuen Mun Station."

"Uncle Shu, this letter is sent directly to Su’s girl. Is it strange?” Bai Yulang thought for a moment: “Liu Big Brother once said that Su’s girl ran out one night and asked if he saw it. There are strange people around. But there is no peace on the street that day."

If Fei Ze did not answer this question, he continued: "Sue Miss is missing, the government is inspecting, the house is clearly sealed, and only the official is allowed to enter and exit. Why can someone still put down the flowers here? If it is an outsider, it is naturally suspicious, but if it is a bureaucrat Yes, no one is paying attention."

Bai Yulang opened his mouth and argued that he did not give him a chance. He continued: "The things of Luo Kui and Luo Linger seem to be normal, but now I will go back and think about it. If Luo Linger really wants to start with Su, Why? Because it is Su’s girl’s contribution to Luo Kui’s life? When the sorcerer of Sue Girl’s murder and killing Sima Da was not Ma Zhengyuan, there was only the host of the government and Sima’s family. Sima’s relationship with Chang’s was subtle. What, in the end, Luo Kuifu, this is nothing, waiting for the sentence to be down, but the girl in the Soviet Union used the ability to let the wife remember where the jade fell, Fu Yinda wants to use the law for inquiry Confession, Luo Kui will be in prison. Why? Is it afraid that Su girl really asked what?"

Bai Yulang frowned and thought that things seemed a bit too coincidental.

"If this is really the hand of Luo Linger to the girl of Su, only the purpose of revenge for the father. But Luo Kui was shackled, it is my hand, the person who is caught by the official, and Luo Kui’s life is his death. If I don’t know the people inside, how can I think of these things to Su’s girl? If Luo Kui really wants to protect her daughter and worry about it, how does he know that Su’s girl has the ability to ask questions and Fu Yin’s adult intends to borrow this ability? Asked? Also, although it is a slap in the hand, but when I went to the temple with Qin Daren, I checked Luo Linger, how did the person who put the flowers know? According to the body of the linger, she died. The day before we arrived, it was so clever."

I didn’t have a meal, and then said, “It’s too clever, it’s suspicious.”

Bai Yulang had to admit that this is indeed reasonable. "Uncle Shu thinks that there are people in the door?"

"Although the clue is quite chaotic, what is conceivable is this. If someone is not acting in the door, how can people make a difference?"

"But everything is motivated. If you help Luo Linger, give Luo Kui a confession, and kill the big sister. But God can't know what to do, no one can come up with something, why should we let the flowers lead us? Suspicion of Luo Linger, why did she kill her?"

"If this is not one person involved?" Yan Feize did not want to understand, but some people knew that Su Xiaopei's residence, put a letter to scare her, and then someone nights her residence, and poisoned her. Can you die without seeing a dead person? What is the reason? Someone pointed the clue to Luo Linger. They rushed to find the body and a confession of a crime...

Yan Fei Ze closed his eyes, Luo Linger wrote "kill her", she said "kill her", can the body? Does this "her" refer to Sima Yiqing or Su Xiaopei?

"In short, there must be flaws in the door." Yan Feize turned to Bai Yulang, "The sixth child, I have not said this with Qin Daren. According to his personality and position, the person who secretly sneaked a ghost must be guarded against him. Therefore, Qin Daren does not know that this is the best, you can observe it secretly."

Bai Yulang nodded: "Uncle Shu is relieved, I understand the importance of things." There are ghosts in the door, no matter what the purpose, this matter is no small matter.

"I need to go out and go to the monastery where I left the letter to ask if anyone has ever seen Su’s search letter."

"it is good."

Yan Fei Ze opened his mouth and hesitated for a while. He said, "If it is... If Su is back, she will look for you. You can't let her live in this house again, find a safe place to place her, I will return soon. ""

Bai Yulang listened dumbfoundedly, and he hesitated in his heart, but he still said: "Uncle Shu, Su girl, she... I mean..." The word "sorrowful change" is not to say to the eyes of Yan Feize. What happened, obviously Uncle Uncle’s expression was calm, but he could not bear it.

"If you find a suspicious person, you can't be silent, don't sway and secretly stare at him. If Su is in his hand, he will find a hidden place to hide her. You stare at him, maybe you can find Su girl. Certainly." 冉非泽不理白玉郎's words and stops, the path said.

Bai Yulang sighed in his heart and nodded.

"I will start immediately." Yan Feize said, he has packed up his big bag. "Sue girl's things are moving."

Bai Yulang’s tone was finally sighed out, and he said “good” and said: “It’s not too late to eat something.”

"Eat on the road." Yan Feize walked out of the house with his baggage, suddenly stood still, and stood for a while, said: "The old sixth, I know what you want to persuade me, but I don't know how..."

Bai Yulang looked at his back and secretly knew that he was, he just didn't think so. He did not dare to tell him that he had been admiring Qin’s head and admiring the big sister. He even hesitated whether or not he would like to match the big sister to Qin’s head. Although the number of years of Qin’s catching is larger, the conditions of the older sister’s. The man next to him may be able to see her, and the ability of the older sister and Qin’s head as the whole is a singer, and then there is no match. But later he was thinking about the big sister too strange, he did not dare, and secondly, this marriage is neither a man nor a junior who is suitable for Zhang Luo, just to give up.

Nowadays, he is so fascinated that he is not too enthusiastic. But then again, how could he have thought that this year, with the big sister's temper, this is really a joy to her.

Then again, the big sister is unfortunate, and now it’s useless to be happy again. He looked at the back of Yan Fei, and felt sad.

"I don't know how, if I didn't see her corpse with my own eyes, I couldn't believe that she had gone. If she didn't go, she would be helpless now. She has no relatives and friends, only me, if I don't remember. She, who else will remember her." 冉非泽头不回, strode away. "I will find her."

Su Xiaopei quickly knocked on the computer and thought about Ruan Zeze while knocking.

After reading a lot of things about Cheng Jiangyan, she missed more and more. Look, this person is sulking, and it’s also a singer. She thinks of the expression of 冉 泽 一 正 自 自 自 , , , , , , , , , , , , I remembered that she was so weird that she couldn’t scare him. He was very accepting of novelty. If it was modern, it would be the same as Cheng Jiangyi. It was a person who felt that there was nothing new and boring. She remembered how she was looking at her, and couldn’t help but laugh.

From the data point of view, Cheng Jiangyi is quite self-sufficient, do not know that it is not stubborn? Su Xiaopei’s hand stopped and was a little dazed, and suddenly she heard her cell phone rang.

She picked it up.

"Xiao Pei, it is me."


"I have a patient in my hand, paranoia paranoia. He has committed three serial killings. I have been following up after being arrested by the police."

"Yeah." Su Xiaopei listened carefully. If it was not very interesting, the brothers would not call her for the common serial murder of the mentally ill.

"It took me a long time to let him go. Then he told me today that he had committed crimes and was taught."

"Yeah." Su Xiaopei nodded on the phone, and there were many such situations.

"His mentor used some cases to stimulate him. One of them was to kill the policewoman and challenge the police."

Su Xiaopei "Well" did not come out, her head rang, after a long time, she finally opened her mouth: "Sister..."

"Yes, Xiao Pei, I think it may be related to your father's case. Would you like to come over and see?"

Read The Duke's Passion