MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 123 Published by Fanwai 7

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The eighteenth season was tired and sat down under a big tree. The sun was shining, the trees were cool and refreshing, and it was very pleasant. The season eighteen gasped and opened the water bladder and drank a few mouthfuls of water.

At this time, it was almost six years since I received the last letter from Yu Fei. These eighteen years have a lot of skills, and both Master and Master feel that he can travel alone and hone. Season 18 is also having this idea. He packed up his clothes and went back to his home. His parents, brothers and sisters were good. He let his heart go, and then went east.

He is worried about a person, who seems to be his master and does not seem to be a non-Zhe Ze.

Yan Feize sent him a letter saying that he and his wife Su Xiaopei went east, and went through the days of immortality, so that they should not hang. This letter Bai Yulang also received a letter, everyone is happy for Fei Ze. The master said that this person has always been alone, and he is happy to do what he wants. Now he has his girl to accompany him. Presumably he is really free and uncomfortable.

However, there are regrets in the season eighteen. He always feels that he has received this letter, and it seems that he will not see it later. He listened to Yu Fei, who said that his master left after his art and never returned. It’s hard to be like this. He is also like his master. He feels that the art of casting a sword has been taught to him. He also plans to travel all over the world and never come back.

However, Jiu 18 felt very sorry for Fei Ze. He did not officially worship the teacher, but he learned his craft. He did not care, but he always felt that he owed him. In the past few years, Ji 18 studied the martial arts of the Xuan Qing School seriously, and also studied the books left by Yu Zeze. He has been staying in Wuzhen, because the casting kiln left by Yu Feize is there. He martial arts while casting a sword, and later someone asked him, he finally looked up and said, he is under the Xuan Qing faction and - 冉非泽.

It is a scandal to worship two people in the rivers and lakes. But Master acquiesced him, the brothers understood him, and he had never called a master, and he was taught nothing to him. He left the teacher’s cheats to him, so he still cares about others. Look at it. There is no virtue, no righteousness, no one else has the final say. Others also said that Fei Ze was treacherous and unscrupulous, and as far as he seems, his master is a man of great deeds and a broad mind.

On that day, Master Jiang Weiying said to him: "If you are a student, you will go to the rivers and lakes. You can learn from the martial arts, you can not be trapped in the door. You are in the distance, you are going to the distance to hone It’s good to practice.”

The season eighteen promised. He felt that Master Jiang Weiying had seen his thoughts. He owed him a "master" and he wanted to see him again.

On the eighth day of the season, a large box was set off. The big knife was hung outside the box. There were many unique tools needed to cast the sword. The box was heavy, but the season eighteen felt that he could afford it. He promised that he would pass on his sword-casting skills. He thought about it. He wanted to go east. If he couldn’t find the singer, he would look for a good-natured and good-natured boy to pass on their skills.

Season 18 has been wandering for nearly a year. I have not heard the news of Yan Feize and Su Xiaopei. I just heard that someone has seen a sturdy man with a short hair girl. The two are very loving, but they finally went there, but No one knows.

There is no fruit in the season. Later, he saw a very young boy in a village, but the young father who had serious illness needs to take care of him. He could not go to school with him. Didn't mind the season eighteen, he stayed in the village and taught the basic casting skills of the boy, so that he could have the skills to support himself and his father.

After leaving the village on the 18th, he went all the way to Pingzhou City. When he was in the village, he suddenly had a chance to think of a sword suitable for Bai Yulang. He planned to return to Wuzhen to cast the sword to Bai Yulang. go with. He came out to find 冉非泽 was greeted with Bai Yulang, two people drank a drink together, said the past, strangely, they even remembered what Su Xiaopei looks like, except for short hair, what else?

Season 18 also said that Bai Yulang is more suitable for the sword, Bai Yulang blinked: "Have you ever seen the catching sword? Of course, it is more powerful."

I was not angry at the time of the 18th. I only said, "Have you seen one person worshipping two divisions? I am not? It is not so bad. You are catching fast to catch a thief. The weapon is good, the government gave the knife, does not mean that the catch is suitable for the knife. Everyone is not ordinary, why not stick."

At that time, Bai Yulang’s eyes were even bigger: “18, you are a bit like a deaf.”

looks like? The quarter eighteen pulled the neck under the shade of the tree and took another sip of water. After that, he got on the road, but later he received a letter from Bai Yulang, who said that if he wanted to make a sword, he must have a particularly good sword, the world's first sword. He said that it would be good to have eighteen castings in the season.

At the time of the 18th, he smiled when he read the letter. He knew that this was Bai Yulang encouraging him. When he was teaching the young caster in the village that day, he received a letter from Bai Yulang, who said that he had risen to catch the head and was very proud of his words. Season 18 is very happy for him. This happy, suddenly thought of a sword, it is a good sword that is suitable for Bai Yulang, but it is both a search for people and no news. He simply goes back to the division to report a peace. Give Bai Yulang a sword as soon as possible, which is a gift for him to catch up.

Season 18 sat down under the tree for a while, looked at the sky, and then a small half day should be able to go to the place called Xinghua Village, and stay there for one night tonight. He took out the paper bag from the bag and took out the last piece of dry food on his body. I hope that this direction is correct. Otherwise, he will have to sleep in the wilderness tonight, and he has to work hard to hunt his stomach.

Just biting a bite of a cake, a skinny little yellow dog ran over and his dark, big eyes stared at his cake. Look at the dog in the season eighteen, look at the cake on hand, take a small piece to it, the dog came over and ate. After eating it, I sat down at the foot of the season eighteen and watched his cake seriously.

The season eight laughed, took a bite of the cake, and saw that the little yellow dog seemed to drool, and he took another piece to give it, and the puppy quickly ate it again. After eating, he rushed his tail and continued to stare at the cake.

Season 18 smiled at it: "I still want to eat? But I am also hungry, the cake is so small."

The little yellow dog screamed poorly twice. Season 18 reached out and touched its head. It didn't hide, only staring straight at his cake.

"Okay. I am hungry and have some strength to find the next meal." He said, licking the cake and feeding the dog. The cake is really not big. After the dog finishes eating, he still doesn't leave. He is looking forward to eating later. The eighteen smiles and spreads the five fingers to show it: "Nothing."

The dog looked at his hand and looked at the empty paper bag next to him, shook his tail and left. Pick up the water bladder and drink the saliva in the season eighteen, use water to install your stomach, pretend not to be hungry. Drinking water, installing the water bladder, is preparing to continue on the road, in order to eat at night, you must find the village. Just about to start, suddenly heard a woman’s voice shouting: "Big, heroes."

During the season of eighteen, I saw a little tree on a big tree not far away. A little girl with a round face carefully looked at her head and leaves.

Looks alert and seems to have hopes.

"Girl called me?"

"Heroes." The little girl with a round face saw the eighteenth season, biting her lip, and she looked pitiful.

The season eighteen went over and stood under the tree and looked up and asked her: "What is the girl?"

"Heroes." The girl paused, and then paused, carefully, gently, and talked like a tunnel: "Heroes, help."

I lived in the quarter and looked at the tree. It was very tall, very tall, and the branches and branches were thick and strong. "Can't the girl come down?" Season 18 asked, wondering how she went up? Then his heart suddenly jumped up.

Once, when he was teaching him to cast a sword, he said that when he met his girl, the girl was trapped in the tree and called him to help the man. Today, this round-faced girl is also in the tree, calling him a hero to save his life.

It is a coincidence, or is someone wanting to leave a letter to him? I know this and know that he also knows about it.

"Girl." The season eighteen looks a whole, and this person immediately pays attention to it.

"Who is the hero's surname?" The round face girl asked carefully.

"In the next season, family." Asked his name, it must be to verify identity, quarter eight quickly replied.

"Where is the hero of the season?"

“Hulu Village, Luocheng Hulu Town.”

"Where is He?"

"Xuanqing faction ranks eighteen." Ji Jiawen's heartbeat is fast, is Master Fei Zeze? She was asked by him?

The girl carefully observed him and then asked: "Where is the heroes coming here, where do you want to go?"

"Looking for people." Season 18 busy answer, "Girl, is anyone asking you to bring a letter?"

The girl paused, did not answer, but asked again: "Where is the heroes going?"

“Return to the Xuanqing School of Pingwu City Wuwu Town.”

The girl pouted, nodded, and whispered: "The heroes can save me?"

"Nature." Season eighteen promised, just wanted to greet himself and jumped up the tree to help her down, but saw that the round-faced girl moved back to the head, and then sneaked down and climbed down the tree. Very tall tree, she easily used her hands and feet.

The quarter of eighteen stayed for a while, and this life-saving life was really a temptation. It was really an instruction of Master Fei Ze, but I didn’t know what was going on behind it.

"Girl..." Season 18 opened his mouth and was about to ask, but was interrupted by the girl with a wave of his hand. "Heroes, things are like this. Ah, yes, there are five or two silvers in the heroes."

"No, only three or two more."

The girl bites her lip: "It's still two or two."

The quarter eighteen couldn't figure out what happened. I was about to ask, and the girl suddenly said: "Heroes, things are like this. I am in front of Xinghua Village, named Tian Lier. My mother died. Early, I am squatting again, and my mother gave birth to a younger brother. I am waiting for my coolness at home. Now I am seventeen years old, and I am still waiting to marry. My mother said that she told me about the family in the town, but I asked. It’s said that it’s a marriage, but it’s the past to give the family a bad house. They sold me in five or two silvers. I heard that the evil is too good to fight 骂 丫, I used to be a dead end. Heroes, Help me."

How do you save this season? The family said to the girl that he had a good dear. He married the past or sold it. It was a family matter. He and the family had no knowledge of each other, but what could they do?

"Well..." Season 18 thinks, this round-faced girl should not want to let her take her to escape? "Can a girl have a loved one or a family that can be trusted?" He can do it with her escort.

"No, no." Tian Lier shook his head and waved his hands. "I don't want to run away. If I can't solve this problem, they send people to chase them. How can I live for the rest of my life? I am a girl, no money, no power, no dependence. It will always be found for the family and the evil. The life in the name is the gimmick of the individual family, so that you can live a stable life."

Nodded at 18 o'clock in the season, this girl was considered to be thoughtful at a young age. It seems that someone is pointing her. He couldn't help but wonder if it was Fei Ze and Su Xiaopei. But if they are the two, how can this girl run to the tree to find someone to ask for help? But if it weren't for the two, the girl screamed at the tree and shouted the heroes to save lives, which was too much of a coincidence.

"Heroes." Tian Lier carefully observed the look of the season eighteen, and said: "I ran out in the middle of the night, hiding in this tree for most of the day, and finally waited for the heroes. This is not a hero to help No. After the heroes help me, I will definitely help the heroes."

"What can you do for me?" Season 18 jumped and tried to ask.

Tian Lier smiled slightly and looked like a bamboo in the chest. "Isn't the heroes looking for people?"

"You have the news of Master? Where is he? He and Su girl, I mean, is he good with his teacher?"

Tian Lier blinked his eyes and did not answer, but he said: "The heroes can join me in returning to the village and lending me three or two silver?"

"This is okay, but the girl’s family talked about the girl’s family. What is the use of the girl’s three or two silver?”

"The heroes go with me first, and I can think slowly on the road."

The season 18 hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded. It is said that this kind of family trouble, he should not intervene, this girl looked at a thick cloth, but the white teeth, the spirit is still good, not pitiful, and talking head is the road, it seems that it is not urgent to save the situation, but he really wants Knowing the whereabouts of 冉非泽, the more weird the girl, the more he felt that he had some connection with 冉非泽. Moreover, when she returned to the village, it was not a big deal to borrow her silver. He was confident and no one was murdering him. He simply went for a walk. Anyway, his destination was also the village.

Take a step and take a step.

Season 18 followed Tian Lier to Xinghua Village.

On the way, Tian Lier asked his experience of the experience, and the season was answered one by one. Tian Lier also told him about his own experience. She said that her mother-in-law, Zhuang, was the daughter of a teacher who was a teacher in the town. She knew the book and was very kind. She was doing long-term work at her mother's house. Her mother saw her hardworking, but her grandfather had been Disagree, but the grandfather was seriously ill, and her family and family were all helping her. After the filial period, her mother married her, and the two returned to the country to give birth to her.

When she was born, she almost died of dystocia, and then she could not give birth, and she was very dissatisfied with the fact that there was no male under the knee. But her mother is a young lady, and she has a number of academic rituals, and she can do things. She is a famous sage in the village. How dare she dare. It’s just that the mother’s own body is not good, and the life in the village is difficult. The mother is sick and sick, and she went at the end of her 12th year. After her mother's first seven, she immediately married the young widow in the village and gave birth to her younger brother Tian Gener in the second year.

"With my younger brother, I am an eye-opener. The heroes will understand. Five or two silvers will sell me. I don't want to rely on this. Heroes are good, save me from the fire, I will repay the heroes. ""

I don’t know what to answer in the eighteenth season. I thought about it in the end: "The girl is going to be polite."

"Okay." Tian Lier was so refreshed, so refreshing that the season eighteen was strange.

After another walk, Tian Lier asked again: "Can there be food on the heroes?"

The quarter eighteen shakes his head. Tian Lier smiled and was embarrassed: "I ran out in the middle of the night, and I have not eaten for most of the day."

She smiled at the eighteenth season and was very embarrassed. "The last half of the pie in my body was fed the dog." Think about what is wrong with this, and quickly said: "I am telling the truth, I have not eaten for half a day."

After that, I will recollect it. Ok, actually, to say it is to be hungry than a dog. He is with her.

Tian Lier smiled at him: "I saw it." Just seeing it, I feel that this person can be helpless. Now I ask if I am really hungry, and second, I will confirm what his good heart is. degree.

Well, she thinks she should not have found the wrong person.

Not far before, I will go to the village. Tian Lier stopped and turned to ask for the season eighteen: "Heroes, the front is my village. I will take the heroes home in a while, the heroes will borrow me silver, save. I am getting out, is that right? Right?"

"Right." Season 18 did not think much.

Tian Lier nodded and felt satisfied. "I am not good at words in my heroes. I don't know much about my family. I will talk to you at that time. The heroes will not wear me at the side. It's so fixed, how?"

"Yes." It was said by a girl who first met that he was not good at words, and that he was not angry at the time of the eighteenth. He felt that this was indeed the case. He was stupid, and at that time he did not know what to say, let the girl say it herself, so that he could save trouble. He felt very good.

"That hero gave me the three or two silvers first." Tian Lier asked again.

Season 18 thought that she was still afraid that I would lie to her. He took the money bag out and handed it to Tian Lier. Tian Lier took it, opened the bag and looked at it. He saw the silver, and his heart beat two shots. He felt that he really had hope. She licked her mouth and concealed it. Excited. "Then, I will accept it. The heroes are relieved, I will have money and silver in the future, and I will return the heroes."

"Good." The season is not worried. He would like to see what the girl is going to do next, and whether she really has the news of the singer.

Tian Lier and Jiu 18 also discussed a few words, saying that they went to the village to listen to her, to cooperate with her, and so on, and then two people entered the village. Tian Lier did not take the season 18 to take the right path, but turned into the village from the secluded road along the village. She took him straight to a family, two trees in the yard, a few chickens, and the fence was broken and old. Tian Lier cooked the road and opened the door fence. Ji 18 thought that this should be her home. As a result, Tian Lier opened her mouth and shouted: "Niu Auntie, at home?"

In the season, he smashed his brow and turned his head to look at Tian Lier's eyes.

An old woman replied, not far from the other family, there was a woman who heard the movement and ran out. When she saw that the person was actually Tian Lier, she immediately shouted exaggeratedly: "Hey, This is not a pear. Where are you going? You are looking for a good meal today. It is not peaceful from early in the morning."

Tian Lier smiled and said: "I went to the village to pick up an individual. This is not coming back."

"Received?" The woman looked at Tian Lier with suspicion, and looked at the season eighteen. The face was clearly filled with curious and inquiring expressions.

Tian Lier ignored her and turned her head and said to the cow aunt: "Auntie, we have not eaten in a day..."

"Hey, pear, you silly boy, Niu Da Niang's family's own food can't be eaten, how can you manage your meal? Come here, come to Gaochun's house to eat, sorghum steamed steamed bread, too, Then fry two small dishes."

Tian Lier bit his lip and looked at the cow aunt, a look of embarrassment, whispered: "But I want to eat eggs."

"Yes, yes, my family has eggs. You don't want to ruin the eggs of the cow's aunt's family. People still have to sell their money. Come to the high school, have eggs. Come, come." That high-browed smile, the season Eighteen is to find out that this person is not really helpful to want to eat, but to listen to the personal affairs of Tian Lier. He looked at Tian Lier and thought she should understand, so she should not go. As a result, Tian Lier only hesitated for a moment, and said to Niu Auntie: "Niu Auntie, then I went to Gaojiao to have a meal."

"Okay, okay." Niu Auntie pulled Tian Lier over and took a photo in her arms. "You have to be good, boy."

"Do not worry, aunt." Tian Lier smiled and took the season eight into the high school.

Gao Xiao smiled and let Tian Lier sit, and deliberately looked at the season eighteen, then said she went to the kitchen to eat. As soon as she left, Tian Lier whispered to the eighteenth quarter: "The sorghum is a famous noisy mouth in the village. Anything makes her aware, and the whole village will know. After a while, you will leave a snack, don't talk. ,let me do it."

The quarter eight wrinkled, he is most afraid of falling in the hands of long-mouthed women, one is not finished, it is more uncomfortable than playing one. Not only knowing this, why should I come here to eat? It’s better to go back to her house and get things done.

In the season, he took a look at Tian Lier, and Tian Lier smirked and said to him: "The hero is in a hurry. This sorghum family has delicious food. We have a meal first, and we have the strength to return. The family is deliberating, otherwise, this next meal is still unknown."

Season 18 is stiff, isn't it, she means that she has no food to return to her home?

Tian Lier gave him a look that was a little bit sloppy. At this time, Gao Yan came in with a **** and put it down. After he put it down, he smiled and said: "Come on, first use a **** to pad a mat, and smash the two dishes. ”

Tian Lier said thank you, and said: "The eggs that Gao Hao promised."

"Yes, yes." It should be refreshing, but the eighteenth can see the reluctance of this woman.

"Ah, I still smell the sauce of the sorghum at home." Tian Lier said again, smiled. "The sauce is the best in the steamed bun. The sorghum also lets us taste it."

This season, the 18th saw that the sorghum's face was obviously stiff, but he still said: "You have a nose and nose, wait, and you will take it for you."

Gao Hao went out, Tian Lier gave a look to the season eighteen, the season eight did not understand, returned to her a look, and she actually understood, and he said: "I am asking you, there is a pack of food and paper bags No."

In the quarter, I have to scratch my head. Is it so complicated to express this eye? "Yes," he replied.

"That will be."

What is it? Season 18 really scratched his head.

After a while, the sorghum came again. This time, the meat of the dish was brought out, and the large piece of meat that was fragrant and fragrant, so that the thirsty season of the eighteen could not help but drool.

"Thank you for your sorghum." Tian Lier smiled and thanked him. "Thanks to the sorghum. I went out to the village in the middle of the night to pick up the big brother, and the big brother rushed to find me all the way. I didn't care about eating rice on the road. No, we are too hungry. Gaochun is really It’s great for us.”

Season 18 is a stiff, trying to maintain the expression on his face. This hero suddenly becomes a big brother, and the words are so smooth, the girl is really a talent. Also, what is it that he rushed to find her all the way, what do people think when they hear it? Season 18 subconsciously glanced at the sorghum, this sorghum really is a hilarious thing, only a few words made her eyes bright, then just happened to look at the season eighteen.

When I was hit by this burning gaze, I felt a little cramped in the eighteenth quarter. It is known that this woman is thinking about it. He is so uncomfortable, but in the eyes of those who are concerned, it is embarrassing.

"Oh, sorghum, don't be so embarrassed, my brother, he is a shy person."

He is not. Season 18 quickly greeted the past, but was stunned by Gao Yan’s warm and smiling eyes. In the eighth quarter of the season, he lowered his head and shook his fist. He knew that imaginative women were the most difficult to deal with.

"Sorghum, let's eat it first, just wait for your side dishes and eggs. I will tell you carefully when I am full."

"Hey, it’s good, you have to eat more, don’t be polite with sorghum, have food, have dishes.” Gao Hao Xizi Zizi went to the kitchen.

The quarter eighteen immediately raised his head and gave Tian Lier a look. Some complained that she was acting like this, too dignified. His eyes, Tian Lier, understood it again, and whispered to him: "The sorghum told us to come over to eat and listen to the idea of ​​my personal affairs, so I would like to lie with others. I don't say anything that makes her feel open." How can she let us eat more?"


I don’t know what to give to the season. I’m not sure that this girl is sent to the door to make people chew on the roots. He thought, um, very likely, only when she found the cow aunt, she did not say anything at all, but also called it loud, as if she was afraid that she would not be able to hear her next door. Season 18 also looked at Tian Lier, and she grinned at the girl: "The heroes are eating fast, eating well, don't grieve yourself."

The season of eighteen thoughts, too, anyway, he just followed her to borrow her silver. Without him, he should eat and drink, no harm to others, and no grievances.

The season eighteen picked up the steamed bread and it was really good. After a while, the sorghum and a large bowl of soup came out. There were two nests of eggs and vegetables in it. Then there was a small bowl of pickles mixed with hot peppers. It was very appetizing. Gao Wei said: "You are eating, I am burning bamboo shoots in the pot, and I will come."

Tian Lier should have taken it, watching Gao Hao go out, and then gave a look to the season eighteen. Did not understand the season eighteen, had to squint and look back at her. Tian Lier snorted and snorted: "Get out the oil paper bag."

Ah, actually this? Season 18 obediently took out the oil paper bag from the outer layer of the baggage. Tian Lier quickly picked it up and pulled out a few sheets of oil paper. While looking at the back door leading to the kitchen, he wrapped the meat and steamed bread with his hands and feet. The next bite of sauce was left in the bowl for the season eighteen, then the bowl of pickled peppers was taken, and then the three packs of food were quickly put into the bag and stuffed into the big bag of the eighteenth.

Season 18 is totally dumbfounded, isn't it, is this someone who has eaten someone else and sneaked away?

"Calm down. Calm." Tian Lier hit the eleventh with his elbow.

Still calm? Still calm? It doesn't matter to calmness. Season 18 cleared the scorpion and was about to talk. Tian Lier rushed and said: "Come on, you are a hero, you can eat this. How is this enough? This dumpling is all for you, 趁Gao Hao didn't come out, hurry and send it to his mouth. After a while, the bamboo shoots came out. You should eat more. I will talk, and I will finish the day and take you home. We will finish the matter quickly."

The season eighteen can't speak, how did he have a feeling of being on a thief boat, and his heart couldn't stand up? Looking at Tian Lier, who was eating soup and eating eggs, he silently stuffed the **** into his mouth.

After a while, Gao Song came out with the bamboo shoots, and the smile on his face saw that the bare plates and bowls on the table could not be hanged. Tian Lier did not seem to see her face, but also smiled and greeted the past, took her plate, quite free to put in front of the quarter of the eighteen, the season eighteen felt very shameful to bury their heads, Tian Lier but with Gao Weidao: "The dishes made by Gaochun are really top-notch in the village, so delicious."

Gao Qiangqiang squeezed out the laughter, and people praised her food well. Can she still complain that people can't eat much?

Tian Lier turned to the season eighteen again: "Quiet brother eats faster, eat well, we will hurry back to see you."

Season 18 face stiff, still eat? What else can he do without eating? Tian Lier has already started to talk with his sorghum hand. He is a hero, ah, no, it should be said that he is a man, and it’s not good to sit like this, as if listening carefully to their women’s homes. No, um, let's eat something, at least it seems to be busy, not the same as the girl who broke the mouth.

"Sorghum, you don't know, Big Brother is the son of a friend of my mother-in-law. It turned out that I had entrusted her to her before I died. It was a marriage."

In the season of eighteen, the bamboo shoots almost slammed, and I hadn’t had time to hear it, and I heard Tian Lier talking.

"I didn't know it before. My mother died suddenly and didn't leave any words. Fortunately, I received a letter from Ji Da Ge, and I realized the arrangement of my mother. You know what I am planning for me. It can be arranged by my mother, but of course I listen to my mother. But I dare not tell you, I am afraid that I will not be sent to you when I have not seen the big brother. I am also forced to rush to the village to pick up people. My mother kissed him in the sky and let me see him. Everything is as my mother decided. I will go with the big brother of the season and go with him."

The quarter eight was almost drowned, but he hadn’t had time to die yet, and he heard a loud and exaggerated scream: “Is there such a thing? You are leading the Zhenggong Gonggong back?”

"Yeah." Tian Lier nodded seriously. I got the season eighteen and swallowed the bamboo shoots. It’s a big deal, isn’t it borrowing money? People are not going to give her. 2k novel reading network