MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 127

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Chapter 128

Wu Hao was somewhat dissatisfied with his being a babysitter. Recently, his temper was not very good. He didn't look very pleasing to see anything, so he began to complain about Chen Ying's work. While complaining, I still said that I had calculated it. Anyway, I took the salary and listened to the person. The child’s babysitter was the child’s nanny. But there is a voice in my heart that the advertiser is not Liu Meifen? She will definitely go there too. Think of this Wu Hao's spirit of shaking, and make up his mind to look at Liu Meifen's face. No, no face, just like Liu Meifen, it is faint, very good sense of distance, this is more hurtful than the face. Well, just let her know that he doesn't care about her.

On the day when the advertisement was available, Liu Meifen did not go. It was under her hand that she was carrying the same group of people in the field. The executive girl also recognized Wu Hao, and the guests were respectful and respectful, making Wu Hao very unhappy. The girl looked at Wu Hao's face was not good-looking. She thought that they were not doing their duties on the side of the advertisement. They quickly explained: "Liu Jie has a case to catch up. It is also working overtime in these two days. There is no vacation. The customer communicates very well. So we can do it."

Wu Hao is even more upset. Did he ask Liu Meifen? He was too lazy to care if she was lazy and not interested.

Liu Meifen did not come, and Mi Xi came here to join a lot of people. For example, Chen Jiazhun's grandmother Wei Xiaobao, she heard that Mi Xi made an advertisement today, and specially came over to cheer her up. Wei Xiaobao and Chen Fei’s marriage have been settled, and they plan to do it on May 20 next year. Originally, Wei Xiaobao’s attitude was unpredictable. He asked for this one time. It’s okay to say it later. In fact, Wei Da and his parents had countless countless things in order to marry the woman’s interests, which made Wei Xiaobao retreat. Originally, she felt that her relationship with Chen Fei was somewhat guilty. Although she was sincere, but with Wei Ma, it felt like a fortune.

In the end, Chen Fei discovered that she wanted to be a deserter. Instead, she laughed at her: "There is nothing wrong with the wealth and wealth. Anyway, it will be fine. At least, when I am old and weak, I will use it. feeling."

Wei Xiaobao suddenly dismissed him, and he was still old and aging. He said that he seemed to have more looks. Still not used, it seems that he used it. She said this, Chen Fei did not do it. If it was not for the past few years, I thought that when he was 20 years old, he was very healthy and it was just a good time to use it. But now he is not bad, in order to prove, and he must prove that they must live together, not let her discover his beauty and ease of use, he really can not be convinced.

So Wei Xiaobao was turned to Chen Fei’s family when he lost his words. This live, Wei Ma is straight up the waist, Wei Da does not fight, but Chen Fei is not anxious, not to finalize the wedding period, and finally Wei Ma anxious, became very good to speak. Wei Xiaobao watched silently, finally seeing that her boss Chen Fei was using his shopping malls for her and her family.

The final wedding was finally finalized. Chen Fei promised to buy a big house for the Wei family near his apartment. Even if the car is gone, the Wei family will not open. Gifts, wedding banquets, etc. are all well talked about. Some of the reasons for the busy period before Song Lin are here. She intends to directly transfer the Chen family's property directly to the Wei family. Anyway, they do not live, the house is also very good, and they can get it. Chen Fei did not agree, he insisted on himself.

In addition, the marriage is scheduled to be 520 next year, Chen Feixuan, he told Wei Xiaobao that they dragged on for so many years, he did not romanticize her once. Therefore, we must compensate her for marriage. The days are good, and the venue is enough. How many relatives and friends in Weijia can ask, eat and rent tickets and travel him all inclusive.

When this marriage was confirmed, Chen Fei immediately performed very generously, and made Wei Ma happy, so she knew what she had done on the shelf. Wei Xiaobao didn't mean to wake her mother. Chen Fei told her that she didn't like others to gesticulate. He couldn't stop others who were willing to do it. He didn't like others to scream loudly and useless.

Song Lin had no opinion on her son. She felt that her wedding was a bit late. She wanted to hug her early. Chen Fei is there, saying that the wedding did not delay the creation of people, and then he was quietly kicked by Wei Xiaobao. Song Lin saw the interaction of the young couple in the eyes and was satisfied with leaving. When I get home, I don’t think it’s right, I don’t delay making people. Is it a fat knot to make a wedding? So a phone call hit Chen Yuan, and it was strictly forbidden to make Wei Xiaobao's stomach before the wedding.

In short, Wei Xiaobao is now sitting in the position of Chen’s parents. She is also called by Chen Fei to go to Chen’s home. Now that Mi Xi was working for the first time, Wei Xiaobao came to cheer her up.

The family and friends of Mi Xi is still a friend of Ma Shishi and several other classmates. Originally, Mi Xi did not intend to let them come, but Chen Ying said that after he did not come, she felt that it was okay for her classmates to think about it. They said it several times and she did not want to push it. Song Lin heard that a bunch of children would not come after coming. I was afraid that she couldn't play with the children and was uncomfortable. She paid Mi Xito to Wei Xiaobao for care. So the scene did not see the immediate family members, in Wu Hao's words, "There is no such thing to appear, there should be a bunch of things that should not appear."

His resentment is so big because of Liu Meifen, another reason is Mi Xi’s classmate Xiao Ni. After seeing him at the scene, she kept looking for an excuse and was always ready to help him run his errands. The attempt to attract his attention was really annoying. He also blamed Liu Meifen for this. If she didn't come, um, it wasn't right, she came to Xiaoni still, no matter what, it was Liu Meifen's fault anyway.

Mi Xi’s advertising content is quite simple. The first is that she is squatting on the table by the window, and the tea cups on her hands are particularly eye-catching in a plain and plain environment. Mi Xi looks like a girl's feelings, and her fingers gently tap on the tea cup, then The phone rang, she slammed a surprise, and after the camera turned, she smiled and held the tea cup and drank the tea with a straw. The second is snowing. She stood at the station where the milk tea advertisement was printed. She waited. After a while, she extended a hand and handed her a cup of milk tea. She turned her head and showed a happy smile. As soon as the lens turned, she wore a cotton cap and wool gloves and sipped happily with the hot tea.

Don't look at the plot is simple, but Mi Xi took a whole day to shoot. The advertisement is mostly a close-up of her. Her facial features are beautiful, and the upper features are very advantageous, but the kind of girlish feelings, the feeling of shame of a small happiness has not been able to show. Mi Xi was stared at by so many people. It was originally tense. After being called a few times by the director, she was even more nervous. She didn’t know what to do if she was stiff. This advertisement was totally different from what she imagined. She felt that she was doing it at home. It was a scene. The room was full of men and women staring at her, the lights were too bright, and several cameras were facing her. She feels that the breathing rate is not right.

The director called Mi Xi to say the play, and Mi Xi apologized. Wei Xiaobao comforted her and pulled her to sit down and look for feelings. Wu Hao called Chen Ying and said the situation on the spot. Chen Ying said that it was quite good. After she tried it once, she knew that this kind of thing was not suitable for her.

Mi Xi had not entered the situation for more than an hour, and the atmosphere was very bad. Some of the classmates were still unable to sit still, and now the staff is also showing impatience. Wu Hao let people go out and buy the food and drink to entertain everyone, rest and rest. Then I took Mi Xixi to the lounge to relax. Mi Xi was very ashamed and felt that she was useless. Not only did she delay the time of the on-site staff, but she also lost face to Chen Ying and Wu Hao.

"But so many people are staring at me, there are several machines, I feel very nervous."

"This scene is small, and more people will stare at you when it comes to big scenes." Wu Hao wants to compare and let her know that this is really a small case. "It’s like this. You don’t always go to your heart. It’s good if those people don’t exist.”

Mi Xi nodded. This is Chen Ying's world. She wants to know what the world looks like. She wants to be a part of the world. She wants to prove that she can adapt. She really doesn't have to hide her. It is really coming to an end, but she does not live up to expectations. Mi Xi felt very sad.

"Chen Ying said that if he can't hold it, he will call him. He will ask the director to shoot again the next day. If you look at the situation, you can't do it. Don't get the final zombie instead of picking up the situation."

Mi Xi was taken aback. Change the day to shoot? Then everyone is busy all day, and how to calculate the cost, she did not do well, let Chen Ying back the loss, she must not. Mi Xi shook his head hard: "I can do it without changing the sky."

Wu Hao looked at her and said that he went out to give her a cup of drink, let her adjust and adjust, or call Chen Ying to chat and relax, ready to try. Mi Xi agreed.

There was only one person left in the lounge. She remembered that in order to be a model and Chen Yingqi’s dispute, she really wanted him to change. He wanted him to know something. Although she didn’t like it, she could still do it. Do, she wants to enter his world. If she didn't do it this time, what face would she tell her later? What she took to convince him that she could stand side by side with him, she didn't want to be hidden forever, or another way to be protected.

Mi Xi called Chen Ying and Chen Ying quickly picked it up. Although he didn't go, he was always worried. "What?" he asked her. If she says she doesn't want to do it, then he will do it for her if she breaks the contract. He even thought about replacing the model and compensating the other party, as long as she said. Of course, he will also blame her and tell her how bad the result of her waywardness is, let her remember the lesson.

"I just want to tell you, I will do it, I will not lose your face. You can rest assured." Mi Xi said that she had hung up the phone and her courage had not disappeared. She walked out of the lounge.

Everyone is ready again and shooting begins. When the lights are on and the camera is in place, Mi Xi thinks about Chen Ying, thinking that she can do anything for him. She is not afraid of others to watch, not afraid of being talked about by others, not afraid of being scribbled by the media. She is not afraid of anything, just like she was at the beginning. She was frightened by the battlefield. She said that she was too courageous, but when she finally defended her mother and sister, she was not afraid of anything. Why do you feel pain and fear?

She thought about Chen Ying, thinking about her heart, he didn't understand, but she liked him so much, he was so good to her, she missed him, she wanted to be his wife, she imagined that he could hear her voices, He will call her and say that he knows that he knows all.

The phone rang and Mi He laughed, he knew.

"Card." The director shouted. "This is very good, just like this, keep this state." Someone applauded, thank God, the protagonist finally opened up, and today is expected to be completed.

Mi Xi breathed a sigh of relief, she thought she found the feeling.

It took a whole day and the ad was successfully filmed. Mi Xi is very happy, she thinks she has made a big step towards Chen Ying. Going back in the evening, she screamed with Chen Ying about what happened today, but Chen Ying is not as excited as she is. After boasting a few words, she said, "Okay, then you have played, knowing what is going on."

What is wrong with this? However, Mi Xi did not care, she was still immersed in her own joy.

The work of Chen Ying has progressed quite smoothly. Chen Fei’s trip to South Korea had a good result and the contract was successfully signed. The Korean film and television copyright was sold, and Chen Ying’s white gloves and white wolves earned the first pot of gold for this project. Of course, this barrel of gold is not too much compared to film and television investment, far from enough, but the amount of money is not important, it is the direction.

As the topic of this project continues to appear in the company, the signing of the news has come again. In the field of film and television, there are even expectations for this project. I have taken the initiative to ask Chen Ying how the United States is going, and I am not sure. Even the senior executives asked Chen Yuanqing and Chen Ying to go to dinner, focusing on this matter. He and Chen Ying said that this copyright field should be won. Now the market response is too hot. Although the project investment is large, it is very easy to operate. In the negotiations there, I was also very interested in this copyright. He suggested that Chen Ying should take the time to get it as soon as possible. It is also said that Chen’s copyright was finally humiliated if it was not taken by Chen Jialai and taken away by outsiders.

Chen Ying took the opportunity to spit bitter water, saying that his generation was low, and his father did not protect his nephew, so he was not too risky to do things. It is said that Chen Yuanqing and the two uncles laughed. Chen Ying also said that in fact, he is also under great pressure. He has little experience, and he is afraid that his uncles will feel that he is not confident in his work. And it's not over yet, and I don't know how to make money in the future. At the time of preparation, I was unable to win the company's financial support, so this time he must be careful to deal with it.

The uncles said: "What is this, the young man is going to let go of his hands and feet, is your movie not doing very well now? You put a hundred hearts, even if we will support you, do business. How can I make money every time, when is the risk, and the most important thing is to dare to do it. This time you go to the United States with peace of mind, no matter what the outcome of the talk, we will support you to proceed."

Chen Ying smiled and clinked his uncles. What he wants is this attitude. It has been paving the way for so long. Waiting for everyone's approval and affirmation to him, so that it is possible to suppress Li Zhanlong in the future.

Chen Ying is full of career and has little friction with Mi Xi.

He has already completed the ticket with Mi Xi to the United States. Mi Xi is very happy and he is looking forward to it. However, Mi Xi has been quiet since she took the advertisement. The time to go home every day is early, and she does not like to go out with her classmates. Chen Yingyi inquired that after the advertisement was finished, the manufacturer had to publicize the effect, and put the shooting highlights on the Internet, and compiled a lot of Mi Xi scene photos plus her previous "Kung Fu Girl" and "Elf Girl" selling points. Hype, such a well-organized and step-by-step report, Mi Xi is "red" again.

This time it was really red, not the heat of the three or two days after the hype, but the kind of red that Mi Xi would be recognized by a bus to find her signature. The manufacturer is very satisfied with Mi Xi being on the topic list, and is very satisfied with the hot discussion between netizens and the media, but Mi Xi is not happy.

She was pointed at the school, of course, she talked about her good words and bad things, the envy of irony and praise and the spit, this kind of heat is really not a small wind in the school.

In fact, in Chen Ying’s view, some people are born with a red life, it is time to eat this meal. Just like Mi Xi, it seems that there is always something inexplicable to make a list of hot topics. Now that the ads are not broadcast, they are so hot. He can already see the scene after the advertisement is broadcast. However, he knew that Mi Xi really didn't like it. Although she didn't say it in her mouth, she didn't like to stay in school. Fortunately, she also had a winter vacation. Mi Xi was relieved. A friend asked her to go out to play. She said that she had something to do at home, and even she stopped at the park. She was hiding at home and was quiet, and she said with Chen Ying that she is now looking forward to going to the United States.

Chen Ying is also looking forward to going to the United States. He has a plan that needs to be completed in the United States. He and Mi Xi have not been out together for a long time, feeling flustered.

But before I went to the United States, something happened. The manufacturer contacted a media propaganda. The other side wanted Mie Xi to come to the site for a visit. The manufacturer contacted the field and the field was transferred to Chen Ying. Although Chen Ying was not happy, he also asked about the opinions of Mi Xi. He guessed that Mi Xi was definitely not willing. Ke Mixi thought about it, but said: "It is not impossible, but I have never done a visit. What is it like? What if I lose someone?"

"If you want to do it, we will also get the interview outline first. We will sort out the questions and answers in advance. Of course, some are not in the outline. We will let you prepare in advance. If you suddenly ask, you also It can be dealt with. These are not important, that is, you are willing to accept this visit."

Mi Xi hesitated, Chen Ying said: "The problem will be concentrated on the manufacturer's brand and your endorsement. If you ask about the school family, you are now in college, the family is us, these are good answers, you are only ten At the age of eight, there should be no such a long-term question about your emotional topic. If you ask, you say that you are still studying, and have not considered making a boyfriend..."

Chen Ying’s words have not been finished yet. Mi Xi suddenly said: “I am not going, I will not accept the visit.”

Chen Ying closed his mouth and paused. "Well, then I said to the company." He took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone. Mi Xi lowered his head and said: "I don't want to lie to everyone." Chen Ying The hand paused, but quickly recovered as usual, he did not hear it, went out and finished the phone.

Chen Ying knows that he knows Mi Xi very well and understands Mi Xi, but he thinks that Mi Xi’s troubles are not the focus. It is not a big deal to be unable to open a relationship. Many people in the entertainment circle are like this. More ordinary people also conceal their love affairs for various reasons. Concealing, lying, as long as it is good, does not hurt others, it is not wrong. This is what Chen Ying thinks. He believes that it is also the concept of the vast majority of people in the world. Some data say that every ten seconds, there is a lie in the world. Chen Ying thinks that this is not a big deal. As long as Mi Xi loves him, he loves Mi Xi, so it is not important to let others know. What is important is that concealing is more beneficial than publicity, which guarantees his career and protects her reputation.

He knows that Mi Xiduo does not like to be pointed by people. He wants to give her a calm and happy life. He thinks that he is working hard, she may not understand, but he is a man, he bears all this, he is willing. Now he thinks that the most important thing is the red line problem, because as far as his understanding is concerned, this is not just a marriage, but also Mi Xi’s life. He wants to tie the red line, he must ensure that Mi Xiping is safe.

The old man No. 2238 has not appeared, Chen Ying has no way, but he did not wait passively, he decided to find a way to solve it. This time he went to the United States, he has his plan.

On the day of going to the United States, Chen Ying took Mi Xi to the airport with a low-key attitude. Their trips were kept secret. Except for Chen Yuanqing and Lu, and Lu Hao, others did not know. Even the field thought that Chen Ying would come to work today.

Mi Xi was wearing a thick coat, a hat, and a large sunglasses on her face. Chen Ying also changed the image of her usual suit, wearing a casual dress and wearing a large sunglasses. This is not wanting to be recognized, Mi Xi knows. She was also very alert to see everywhere, no one found a sneak shot. On the plane, all the way went smoothly, and Mi Xi’s heart followed the plane and flew up. Finally, it feels like I went to a world of two people with Chen Ying. Only he and her, she can go shopping with him, go to the restaurant to eat, and go to the movies.

Yes, she must let Chen Ying take her to the movies. Even if the American movies speak English, she can't understand, but she just wants to enjoy the feeling of going to the cinema with Chen Ying. She wants to eat popcorn. Drink cola.

On the day of the arrival of the United States, it was the 14th of the United States and the 15th of the country. From the airport to the apartment, Mi Xi was on the road. He said that the time in the country is good or the time abroad is good. He asked Chen Ying how to get through it. If they leave their luggage, they will go to the cinema and join hands. Watching movies, more fun.

Chen Ying laughed and didn't answer. It is really a good idea to bring Mi Xi to the United States. He is very happy to see her very relaxed and happy. On the taxi, he couldn't help but hold her over and kiss him. Mi Xi blushed, sorry to see the driver, but also gave him a kiss with Chen Ying’s head. The two kissed and the forehead laughed at the forehead. I am really very happy. I can’t worry about being intimately seen outside. It’s really no better.

When I arrived at the apartment, Chen Ying opened the door and the roses in the room were waiting for Mi Xi, the foyer, the coffee table, the sofa, the balcony, the corner of the room, and even the kitchen were filled with roses, various colors, different postures. The spectacular scene shocked Mi Xi. She was so stupid, her mouth was wide open, her eyes were too busy.

Chen Ying put down her suitcase and hugged her behind her: "This is a birthday present on the 15th domestic time. Happy birthday, baby."

Mi Xi glanced excitedly and his tears fell.

"Like it?"

Mi Xi nodded desperately.

Chen Ying was satisfied, holding her whispered: "This is the first wave of surprise, baby, there is still behind."

Still? Mi Xi is floating, feeling that she is in a dream. Chen Ying put his luggage and took a break with Mi Xi. In the evening, he asked Mi Xi to change his dress. When Mi Xi came out, he had already arranged a candlelight dinner. He said that he had told his colleagues in the United States to help with the reservation in the morning. It is very convenient to send a luxurious meal. The props are also ready to be placed in the cabinet.

Mi Xi haha ​​smiled, watching Chen Ying go to the sound, the dance music rang, he danced with her. Jumping around the circle, Mi Xi did not want to stop, she felt very happy and very happy. In the end, Chen Ying rushed her to the table to eat. The two people were feeding each other, laughing and making troubles, and eating them in a mess. After Mi Xi insisted on washing the dishes, she said that Shouxing had the right to ask for work. When she packed up, she secretly felt that she really looked like a little woman who was taking care of her family. She wanted to experience this feeling. She rushed Chen Ying to watch TV and gave him fruit. While doing housework, she prayed that such a life would never change.

The next day, it was the 15th of the United States. Chen Ying also came to Mi Xi’s birthday. He took Mi Xi to go to the movies, bought her popcorn cola and ice cream, and the movie was completely invisible, but this was the movie she had the happiest. After that, Chen Ying took her shopping, bought her a gift, and took her to a fine restaurant. Then, at night, a super big birthday cake is waiting for Mi Xi.

"This is the second wave of surprise, baby, there is still behind."

Mi Xi wants to cry again, too happy will not feel like real.

Two people put together a birthday candle, Chen Ying teaches Mi Xi in his heart and silently wishes not to say it, and then blows out all the candles in one breath to get it.

Mi Xi made a wish, she thought, hope she could marry Chen Ying and be his good wife. Chen Ying may have a wish, he thought, hope that the red line will be tied smoothly, so that Mi Xi is happy and safe. The two men glanced at each other and laughed and blew out the candles together.

After two birthdays, Chen Ying is going to busy his career. He asked Mi Xi to rest at home for a few days, and when he went to sign a contract, he took her to play.

In fact, the mailings on both sides of the contract talked about seven or eighty-eight, which is the matter of meeting each other and finalizing the wording. Maybe there is happiness blessing, the lucky **** really wants Chen Ying not thin, he spent three days, signed the contract. He made another sum and was less than he thought.

When Chen Ying came back that day, he held a circle with Mi Xi. She is not an inspirational elf, she is his lucky goddess, he is alone.

Chen Ying took Mi Xi to Las Vegas.

He took her to the most famous hotel, took her to the shopping show, took her to the Grand Canyon, and took her to gamble. Every day, Mi He lived in a dream and screamed excitedly every day. "This must not be true."

Chen Ying laughed happily: "There is still behind, I have prepared a big surprise for you."

The big surprise happened on their fifth day in Las Vegas. Chen Ying got up early, had breakfast, let Mi Xi change a beautiful dress, and then took her to a place. Very mysterious, Mi Xi can not ask where it is.

When I got there, I saw a long team. At the end of the team was a house that Mi Xi could not understand. Chen Ying took her to the end of the team. Mi Xi looked carefully and lined up with a pair of men and women, all kinds of skin colors, and everyone had an excited smile on their faces. Mi Xi was infected by everyone's excitement. I really wanted to know what was going on. I just wanted to ask, but I saw that the first pair of men and women were run out by three or four people. Everyone screamed and cheered. The men and women wore dresses and hugged them. kiss.

Mi Xi stayed for a while and looked at Chen Ying. Chen Ying smiled hard: "Well, it's all here, I can't stop it." Chen Ying cleared his throat and held Mi Xi's hand. He crossed his fingers and held it tightly. "Mi Xi, you are eighteen years old."

Mi Xi looked at him, nodded, and his heart beat.

"We are getting married." Chen Ying said.

Mi Xi slowly opened her mouth, unbelievable, and there was nothing more surprising than this. Dreams come true? She squeezed her face with the empty hand.

Chen Ying laughed and reached out to help her face: "Stupid, how stupid?"

Yes, you should pinch him if you want to pinch it. Mi Xi quickly shot and squeezed him. Chen Ying is crying, and Mi He breathes a sigh of relief, not a dream.

"Stupid, really stupid." Chen Ying grabbed her hand and rubbed her face. "We are getting married." He said it again, not asking, not negotiating, but a calm tone.

Mi Xi knows that it is not a dream, but the brain has not turned around. "Isn't it okay to be 20 years old?"

"That is at home, here, 18 years old."

Mi Xi blinked and squeezed it hard. This time it was Chen Ying’s hand. Chen Ying was crying again and couldn’t help but look at her. "Not a dream, it is true. When did I fool you?"

"There must be, but I can't remember it now." Mi Xi told the truth, Chen Ying poked his head.

Mi Xi received this stamp and seemed to finally accept the reality. She began to smirk and laughed. "Can you be married? Me and you?"

"Yes, I am married to you. You are my wife, I am your husband."

Mi Xi always laughed and laughed, then jumped up and shook his hand: "It is true, it is really married."

"Of course."

"But, but nothing is prepared." Mi Xi touched | touched the hair, and looked at the clothes on his body, think again, not right. "But grandparents and Chen Feishu Xiaobao sister, as well as Cheng Shusu, and Wu Haoshu, as well as Liu Jie, and Lu Jie, and my classmates, did not inform them. And separated so far. Also, there are still a few things that have not been discussed yet, such as wedding banquets, such as worship, and there are still, my mother is not here."

Chen Ying patiently explained to her: "These will look for opportunities to make up later. Maybe after a few years, when you are 20 years old, or graduate from college, don't remember that you have had an anecdote with me and clarified the press conference. Things, or there are other things that can push these past, and then we will announce that we will be in love with each other, and we will be married for a long time. Then we will make a wedding reception. Now we will get married here and become a husband and wife, you can feel at ease, we Can be together forever. When the timing is right, we will do it again in China."

Mi Xi was very confused and didn't understand. Chen Ying took out a ring box and showed it to her: "This is our wedding ring. This bag contains our file data file. We have sent it online for an appointment before the marriage application. We will fill out the form for a while. Zhang found a priest and two witnesses to do a small ceremony, and this is married. From then on we are husband and wife. In the future, this marriage relationship needs to go through some formalities in the country, but you don’t have to worry about it, I will do well. Those procedures are not really important, because we will have another one in China at the time."

Mi Xi seems to understand, and does not seem to understand. She followed Chen Ying in a confused way, watching the team in front slow down a little bit.

"We fill out a form, find two people who don't know to be witnesses, and then even couples?" She sorted out the ideas and asked if this was right.


Actually right.

Mi Xi blinked hard and her heart was very scared. "But, who knows that we are married?"

"No need to know anyone else." Chen Ying glared at her shoulder. "Marriage is for ourselves. I want to marry you and want to marry you."

“No need to know anyone?” Mi Xi repeated this.

"You don't want to, Mi Xi. You don't want to marry me?"

"I think, my birthday wish is to marry you."

Chen Ying smiled, bowed her pro | kiss her. "Your wish is about to be realized. This is the third wave of surprise, the biggest surprise. Baby."

Surprise? Mi Xi’s lips, the panic in my heart can’t be pressed. What happened, obviously she was too excited at the beginning, obviously so excited and happy. To marry Chen Ying, dream of it.

"When is the wedding party, Chen Ying. When can I let my mother know?"

"They are already aware of the Spirit of Heaven."

"They are not there, they will not come here, they are all foreigners. If they say they don't understand, they are not here." Mi Xi is very serious. Chen Ying looks black. Is it now necessary to discuss whether there are ghosts in the world, and will ghosts go abroad by plane?

"I married you, what do you need to do?" Mi Xi looked at the team a little shorter and asked.

"What do you do when you do what you want to do? You want to continue reading and study. You want to continue to shoot advertisements and shoot advertisements. You can do whatever you want, just like before. Except that we have our own small family, we live together. In addition to doing what the husband and wife will do, the others have not changed."

"No change?" Mi Xi repeated.

"Yes." Chen Ying felt that this was his protection for her. It was a reassurance that would give her peace of mind. This marriage is also, let her peace of mind, but also let them feel at ease. The red line can't be tied up, can you get married? Can g on it? Don't listen to the old man's nonsense, he took Mi Xi to do all the things of the husband and wife, plus they really love each other, how can the red line not be tied, unless the red line is crazy.

"But..." Mi Xi hesitated.

"But what?" Chen Ying is very patient.

"But we are husband and wife, who knows?" Mi Xi went back.

"Stupid | Melon." He licked her head: "I love you, I promise you, when the time is right, we will have a wedding reception, then all your friends will come over and invite the media to come over and let You are more beautiful than Xiaobao, okay?"

Mi Xi opened her mouth and did not speak. Chen Ying licked her head again and squeezed her hand: "Don't be nervous, there is me, everything has me."

Mi Xi didn't know what else to say. Chen Ying did everything she could do for her. She knew that she understood it completely. What else is wrong?

The team is getting shorter and shorter, and Mi Xi’s heart beats very badly. Chen Ying holds her hand tightly. He is also uneasy and uncertain, or should not call it uncertain. He thinks, maybe it is guilty. It was a very normal thing. He thought it was a good thing. He arranged it for so long and prepared everything, but when she asked him about those problems, he felt that he felt very bad.

But he clearly did everything he could do for her.

Mi Xi did not speak, Chen Ying did not know what else to say. Get married, just get married. He believes that the red line of marriage is tied. She loves him, he loves her too, isn't it?

The team is still shortened. A pair of newlyweds walked by them. Everyone was laughing. Chen Ying comforted himself. This is a good thing. Mi Ximing also said that her birthday wish is to marry him. He fulfilled his wish for her, nothing wrong, everything is fine.

"Chen Ying."

Still a pair is on them. At this time, Mi Xi suddenly called him.

Chen Ying turned her head and looked at her. Her eyes were as bright as black gems. She was beautiful and her expression was cozy. Chen Ying jumped in her heart, but still smiled at her: "What's wrong, don't be nervous, come to us right away. You don't say anything, I said, when I remind you, you say yes."

Mi Xi nodded, Chen Ying was about to let out a sigh of relief, but he listened to Mi Xi and said to him: "Chen Ying, when I was fourteen years old, I was a mother. I started to ask for a good kiss for me. When I died It’s still three months before it’s over eighteen. My buddy hasn’t talked about it for four years. Eighteen, it’s an old girl. Before I went to the world, Mr. Moon told me that time might There will be some wrong things. Sure enough, I arrived in May, and I still have half a year from January. That is to say, in the two worlds, I have never married for four years. My mother|I have told many people about marriage. The matter also taught me a lot of skills in managing the family, and let me know the woman's morality. I really want to, I really want to marry a good husband."

Chen Ying can't speak, can only listen to her.

"At the beginning, my mother prepared a lot of dowry for me. I fantasized about the scene when I was married. I had a red makeup and eight people. I was dressed in a red dress and sat in front of me. I covered my hijab and listened. Xi Niang’s lyrics and noisy joys. The rings are nervously turned around. I told myself that I must not hold my mother’s hand to cry, which is too shameful.”

The first pair of people also went in, and the next pair went to them. Chen Ying’s feet seem to have rooted and can’t move. Because Mi Xi did not move, she looked at his eyes and seemed to be crying out.

"Chen Ying, I know that I can't meet people who are better than you. I know that my previous fantasy of the wedding will never be realized. There is no red makeup, no eight people, my husband, it is impossible. I am riding a high horse to welcome me. My mother can't hold it anymore."

Her eyes finally rolled down.

"But... I tried hard to learn the rules of the world. I really worked hard. But... even if I work hard, I still can't do something. Chen Ying, I am sorry, I really want to marry you, really, very I really want to think, if I can marry you, I will laugh when I dream. But if so, I mean... If we are married like a thief, so..."

Chen Ying wants to say something, but his throat is dead.

"Sorry, I can't marry you."