MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 105

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Chapter 105

When Su Xiaopei rushed to Ningfu, there were already a lot of people outside the temple and the mountain.

Fu Yin, Qin Dezheng and other fast horses have arrived, a little earlier than Su Xiaopei's carriage. At this time, the situation inside has been inquired clearly. It was a group of mountains that robbed the temple, and all the aunts and the believers who came to Shangxiang were trapped inside. In the past, a robber used a knife to stand up and shouted a message. Two requests were made: First, the female servant Su Xiaopei needed speed, and the second was to prepare three hundred and two gold and one thousand silver. The bags are packed and thrown into the raft, and there are also 20 fast horses. If there is one less condition, the murder will burn the temple.

The robber said that he would burn it. This is already ready. The door of the temple was covered with dry straw immersed in fire. The robbers yelled at the door and yelled at the door. The big guy was covered in the door from the door. And cloth. Everyone looked at them and they all took a breath.

At this time, Fu Yin was ordered to surround the temple and sent several people to the wall to check. I didn't think that those people had just screamed and fell when they just climbed the wall. The two were wounded by poisons hidden in the wall. One person was injured by a dark arrow shot in the temple, and one person was just hit by the wall and was beaten.

The robber shouted across the temple door: "Don't think that you can sneak in. This three-storey temple is now in every courtyard. If there is something wrong, we will kill the temple. This is not If you are playing with Er, you have to try it, we dare not?"

Fu Yin did not dare to teach people to sneak into the sneak attack. He saw Su Xiaopei and said, "Sue girl, these gangs are screaming for you, and I don't know what to do."

Su Xiaopei asked about the requests of the robbers and asked if there were any casualties. Qin Dezheng answered all of them one by one. According to nearby people, there are nearly 20 people in the village. There are not many pilgrims today. When the cockroaches broke in, there were several pilgrims who fled. They only said that the cockroaches were covered and armed with swords. Murderous. But no one can say how many people are trapped inside, and because the cockroaches are invaded from different places, and the people who escaped are panicked, so it is not good to say how many cockroaches are inside.

"They asked for twenty bags of gold and silver, and twenty horses. It is twenty people."

At this time, a bureaucrat rushed to run. "Adults, painting well, this is the construction of Ning Fuzhen." Fu Yin and Qin Dezheng quickly took the map to see, this Ning Fu, three-story courtyard, a Buddhist temple, There are three small Buddhist temples, as well as the residences of the house and the aunts.

Fu Yin frowned and looked at it. He and Qin Dezheng discussed how to arrange the rescue of the hostages. It can be roughly clarified. This is really difficult to do. The situation is not known, and the robbers are well-prepared. If there is an inadvertent The trick of recruiting a temple to kill people is how he can afford it. Qin Dezheng is also a violent danger of the road to attack. The murder of the aunt and the pilgrims can not be guaranteed, and they have to be considered for a long time.

"But the money they want can't be given. In this case, what will the official government prevail? If you teach these scorpions to step on our heads, the court will not be able to follow." Fu Yin thought, "No matter what. First, the scorpions are stabilized, Mo Qiang refuses them, and when they delay, they wait for opportunities to move again." He and Qin Dezheng counted the available hands and quickly arranged for dispatch.

"They didn't say the time." Su Xiaopei suddenly said.

“Hey?” everyone turned to look at her.

"They didn't say when to pay the silver."

"They also asked the girl to come to Su." One of the teachers told me.

"Yes, they didn't say when I will be there." Su Xiaopei just finished saying this, and suddenly heard a sigh in the door of the Tuen Mun. It turned out that the door was open, and a nun was scared and white. The tremble was moved out, and a large knife was placed on her neck.

The officials who stayed outside the door were waiting, and Fu Yin and Qin De were struggling to catch up. Su Xiaopei did not move in place: "Mo taught them that I am here."

Qin Dezheng and Fu Yin and others nodded and hurried to the door.

The aunt at the gate is shouting: "Mo, come close to me." She stood behind a masked man, and the bright knife was placed on her neck. The masked man behind him was very alert to cover his body. After the gate, use your aunt's body to block your body. There was a cry in the voice of the aunt. "He said, if someone is close, he will kill me."

Fu Yin shouted to the masked man behind the aunt and said: "How are you waiting?"

The man ignored it and only pressed the knife on his hand. The knife pressed a blood mark on the neck of the aunt.

The aunt contained tears and inserted a column of incense in front of the door. Then she raised her face and sobbed: "If this is the end of the column, the female master is not yet, they They have to kill one. If the second column is not enough, they will kill another one." She shook, tears fell on her cheeks, "kill, kill the light."

Everyone was shocked. Fu Yin and Qin Dezheng looked at each other, and the masters on the side looked subconsciously to the place where Su Xiaope stood. Bai Yulang tight | bite his teeth, clenched the handle, really hate a knife, kill all these vicious thieves.

Fu Yin asked aloud: "What do you want to do with Su Shiye? We still need some time to prepare for the money, what are you going to do for Master Su?"

The robber did not answer, did not speak, and the aunt went in again.

He was not good at Zee, and he heard the words of the aunt, and whispered to Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei nodded: "I asked for my time, but I have not said when to pay the money. It is estimated that this time will be tied to me."

Yan Feizhan grabbed her hand and Su Xiaopei held him backhand: "We said good, strong man, calm down, don't panic, you believe me, I must be safe."

Yu Feize was waiting for the return, and Fu Yin and Qin Dezheng came over again. "Sue girl, you see, if you don't, they will kill. The silver money can be dragged on, but the incense in front of this door can't be dragged."

"I know." Su Xiaopei nodded. "Let it burn again."

What? Fu Yin and others are anxious, but there is no way. Sending Su Xiaopei out at the mercy of others, this is not a gentleman's behavior, but Su Xiaopei will kill those who don't get the cockroaches. This risk can't be taken seriously. Fu Yin’s brow wrinkled tightly.

Su Xiaopei did not care about them any more, only to the non-Zhe Zedao: "I have the bodyguard stone you sent."

冉非泽 nodded. In front of everyone, he couldn't say anything better. He only squeezed her hand. They all discussed it. He shouldn't panic. The more he gets into trouble, the more calm he is. She needs his calmness.

Su Xiaopei didn't say that he was going to pass, others were not rushing, but his eyes were on Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei stared at his toes and didn't know what he was thinking. Fu Yin and Qin Dezheng took out the map and discussed the possibility of a strong attack. There were successive official surveys to investigate the surrounding terrain and come back to report. Everyone was whispering around.

At this time, Su Xiaopei suddenly said: "Let's go."

Everyone glimpsed and quickly followed Su Xiaopei to the gate of the temple. The incense at the door had already burned two-thirds. Su Xiaopei looked at the door and did not rush to scream. He looked at the incense. Fu Yinqing cleared the scorpion and said: "Su girl, you first talk to those scorpions and stabilize them. We all see the machine. Things will definitely keep you safe."

Su Xiaopei shook his head, and Chongfu Yindao thanked him and said: "Adults, it is not advisable to attack. It is indeed necessary to see the machine. Things, adults can let me first and foremost with those apes. They and the last time robbed the hunter girl. It’s the same group, the people who are hands-on are different, but the behind-the-scenes instigation is the same person.”

"How do you know?" Although the other party appointed Su Xiaopei to let Fu Yin have faintly inferred to be related to the previous events, but this time the class is not unusual, so he is still not sure.

"In my hometown, the pronunciation of Buddha has the meaning of ‘fourth.” Su Xiaopei looked at 冉非泽, and he was looking at her. Su Xiaopei nodded to him and turned to Fu Yin: "So, adults, this is not a simple robbery to seek fortune. After that, no matter what happens, I hope that the adults will be calm and cautious, and they will have to act rashly, delaying, delaying, Moqiang attack, I will Find ways to deal with them."

After she said this, she looked at the incense that had burned out, and knocked on the door of the temple. After retreating, he stood next to Zhai Feize.

The door was quickly opened, and it was only the aunt and the masked man. The knife holder is on the neck of the aunt, and the big man is still half behind the door, blocking himself with the body of the aunt.

"I am Su Xiaopei, I am coming, how are you waiting?"

That big man may not have expected Su Xiaopei to be so afraid of fear, and some embarrassment. Then I quickly said: "Very good. The life of this whole aunt's aunt girl is up to you."

"Is it? Big Brother is really good to talk. Use me to change all of them out? I am willing, I go in, Big Brother put them all."

"You really want to be beautiful." Dahan drank, the knife on his hand was hard, and the shallow blood marks were pressed on the neck of the aunt.

“Not like this?” Su Xiaopei raised his brow. “That big brother said, what do you want to do?”

"You come in." Dahan Dao.

"Going in and doing?"

"I will tell you when I come in."

"Big brother thinks that I look like a stupid son?" Su Xiaopei smiled. "If you don't talk about the conditions, let me enter the tiger's den. I changed my big brother myself. Is the big brother willing?"

"The human life is in my hands." The big man was wicked. "If you don't obey, you will kill them."

"It's not my life." Su Xiaopei answered quickly. "Usually we play like this. You seek for money, we want to give money, you ask for killing, you have to find a reason to make me feel appropriate. Going to the door to let you kill. You take the life of others and let me in. How dare I? If you say that I am going, you will let everyone go, then let’s discuss how to deal with this process. After all, I don’t worry, you don’t trust. We don’t feel relieved that the girl in the head is not out, so you can see that this exchange is still somewhat negotiable. But you don’t discuss anything, just let me in, I have the self-sacrificing heart, I The strong man next to him can't agree. If he pulls me away, you won't have to play. Are you saying?"

She didn't wait for the person to react, and quickly said, "You will just say what I want to do. Let's discuss a condition. If I can do it, I can change back to the life of the girl and the girl." I will naturally consider it. If you want to kill them and show them to me now, I will leave immediately. Teach you all to go."

The man really thought that she would kill one of her nonsense, but she would hesitate to listen to Su Xiaopei’s last sentence.

"Everything is good to discuss. I know that you don't want me to die. You know that if one of the girls here is dead, you will be in trouble. Some people will do things for you, and you can get money, and there is Jin Jincheng, sounds good. And we only ask no one to die. You see, what you want is not in conflict, it is very negotiable."

The man’s eyes turned and he said, “You wait.”

The door closed again. After a while, the door was opened again. This time it was all open. On both sides of the door, there was a masked Han with a knife. The only masked Han Tao: "Su Xiaopei, you come in, keep walking, not far from the front of the temple, there is a coffin, you can see?"

Su Xiaopei met, the red coffin, the color and the corpse of Liu Xiang's body. Others also saw it, and their faces changed.

The big man smiled coldly: "You lie in, every time you lie down, we let go of a priest. Before all the princes leave, if the money is not delivered, we will kill you." The big man said Said something smug: "How, this exchange condition can be satisfied. You don't have to die, the prince does not have to die, and the adults have enough time to prepare the money we need for silver and horse. It is fair."

Lying in the coffin? Is it time to lie down and let go? Everyone looked at Su Xiaopei.

Su Xiaopei’s face is not very beautiful. She said: "I lie in, will you cover the coffin cover?"

"That is natural. The coffin is not covered, is it called coffin?" Dahan was cold.

"The back of the coffin will also be dug the pit, cover it, you will nail it, put me in the pit, isn't it?" Su Xiaopei said, everyone **** cold gas.

The great man squatted and said: "You are smart, you can rest assured, cover the hole, don't suffocate you, we don't fill it, you just sleep in it, the priests put it all over. Come out, if the adults cherish your life, prepare the money and silver early, and you will be safe. We don’t close this door. Your people can see this coffin and you will know that you have nothing to do, just don’t think about it. I rushed in, and there was oily tarpaulin everywhere, and there was also in the coffin. If we taught us to find something wrong, we killed the hostage and burned the temple to burn the coffin."

Su Xiaopei didn't talk, only looking at the red coffin.

Don't kill her? The mental torture experiment went one step further. This time I want to try so she will get claustrophobia? 2k novel reading network

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