MTL - I’m Scattering IQ to the Protagonist-Chapter 185 Three words, I love you

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After hearing this sentence, Su Shicher completely stunned. He had already guessed the details of Li Yuan, and he must have discovered what secrets he was hiding.

He felt that the reason why the other party had never asked himself about this for a long time must be due to respect for himself or fear of hurting himself, but Su Shi did not expect that when he finally wanted to confess this When the incident happened, the other party even refused directly.

He said that if that incident hurts you, don't say it because he doesn't want to hear it.

How can he not want to hear it? He is only afraid to hurt himself again.

A subtle emotion hits the depths of Su Shi’s heart in an instant, so soft and so hot, almost instantly, the root of the thorn that has been buried for a long time is removed, and at that small gap, The moment of gushing is the joy and satisfaction of a hot lava.

"You don't want to hear, but I want to say it. Are you willing to listen to my secrets and keep this secret with me?" This is just a thorn, and now Li Yuan has climbed very gently. Naturally there will be no more concerns.

Li Yuan looked at Su Shi seriously, as if he was sure whether he really did not care about it. After a moment, he solemnly nodded: "I am willing."

Su Shi’s face showed a smile of total trust, and finally slowly told the secret that he had hidden for a long time.

"When I was not married to my father, my mother was already a famous actor in the entertainment industry. Later, after giving birth to her, she did not give up her career, and even wanted to let me go the same as her. Road," Su Shi’s hand was completely wrapped in Li Yuan’s big hand, just like the whole person was placed in an absolutely safe and soft environment. “When I was fourteen, she even invited a person. The young debut who just debuted came to the house to be a guest. I can understand her thoughts. After all, they are people of the same age and gender. It may be more convenient to communicate certain things. I don’t mean anything about the arrangement of the mother, but the attitude There is no compromise. After all, everyone has what they want to do. It is not necessary to change their own decisions without any mistakes because of the parents’ wishes."

Speaking of this, Su Shi looked at Li Yuan and looked at him. As if he was consulting him, Li Yuan looked at Su Shi seriously: "My thoughts are the same as you."

"After a while, that person will occasionally come to the house to be a guest. He has been performing well, not overstepping, nor being too unfamiliar. Every time he will bring some gifts to me. Slowly, the mother is also completely complete with him. Let go of the war and even allow him to come and visit at any time," Su Shi paused for a while, as if he was carefully remembering something. "Probably the seventh time he came to visit, the only family in the family, he brought Some snacks and drinks came over and said that I would like to play games with me while eating."

Hearing here, Li Yuan has been a little nervous: "What later?"

"Later he helped me unscrew the drink and handed it to me," Su Shi smiled a little, and deliberately sold it. "But I didn't drink the bottle of drink. Do you know why?"

Li Yuan shook his hand with Su Shi’s hand and shook his head: "Why?"

Su Shi sighed softly and revealed the answer: "Because when he took the bottle out, I saw it. It was a bottle of unopened drink. So even if his attitude does not see any problems. My eyes are also well hidden. I still don't drink the drinks he brought, or eat any snacks. But other than that, he didn't force me to do anything, just the last thing he left when he left. All taken away."

Li Yuan’s gaze became very fierce in an instant, and he held Su Shi’s hand with a slight force: “Is that person still there?”

Su Shi shrugged: "It should be alive, but I am afraid it is not very well mixed."

This answer does not satisfy Li Yuan, but he has a way to find out the situation of this person and make him more miserable. He has not asked Su Shi any more, but just asked another question: "This matter Does your parents know?"

Since Su Shi said that this is only the secret that he knows alone, it should be that he did not tell his parents.

"At that time, although I could understand a lot of things, my heart might still care about my mother's behavior, so I just hinted at her in a hidden way. If she didn't react, she would do it." When I said this, Su Shi actually had some embarrassment. As a person who set such a so cool, there would be such a middle two. This is really a very embarrassing thing.

But besides that, Su Shi’s actions are still worthy of his set. For example, after this incident, although he did not let his parents know about this, he quickly passed his own ability to let the man who wants to count him lose his name. Just after debut, I can no longer continue to mix in the entertainment industry.

However, after hearing this, Li Yuan slightly narrowed his eyes and tentatively said: "The reason why you didn't tell your parents is not just because of this?"

Su Shi looked at Li Yuan and looked at it. He couldn’t help but sigh and sighed: "Why do you want to know me this way? I want to hide it a bit. In fact, the person who wants to count me should be considered me. The first friend, he may be somewhat different for me."

"A fool, the person who knows the most about you in this world is me," Li Yuan reached out and licked Su's soft hair. "I want to know how I found it?"

Su said blinking: "How did you find out?"

"As your parents, there should be no less people who want to be friends with you around you, but you say that this person is your first friend. This shows that you will treat this person as a friend and you should Your mother is concerned," Li Yuan simply pulled Su Shi directly into his arms, his voice softly. "Because this is your mother brought to the house, so you try to believe him and try to be friends with him. Otherwise You won't accommodate him and play games with him. After all, you don't like to play games."

Su Shi smiled bitterly: "You are all right."

Or is it really just knowing yourself? Why is he so familiar with himself?

"That's why you didn't tell your mother about this, and didn't kill this person, but just drove him out of the entertainment circle. After all, you are so smart, it's okay to want him to be miserable." Li Yuan touched Su Shi’s face and sighed with some distress. “The first time I tried to make friends, I tried to believe in a person, I got this ending, and it’s no wonder that you will always remember this. ”

Su Yanyang looked up at Li Yuan’s eyes and said with a slight tone: “You said it’s 99%, but the last one percent is not right.”

Li Yuan glanced at him and bittained Su Shi a little unhappy: "The last one percent, can we ignore it?"

"Even if I don't say it, you are very clear in your heart?" Su Shi squinted at Li Yuan, as if he did not notice the helpless expression on his face.

Li Yuan looked a little wrong and looked at Su Shi: "I know very well, but I still don't want to hear you say it."

Of course, he knows that if Su Shi just regards that person as a friend, how can he be affected by the extent that he has not been in love for years?

Presumably, Su Shi was a little bit smug about that person, but he was just born, and he was completely killed because of the quick action of the other side.

At this time, Li Yuan was both annoyed, and the person even made his lover sad, and he was glad that the person did not really occupy the lover's heart. At one time, the mood was complicated and soft.

It tends to be stronger and more decisive, and the softer the heart is, the more soft it will be. Somewhere it is stabbed, even if the wound is small, it will be very difficult to heal.

For this reason, Su Shi will never try to talk about a good love again. This causal relationship makes Li Yuan feel distressed. You are secretly glad that although you should not think so, if the lover has not experienced it, he I may have talked about a few loves now, even married?

Recalling the initial encounter with Su Shi, Li Yuan understood why he could easily express himself to himself because he knew that it was only a virtual world and there was no need for any psychological burden. Therefore, he dared to let go of the gap in reality and be bold. forward.

And if at that time I did not encounter a huge test, I could only distract my soul in order to be alive, and I would not be with Susie.

With this in mind, the encounter between them is like being destined to meet the most perfect partner at the most appropriate time.

"Since you don't want to listen, I won't say it," Su Shi didn't know that Li Yuan was thinking about these things. He only thought that the other party was jealous, and he smiled and said, "I told you that this is not to recall the past. I want to confess to you the past, nothing more."

Because you are sure to start a new start, you must bid farewell to the past.

Li Yuan gripped Su Shi’s hand tightly, his eyes staring softly at each other: “I know, then do you want to know my past?”

Su Shi snorted a little and turned to smile: "Did you have encountered similar things?"

Li Yuan did not answer this question, but stared at Su Shi and seriously asked: "Auntie, have you accepted me now?"

If it is not really tempting, Su Shi will not tell Li Yuan the secret of his heart. At the moment, he nodded naturally and nodded. "I am ready to go through life with you."

"If this is the case, I can only say that your preparation may not be enough." Li Yuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, with a deep smile in his voice. Seeing Su Shi looked puzzled, this scraped him. The nose says, "Because the fate between us is more than a lifetime, it is born in the world."

Then, Li Yuan’s index finger slowly raised his hand and clicked on Su Shi’s eyebrows.

It seems as if a circle of shackles slowly swayed from Su Shi's eyebrows, and it seemed as if something had followed Li Yuan's fingertips and slowly passed into Su Shi's mind, letting him open his eyes in an instant.

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