MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 1 repair

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Chapter 1

"Hello, I am old."

Su Xiaopei is playing with the mobile phone dialing, ready to report the results to her aunt who arranged the blind date for her, and she will sit down on the opposite seat to sit down a young man and also personally report to the door.

Su Xiaopei looked up at him and frowned.

No, it’s not enough to connect two games. Is this the third game?

The phone was passed, Su Xiaopei did not take care of the man opposite, only focused on the phone.

"Reporting the adults, the mission is completed. Both men have seen each other, a black face is very unpretentious to go, even the account is not paid, there is a bite of red lips, do not twist, only He paid the coffee money he ordered." Su Xiaopei said as he looked at the opposite seat. "Now there is another one, claiming to be surnamed Yue. Aunt, you have to add a field and tell me."

"Surname? I didn't introduce the surname Yue." Su Li was surprised at the phone, but then she responded to what the prostitary had just said. Her voice was big. "What is black face gone, what bite With your lips red eyes, what are you doing? Come again? Is it how many times I told you, don’t always be like a hedgehog, girls have to have a girl, have to talk to people, softly Fine, 矜 polite, are you not listening?"

"I have, I have a polite and objective evaluation and responded to their words." If it wasn't for "courtesy," she would have long since turned away.

Su Li Fu: "What happened this time? How about the two?"

Su Xiaopei replied: "The black face, the grandfather said that I hope that I can continue to work after I get married, because he hopes that the two economies can be independent and each spend their own. They are arrogant, mortal, aunt, you can imagine. To his expression."

Su Li didn't talk, she couldn't imagine the man's expression, but she could definitely imagine the reaction of her own prostitute.

"I asked him politely how much he earned in a month? Then he politely told him that I earned more than him. I kindly reminded him that he only met for the first time. I didn't have a chance to marry him. Give him, so he said that this is really too much. Then I politely encouraged him to work hard, because his salary figures are really nothing to be proud of."

Su Li couldn't sigh on the phone, she knew, she knew.

Su Xiaopei continued: "The second red-eyed must mention the **** in every sentence. Say that his mother likes to cook, ask me how to cook, and say that his mother likes morning clothes, let me be the most. I can get up early to accompany my mother to the park, and then say that his mother watches TV every night. I can't grab it with her. He said a bunch of Barabara, I asked politely, if I marry him, he Did Dad mind? He immediately squinted and gave a grievance, saying that I was ugly. He said a few dozen sentences, I said to him, who is it for the weak?

Su Xiaopei is twenty-seven this year. It is said that the elders in this age are anxious that she can understand, let her kiss her, she has no death to resist, but can not introduce more and more wonderful, she also has self-respect.

Su Xiaopei said something and looked up at the man surnamed Yue. She said it was like this. He should be interested in leaving people?

As a result, he did not. He sat patiently waiting, and touched her gaze and smiled at her politely. Su Xiaopei frowned and opened his eyes and ignored him.

On this phone, Su Li wanted to train Su Xiaopei but she couldn't find a word for a while. She had to say, "I told the friend who introduced it that this is really not appropriate."

"Yes. Aunt, you can understand it is very good." Su Xiaopei said, "In this case, my aunt knows more, I have caused a lot of trauma tonight, I have stress mental disorder, you Let me rest for a few months, this blind date is slow beforehand."

"What obstacles?" Su Li stunned, and then the ceiling was shaken. "You don't have these words with me. I think the mental illness is right for those men who are dating you."

"Then I am so guilty, this is also psychological trauma, I need to adjust and recuperate."

"Don't think about it! You have been hiding for two months. Don't make excuses! Don't always say how bad the other party is. You review and review yourself. You have many shortcomings. What is your attitude towards talking to people? Xiao Pei, you listen to your aunt, and you have a long snack. It’s not too small. You also plan to plan for yourself. If you drag on, you will become a senior woman...” Su Li almost didn’t have a heart, really want to be a disobedient prostitute now. Just in front of herself, she shook her shoulder and tried to persuade.

"Stop, stop." Su Xiaopei's head is big. The shadow of the man who looked at him was not seen. How did he jump directly to the birth of a child?

"And your mother, you don't want to be so embarrassed, your mother is also good for you, don't be old with her."

Got, jumped to her mother again.

Su Xiaopei wrinkled his face: "I didn't do it right. This is not because she changed my job, I changed jobs. Did she let me kiss each other?"

"You..." Su Xiaopei said that it was indeed true on the surface. Su Li couldn't find her words for training at the moment. It is obvious that the prostitute's problems are too much, and it is worth training.

"Aunt, you are tired, go to drink and take a rest, I hang up, you are busy, I can't always take the line, bye bye, you let the men who introduced you there take a rest, recently I don't have to send them to see me. I just changed jobs and I am very busy. Ah, the signal is not very good. Ah, my husband, Mr. Yue, hasn't left yet. I will talk to him first, I have to hang up. I hung up. Bye bye."

Did not give Su Lizhen the time to teach, Su Xiaopei quickly buckled the phone. As soon as he looked up, the surnamed Yue was sitting in a hurry and waiting patiently for her.

Su Xiaopei didn't care about him. Since it wasn't for her aunt to send a blind date, she didn't have to waste time and energy to confess with him.

But the man didn't care about Su Xiaopei's face. He even held down Su Xiaopei's bill and prevented her from leaving.

"Su Xiaopei, I am here to inform you of an important thing. Please listen to me."

Important matter?

Su Xiaopei’s heart is moving, is it related to that?

She was quiet, pretending to play with the phone inadvertently, but actually took a picture of the man opposite. She is mentally prepared and she always tries to leave all the clues.

"What did you say about your name?" She entered a character in the photo, waiting for the man to report to the house again.

"Old age."

"What is Yue?" Su Xiaopei frowned slightly. Did she hear it wrong? Or did this person just see her being in a blind date, now is coming over to tease her?

"It is the old man who is in charge of human marriage in mythology."

Su Xiaopei slammed the phone and confirmed that this person really came to the game.

"I know." She threw the phone into her bag and was ready to leave. "It is the salesman of the dating network."

“No.” He thought seriously. “Strictly speaking, it should be the level of executive director at the level of marriage management.”

Also director level? She really can't keep up with the trend of the pace, I don't know if men are now switching to women.

Su Xiaopei grabbed the bill and got up.

"Su Xiaopei, at 7:13 on the evening of July 13, at the north exit of Wutong Road, there was a car accident. Two cars collided in front of you, can you remember?"

Su Xiaopei lived, she certainly remembers.

July 13 is the date of her father's jealousy, and Wutong Road is where he was killed.

Of course she remembers.

On that Friday, she went to work deliberately to go there. She stood at the intersection and looked at where her father had fallen, reminding himself not to forget. When they were entering God, the two cars hit her two meters away.

How can this kind of thing be forgotten?

Su Xiaopei turned and sat down, she wanted to hear what the person wanted to say. Can the car accident be related to the death of his father? For so many years, she has not found useful clues about the murderer.

"How do you know where I am?"

The man cleared his throat and didn't answer, but said: "The car accident caused two deaths and one injury. The responsibility of the accident determines that the deceased is responsible for the red light, but this is not the point I want to tell you. The point is the injured person. ”

Su Xiaopei listened carefully.

"If you want to make a note below, please make sure that he is Cheng Jiangyan. Now I am in the vip special care unit on the 25th floor of Building 2 of the First Hospital. You have to go to him, the sooner the better."

"What are you looking for?" Su Xiaopei habitually took out the small book and remembered what he heard.

"You have to know him to find him."

Su Xiaopei said: "Is he not in the ward?"

"He is in the ward, but he has been in a coma."

"What do you mean by finding him?"

"You listen to me, this world is not just the world you see in front of you. The energy is conserved, the time and space are intertwined, and the two spaces are tight and stick to work, in order to maintain eternity."

It’s a ghost talk, Su Xiaopei frowned.

The old man thought about it and explained: "In a nutshell, you can imagine that the two worlds, like the gossip graphics, are spliced ​​together to maintain energy."

“Is this the case?” Su Xiaopei began to feel that there was something wrong with the person in the opposite direction, so she patiently went down. “Mr. Yue, your theory is too esoteric, I can’t understand it. Can you say something simple and important? ?"

"This is one of the key points, very important." The old man looked innocent. "And things are not too complicated. To put it bluntly, Cheng Jiangyi is your beloved lover. You should have completed your first encounter at that time on July 13th, thus developing your feelings. But when you are flying, you are going to wipe your body. I have missed each other."

"So?" Su Xiaopei nodded, very calm. Due to her professional relationship, she has seen many delusional patients, but the content of the patient in front of her is somewhat new. She looked at his look carefully and silently assessed his condition.

"In the car accident, he should have been seriously injured, only because he was too deep in marriage with him, and he did not do anything to make his life endless, so he sighed. The accident was serious, and he was hit by another parallel world. I was busy with someone else's case in the previous paragraph. I didn't pay much attention to it. I only saw it now. I originally wanted to handle it briefly, to dispel the involvement between you, to let you all go through each other and to find the fate. But the red line between you is too much. Tight, I can't solve it. I have to say that I didn't take long to take office. I was in this situation for the first time. I can't cut the red line, because then the marriage between you and him will be destroyed. It takes a long time after the red line is damaged to re-grow and climb the people. It is even easier to reattach it. I can say that you can understand the seriousness of the matter?"

Su Xiaopei nodded and she closed her notebook. She didn't know the seriousness of the matter, but as a former psychiatrist with professional qualifications, she felt that this person really needed help.

"Mr. Moon, when did you start to realize that you are the executive director of marriage management?"

The old man rounded his eyes, and the innocent expression came out again: "You don't believe me? You must believe me! If you don't pull him back, the consequences are as bad as cutting the red line. Both of you will be a few Nothing in the world, no feelings, no life, no matter how many times you kiss each other, no matter how hard you try, there will be no good marriage. Even if you are married, you must be emotionally disagreeable, life is not smooth, it will be very miserable. ""

"Are you sure I am Su Xiaopei?"

Su Xiaopei’s counter-inquiry reminded the old man: “Are you not?” He wouldn’t have a big oolong? "When you were dating, the man really called you Su Xiaopei."

Su Xiaopei nodded. It seems that this person does not know her. He just watched the blind date.

"On July 13, you were at the scene of the traffic accident at Wutong Road?" She confirmed.

"Yes." Yue Lao seriously answered, "I want to record the fate of the encounter, so as not to have any unexpected situation. You see, the situation of your pair is an accident."

Su Xiaopei understood that this person had seen her in a car accident, so she knew her whereabouts at that time. She saw her again this time and heard her name, so she came to tell her. Just don't know what the source of the stimulus that caused him to think.

Su Xiaopei flipped her bag and found a business card and handed it to the old man: "Mr. Lao, my marriage, I don't need your help for the time being, but this person needs it very much. He has been troubled for a long time for marriage. You, hurry to contact him, only you can help him, you talk to him about his destined lover, his red line. You said that I introduced it."

When the old man stayed, he took the business card and looked at it. Psychologist? She actually wants to lie to him to see a psychiatrist? He is not sick! He is really old!

"Remember to find him, his marriage is counting on you." Su Xiaopei stood up, she has not been a psychiatrist, and can only introduce him to the brothers, hoping to help him. She took the bill to the checkout counter and was ready to leave.

The old man didn't expect her to sneak up and go so fast. He bowed and chased the past.

"Su Xiaopei, you listen to me, I am not joking with you. The fate between you and Cheng Jiangyi is too tight. Only you can pull him back. You must also pull him back, otherwise you will really be miserable. I have lived my life for a lifetime. Ah, no, if the red line is broken, it will be a few lifetimes..."

"Thank you." Su Xiaopei paid the bill out of the cafe and walked toward his car.

"I am very sorry to inform you so late. I really don't know that this will happen. I have not encountered a case like you. There is not much time. You should go to the hospital as soon as possible to see Cheng Jiangyan. You know him much more." Not necessarily when you will be pulled to the world by the power of the red line. If you are not prepared, how do you find him?"

"Thank you, Mr. Mr. Lao. You have worked hard, don't forget to call the person on the business card." Su Xiaopei took care of it while walking, making sure that the man did not violently attack her, there was nothing unusual about it, then She opened the door and sat in quickly.

I will say that she pulled him back, and later said that she would be pulled over, and the foreword is not spoken. Su Xiaopei shook his head and started the car.

The old man chased the car and shouted: "If you find that you have been pulled, don't be afraid, you will be fine. Just don't forget, you must seize the opportunity to find him and bring him back. I haven't found it yet. More information, wait for me to clear the situation, I will tell you... you remember, go to the hospital... don't be afraid, find him..."

Su Xiaopei’s car has already been opened, leaving the neuropathy far away. His voice was blocked out of the window, behind him, could not hear.

The author has something to say: the new pit has been opened, the outline has not been made well, and there is no deposit. But still open the pit, open the pit and slowly grind.

Collections and flowers, come on! ! ! Seek encouragement! ! ! 2k novel reading network

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