MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 129

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Chapter 130

Chen Ying was very dog-legged and went home for dinner. Mi Xi had a phone call, and he couldn’t go home. I thought that his mother, the adult, and the third, asked him not to be so obedient.

Very happy to go home, Mi Xi really cooks a dish. Chen Ying was a little excited and embarrassed to eat this meal. He thought that Mi Xi specially asked him to come back to have something to say, and the result was not. When people finished eating, they watched TV and went upstairs. They said they wanted to review their homework.

Review homework? Is it important for men or for homework? Of course, now Chen Ying dare not ask, grinding for a long time, by the opportunity to send a late night into the room. Wrong, I thought that at the beginning, Mi Xi gave him tea to stay up all night.

Mi Xi is really reviewing her homework. Her test scores are very general, there are a few reluctant low-altitude sweeps, and it is very likely that the teacher does not care about the water. Chen Ying took things in and carefully looked at Mi Xi’s face. It seemed to be in a good mood. Today, I am willing to cook for him. Is it possible to talk?

"Mi Xi."


This sound should make Chen Ying almost hot. This is his Mi Xi, it should be stupid. But he said something good. "What do you want to do" is absolutely impossible.

"Mi Xi." He called again and brewed.


"Well," it's soft and delicate, and it's a long tail, so cute. Chen Ying’s eyes are really hot. Mi Xi must not abandon him. She meant only to not marry him for the time being, for the time being. When the time is ripe, their relationship can be made public. When he lets her "teny red makeup, eight lifts the sedan", she will marry him again. It must be this.

"I want to eat sweet and sour pork ribs tomorrow." I just thought about this conversation for a long time.

"Okay." Mi Xi nodded. "I will do this."

Chen Ying smiled and continued to think about the next sentence. It’s awful, obviously he can say anything with Mi Xi, even if he says nothing, he is very comfortable, but now he is actually worried about the topic. He was afraid that he couldn't talk well, let Mi Xi think about it, and he was afraid that nothing would be discussed. Mi Xi would also want to marry.

"Chen Ying, let's talk about it." The result is that Mi Xi first said. Chen Ying is annoyed and knows this before. He should say this first.

"Well, what do you want to talk about." Chen Ying sat down and held Mi Xi's hand. Mi Xi did not break, Chen Ying breathed a sigh of relief.

"That is, it is my refusal to marry, you don't give birth to me."

"I won't. You don't go to the heart, I can understand. You don't blame me, I don't want to open it, I don't want it, but you also see the reality. If it is open, it will be bad for you and the field." When you are young, you have to go to school, you are smeared, your days will be bad. You have to understand that what we do is to protect you, not because of anything else."

Mi Xi nodded. This has been heard countless times. Even if she decided to let go, she still felt helpless and sad. If she is not seventeen, if she is already in her twenties, these are not a problem. It's a pity that she shouldn't wait. She doesn't have that much time.

"I met Mr. Moon today."

Chen Ying suddenly sat up straight: "What did he say? You told him I was looking for him?"

"Oh, forget it." Mi Xi grabbed her head and was screamed by Chen Ying. "I forgot, I will tell him next time I meet."

"What did he say?" Did you say anything about the red line, did you say how Mi Xi’s body was?

"Well, in fact, there is nothing, mainly to enlighten me and encourage me."

Enlighten, encourage?

"Because I feel that I can't live with you, Mr. Yue said it doesn't matter. I don't have to think about what has happened. He said that I didn't do anything wrong, just did what I wanted to do."

Chen Ying couldn't help but hold Mi Xi into his arms. She did what she wanted to do, and she refused. He closed his eyes and hugged her tightly.

"Chen Ying, I know that you really want to marry me. Otherwise, you are such a shrewd person, you will not put your own name into it in order to make me happy. I know. Because of this, I feel that I can't live for you. These days, I have always been squinting and teaching you uncomfortable."

"If I can, I really want to do what you want for you, really."

Mi Xi smiled and felt bitter in her heart. "I know, reality is forced, no, I really know. Just knowing that it is one thing, accepting it is another. Chen Ying, I thought I could accept whatever happened. But When I really happened, I realized that I couldn’t do it. Some things were carved into my bones and I’m in my heart. Just like people in this world can walk around in front of people wearing bikinis, but I can’t accept them anyway. I can't see it. But I don't think I am wrong."

Michton paused and said: "Mr. Mr. Yue said today that if I choose another road, I will really be a pro, I will also have doubts, and I will regret it, just like I refused you. Some things, really forced | can't force myself. So, I decided not to regret it. Don't blame me for not knowing things, I don't want to be a blame for you to hate."

"I won't." Still blaming the woman, didn't you see that he has already complained? The more I listen to the more shocked, what is the thinking trend of Mi Xi?

"I have forgotten something today. I forgot to ask Mr. Yue Lao how my red line is. But it doesn't matter if I think about it later. I like you. Although I have no relationship with you, I don't want to tie the red line with others. So how? It doesn't matter, let it be."

So the unreliable 2238 did not tell Mi Xi that her red line was not tied? Chen Yingqiang smiled and poked Mi Xi’s head: "What is the point, the crow's mouth, repeat it."

Mi Xi was teased by him and sneered at his head: "Really. I think, in fact, there has been a hint in the midst of it. My monthly affairs have not come, obviously it is normal when I am in my hometown. When I got here, there was always a problem with this problem. The old Mr. Yue gave me a back door, and I handed it over to you. You are so good to me, I have not suffered, and I have learned to fall in love. So easy to find a good person, but there may be artificial smears, but I am not young in this world. If I am not this age, if you are in my hometown, then there will be no problem. So, God must have given me a test. Also, where come so many good things in the sky. If you don’t get anything, you can’t make it.”

Mi Xi was holding Chen Ying’s waist and nesting himself in his arms. "Chen Ying, I like you, I like it very much. You really treat me. I am fortunate. I really don't want to come here. It used to be bad for me. I wanted to marry, but I didn't understand this. The world. Now I really understand, you and I have their own insistence, no one is wrong, I can't marry you. But I have to go through it. No matter what happens in the future, I have to go through it."

"What about me?" Chen Ying asked.

"You are still Chen Ying. Handsome and golden, and the two-star Chen Jia is less."

"What kind of person are you?"

"It's my Chen Ying," she said.

Chen Ying looked down at her and she looked at him. "Is your boyfriend, fiance?" He squinted and made a fierce look, warning her if she dared to say "no" to try.

Mi Xi hesitated for a while. "If I am a bit sturdy, it should be said that it is not. You and I are hopeless, I should not be tyrants you, should not delay your marriage. But I am not dead, if I see You and other women, Qingqing, me, I should be very angry."

"Thank you for your bones." Chen Ying is really not angry. "And what is hopelessly, you have to be willing, we will buy a ticket to the United States."

Mi Xi wrinkled his nose, "I will not go. Chen Ying."

"Why." Chen Ying is fierce, and what is hopeless, he is very angry.

"I have only three years. It has been almost a year now, and there are still two years left. In the past two years, my university is definitely not able to graduate. Your concerns have always been there. I understand that you said that after you get married first, etc. The right time to announce again, this is appropriate, it will not be two years. If these two years can be together in a bright and honest manner, then why do you need to go to the United States to marry and secretly set a name? Chen Ying, today I talked with Mr. Yue Lao, I really understand, my time is precious, should not be spent hurting the spring and autumn, looking for troubles. Should not blame each other for mutual sadness, I think so good, I don't want to sneak | touch."

Chen Ying can't get up, he knows a little, his heart is heavy.

"If I still want to marry you with a mind, but also entangled in our relationship can not show people, then for a long time, I will be angry, self-blame, self-pity, self-pity, and you will bother me, I will blame me, for me again No joy. Then, how can we support the day when we can get married? The love is not there, the red line."

Michton paused and looked up at Chen Ying. "It's better to do this than to do this. The matter of getting married is no longer discussed. Just when you and I are like men and women, there is no time limit, no conditions to force|force, just live comfortably, let's follow."

Chen Ying can't speak, is he really abandoned? Her meaning is obvious, she just did not say the word "breakup".

"I don't want to be afraid of anything else. I am afraid that if I really go within three years, I am afraid that you are sad. Chen Ying, I have died once, in fact, death is not terrible, it is hurting to care. So you should not entangle in me. Responsibility, if you love me, my heart is happy, if you meet other women with the right heart, don't miss it."

"If I want to, I only love you?"

"Then I took advantage of it, I laughed when I dreamed." Mi Xi put his face on his chest. "If I have a red line body, I can live in this world... I mean, I will Win your favorite and compete with other women."

You are more beautiful! Chen Yingxi, did not believe her sweet words. While abandoning him, he said that he loves him when he is three years old?

"There is still. I owe you a lot of money, but I don't plan to pay it back. I will earn money from my work in the future, that is my own." Mi Xi announced.

Chen Ying gritted her teeth and couldn't help but pinch her face. While abandoning him, he still owes money, when he is bullied?

"Chen Ying, or else, I will pass on my martial arts to you." She can feel at ease when she leaves.

Get out of the way, he|mother| who wants to learn martial arts! While abandoning him, he wants to accept him as a disciple. When he is two hundred and five?

Chen Ying was insomnia this night, and he turned to the opposite side, and his mind was all Mi Xi. She is really an idea, too much idea, completely beyond his imagination. She would rather have to accept her life for only three years, and she would not marry him. This is really something that he can't understand. If you are another girl, don't say anything else, you will be surprised to see the shiny diamond ring. She didn't have it at all, she didn't look at the ring. She is obviously in such a critical situation. Since she is in love, it is not good to get married first and tie the red line. When they become true couples, he can't run away. How can she ask for it?

Chen Ying sighed and thought that Mi Xi said that if she could not show people if she was entangled, she would be resentful, and he would annoy her to blame her. She made sense and it makes sense. In fact, before they went to the United States, there was already some trend between them. He did not blame her waywardness in her heart, and she must have been blaming him for hiding her. For a long time, there is indeed a crisis in feelings. It was only this proposal that forced her to the edge of the cliff and broke out in advance.

Fortunately, they have no heart and grievances, they are still in love. Falling in love, she has to give up. Chen Ying had a ten-second impulse, and he was open to the public, and what the consequences were. But after ten seconds, his reason has prevailed. What is public, she is happy for a while, but she has to be in a long-term environment that has been maliciously speculated by the Internet. In the school, she has been pointed out by others, and she has been staring at the outside world. For a long time, the contradictions she said will still be occur. She **** herself and grieves him, and they still wandered back. At that time, her reputation and life had been destroyed, but he could not remedy it.

Therefore, even if she is not happy now, he feels that he is doing the right thing. Chen Yingyue wants to be more wronged and really feels wronged. He simply climbed up, no matter what time it was, looking for Mi Xi’s little **** and shaking her up to let her sleep again.

Mi Xi’s door was unlocked, and Chen Ying gently pushed the door in. She saw her lying on g and staring at him. She didn't even sleep.

"Can't you sleep?" she asked him.

"No." Chen Ying calmly said, "I am thinking that you must not sleep, I will come over to see you."

Mi Xi blinked again, and this blink of an eye is really good practice. Do you want to poke him? Want it? Forget it, she is so good to him.

This night, Chen Ying was sleeping with Mi Xi. They said a lot. Chen Ying once had a bad thought. He thought that if he was not married for a while, there would be a couple, and it would not be possible to tie the red line. But the long-standing, upright heart jumped out and punched and kicked him. Mi Xi is so arrogant, do you dare to start with her? !

Chen Ying did not dare. Don't dare to be willing.

He just stole a few kisses, but if he meets the old man again, he must tell him that he is looking for him, and he also wants to ask two more red lines. He said that the red line was **** early, that is, the old man did not say, certainly this is the case. Or if they feel so good, they are almost married. Now these are just the test of the red line. Chen Ying is thinking that the power of thought is very important. If you believe that one thing can be successful, then it is more likely to succeed. If Mi Xi believes that the red line is tied, then maybe they still have a chance.

He didn't want to let her go, really didn't want to. He also didn't want to lose Mi Xi two years later, really didn't want to. Mi Xi said that she can look away, but he can't, he can't do it. He will be afraid.

Chen Ying fell asleep with Mi Xi, and then he had a dream. I dreamed that I had become a countless red line, surrounded by Mi Xi, who guarded her and kept protecting.

For the next period of time, Chen Ying went to work as usual, and Mi Xi stayed at home. No different. However, Chen Ying’s sensitive perception of Mi Xi has changed. It became less sticky and became less dependent on him. Although he would cook for him as before, they were not a two-person world. Everyone who made her food could eat it. The intimacy was deducted. Most of the scores. She no longer stared at him to quit smoking, and no longer stared at him to drink herbal tea to improve her health, although sometimes she thought that she would swear a few words, but she no longer personally held the cup with his wife as a housekeeper. Sended. She ignored him, he was very guilty of quit smoking, at least not for a few days.

She also studied homework seriously every day. He heard several times that she called her school student to ask for homework. She chatted with her classmates and had a good time talking. Chen Ying was a bit jealous.

In addition, regarding her advertising reward, she asked twice in a week, Chen Ying finally lied that she had received it, and she gave her a pocket before giving her a cushion. The little conscience did not get the money. The next day, I went to invite Mr. Lu, Liu Meifen, Wu Haoshu and other good colleagues to eat. On the third day, please ask Qin Yufei and Gu Yingjie. On the fourth day, Cheng Jiangyan and Su Xiaopei and his wife, as well as Chen Fei and Wei Xiaobao. Then I bought gifts for Chen Yuanqing, Song Lin, and Ding Shuding.

Chen Ying was angry and asked her why she didn't have his share? Mi Xi said, then he also took her half of the reward, isn't that count? She also said that she doesn't have much money. She also wants to ask her classmates. She also wants to report to the cooking class. She also has to pay for her college tuition and miscellaneous living expenses. Looking at Chen Ying's face is not good-looking, she yelled at him, or waited for him to help her sign a single job, she would buy him a gift.

Rarely, Chen Ying is not happy. It is strange to find her job. Anyway, selling | body deed in his hands, he is busy in the business, to work, dragging her into temper, unhappy, anxious to know how to shoot him.

As a result, Mi Xi did not come to flatter, Mi Xi himself talked about a job - the endorsement of the game.

Chen Ying is the last one to know. It turned out that when Mi Xi invited Cheng Jiangyi and Chen Fei to eat, they listened to them talking about this game, because the place where this game story happened was the hometown of Mi Xi, and Mi Xi sighed and listened to the stories while talking about the various doors. All the factions and 18 martial arts, her eyes are hot. As a gift for her to eat, Cheng Jiangyi and Chen Fei sent her a set of toys around the game, a small model of the martial art in the game.

Mi Xi was very excited. She talked to Cheng Jiangyan about martial arts. She said that she would be a sword, she would, she would, she would, she would whip her. Chen Fei and Cheng Jiangyi suddenly looked at each other. They considered the game endorsement for a long time, but they didn't want to spend the time. They wanted to launch a spokesperson who really had a martial arts style and could show his fists. Even a series of cases in the squadron series were planned. But they did not find the right person.

Will be martial, young, beautiful, and temperament, these can not be less. Originally found some popular actresses, but most of them are soft and soft, not suitable. The fists and feet are not suitable for the age. They gave up the reputation of the spokesperson to the martial school, but they did not find satisfaction. I almost want to give up this plan. I would rather not abuse it, or take a different propaganda route. The beauty star idol is good at it.

But now Mi Xi is sitting in front of them. Young, beautiful, well-known, well-known, temperament is super good!

How can I miss her!

I didn't dare to think about it before. Mi Xi was conservative and shy, and Chen Ying couldn't wait to hide her in her pocket. So they really didn't think about it to her. However, she did not advertise before, but now they are invited to eat and use the advertising rewards, she is out of the mountain, then what are they polite.

The two big bosses personally sent an invitation to Mi Xi students to seriously explain their plans. Mi Xi’s not worrying, that is, in the 18 weapons, not every one is proficient, afraid to let them down.

"Reassure, your level is enough. If you still have one, I will teach you when I arrive." Cheng Jiangyi took the martial arts instruction. Teaching Mi Xi can save more things than teaching weak actresses.

When Mi Xi heard it, she suddenly had a bright eye. This work can also be used to learn martial arts. This thing she loves. Hurry and promised. The rest is the part of the reward, she said she has a broker. Chen Fei and Cheng Jiangyi did not bother to ask, directly said: "It must be Chen Ying, this is easy to handle."

So Mi Xi went to inform her agent that she had talked about a job. On the weekend, the three uncles gathered in Cheng Jiang’s family to open a long-lost parent conference. The theme of this time is: How much money does Mi Xi earn?

Chen Ying means that Mi Xi’s last advertisement has received a sum of money for her. The game endorsement will not be less than the market price. He does not want to have too much money on her. Now he is not good at her account, but she is worried that she will not manage her money. "She has no idea about the money here, she is afraid that she will be deceived by others." Of course, this is only one of them. The most important thing is that when she has more money, he becomes less important.

Mi Xi did not know the concept of money. The other two uncles knew that the price of the agent himself was very uncomfortable. Cheng Jiangxi almost had to punch and kick this incompetent agent. "Bully my family, Mi Xi, I asked her to expel you and replace him."

"Where is her family?" The agent is also anxious, Mom, he has a bad mood recently, and less provoke him.

"The agent seems to be good at fighting this topic with martial arts." Su Xiaopei, who is a big belly, said coolly. The faces of the men quarreling are naive and ugly. The three uncles turned to look at her.

Chen Feiqing’s nephew, "How does Cheng Laoda fight better?"

Cheng Jiangyan seriously thinks about it. "Chen Jiada and the field Chen Jia are less likely to fight better. The title can be written by the wealthy brothers, and for the sake of money? Ah, actually it is for the game! Then our game can The top of the topic list."

That's enough. Chen Yingying, one is more childish than one. No matter what, worry about her financial affairs, give her all, let her happy and happy, she will soon spend more light, she has to come to shoot him. Chen Ying shakes the spirit, the brothers tell the price, and quickly negotiate the price of Mi Xi.

In early February, Chen Ying signed a second work contract for Mi Xi. The details of the contract cost him a lot, including the appointment of a stylist, styling requirements, designation of the director, working hours, propaganda requirements, propaganda restrictions, etc. Even Chen Fei, can not stand the brothers are so difficult to make, Cheng Jiangyi is more annoying It must be said that he does not care, and he is fully handed over to Chen Fei.

The final contract terms were fixed according to Chen Ying’s wishes. Mi Xi was rewarded with high pay and she did not have to show her face to the media. She was very happy. Chen Ying was also very happy. He still waited for Mi Xi to buy him a gift. As a result, the gift had not been seen yet. The school started, and Mi Xi took the bag and lived in the school.

Chen Yingxi, this little unconscion, abandons him and makes him earn money for her. And he is as sweet as he is, although he is walking in the shackles of his husband with his heart. 2k novel reading network

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