MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 11

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"This is not a fake."

Su Xiaopei took it for granted. This person is the master who can lay down a good man and then go to grab the merits. He is not worse than himself. It’s just that this is not a big deal. It’s not too big, and only five or two silvers are not tempting for him. She just has to turn in the direction.

"It’s just that the girl knows that the reward is to provide clues about the whereabouts of the criminals. I will wait until there is no clue to report, but ask the government to tell us these news, the government can promise?"

Su Xiaopei was stunned and suddenly hit a bit. Yeah, how can she not think of such a simple truth?

"The girl's legs and feet are not good anyway. I am still not good to send the girl away now. I am still idle when I am idle. I will go and explore."

I was idle and idle. This is true, but Su Xiaopei was not in the mood to remind him of the cruel reality of only fifteen copper plates. She was also surprised that she had committed such a low-level childish mistake.

When Fei Ze was gone, there was only Su Xiaopei in the house. Quiet calmed her down, and when she was calm, she began to sink.

It is really not easy to investigate the case. Although Su Xiaopei is not clear about the rules of the government office, in modern times, the details of many cases are not disclosed. Not to mention ordinary people, it is also a reservation to the media.

The wanted order is a wanted order. If someone goes to the police station and says the police officer, I saw the wanted order. I am interested in the case and want to participate. You tell me the details, otherwise I am not good at catching the case. . This kind of person, the police only kicked him out of the door is too polite, right?

Su Xiaopei suddenly worried, what happened to her? How could she think of letting Fei Zeze inquire about the details of the case? He really went, the government will not take him as a criminal accomplices.

Su Xiaopei took a few deep breaths and she knew she had a problem.

In the normal modern world where she lives, she can't be called a proud woman, but her academic career is indeed smooth and beautiful. The suffering of her father’s death was a driving force for her success, allowing her to go faster and further. She is the most promising student under the professor's door, and is also the young expert who the partner likes to show off. Therefore, it is undeniable that she is proud, hard-working, and picky, so that she looks good and the income is not low, but the peach blossoms are really terrible.

But here, she looks bad, she is old, she has no money, she has no ability, she is thrown to the street. She is asking for a job. It is estimated that she can hold someone else’s thigh and no one can care. Of course, her stinky temper is not crowded with tears. She has no skills, no skills, how can she live?

Dry words? She didn't have the strength, even walking a mountain road is not as strong as Tang Lin's legs. We don’t even think about chopping wood. Dry female red? She knows her too much, no hope. Cooking? She will use a microwave oven, and when she opens the gas stove, she can also fry an egg to cook a noodle. Open shop accounting? She will use a calculator, and the abacus has not touched her life. She will not get it.

Do you want to marry and ask for a meal? She counted, how many years of women married in this age? Thirteen four? Fifteen or six? If she is married to her son, she is almost twenty-seven now, and her woman, her daughter, can marry her life...

Therefore, she can be a grandmother.

This is really terrible. She is an old and ugly waste, and she is still a female waste.

She thought that Yan Feize must have seen it clearly. Sending her to the Nunnery is really the easiest and most convenient solution.

Also, she has been here for two days, and in that normal world, she should have been absent for two days. Someone will call her? Can't find her, the editor will tell her aunt, then her mother will know, will be anxious, will find her. Are you already an alarm? She is inexplicably missing, what should her mother do?

Su Xiaopei is very sad. Mom lost her husband, is she going to lose her now?

These problems Su Xiaopei thought that she had not thought much about it. She knew that under the distress and dilemma, people need to maintain a good psychological state. She has handled such cases and has conducted psychological counseling for the post-disaster people.

Ok, what is the current situation like her?

The point is that in the face of disasters, the primary principle of psychological self-protection - don't think too much.

Some people have data indicating that the higher the level of knowledge, the worse their psychological endurance. The reason is that people with rich thinking will think too much when they encounter difficulties. The more they think, the more likely they are to fall into despair, and the people with "simple minds" have no idea. This will make it easier to stay alive.

This theory, Su Xiaopei understands, she thinks that her self-adjustment is very good. But she just realized that she lost her common sense inference and the simplest judgment on things. What does this mean?

Her contrast in her two worlds has put tremendous pressure on her, and she is being negatively affected.

It is no wonder that crossing this kind of thing is definitely beyond the scope that normal people can imagine. Any accident is within Su Xiaopei’s imagination, but it is not.

She wants to help Tang Lian, she also needs help very much.

Su Xiaopei’s thoughts were more and more chaotic, and she was desperate for the five silvers at this time. Yan Feize is right. Everyone is holding a notice to send a letter and wants to get money. He can ask those news is not easy. It is impossible for a normal official to disclose the details of the case to a stranger. The reward is to see suspicious people to report a letter. And this kind of thing can only rely on the good luck in the sky to get you.

Su Xiaopei’s heart was stagnation, and he was desperate for the five silvers. He was desperate for the back road. She now relies on others to help her clothes. She can't afford a toothbrush. Where can she earn money? Really went to the nunnery, can you live?

Su Xiaopei made a good stay for a while, then she realized that she was getting more and more negative.

This is really a bad signal.

Su Xiaopei adjusted his breathing, straightened his back, raised his chin, moved his head around, and then bent his mouth, pulling the muscles on his face and posing a happy and uplifting gesture. This is a therapeutic body language that activates the muscles associated with a certain emotion and activates the autonomic nervous system, which activates and experiences the corresponding emotional and spiritual activities.

Don't think too much, she must cheer up, maintain her judgment and optimistic state of mind, and her life in this world has just begun. Being responsive, it’s good to take action.

I felt that the spirit was slowly pouring into the body a little bit. The door suddenly opened, and Fei Fei came in and saw Su Xiaopei stunned and stunned.

Su Xiaopei was also shocked, hurriedly converge and resumed normal.

Has it been so long?

"The strong man is back."

"Yeah." Yan Fei's surprised expression only flashed past, and soon settled as it was.

"I am practicing." Su Xiaopei felt that it was necessary to explain.

"Yeah." Yan Fei's calmness made Su Xiaopei feel that his interpretation was really naive and superfluous. It is a lot of embarrassment to be regarded as a neuropathy.

"The strong man has worked hard." Five or two silver people have no hope, even if she is doing psychological construction.

"Fortunately, I haven’t lived up to the girl."

"Ah?" What does this mean?

Su Xiaopei did not dare to hold hope.

"There was a little brother who promised to help me, and went to investigate the inside details of the case. There is no case file in the town of Stone Town. He has to go to Ning'an City to find Qin to catch the head. That place is the place where the criminal committed the last crime. Qin Chuantou still stayed there for tracing. The fast-paced brother said that he was rushing to the horse and would be able to reply after three days."

Su Xiaopei was surprised to see his eyes wide open: "Why should the small catching brothers help you?"

"He regards me as a hero, and naturally he is willing to help."

Su Xiaopei's chin almost fell. No, right? Hero hero?

However, "even if the arrest is willing to help, he ran to find the head, can people tell him the details?"

"He said that there was no problem. He was originally following the chasing of Qin. The reward notice was sent to the cities. He was ordered to visit the cities. It is also possible to go back to life and investigate the inside of the case."

May I? Su Xiaopei thinks that this is so suspenseful.

"The girl is wide-minded. Anyway, it is idle, and it will take a few more days."

Being idle is also idle...

Su Xiaopei is speechless.

"So, how did the strong man say how to help the little brothers to help?" She was too curious how the image of this heroic hero was established.

"I told him that I was the one who was holding the demon head Zhao Yuzhi in Camel Ridge. In that case, more than a dozen Jianghu martial arts were involved, and the reputation was very loud. He naturally knew."

Su Xiaopei’s chin continued to fall.

The fact that he dared to take the big devil from the sects was quite brilliant? He is so shameless to tell others that I am who and who, then the letter will be trusted? Not only believe, but also worship?

Su Xiaopei can imagine how serious a face is when he was arrested and quickly blew his cowhide. This person has always been the look of this serious.

Su Xiaopei couldn't help but take a closer look at him at this time. The strong man actually looks very good. He has a thick eyebrow, a straight nose, and a moderately thick lip. He is a handsome and serious guy.

The handsome guy is thick and shameless.

Su Xiaopei suddenly felt that his mental strength had returned. He was able to move the arrests quickly. Regardless of the five silvers, the future life seems to be very promising.

The existence of this strong man is really more useful than psychological counseling. 2k novel reading network